Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 4 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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HERVEY LODGE ( NO . I , 2 G 0 ) . —Consecration . The M . W . the G . M . having been petitioned by Bros . G . King , jun ., G . King , sen ., P . H . Jones , J . Emmens , J . Hogg , Wm . Smith , C . L ., J . B . Ayshford , aud others , to grant a warrant for a lodge to be named the Hervey Lodge , to meet at the George Hotel , Walham-grcen , Fulham , his lordship was pleased , on the 30 th ult ., to giant the prayer of the petitionand to issue bis warrant for
, the holding of the same . It was arranged that the ceremony of consecrating the lodge and installing the W . M . designate , should take place or , the 15 th inst . The M . W . the G . M . having appointed as his deputy for the purpose of consecrating the lodge , the R . AV . Bro . Hyde Pollen , he was pleased to appoint five o'clock on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., when the petitioners and other brethren assembled in considerable numbers . Shortl
y after five o'clock the Dir . of Cers . formed a procession , and the brethren within the lodge received the representative of the G . M . with the usual honours . Bro . Hyde Pullen was supported by Bros . John Emmens , P . G . Purst ., Jabez Hogg , P . G . D ., James Mason , P . G . S . B . and William Smith , O . K . P . G . S . who filled the several offices of Wardens , Chaplain and P . M . Bro . J . AV . Figg having undertaken the duties of Dir . of Cers .
The ceremonies of dedication and consecration were performed iu a very able manner by Bro . Hyde ^ Pullen , the address to the D . G . M ., prayer and invocation being given by Bro . W . Smith , C . X The G . Tyler attended with the consecrating vessels kindly lent by G . Lodge under authority of the G . Dir . of Cers . Bro . G . King , junr ., W . M . designate having been prosented , the D . G . M . addvcssed him in the usual mannerand then
-, pro ceeded with the ceremony of installing him as 1 st Master of the Hervey Lodge . This ceremony was throughout , as was the -ceremony of consecration , performed in a most beautiful , indeed we never heard those ceremonies performed so well on any prior occasion , as wits testifiod by the G . Officers and many P . M . ' s present on the occasion . The W . M . having been installedproceeded to invest the S . W . Bro . G . Kingsen . the
, , , J . W . Bro . P . H . Jones , with the collars and jewels of their respective offices , audtheywere conducted to their chairs by the Dir . of Cers . Bro . W . H . Weaver was appointed S . D ., the other appointments were deferred until the first regular meeting of this lodge for business . The D . G . M . then gave the usual
addresses to the officers and brethren , after several propositions for initiation of joining brethren , the lodge was closed about 7 . 30 p . m . according to ancient custom and with solemn prayer by the Chaplain . The banquet took place in the large room of tho George Hotel , at 8 o ' clock , when the following brethren were present : — Bros . G . King , jun ., W . M . ; G . King , sen ., S . W .: B . H . Jones , J . W . ; T . B . AyshfordW . H . WeaverA . CzarneekiW . Garner
, , , , E . Garner , officers of the lodge ; and the V . W . Bro . John Hurvev G . S . ; E . W . Bro . Hvde Pullen ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; J . Mason , P . G . S . B . ; John Emmens ,. P . G . Purst . ; W . Smith , C . E ., P . G . S ., & c ; Bros- John Dyte . P . M . 25 ; Charles B . Payne , P . M . 27 ; J . W . Diepenheim , AV . B . Haskins , G . Allen , J . Bacon , of No . 144 ; J . Mann and W . Dawson , ISC ; E . King , 192 ; J . W . Fi P . M . 256 ; H . Parker , 435 ; A . B . Fabian and
gg , H . Hollingsworth , 4 S 7 ; B . J . Lynes and A . C . Bean , 834 ; J . Avery , 511 ; C . T . Speight , as Tyler . With two exceptions , we believe , the whole of the visitors were P , M . ' s . When the cloth was removed , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts—that of ' the "Queen and the Craft , " and "The Most AVbrshipful the Earl of Zetland . " Tho third toast , that of "The D . G . M . and the rest of the G . Officers Past
and Present , " was given in an excellent and appropriate speech by the W . M ., who spoke in tho most complimentary terms of the noble Earl and the manner in which he performed his duties , and also the G . Officers by whom the business of the G . Lodge was carried on . Bro . J . Hogg , P . G . D ., responded on behalf of the Grand Officers . The toast of the evening , " Prosperity to the Hervey Lodge , "
with which was coupled the name of tho V . AV . Bro . Hervey , after whom the lodge had been christened , was proposed by Bro . W . Smith , C . E ., who expressed the pleasure and gratification it afforded him and the visitors to be present on that occasion , and to bo able to take part in the consecration of a lodge hearing the name of so excellent a Mason—for Bro . Hervey was known throughout the Craft as not only zealous iu the cause , but also able and willing to do every duty in connection therewith . The toast was proposed at considerable length in highly complimentary terms , and received by the brethren with enfcliusiaui .
