Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS, WOOD GREEN. Page 1 of 6 →
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* * All communications to be addressed to 19 Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
UNTVEBSAX MASONIC CALENDAR : FOR 1869 . —A few remaining copies of the second edition are for sale at a reduction of 25 per cent . THE BEIGEAVE Lavas ov INSTEUCTION ( NO . 749 ) . —The members of this lodge of instruction have resolved to bold their meetings in future , every Friday evening all the , year round , at Bro . Godfrey ' s , the Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens ,
Cbaringcross . Bro . J . H . Pulsford , P . M . 1 , 158 , is Preceptor . BOYAE MASONIC ITS - STITUTION JOB BOYS . —The V . W . Bro Itev . John Edmund Cox , P . G . Chap ., has most kindly undertaken to preach a sermon in aid of the funds of this Institution , on Sunday , the 25 th inst ., in the Church of St . Helen's , Bishopsgate , of which our reverend brother is the rector . The service
will be choral , commencing at eleven o'clock in the forenoon . THE Bight Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., & e ., has consented to lay with Masonic honours , on Thursday , the Sth day of August next , the foundation stone of the new public hall at Forfar , presented to the town by Peter Keid , Esq . THE opening of the meeting of the British . Association tins
year at Exeter , is fixed for the ISth of August . Professor Stokes , of Cambridge , will occupy the chair . SPBCIAI MEETING OJ ? GEAND LODGE . —The following circular has been issued by the Grand Secretary : — " At the quarterly
communication held on the 2 nd of June , time did not aelniit of all the business of that meeting being concluded . The M . W . Grand Master , feeling that it is undesirable that the appeals to the Grand Lodgo against certain decisions should be farther delayed , has ordered that a Grand Lodge of Emergency be summoned for the 2 Sth of July , to dispose of these appeals .
You are accordingly hereby summoned to attend , together with your Wardens anel Past Masters , a Grand Lodge of Emergency , to be holden at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 2 Sth day of July , at six o'clock in the evening . The Grand Lodge to be opened at seven o ' clock precisely . The following business only will be taken -. —1 . Appeal of Bro . Jose Felix Gonzalez against
his continued suspension by the D . G . M . for Trinidad ; 2 . Appeal of Bro . Antonio G . Julia against his supposed suspension by the D . G . M . for Trinidad ; 3 . Appeal of Bro . John Straugbin Patterson against a vote of censure , and Bro . James Alexander Brown against a vote of suspension for twelve months , passed upon them by the St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 440 ) , Montreal . —By
command of the M . W . Grand Master , John Hervey , G . Sec . " " N . B . —The papers relating to the above appeals will be in the Grand Secretary ' s office till the meeting of Grand Loelge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office-hours . " THE STAR LODGE ( SO . 1 , 257 ) , will be consecrated on Friday , September 3 rd , at four o'clock p . m ., at the Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , Sew Cross .
THE Bight Hon . Lord Dunboyne , Prov . G . Master of North Minister , arrived in Limerick from Lonelon , on the 15 th inst . en route to Knapogue Castle , and visited the new Masonic Hall , which was dedicated to Freemasonry on the 24 th ult . His lordship seemed highly pleased with the arrangements of lod ge room , banqueting room , & c . A deputation of some of the elirectors waited on bis lordship , consisting of Bros . Browne , W . M . ; M'Quaide , P . M . ; Tisdall , P . M . ; the J . W . of Lodge 73 , the Secretary of the Masonic Hall Company .
ROYAI UNION LODGE ( No . 382 ) . —We understand that the members of this lodge intend to have a banquet on the 2 nd of August next , at five o ' clock p . m ., at Bro . Glenie ' s ( who has lately taken the Georgo Hotel , ITxbrielge ) , under the presidency of Bro . E . C . Woodward , and Bro . F . J . Wirtzfield , as vice . PEOVIKCIAB GBAJTD LODGE OE SURREY . —A meeting
washeld at Dorking on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., but from want of space wo must defer giving the report until next week . PEOVINCIAII GRAND LODGE OE SOUTH WAXES ( EASIEEN DIVISION ) . —Tlie meeting will be held at the Masonic Hall , Neath , on the 5 th prox ., unelei- tlie presidency of tlie K . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . T . M . Talbot .
