Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article WEST INDIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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mony of their fraternal regard and esteem , aucl in grateful appreciation of the valuable services he has rendered to Masonry in general for many years past , accompanied by their best wishes for the welfare and happiness of himself and family . Dated this 14 th day of March , A . L ., 58 ( 10 , A . l ) ., lSb'O . " AVith the sentiments embodied in that address I most heartily concur , aud I sincerely join in the wish expressed in the . testimonial with regard to the welfare and happiness of yourself aucl family . On behalf of the members of the Arboretum Lodge , I now ask your
acceptance of these presents . Bro . Collinson made a most feeling reply , thanking the brethren for the handsome testimonial thoy had given him , and remarking that whatever he had done for Masonry was with perfect good will ; ho had no ulterior object , but simply tho good of Masonry , and that Loclge in particular . Ho should bo quite satisfied with a formal vote of thanks for his past services ; but as they had thought well to present him with that beautiful testimonial , ho eould onlthank them from the bottom of his heartand assure them that as
y , long as he lived he should gratefully remember the proceedings of that day . The illuminated address was painted by Bro . AVm . Cantrill , and was greatly admired , not only for the appropriateness of the design , but lor the superior aud artistic manner in which the work was executed . The whole was enclosed in a very handsome gilt frame . After thc presentation , Bro . Collinson proceeded to install Bro . German as AV . M . of the Lodfor the ensuing in antient and solemn
formBroGerge year , . . man then appoiuted his officers as follows : —Bros , J . B . Coulson , S . W . ; AV . ulo , J . AA ' . ; J . Gamble , Treasurer ; M . H . Bobart , Secretary ; Clayton , S . D . ; Fley , J . D . ; Thorpe , I . G . ; Faulkner , Tyler . Air . G . W . Liuidor was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry in antient and solemn , form , after which the Loclge adjourned . At seven o ' clock the brethren dined together , under the presidency of Bro . German , AV . M . The repast ivas a most admirable one , ancl served up in . excellent style by Bro .
AVilliamson . The usual Masonic toasts were given with thc honours peculiar to the Order , and a most agreeable evening ivas spent . Amongst those present were—Bros . S . Collinson , J . Gamble , W . Brindley , J . Clayton , T . Frost , AA'm . Faulkner , A . Blackner . G . T . AVright , M . H " . Bobart , Alonzo Thorpe , James Jones , G . 11 . Fley , Geo . Spreekley , AV . Cantrill , H . Cantrill , H . T . AA ade , E . Williamson , Josh . German , H . Carson , AV . Marsden , John Smith , G . AV . Landor , Thomas Skevington , T . Mansfield , G . Hilton , T . H . Bobart ( Ferrers and Ivaiihoe ) , Alo . x . Bute ] , Felix Bute ] , AV . Slayer ( Royal Sussex ) , Richard Stone , Dean , Benj . Owen ( Scotland ) , J . Bloor , Gilford ( Scotland ) , &< .-..
LEICESTERSHIRE . LmcESTEn . —J ' ohn- of Gaunt Loilge ( Xo . WI ) . —This Lodge lie ! . ! its usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the loth instant , ivhich was attended by the following brethren : —AV . Kelly , D . Prov . G-. M ., and P . M .. ; C . J . AVilley , AV . M . ; E . Cle ] . ban , AV . Hardy . F . Goodyer , AV . Milligan , and G . Bankart , P . Ms . ; Capt . Brewin , S . AV . ; T . Sheppard , J . AV . ; H . J . Davis , S . D . ; Clavnar , I . U . ; Bithrey , Sec , pro tan . ; J . D . PaulGFLloyd 0 . Bernbrid Visitors—BrosE
, . . , ge . . . Fonto . i , Xo . 786 " , AValsall ; S . S . Stallnrd , Manchester , ( late of this Lodge ); and A . Cummings , AV . AI . ; AV . H . Man-is , J . D . ; and AV . Jackson , I . G-., St . John ' s Lodge , No . 848 . The minutes of the last Lodge having been read and confirmed in duo course , Air . Tliomas Smith y architect , who had been balloted for at the previous meeting , was initiated into thc mysteries of Masonry in an efficient manner by the W . M . and officersthe lecture on the tracing board being delivered
; by Bro . Bithrey , and thc charge by the AV . AI . The case of a poolbrother , resident in the town , one of Kelson ' s veterans , and formerly a member of the Hinckley Lodge , Xo . 53 , was brought under the notice of the brethren , and teirjjjoraiy relief was ordered to be afforded to him b y the Treasurer until the next meeting ofthe Loclge , when the subject is to be more fully considered . The Loclge having been closed , the
brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a , few hours very pleasantly , some excellent songs and glees having been sung by Bros . Fenton , Gill , Stallard , Hardy , Jackson , Cummings , and others . Bro . Gill , P . AL , Xo . 318 , presiding at the pianoforte . In acknowledging the toast of Earl Howe , Prov . G-. M ., the D . Prov . G-. M . reported to the brethren the satisfactory progress which , was making towards completing the subscription list for the portrait of that respected and noble brother , and stated that the committee felt sauguinc that thoy should be able to
realize a sufficient amount to have the portrait engraved as had been suggested . SOMERSETSHIRE . I-1 ' roiiniiiDGi * . — Rural Philanthropic Ludge ( Xo . Wi ) . -- Tho first regular meeting of this most excellent Lodge was held at the private Alasonic Room , Railway Hotel , Highbridge , on Friday , the 2 nd instant , Bro . Henry Brid PAL and SecretarypresidingThe minute of
ges , . , . Loclge hold October 7 th , 1859 , and emergency Lodges , held Xovein ber 25 th , 1859 , and February 3 rd , 1860 , were read and confirmed . Thc ballot ivas taken for Mr . S . A . Heal , who being approved , was initiated into tho order . Several letters respecting various Lodge matters having been read and discussed , the Loclge was closed in due form , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment , after which they spent a very pleasant evening together , and separated at an early hour .
AVALES ( SOUTH ) . CAIIDIPJP . —OloMorga / ii Lodge ( Xo . -13 ) . —At a , regular stated Lodge , held on Monday , the V 2 lh inst ., Bro . " & . F . Langley , P . M ., in the chair , Bro . Thomas Xixon , of Cardillj was duly initiated into thc mysteries ol Freemasonry , The Lodge was visited by Bro . Elisha , D . Cooke , of
Kentucky , United States , who , after the initiation , delivered an interesting lecture , explaining some of the differences between tho system practised iu England and that in use in the United States . ' Bro . Cooko stated that the ritual prevailing amongst our American brethren was received from England iul 795 , aud he appears to think that innovations have crept in hero ivhich have been avoided there , notwithstanding the multiplicity of countries from which the population of tho new world is drawn . The lecturer concluded with a quotation from tlioMasonici-hyiues
of Bro . Rob Morris , of Louisville , Kentucky , " Lean on one another . " Bro . Langley , P . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Cooke for his lecture , which was seconded by Bro . Hodge , P . M ., and carried by acclamation . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BUAMOHD . —Lodge of Hope ( Xo . 379 ) . —At an emergency Lodge held at half-past five on Saturday eveningMarch 17 thI 860 the AVAI
, , , .., Bro . J . F . ' . Robinson , in the chair , Bros . AV . Bollans , S . AV . ; James Lumb , as J . D . ; AVm . Oath , as acting P . AL ; Henry Smith , as Secretary ; Bros . Halleivell , J . Berwick , and J . Burton , were separately examined in the second degree , when the brethren unanimously decided that they should be raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., after so good a proof of their proficiency . The Lodge ivas then raised to the third degree , when tho ceremony was performed by the AV . M ., Bro . AV . Gath assisting ;
Bros . Thomas Hill , P . M ., and J . Gaunt , acting as Deacons , and Bro . Henry Smith , P . AL , explaining the working tools . Bros . J . AValker , P . M ., aucl G . M " . Wand , P . AL , attended from the Airedale Loclge , Baildon , Xo . 5-13 , attended to inquire what assistauce the brethren could afford on behalf of their candidate for the Royal Benevolent Alasonic Annuity Fimd . Bro . AV . Gath , P . M ., by request of the AV . AI ., explained the benefits of the various charities , and ex 2 iatiated on the boundless liberality of tho London brethren , and the satisfactory reports of the funds
of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution , the committee being in a position to elect twenty male and twelve female annuitants out of twenty-nine of the former and sixteen of the latter candidates . He also reported the cheering prospects of the Boys' School . The stewards list at the Anniversary Dinner , having shown upwards of sixteen hundred pounds , with several lists to come in . After au agreeable meeting , the Lodge was closed at eight o ' clock , p . m ., when the brethren retired to the refreshment room , where a frugal repast was served , aud tho brothers separated at ten o ' clock .
Royal Arch.