Bro . Hervey returned thanks in his usual eloquent and impressive style , and explained to the AA . M . and officers of the lodge , the pleasure and gratification it had afforded him to be present , and the honour he had felt it , in having a lodge so excellontly officered , and composed of such influential Masons , named after him , and iu the course of his address he expressed a hope that in thatas well as in every lodge in the ordergreat care
, , would he exercised in the selection of gentlemen for initiation , and he concluded by proposing the health of the W . M ., to which Bro . G . King responded in a short but excellent speech . The AV . M . then proposed the " Consecrating aud Installing Master , Bro . Hydo Pullen , " who had that day so admirably performed the several ceremonies kindly undertaken by him .
Bro . Pullen , in responding , said the pleasure he had at all times in performing the duties , was greatly enhanced , from the circumstance of the lodge being named after his old and esteemed friend , Bro , Hervey . The AV . M . then proposed the health of Bro . AV . Smith , C . E ., and thanked him for the great interest he had taken in the creation of the lodge , and the assistance afforded to him in obtaining the warrantand making the various arrangements
, connected with the formation of the lodge , and the ceremonials for that day . Bro . Smith responded , and expressed his satisfaction at the success of the day's proceedings , and the pleasure it had afforded him in beingqiresent . He was also most happy to see his J . AV . in the Gooch Lodge , the W . M . of the Hervey Lodge . The toasts of the "Officers of the Lodge" the "Musical
, brethren and their assistants , " and the " Tyler , " brought the proceedings of the evening to a close . The banquet was served by Mr . J . AA ebb , tho proprietor of the George Hotel , in a most recherche style , and gave great satisfaction .
INSTRUCTIONDALHOUSIE LODGE OF IS ' STKUCTIOK ' . —About thirty members of this lodge of instruction , sat down to their annual banquet on Thursday , the loth inst ., at Bro . Ireland's , Boyal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . The number was not so large as on previous occasions , but this may be attributed to the fact of it unfortunately clashing with the Doric installation night , the members
of which largely support this lodge . Bro . Williams did not attend to take the chair as announced , through illness , and Bro . Morley officiated in bis stead . No Masonic working was done , not that tho brethren were incapable , for no better lodge of instruction can possibly exist—having the services of many old veterans—but the brethren on this occasion did not generally show up till the E . A . degreewhich was splendidly attended to
, by Bro . Ireland . After the usual toasts " The Health of the A'isitors " was proposed , among whom we noticed Bros . Cusack and AValbauck , P . M . 144 , who responded . During the evening several capital songs were given , particularly by Bros . Thompson , AV . Bristo , Senecal , Berry , -and others , and after spending a most pleasant evening the meeting broke up about twelve o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WARMNGTOX . —Consecration of the Gilbert Qreenall Lodge ( No . 1 . 250 ) . —Some two years ago there was a very general opinion prevalent among the brethren of the Lodge of Lights , that the time had arrived when a new lodge might with propriety be formed in AVarrington . At the same time , there was no wishon the part of its promotersto injuredeteriorateor
, , , , in any way detract from the dignity and character of the mother lodge . As time advanced , this feeling gradually extended itself , and Freemasonry having made such progress , and become so popular in the district , it was at length determined to put this o / t-exprossed wish of the brethren into a practical form . A petition was drawn up and presented to the M . W . the G . M ., ing for a warrant of constitution to open a new lodgeunder
pray , the style and title of the " Gilbert Greenall Lodge , " to make Masons and to do all such other things as appertain to ancient Freemasonry . And when it shall be asked by children of future generations why it was so called , these records shall be referred to , to give them the required information . Bro . Greenall is , and has long been , a distinguished Mason . The promoters of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
HERVEY LODGE ( NO . I , 2 G 0 ) . —Consecration . The M . W . the G . M . having been petitioned by Bros . G . King , jun ., G . King , sen ., P . H . Jones , J . Emmens , J . Hogg , Wm . Smith , C . L ., J . B . Ayshford , aud others , to grant a warrant for a lodge to be named the Hervey Lodge , to meet at the George Hotel , Walham-grcen , Fulham , his lordship was pleased , on the 30 th ult ., to giant the prayer of the petitionand to issue bis warrant for
