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read » nd confirmed . The ballot was taken for Messrs . AV . Fugl , H . N . Barnett , " J . B . Lunt , W . Heale , G . R , Sheitlt , and C . Bisceborn , whicn proved unanimous in their favour . Messrs . Lunf , Heale , Sheielt , anel Bisceborn being in attendance were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M . Bros . Marshall , Freeman , and Blockley were passed to the degree of F . C . Bros . Short aud Holliday were raised to the sublime
degree of M . M . ' s . 'The Secretary read a letter that he bad received from Bro . J . Hervey , Grand Secretary , approving of new by-laws for the loelge . Bro . Coulter , S . AV ., presented to the lodge three appropriate gavel boards . The loelge was closeel in form and with solemn prayer , anel the brethren aeljourned to refreshment at Bro . Line ' s , the Chequers Hotel . After spending a pleasant evening they separated at an early hour .
ESSEX . UPTON LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 227 ) . —The election meeting of this lodge was held at the Spotted Dog Inn , Upton , on Thursday the 8 th inst . The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , Bros . Stevens and Simmonds were passed to the degree of F . C , and Messrs . Calverley and Levickwere initiuted bthe WM . Bro . Bellerbwho
-, y y , per formed the ceremonies in his accustomed faultless manner . Bro . B . Pickering the S . W . was unanimously elected AV . M . The treasurer was re-elected , and Bro . AVoodstock was elected Tyler . A handsome snm was voted by the lodge to record its sense of Bro . Bellerby ' s great services , which was afterwards largely supplemented by private subscriptions from the brethren .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LTVEBEOOL . —Merchant ' s Lodge ( No . 241 ) . —This lodge held its annual meeting for the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , on Tuesday the 29 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple , Ropestreet ., when Bro . Samuel Forrsst was duly installed to the chair ofthe lodge . The proceedings commenced at two o'clock p . m ., a large number of brethren assembled in the large roomand
, amongst them several distinguished visitors from this and the neighbouring province of Cheshire . The ceremony of installation having been concluded , and the officers for the ensuing year having been invested by the W . M ., the loelge was closed in clue form . At five o ' clock the brethren to the number of 86 , sat down to a banquet at the Stanley Arms Hotel , Eoby . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been proposed , the I . P . M . gave the toast of the the health of the
evening— AV . M ., and spoke in high terms of his character and ability , as one well qualified to discharge the duties annexed to tins office , and to occupy the chair of this lodge , of the reputation of which every member wasjustly proud . The toast was received with every token of enthusiasm by the brethren , thus most cordially confirming the unanimity of Bro . Forrest ' s election . At nine o ' clock the meeting was closed and the brethren returned to town after spending a very eniovable evor . inrr .
LIVERPOOL —Royal Victoria , Lodge ( No . 1013 ) . —Tuesilay the 9 th inst . was the annual meeting of this thriving lodge , at which , in addition to the ordinary business of the day the installation of the AV . M . elect took place , the brethren assembled at the Temple-, Hope-street , at 3 . 30 in the afternoon , when Bro . A . C . Mott , P . G . S . D . P . M . 241 , & c , & c . took the chair . The minutes ofthe previous meeting having been read and confirmed Robinson
, Bro . J . B . the AV . M . elect , was duly presented by Bro . P . Johnson , P . M ., and regularly installed in the chair of the lodge by Bro . Mott , who performed the duties of Installing Master in the able aud effective manner for which he has long been known in the province . The following are the brethren whom the W . M . invested as bis officers : Bros . Edward Priend , I . P . M . ; Thomas A . Lowe , S . AV . ; Thomas H . Gaw'itb , Simon Lewi Richard
J . AV . ; s , Treas . ; AV . Crowe , Sec . ; W . B . Henley , S . D . ; A . L'Estrange , J . D . ; John Kenyon , I . G . ' ¦ T H Hughes , P . M . Dir . of Cers . ; T . AVelch , \ V . G . Glover , Stewards-E . Robinson , Org . The business of the installation having been concluded , the AV . M ., proceeded to initiate into Masonry Messrs . Thompson , 'feeling , and Jordan , who had been regularly pro- ' posed and balloted for , and conducted the ceremony throughout in such an able and excellent manner as could not fail to satisfy all who were present , that he was one well fitted to occupy the chair of the lod ge and to discharge its duties to the satisfaction of all . The brethren were then called off from labour to refresh -