PROVIN CIAL CHAPTE 11 . . IEIISEY . —Chapter of Harmony ( Xo . 302 ) . —A mooting was hold on the evening of Monday , March 12 th , ivhich was but scantily attended by the members , tho object being to install in the chair of First Principal , Comp . Schmitt , previously elected to that distinguished oflice . For some time there were only two First Principals present , aud there appeared a probability that it would be necessary to postpone the installation . In order that the evening might not be altogether
unprofitable , the work of exaltation was proceeded with for thc sake of practice , the first chair being taken by Comp . Schmitt ; the second by Comp . A . dams , P . Z . ; the third by Com ] .. Dr . Hopkins , M . E . Z . of Xo . 857 ; and that of- Principal Sojourner by Comp . Benham . At a later hour , however . Comp . Baker , Past First Principal , arrived , and the ceremony of installation of Comp . Schmitt ivas performed by Comp . Adams . This being concluded , tho following Companions were installed iu their respective offices , with suitable remarks on their duties by the M . E . First
Principal . Comps . Baker , Treasurer ; Adams , Scribe E . ; Donaldson , Scribe X " . ; Benham , P . Soj . ; Henry Du Jardin , J . The Chapter was then closed in the accustomed manner , and tho Companions proceeded to join in a light repast .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN" ENCAAiPMKNT . AVOOLWICH . —Kemeys Tynte Encampment . —An Encampment was held on Friday , March llith , in the Alasonic Hall : present—Frs . Lieut .-Coloiiel Clerk , E . G . ; J . How , as First Captain ; Matthew Cooke , as Second Captain ; AV . Smith , Capt . Boyle , Dr . Margoliouth , and others . The First Capt . Alderson being stationed at a great distance , the E . C . was requested to take upon , himself the duty of presiding over the i'hieaiiipment another year , which being duly proposed hy Fr . Cooke , and
seconded , was carried unanimously . Other routine business Being disposed of the Encampment was closed . Tho Knights adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s , and in social harmony and . Masonic , converse concluded the evening-.
West Indies.
SAINT THOMAS . 'Tin' Provincial Grand Master for tho Province of Trinidad , Grenada , . iiiiliSt . Viiice . it , the Right Worshipful . Bro . Daniel Hart , in obedience to the instructions received from tho Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , A 1 . AV . G . 3 L , arrived here on tho " 1-lth instant , in the steamer Dcrweul , accompanied by the Secretary , for the purpose of inquiring into
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
mony of their fraternal regard and esteem , aucl in grateful appreciation of the valuable services he has rendered to Masonry in general for many years past , accompanied by their best wishes for the welfare and happiness of himself and family . Dated this 14 th day of March , A . L ., 58 ( 10 , A . l ) ., lSb'O . " AVith the sentiments embodied in that address I most heartily concur , aud I sincerely join in the wish expressed in the . testimonial with regard to the welfare and happiness of yourself aucl family . On behalf of the members of the Arboretum Lodge , I now ask your
acceptance of these presents . Bro . Collinson made a most feeling reply , thanking the brethren for the handsome testimonial thoy had given him , and remarking that whatever he had done for Masonry was with perfect good will ; ho had no ulterior object , but simply tho good of Masonry , and that Loclge in particular . Ho should bo quite satisfied with a formal vote of thanks for his past services ; but as they had thought well to present him with that beautiful testimonial , ho eould onlthank them from the bottom of his heartand assure them that as
y , long as he lived he should gratefully remember the proceedings of that day . The illuminated address was painted by Bro . AVm . Cantrill , and was greatly admired , not only for the appropriateness of the design , but lor the superior aud artistic manner in which the work was executed . The whole was enclosed in a very handsome gilt frame . After thc presentation , Bro . Collinson proceeded to install Bro . German as AV . M . of the Lodfor the ensuing in antient and solemn
formBroGerge year , . . man then appoiuted his officers as follows : —Bros , J . B . Coulson , S . W . ; AV . ulo , J . AA ' . ; J . Gamble , Treasurer ; M . H . Bobart , Secretary ; Clayton , S . D . ; Fley , J . D . ; Thorpe , I . G . ; Faulkner , Tyler . Air . G . W . Liuidor was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry in antient and solemn , form , after which the Loclge adjourned . At seven o ' clock the brethren dined together , under the presidency of Bro . German , AV . M . The repast ivas a most admirable one , ancl served up in . excellent style by Bro .