, the holding of the same . It was arranged that the ceremony of consecrating the lodge and installing the W . M . designate , should take place or , the 15 th inst . The M . W . the G . M . having appointed as his deputy for the purpose of consecrating the lodge , the R . AV . Bro . Hyde Pollen , he was pleased to appoint five o'clock on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., when the petitioners and other brethren assembled in considerable numbers . Shortl
y after five o'clock the Dir . of Cers . formed a procession , and the brethren within the lodge received the representative of the G . M . with the usual honours . Bro . Hyde Pullen was supported by Bros . John Emmens , P . G . Purst ., Jabez Hogg , P . G . D ., James Mason , P . G . S . B . and William Smith , O . K . P . G . S . who filled the several offices of Wardens , Chaplain and P . M . Bro . J . AV . Figg having undertaken the duties of Dir . of Cers .
The ceremonies of dedication and consecration were performed iu a very able manner by Bro . Hyde ^ Pullen , the address to the D . G . M ., prayer and invocation being given by Bro . W . Smith , C . X The G . Tyler attended with the consecrating vessels kindly lent by G . Lodge under authority of the G . Dir . of Cers . Bro . G . King , junr ., W . M . designate having been prosented , the D . G . M . addvcssed him in the usual mannerand then
-, pro ceeded with the ceremony of installing him as 1 st Master of the Hervey Lodge . This ceremony was throughout , as was the -ceremony of consecration , performed in a most beautiful , indeed we never heard those ceremonies performed so well on any prior occasion , as wits testifiod by the G . Officers and many P . M . ' s present on the occasion . The W . M . having been installedproceeded to invest the S . W . Bro . G . Kingsen . the
, , , J . W . Bro . P . H . Jones , with the collars and jewels of their respective offices , audtheywere conducted to their chairs by the Dir . of Cers . Bro . W . H . Weaver was appointed S . D ., the other appointments were deferred until the first regular meeting of this lodge for business . The D . G . M . then gave the usual
addresses to the officers and brethren , after several propositions for initiation of joining brethren , the lodge was closed about 7 . 30 p . m . according to ancient custom and with solemn prayer by the Chaplain . The banquet took place in the large room of tho George Hotel , at 8 o ' clock , when the following brethren were present : — Bros . G . King , jun ., W . M . ; G . King , sen ., S . W .: B . H . Jones , J . W . ; T . B . AyshfordW . H . WeaverA . CzarneekiW . Garner
, , , , E . Garner , officers of the lodge ; and the V . W . Bro . John Hurvev G . S . ; E . W . Bro . Hvde Pullen ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; J . Mason , P . G . S . B . ; John Emmens ,. P . G . Purst . ; W . Smith , C . E ., P . G . S ., & c ; Bros- John Dyte . P . M . 25 ; Charles B . Payne , P . M . 27 ; J . W . Diepenheim , AV . B . Haskins , G . Allen , J . Bacon , of No . 144 ; J . Mann and W . Dawson , ISC ; E . King , 192 ; J . W . Fi P . M . 256 ; H . Parker , 435 ; A . B . Fabian and
gg , H . Hollingsworth , 4 S 7 ; B . J . Lynes and A . C . Bean , 834 ; J . Avery , 511 ; C . T . Speight , as Tyler . With two exceptions , we believe , the whole of the visitors were P , M . ' s . When the cloth was removed , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts—that of ' the "Queen and the Craft , " and "The Most AVbrshipful the Earl of Zetland . " Tho third toast , that of "The D . G . M . and the rest of the G . Officers Past
and Present , " was given in an excellent and appropriate speech by the W . M ., who spoke in tho most complimentary terms of the noble Earl and the manner in which he performed his duties , and also the G . Officers by whom the business of the G . Lodge was carried on . Bro . J . Hogg , P . G . D ., responded on behalf of the Grand Officers . The toast of the evening , " Prosperity to the Hervey Lodge , "
with which was coupled the name of tho V . AV . Bro . Hervey , after whom the lodge had been christened , was proposed by Bro . W . Smith , C . E ., who expressed the pleasure and gratification it afforded him and the visitors to be present on that occasion , and to bo able to take part in the consecration of a lodge hearing the name of so excellent a Mason—for Bro . Hervey was known throughout the Craft as not only zealous iu the cause , but also able and willing to do every duty in connection therewith . The toast was proposed at considerable length in highly complimentary terms , and received by the brethren with enfcliusiaui .