POETEAITS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotlanel , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 d . each . Copies , with ornamental border , and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper , can be had , price 10 s . 6 d .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The usual monthly meeting was belel on Tuesday the 21 st inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Henry Empson , P . G , S . B . presided , supported by Bros . John TJdall , P . G . D . ; James Brett , Assist . G . Purst . ; Col . Burdett , P . G . W . ; John Hervey , G . Sec ; Thomas Fenn , P . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . P . ; John Savage , P . G . D . ; Joshua Nunn , P . S . B . ; James Mason , P . G . S . B . There were eleven petitioners , of whom eight were relieved to the amount of £ 140 , in sums varying from £ 10 to-£ 50 each . Two petitions was dismissed , and one adjourned .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
EEPOET OP THE ST / B-COMJIITTEE . " The sub-committee appointed at the last meeting have te > report that they met together on Monday , the Mth June , when the Secretary calleel their attention to the several articles in the rules and regulations under which the Granel Lodge has a power of control over the institution ; also to the increasing number of lodges and chapters on the registry of the Grand
Lodge and Granel Chapter from 1858 to I 860 , by which it appeared that for the election of annuitants in May , 1858 , the number of votes issued for the male anel female futiel by virtue of the grants of those bodies were in excess of the annual payments made by them to the institution only 4 , eeraal to £ 1 ; whereas for the election of annuitants in May , 1869 , there were 1730 , equal to £ 432 10 s . The Secretary also furnished , a statement of the free votes to lodge and chapters polleel for the
male canelidates at the last election , by which it appeared that in one province the number of free votes polleel for two candielates exceeded the number by which one brother on the list of that province was elected , thus showing that this system , owing to the organisation in large provinces is such that they can secure the election of one annuitant by these votes to the detriment of the governors and subscribers . " On motion duly made , it was resolved unanimously : Te >
recommend to the committee that they take measure to expunge article 17 , and the words ' Lodge , Chapter anel / in article 31 ; anel the worels ' Master of a Loelge , Principal of a Chapter' in article 39 , of the rules and regulations . "
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys, Wood Green.
The annual summer fete and distribution of prizes , was held on Thursday the Sth of July . The grounds were thrown open te > visitors at noon for promenade , croquet , bowling , and other amusements ; the pupils , at intervals , going through a series of athletic sports ; the proceedings being enlivened by the strains , of a full band , under the leadership of Bro . James Weaver . At half-past one the distribution of prizes , in the elining-hall , commenced . V . W . Bro . Hev . John Edmund Cox , P . G . Chap ., presided , in the unavoidable arid deeply regretted absence of Bro . W . Bomaino Cullender , junior , I ) . Prov . G . M . of . East Lancashire .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
UNTVEBSAX MASONIC CALENDAR : FOR 1869 . —A few remaining copies of the second edition are for sale at a reduction of 25 per cent . THE BEIGEAVE Lavas ov INSTEUCTION ( NO . 749 ) . —The members of this lodge of instruction have resolved to bold their meetings in future , every Friday evening all the , year round , at Bro . Godfrey ' s , the Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens ,
Cbaringcross . Bro . J . H . Pulsford , P . M . 1 , 158 , is Preceptor . BOYAE MASONIC ITS - STITUTION JOB BOYS . —The V . W . Bro Itev . John Edmund Cox , P . G . Chap ., has most kindly undertaken to preach a sermon in aid of the funds of this Institution , on Sunday , the 25 th inst ., in the Church of St . Helen's , Bishopsgate , of which our reverend brother is the rector . The service
will be choral , commencing at eleven o'clock in the forenoon . THE Bight Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., & e ., has consented to lay with Masonic honours , on Thursday , the Sth day of August next , the foundation stone of the new public hall at Forfar , presented to the town by Peter Keid , Esq . THE opening of the meeting of the British . Association tins
year at Exeter , is fixed for the ISth of August . Professor Stokes , of Cambridge , will occupy the chair . SPBCIAI MEETING OJ ? GEAND LODGE . —The following circular has been issued by the Grand Secretary : — " At the quarterly
communication held on the 2 nd of June , time did not aelniit of all the business of that meeting being concluded . The M . W . Grand Master , feeling that it is undesirable that the appeals to the Grand Lodgo against certain decisions should be farther delayed , has ordered that a Grand Lodge of Emergency be summoned for the 2 Sth of July , to dispose of these appeals .
You are accordingly hereby summoned to attend , together with your Wardens anel Past Masters , a Grand Lodge of Emergency , to be holden at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 2 Sth day of July , at six o'clock in the evening . The Grand Lodge to be opened at seven o ' clock precisely . The following business only will be taken -. —1 . Appeal of Bro . Jose Felix Gonzalez against
his continued suspension by the D . G . M . for Trinidad ; 2 . Appeal of Bro . Antonio G . Julia against his supposed suspension by the D . G . M . for Trinidad ; 3 . Appeal of Bro . John Straugbin Patterson against a vote of censure , and Bro . James Alexander Brown against a vote of suspension for twelve months , passed upon them by the St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 440 ) , Montreal . —By
command of the M . W . Grand Master , John Hervey , G . Sec . " " N . B . —The papers relating to the above appeals will be in the Grand Secretary ' s office till the meeting of Grand Loelge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office-hours . " THE STAR LODGE ( SO . 1 , 257 ) , will be consecrated on Friday , September 3 rd , at four o'clock p . m ., at the Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , Sew Cross .