AVilliamson . The usual Masonic toasts were given with thc honours peculiar to the Order , and a most agreeable evening ivas spent . Amongst those present were—Bros . S . Collinson , J . Gamble , W . Brindley , J . Clayton , T . Frost , AA'm . Faulkner , A . Blackner . G . T . AVright , M . H " . Bobart , Alonzo Thorpe , James Jones , G . 11 . Fley , Geo . Spreekley , AV . Cantrill , H . Cantrill , H . T . AA ade , E . Williamson , Josh . German , H . Carson , AV . Marsden , John Smith , G . AV . Landor , Thomas Skevington , T . Mansfield , G . Hilton , T . H . Bobart ( Ferrers and Ivaiihoe ) , Alo . x . Bute ] , Felix Bute ] , AV . Slayer ( Royal Sussex ) , Richard Stone , Dean , Benj . Owen ( Scotland ) , J . Bloor , Gilford ( Scotland ) , &< .-..
LEICESTERSHIRE . LmcESTEn . —J ' ohn- of Gaunt Loilge ( Xo . WI ) . —This Lodge lie ! . ! its usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the loth instant , ivhich was attended by the following brethren : —AV . Kelly , D . Prov . G-. M ., and P . M .. ; C . J . AVilley , AV . M . ; E . Cle ] . ban , AV . Hardy . F . Goodyer , AV . Milligan , and G . Bankart , P . Ms . ; Capt . Brewin , S . AV . ; T . Sheppard , J . AV . ; H . J . Davis , S . D . ; Clavnar , I . U . ; Bithrey , Sec , pro tan . ; J . D . PaulGFLloyd 0 . Bernbrid Visitors—BrosE
, . . , ge . . . Fonto . i , Xo . 786 " , AValsall ; S . S . Stallnrd , Manchester , ( late of this Lodge ); and A . Cummings , AV . AI . ; AV . H . Man-is , J . D . ; and AV . Jackson , I . G-., St . John ' s Lodge , No . 848 . The minutes of the last Lodge having been read and confirmed in duo course , Air . Tliomas Smith y architect , who had been balloted for at the previous meeting , was initiated into thc mysteries of Masonry in an efficient manner by the W . M . and officersthe lecture on the tracing board being delivered
; by Bro . Bithrey , and thc charge by the AV . AI . The case of a poolbrother , resident in the town , one of Kelson ' s veterans , and formerly a member of the Hinckley Lodge , Xo . 53 , was brought under the notice of the brethren , and teirjjjoraiy relief was ordered to be afforded to him b y the Treasurer until the next meeting ofthe Loclge , when the subject is to be more fully considered . The Loclge having been closed , the
brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a , few hours very pleasantly , some excellent songs and glees having been sung by Bros . Fenton , Gill , Stallard , Hardy , Jackson , Cummings , and others . Bro . Gill , P . AL , Xo . 318 , presiding at the pianoforte . In acknowledging the toast of Earl Howe , Prov . G-. M ., the D . Prov . G-. M . reported to the brethren the satisfactory progress which , was making towards completing the subscription list for the portrait of that respected and noble brother , and stated that the committee felt sauguinc that thoy should be able to
realize a sufficient amount to have the portrait engraved as had been suggested . SOMERSETSHIRE . I-1 ' roiiniiiDGi * . — Rural Philanthropic Ludge ( Xo . Wi ) . -- Tho first regular meeting of this most excellent Lodge was held at the private Alasonic Room , Railway Hotel , Highbridge , on Friday , the 2 nd instant , Bro . Henry Brid PAL and SecretarypresidingThe minute of
ges , . , . Loclge hold October 7 th , 1859 , and emergency Lodges , held Xovein ber 25 th , 1859 , and February 3 rd , 1860 , were read and confirmed . Thc ballot ivas taken for Mr . S . A . Heal , who being approved , was initiated into tho order . Several letters respecting various Lodge matters having been read and discussed , the Loclge was closed in due form , when the brethren adjourned to refreshment , after which they spent a very pleasant evening together , and separated at an early hour .
