Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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The AV . MASTEE then gave " Prosperity to the lodges of the Province . " ( Cheers . ) Bro . RANDALL , P . JI ., returned thanks on behalf of the Alfred Lodge , and assurred the W . JI . and brethren of the Apollo Lodge that they deeply appreciated their kind and generous sentiments , and were most desirous of reciprocating them . They rejoiced in the prosperity of tbe Apollo Lodge , and sincerely hoped that its duration ivould be long and lasting .
( Cheers . ) Bro RYE , AV . M . of the Cherwell Banbury lodge , said he cordially endorsed all that had fallen from Bro . Randall , P . JI ., and reminded them that the Cherwell Festival would take place shortly , when any of the brethren ivho would honour fliem with their presence would meet with a cordial reception , and find a special train provided for them to enable them to return home the same evening . In his office of AV . M . he had spent a very
happy year , and he hoped they would come to the festival if it were only to see how a monarch retired from business . ( Laughter and cheers . ) Bro . Rev . T . G . JIOETIMEE , W . JI of the Abbey Lodge , Abingdon , also briefly responded , and after thanking them for the reception they had given him , expressed a hope that the brethren would visit his lodge and afford him the opportunity of returning the compliment . ( Cheers . ) The AV . JIASTEE , in proposing "The Officers , " remarked that in the Apollo Lodge there was a difficulty which was not felt in
other lodges—namely , that instead of a lack of brethren competent to undertake office , there was such an excess that it was no easy task to make a selection . He believed , however , that he had as good a working staff as any Master could desire , brethren who not only knew their duties but were prepared to fulfil them to the very letter . ( Cheers . ) The SENIOB AA ^ AEDESand JTJNIOB AVAEDEN replied to the toast .
The W . MASTEE proposed " The Stewards , " and called attention to the fact that that body included the stroke , bow , and coxswain of the last successful University crew , one of the University eleven , Bro . Scobell , and the Earl of Jersey , who had attained a high reputation in connection with the University Athletic Sports . ( Cheers . ) Bro . BEOAVK" responded to the toast .
During the evening a choice selection of solos , glees , and part songs were admirably sung by Bros . Fielding , Ransford , Kingsbury , and Shoubridge . The gems in the musical department were Bro . Fielding ' s " Sally in our Alley , " " Angels . 'Listen , " and " Kitty McClure ; " Bro . Ransford's " Tom Tough . " and a quaint song by Theodore Distin , " Down to the Button , " all of which were given with telling effect , and elicited rounds of applause .
The festival was successful beyond all precedent , and the pleasure of it was greatly enhanced by the services of the professional musical brethren , and iu every way it might be truly designated as " the feast of reason and the flow of soul . "
On the 28 th February , eight members of the University were initiated into the Order by the new AV . M ., who thus commenced his year ' s work under very favourable auspices . On March 9 th a lodge of emergency was held to pass some candidates , and to receive some members of the Isaac Newton University Lodge of Cambridge , who were visiting Oxford for the athletic sports , wliich were to take piace on the following
day between the two Universities . Bro . G . H . Evans , the I . P . M ., Bro . the Rev . Arthur Bruce Fraser , Chaplain , Rev . J . F . Hardy , Prov . G . Chap ., and C . E . Swaine attended , and a large number of members of the Apollo University Lodge and of the Alfred were present . After the usual introductory toasts , Bro . the Rev . C . R . Davy responding to that of the Grand Officers , Bro . Alderman SpiersD . P . G . Jf . proposed the health of " The AV . JI . "
, and referred to the happy interchange of courtesies between the lodges of the two Universities , who by the help of steam and the iron road were brought together within three hours . Each one was pursuing a most prosperous course , but the Apollo Lodge which was the oldest by forty years , had naturally from this cause an advantage which he hoped would in time be shared by the Isaac Newton Lod During the present the two
ge . year , Grand AVardens , and the two Grand Chaplains , were all selected from the Apollo Lodge , and four more highly accomplished Masons were scarcely to be found . JIany excellent speeches and songs followed , and the P . M . of the Isaac Newton Lodge in his address said that he was malicious enough to rejoice at the presence amongst them of Bro . Meredith Brown , the stroke oar
of the University eight , because his indulgence in the festivities of the evening might perhaps give Cambridge a chance . The brethren separated at high twelve after enjoying a delightful meeting . AVALES ( WESTERN DIVISION ) . ABBEYS WITH . —Aberystwith Lodge ( No . . 1072 ) . The ordimonthlmeeting was held at the Belle Vue Royal Hotel
nary y , on Thursday , the Sfch insfc ., when the following brethren were present : —Bros . J . D . Perrott , W . M . 651 and 1072 , Prov . G . S . of AA ales ; N . Bray , S . AV . pro . tern . ; G . T . Smith , J . AV . ; John Davies , Treas . ; Stanley J . Balcombe , Hon . Sec . ; John Vaughan , I . G-. ; E . L . Cole , T . S . Sfcooke , 0 . Rowe , H . S . Richardes , E . JI . Vaughan , J . AVilliams , J . Pell , AV . AVilliams , M . Jones , R , De la Hoyde , Theodore Paul , Rev . E . Edwards , G . Jones , R . J .