THE Bight Hon . Lord Dunboyne , Prov . G . Master of North Minister , arrived in Limerick from Lonelon , on the 15 th inst . en route to Knapogue Castle , and visited the new Masonic Hall , which was dedicated to Freemasonry on the 24 th ult . His lordship seemed highly pleased with the arrangements of lod ge room , banqueting room , & c . A deputation of some of the elirectors waited on bis lordship , consisting of Bros . Browne , W . M . ; M'Quaide , P . M . ; Tisdall , P . M . ; the J . W . of Lodge 73 , the Secretary of the Masonic Hall Company .
ROYAI UNION LODGE ( No . 382 ) . —We understand that the members of this lodge intend to have a banquet on the 2 nd of August next , at five o ' clock p . m ., at Bro . Glenie ' s ( who has lately taken the Georgo Hotel , ITxbrielge ) , under the presidency of Bro . E . C . Woodward , and Bro . F . J . Wirtzfield , as vice . PEOVIKCIAB GBAJTD LODGE OE SURREY . —A meeting
washeld at Dorking on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., but from want of space wo must defer giving the report until next week . PEOVINCIAII GRAND LODGE OE SOUTH WAXES ( EASIEEN DIVISION ) . —Tlie meeting will be held at the Masonic Hall , Neath , on the 5 th prox ., unelei- tlie presidency of tlie K . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . T . M . Talbot .
POETEAITS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotlanel , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 d . each . Copies , with ornamental border , and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper , can be had , price 10 s . 6 d .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The usual monthly meeting was belel on Tuesday the 21 st inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Henry Empson , P . G , S . B . presided , supported by Bros . John TJdall , P . G . D . ; James Brett , Assist . G . Purst . ; Col . Burdett , P . G . W . ; John Hervey , G . Sec ; Thomas Fenn , P . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . P . ; John Savage , P . G . D . ; Joshua Nunn , P . S . B . ; James Mason , P . G . S . B . There were eleven petitioners , of whom eight were relieved to the amount of £ 140 , in sums varying from £ 10 to-£ 50 each . Two petitions was dismissed , and one adjourned .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
EEPOET OP THE ST / B-COMJIITTEE . " The sub-committee appointed at the last meeting have te > report that they met together on Monday , the Mth June , when the Secretary calleel their attention to the several articles in the rules and regulations under which the Granel Lodge has a power of control over the institution ; also to the increasing number of lodges and chapters on the registry of the Grand
Lodge and Granel Chapter from 1858 to I 860 , by which it appeared that for the election of annuitants in May , 1858 , the number of votes issued for the male anel female futiel by virtue of the grants of those bodies were in excess of the annual payments made by them to the institution only 4 , eeraal to £ 1 ; whereas for the election of annuitants in May , 1869 , there were 1730 , equal to £ 432 10 s . The Secretary also furnished , a statement of the free votes to lodge and chapters polleel for the
male canelidates at the last election , by which it appeared that in one province the number of free votes polleel for two candielates exceeded the number by which one brother on the list of that province was elected , thus showing that this system , owing to the organisation in large provinces is such that they can secure the election of one annuitant by these votes to the detriment of the governors and subscribers . " On motion duly made , it was resolved unanimously : Te >
recommend to the committee that they take measure to expunge article 17 , and the words ' Lodge , Chapter anel / in article 31 ; anel the worels ' Master of a Loelge , Principal of a Chapter' in article 39 , of the rules and regulations . "
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys, Wood Green.
The annual summer fete and distribution of prizes , was held on Thursday the Sth of July . The grounds were thrown open te > visitors at noon for promenade , croquet , bowling , and other amusements ; the pupils , at intervals , going through a series of athletic sports ; the proceedings being enlivened by the strains , of a full band , under the leadership of Bro . James Weaver . At half-past one the distribution of prizes , in the elining-hall , commenced . V . W . Bro . Hev . John Edmund Cox , P . G . Chap ., presided , in the unavoidable arid deeply regretted absence of Bro . W . Bomaino Cullender , junior , I ) . Prov . G . M . of . East Lancashire .