AVALES ( SOUTH ) . CAIIDIPJP . —OloMorga / ii Lodge ( Xo . -13 ) . —At a , regular stated Lodge , held on Monday , the V 2 lh inst ., Bro . " & . F . Langley , P . M ., in the chair , Bro . Thomas Xixon , of Cardillj was duly initiated into thc mysteries ol Freemasonry , The Lodge was visited by Bro . Elisha , D . Cooke , of
Kentucky , United States , who , after the initiation , delivered an interesting lecture , explaining some of the differences between tho system practised iu England and that in use in the United States . ' Bro . Cooko stated that the ritual prevailing amongst our American brethren was received from England iul 795 , aud he appears to think that innovations have crept in hero ivhich have been avoided there , notwithstanding the multiplicity of countries from which the population of tho new world is drawn . The lecturer concluded with a quotation from tlioMasonici-hyiues
of Bro . Rob Morris , of Louisville , Kentucky , " Lean on one another . " Bro . Langley , P . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Cooke for his lecture , which was seconded by Bro . Hodge , P . M ., and carried by acclamation . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BUAMOHD . —Lodge of Hope ( Xo . 379 ) . —At an emergency Lodge held at half-past five on Saturday eveningMarch 17 thI 860 the AVAI
, , , .., Bro . J . F . ' . Robinson , in the chair , Bros . AV . Bollans , S . AV . ; James Lumb , as J . D . ; AVm . Oath , as acting P . AL ; Henry Smith , as Secretary ; Bros . Halleivell , J . Berwick , and J . Burton , were separately examined in the second degree , when the brethren unanimously decided that they should be raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., after so good a proof of their proficiency . The Lodge ivas then raised to the third degree , when tho ceremony was performed by the AV . M ., Bro . AV . Gath assisting ;
Bros . Thomas Hill , P . M ., and J . Gaunt , acting as Deacons , and Bro . Henry Smith , P . AL , explaining the working tools . Bros . J . AValker , P . M ., aucl G . M " . Wand , P . AL , attended from the Airedale Loclge , Baildon , Xo . 5-13 , attended to inquire what assistauce the brethren could afford on behalf of their candidate for the Royal Benevolent Alasonic Annuity Fimd . Bro . AV . Gath , P . M ., by request of the AV . AI ., explained the benefits of the various charities , and ex 2 iatiated on the boundless liberality of tho London brethren , and the satisfactory reports of the funds
of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution , the committee being in a position to elect twenty male and twelve female annuitants out of twenty-nine of the former and sixteen of the latter candidates . He also reported the cheering prospects of the Boys' School . The stewards list at the Anniversary Dinner , having shown upwards of sixteen hundred pounds , with several lists to come in . After au agreeable meeting , the Lodge was closed at eight o ' clock , p . m ., when the brethren retired to the refreshment room , where a frugal repast was served , aud tho brothers separated at ten o ' clock .
Royal Arch.
PROVIN CIAL CHAPTE 11 . . IEIISEY . —Chapter of Harmony ( Xo . 302 ) . —A mooting was hold on the evening of Monday , March 12 th , ivhich was but scantily attended by the members , tho object being to install in the chair of First Principal , Comp . Schmitt , previously elected to that distinguished oflice . For some time there were only two First Principals present , aud there appeared a probability that it would be necessary to postpone the installation . In order that the evening might not be altogether
unprofitable , the work of exaltation was proceeded with for thc sake of practice , the first chair being taken by Comp . Schmitt ; the second by Comp . A . dams , P . Z . ; the third by Com ] .. Dr . Hopkins , M . E . Z . of Xo . 857 ; and that of- Principal Sojourner by Comp . Benham . At a later hour , however . Comp . Baker , Past First Principal , arrived , and the ceremony of installation of Comp . Schmitt ivas performed by Comp . Adams . This being concluded , tho following Companions were installed iu their respective offices , with suitable remarks on their duties by the M . E . First
Principal . Comps . Baker , Treasurer ; Adams , Scribe E . ; Donaldson , Scribe X " . ; Benham , P . Soj . ; Henry Du Jardin , J . The Chapter was then closed in the accustomed manner , and tho Companions proceeded to join in a light repast .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN" ENCAAiPMKNT . AVOOLWICH . —Kemeys Tynte Encampment . —An Encampment was held on Friday , March llith , in the Alasonic Hall : present—Frs . Lieut .-Coloiiel Clerk , E . G . ; J . How , as First Captain ; Matthew Cooke , as Second Captain ; AV . Smith , Capt . Boyle , Dr . Margoliouth , and others . The First Capt . Alderson being stationed at a great distance , the E . C . was requested to take upon , himself the duty of presiding over the i'hieaiiipment another year , which being duly proposed hy Fr . Cooke , and
seconded , was carried unanimously . Other routine business Being disposed of the Encampment was closed . Tho Knights adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s , and in social harmony and . Masonic , converse concluded the evening-.
West Indies.
SAINT THOMAS . 'Tin' Provincial Grand Master for tho Province of Trinidad , Grenada , . iiiiliSt . Viiice . it , the Right Worshipful . Bro . Daniel Hart , in obedience to the instructions received from tho Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , A 1 . AV . G . 3 L , arrived here on tho " 1-lth instant , in the steamer Dcrweul , accompanied by the Secretary , for the purpose of inquiring into