Jones . J . Bennett , P . Garland , J . AV . Szlumper , J . R . Jones , G . B . Cumberland , C . Keilly , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the previous regular lodge , and lodge of emergency , were read and confirmed . The AV . M . then raised Bros . E . Cole , J . Pell , H . S . Richardes , and J . W . Szlumper to the sublime degree of a M . M . The following candidates having been previously ballotted for , were severally
initiated into tho degree of E . A . by the AV . M ., viz .: Messrs . John Miller , Junr ., C . Rice AVilliams , C Raw , Edward Jones , and James Pauli , and when we say that the AV . JI . of this lodge , and who is also AV . M . of the parent lodge , No . 651 , performed the various ceremonies in his usual manner , we give the highest praise in our power . The AV . M . then appointed Bro . the Rev . E . Edwards , Chaplain , and Bro . E . L . Cole , J . D . , and invested
them with the insignia of their respective offices . A lodge of emergency was held on the following morning , and was opened in due form hy the AV . JI ., when the following officers were present . —Bros . J . D . Perrott , AV . M . 651 and 1072 ; J . Baker , S . W . pro . tern . ; G . T . Smith , J . AV . ; J . Davies , Treas . ; S . J . Balcombe , Hon . Sec . ; E . L . Cole , J . D . ; and a goodly muster of brethren . The AV . JI . passed Bros . AV . AVilliams , G . M . Vaughan , J . R . Jones , R . J . Jones , JR . de la Hoyde , P . Garland , and J .
Bennetts , to the degree of F . C , and raised Bros . T , Paul , T . SStooke , and L . Ellis to the degree of M . M . The next regular meeting of lodge No . 1072 , will take place on Tuesday , Sth April .
ROYAL ARCH . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GAKSTON . — Chapter of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . —The regular convocation of this flourishing chapter was held at the AVellington Hotel , on Thursday , March Sth , at four , p . m . After the chapter had been duly opened , the companions were admitted . In the unavoidable absence of the JI . E . Z ., Comp . Hamer , P . Z .,
represented him , and was supported by Comps . Leedham , H . ; Rev . J . Dunkley , J .. ; Pepper , P . Z . ; AVylie , P . Z . ; John Boives , ( J . 129 ) , Scribe E . ; Ladmore Scribe , N . ; Pearson , P . S . ; AVood , Org . ; Comps . Jlaxfiold , Larsen , Syred and Robinson , Janitor . Visitor : —Comp . Jones , St . John ' s Chapter of Jerusalem . Comp . Scribe E ., read the minutes of the last regular convocation , as ivell as of two subsequent emergency convocations , which were severally confirmed and duly signed . The ballot was then
taken for Bros . Stephen Johnson , 673 , and Robert Johnson , 220 , which were unanimously in their favour . Bro . S . Johnson being present was examined and duly and solemnly exalted by the Acting JI . E . Z ., who delivered the symbolic and mystic lecture , Comp . Leedham , II ., giving the historic lecture . Comp . Mansfield proposed and Comp . Bowes seconded Bro . B . P . Coxon , C . E ., 148 , and Comp . Leedham proposed and Comp . Syred seconded Bro . Alexander McNicholl , 220 , as candidates for exaltation . After some routine business had been transactedp * te g Ehapi ; er was duly and solemnly closed . / £ / " ~"~^\
Knights Templar.
• KENT . \? 4 ^ - — - ^/ PEOV . GEAND CONCLAVE . vPoNi ^ i ^ On Friday , 16 th inst ., at a meeting of the Kemeys Jlynte Encampment , held at Freemason's Hall , AVilliam-street , AVoolwich , Sir Knt . J . R . Thomson , E . G ., the announcement was made that the M . E . and S . Grand JIaster Sir Knt . AVilliam Stuart , had signified his intention of attending , for the purpose of installing the V . E . Sir Knt . Col . Henry Clerk as Prov . G .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The AV . MASTEE then gave " Prosperity to the lodges of the Province . " ( Cheers . ) Bro . RANDALL , P . JI ., returned thanks on behalf of the Alfred Lodge , and assurred the W . JI . and brethren of the Apollo Lodge that they deeply appreciated their kind and generous sentiments , and were most desirous of reciprocating them . They rejoiced in the prosperity of tbe Apollo Lodge , and sincerely hoped that its duration ivould be long and lasting .