Bro . Hervey returned thanks in his usual eloquent and impressive style , and explained to the AA . M . and officers of the lodge , the pleasure and gratification it had afforded him to be present , and the honour he had felt it , in having a lodge so excellontly officered , and composed of such influential Masons , named after him , and iu the course of his address he expressed a hope that in thatas well as in every lodge in the ordergreat care
, , would he exercised in the selection of gentlemen for initiation , and he concluded by proposing the health of the W . M ., to which Bro . G . King responded in a short but excellent speech . The AV . M . then proposed the " Consecrating aud Installing Master , Bro . Hydo Pullen , " who had that day so admirably performed the several ceremonies kindly undertaken by him .
Bro . Pullen , in responding , said the pleasure he had at all times in performing the duties , was greatly enhanced , from the circumstance of the lodge being named after his old and esteemed friend , Bro , Hervey . The AV . M . then proposed the health of Bro . AV . Smith , C . E ., and thanked him for the great interest he had taken in the creation of the lodge , and the assistance afforded to him in obtaining the warrantand making the various arrangements
, connected with the formation of the lodge , and the ceremonials for that day . Bro . Smith responded , and expressed his satisfaction at the success of the day's proceedings , and the pleasure it had afforded him in beingqiresent . He was also most happy to see his J . AV . in the Gooch Lodge , the W . M . of the Hervey Lodge . The toasts of the "Officers of the Lodge" the "Musical
, brethren and their assistants , " and the " Tyler , " brought the proceedings of the evening to a close . The banquet was served by Mr . J . AA ebb , tho proprietor of the George Hotel , in a most recherche style , and gave great satisfaction .
INSTRUCTIONDALHOUSIE LODGE OF IS ' STKUCTIOK ' . —About thirty members of this lodge of instruction , sat down to their annual banquet on Thursday , the loth inst ., at Bro . Ireland's , Boyal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . The number was not so large as on previous occasions , but this may be attributed to the fact of it unfortunately clashing with the Doric installation night , the members
of which largely support this lodge . Bro . Williams did not attend to take the chair as announced , through illness , and Bro . Morley officiated in bis stead . No Masonic working was done , not that tho brethren were incapable , for no better lodge of instruction can possibly exist—having the services of many old veterans—but the brethren on this occasion did not generally show up till the E . A . degreewhich was splendidly attended to
, by Bro . Ireland . After the usual toasts " The Health of the A'isitors " was proposed , among whom we noticed Bros . Cusack and AValbauck , P . M . 144 , who responded . During the evening several capital songs were given , particularly by Bros . Thompson , AV . Bristo , Senecal , Berry , -and others , and after spending a most pleasant evening the meeting broke up about twelve o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WARMNGTOX . —Consecration of the Gilbert Qreenall Lodge ( No . 1 . 250 ) . —Some two years ago there was a very general opinion prevalent among the brethren of the Lodge of Lights , that the time had arrived when a new lodge might with propriety be formed in AVarrington . At the same time , there was no wishon the part of its promotersto injuredeteriorateor
, , , , in any way detract from the dignity and character of the mother lodge . As time advanced , this feeling gradually extended itself , and Freemasonry having made such progress , and become so popular in the district , it was at length determined to put this o / t-exprossed wish of the brethren into a practical form . A petition was drawn up and presented to the M . W . the G . M ., ing for a warrant of constitution to open a new lodgeunder
pray , the style and title of the " Gilbert Greenall Lodge , " to make Masons and to do all such other things as appertain to ancient Freemasonry . And when it shall be asked by children of future generations why it was so called , these records shall be referred to , to give them the required information . Bro . Greenall is , and has long been , a distinguished Mason . The promoters of