( Cheers . ) Bro RYE , AV . M . of the Cherwell Banbury lodge , said he cordially endorsed all that had fallen from Bro . Randall , P . JI ., and reminded them that the Cherwell Festival would take place shortly , when any of the brethren ivho would honour fliem with their presence would meet with a cordial reception , and find a special train provided for them to enable them to return home the same evening . In his office of AV . M . he had spent a very
happy year , and he hoped they would come to the festival if it were only to see how a monarch retired from business . ( Laughter and cheers . ) Bro . Rev . T . G . JIOETIMEE , W . JI of the Abbey Lodge , Abingdon , also briefly responded , and after thanking them for the reception they had given him , expressed a hope that the brethren would visit his lodge and afford him the opportunity of returning the compliment . ( Cheers . ) The AV . JIASTEE , in proposing "The Officers , " remarked that in the Apollo Lodge there was a difficulty which was not felt in
other lodges—namely , that instead of a lack of brethren competent to undertake office , there was such an excess that it was no easy task to make a selection . He believed , however , that he had as good a working staff as any Master could desire , brethren who not only knew their duties but were prepared to fulfil them to the very letter . ( Cheers . ) The SENIOB AA ^ AEDESand JTJNIOB AVAEDEN replied to the toast .
The W . MASTEE proposed " The Stewards , " and called attention to the fact that that body included the stroke , bow , and coxswain of the last successful University crew , one of the University eleven , Bro . Scobell , and the Earl of Jersey , who had attained a high reputation in connection with the University Athletic Sports . ( Cheers . ) Bro . BEOAVK" responded to the toast .
During the evening a choice selection of solos , glees , and part songs were admirably sung by Bros . Fielding , Ransford , Kingsbury , and Shoubridge . The gems in the musical department were Bro . Fielding ' s " Sally in our Alley , " " Angels . 'Listen , " and " Kitty McClure ; " Bro . Ransford's " Tom Tough . " and a quaint song by Theodore Distin , " Down to the Button , " all of which were given with telling effect , and elicited rounds of applause .
The festival was successful beyond all precedent , and the pleasure of it was greatly enhanced by the services of the professional musical brethren , and iu every way it might be truly designated as " the feast of reason and the flow of soul . "
On the 28 th February , eight members of the University were initiated into the Order by the new AV . M ., who thus commenced his year ' s work under very favourable auspices . On March 9 th a lodge of emergency was held to pass some candidates , and to receive some members of the Isaac Newton University Lodge of Cambridge , who were visiting Oxford for the athletic sports , wliich were to take piace on the following
day between the two Universities . Bro . G . H . Evans , the I . P . M ., Bro . the Rev . Arthur Bruce Fraser , Chaplain , Rev . J . F . Hardy , Prov . G . Chap ., and C . E . Swaine attended , and a large number of members of the Apollo University Lodge and of the Alfred were present . After the usual introductory toasts , Bro . the Rev . C . R . Davy responding to that of the Grand Officers , Bro . Alderman SpiersD . P . G . Jf . proposed the health of " The AV . JI . "
, and referred to the happy interchange of courtesies between the lodges of the two Universities , who by the help of steam and the iron road were brought together within three hours . Each one was pursuing a most prosperous course , but the Apollo Lodge which was the oldest by forty years , had naturally from this cause an advantage which he hoped would in time be shared by the Isaac Newton Lod During the present the two
ge . year , Grand AVardens , and the two Grand Chaplains , were all selected from the Apollo Lodge , and four more highly accomplished Masons were scarcely to be found . JIany excellent speeches and songs followed , and the P . M . of the Isaac Newton Lodge in his address said that he was malicious enough to rejoice at the presence amongst them of Bro . Meredith Brown , the stroke oar
of the University eight , because his indulgence in the festivities of the evening might perhaps give Cambridge a chance . The brethren separated at high twelve after enjoying a delightful meeting . AVALES ( WESTERN DIVISION ) . ABBEYS WITH . —Aberystwith Lodge ( No . . 1072 ) . The ordimonthlmeeting was held at the Belle Vue Royal Hotel
nary y , on Thursday , the Sfch insfc ., when the following brethren were present : —Bros . J . D . Perrott , W . M . 651 and 1072 , Prov . G . S . of AA ales ; N . Bray , S . AV . pro . tern . ; G . T . Smith , J . AV . ; John Davies , Treas . ; Stanley J . Balcombe , Hon . Sec . ; John Vaughan , I . G-. ; E . L . Cole , T . S . Sfcooke , 0 . Rowe , H . S . Richardes , E . JI . Vaughan , J . AVilliams , J . Pell , AV . AVilliams , M . Jones , R , De la Hoyde , Theodore Paul , Rev . E . Edwards , G . Jones , R . J .
Jones . J . Bennett , P . Garland , J . AV . Szlumper , J . R . Jones , G . B . Cumberland , C . Keilly , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes of the previous regular lodge , and lodge of emergency , were read and confirmed . The AV . M . then raised Bros . E . Cole , J . Pell , H . S . Richardes , and J . W . Szlumper to the sublime degree of a M . M . The following candidates having been previously ballotted for , were severally
initiated into tho degree of E . A . by the AV . M ., viz .: Messrs . John Miller , Junr ., C . Rice AVilliams , C Raw , Edward Jones , and James Pauli , and when we say that the AV . JI . of this lodge , and who is also AV . M . of the parent lodge , No . 651 , performed the various ceremonies in his usual manner , we give the highest praise in our power . The AV . M . then appointed Bro . the Rev . E . Edwards , Chaplain , and Bro . E . L . Cole , J . D . , and invested
them with the insignia of their respective offices . A lodge of emergency was held on the following morning , and was opened in due form hy the AV . JI ., when the following officers were present . —Bros . J . D . Perrott , AV . M . 651 and 1072 ; J . Baker , S . W . pro . tern . ; G . T . Smith , J . AV . ; J . Davies , Treas . ; S . J . Balcombe , Hon . Sec . ; E . L . Cole , J . D . ; and a goodly muster of brethren . The AV . JI . passed Bros . AV . AVilliams , G . M . Vaughan , J . R . Jones , R . J . Jones , JR . de la Hoyde , P . Garland , and J .
Bennetts , to the degree of F . C , and raised Bros . T , Paul , T . SStooke , and L . Ellis to the degree of M . M . The next regular meeting of lodge No . 1072 , will take place on Tuesday , Sth April .
ROYAL ARCH . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GAKSTON . — Chapter of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . —The regular convocation of this flourishing chapter was held at the AVellington Hotel , on Thursday , March Sth , at four , p . m . After the chapter had been duly opened , the companions were admitted . In the unavoidable absence of the JI . E . Z ., Comp . Hamer , P . Z .,
represented him , and was supported by Comps . Leedham , H . ; Rev . J . Dunkley , J .. ; Pepper , P . Z . ; AVylie , P . Z . ; John Boives , ( J . 129 ) , Scribe E . ; Ladmore Scribe , N . ; Pearson , P . S . ; AVood , Org . ; Comps . Jlaxfiold , Larsen , Syred and Robinson , Janitor . Visitor : —Comp . Jones , St . John ' s Chapter of Jerusalem . Comp . Scribe E ., read the minutes of the last regular convocation , as ivell as of two subsequent emergency convocations , which were severally confirmed and duly signed . The ballot was then
taken for Bros . Stephen Johnson , 673 , and Robert Johnson , 220 , which were unanimously in their favour . Bro . S . Johnson being present was examined and duly and solemnly exalted by the Acting JI . E . Z ., who delivered the symbolic and mystic lecture , Comp . Leedham , II ., giving the historic lecture . Comp . Mansfield proposed and Comp . Bowes seconded Bro . B . P . Coxon , C . E ., 148 , and Comp . Leedham proposed and Comp . Syred seconded Bro . Alexander McNicholl , 220 , as candidates for exaltation . After some routine business had been transactedp * te g Ehapi ; er was duly and solemnly closed . / £ / " ~"~^\
Knights Templar.
• KENT . \? 4 ^ - — - ^/ PEOV . GEAND CONCLAVE . vPoNi ^ i ^ On Friday , 16 th inst ., at a meeting of the Kemeys Jlynte Encampment , held at Freemason's Hall , AVilliam-street , AVoolwich , Sir Knt . J . R . Thomson , E . G ., the announcement was made that the M . E . and S . Grand JIaster Sir Knt . AVilliam Stuart , had signified his intention of attending , for the purpose of installing the V . E . Sir Knt . Col . Henry Clerk as Prov . G .