ment and sat down to au excellent baueraet which had been provided by the House Steward . Among the visitors present were : — Bros . Hamer , P . G . Treas . ; Smith , P . M ., 1 , 091 . ; Johnson , P . M ., 1 , 013 ; Doyle , P . M ., 667 ; De la Perelle , P . M ., 249 ; Wilson , P . M ., 241 ; Barker , P . M ., 220 ; McKcane , P . M ., 216 ; Sheldon , W . M ., 1 , 094 ; Ashmore , AV . M ., 723 : Forrest , AV . M ., 241 ; Hill , J . AV ., 724 DemsonJD 1094 & c & c . During the eveningand
; . .., , ; , , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , tho health of the AV . M . was proposed by Bro . Mott , P . M ., who congratulated the lodge in having elected Bro . Robinson as their W . M ., one who hael this evening given proofs of how admirably he could conduct the business of the lodge . The toast having been warmly and heartily responded to by the brethren , the AV . M . replied , and in the course of his remarks said : He could not ,
as some did when elected to a new office , promise to redouble his diligence , for since he first held office in tho loelge , he had endeavoured to be not only regular but punctual in his attendance , and to discharge the duties allotted to him to the utmost of his ability . He could promise , however , that he would not relax in his endeavours to promote the prosperity of the lodge , and he trusted that bis conduct during the year would meet with the approval of every brother . At about 930 p . m ., the brethren resumeel labour and tho lodge was shortly after finally closed in due form , the brethren expressing themselves well pleased with the whole proceedings of the day .
MONMOUTHSHIEE . TREDEGAR . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 1 , 098 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held on Thursday last at seven p . m . Bro . B . S » Fisher , W . M . presided , admirably performed the ceremony of raising Bros . S . T . Green , mineral agent to the Tredegar Iron Company , and Thomas Spencer , Cambrian Inn , also the initiation of Messrs . David Dobbs , innkeeper , Ebbw Vale , and Henry
Saunders , chief accountant locomotive department B . B . and C . I . Railway , who is about to leave for Bombay . The brethren , afterwards sab down to supper at the Castle Hotel , Bro . Host Spencer catering with his usual excellent taste . The AV . M .. Bro . Fisher was in the chair . The usual Masonic toasts were given , and the healths of the new initiates drank with loud cheers . The brethren separated at au earl y hour ,, having first drank to their next merry meeting .
CORK . BAXDON . —Ancient Boyne Lodge ( No . 84 ) . —On Thursday ,, the 24 th ult ., the brethren of this lodge assembled in the rooms at the Devonshire Arms to celebrate the 31 st anniversary of the lodge , anel to install the officers for the ensuing six months : — Bros . G . Bennett , AV . M . ; Robert Sutton , S . AV ; R . Topham , J . AV . ; E . C . Dawson , J . D , ; M . Lee , J . D . ; Dr . Belcher , I . G . ; .
Bennett , Sec . and Treas . At five o ' clock the following brethren , sat down to dine : —Bros . Steward Tresilian , R . Sutton , R Topbam , M . Lee , Dr . Belcher , F . D . Cornwall , R . Nash , J . H Strain , AA . Bullcn , AV . Joyce , J . Morris , F . Gannoon , R . Payne E . VV . Doherte , W . Sellivant , G . Hegarty , E . Bright , J . Martin , W . Corley , B , N . AVolfe , F . P . Potter , W . Fuller , H . N . Lloyd ,. C . Cole . The chair was occupied by Bro . Tresilian and the vicechair by M . Lee . After ample justice was done to the good things
provided by " mine host , " which embraced an abundant supply ofthe delicacies ofthe season , the usualloyal Masonic toasts were given and responded to with due honours . Bro . Bennett then took the chair , when the brethern proceeded to present Bro . Tresilian with a very handsome silver tea service , as a testimonal in acknowledgment of his services iu the cause of Masonry , and appreciation of the manner in which he accredited himself as AV . M . for the past twelve months . The tea-pot attracted
particular attention , it being very massive and richly chased , bearing the following inscriptions : — " The Ancient Boyne Lodge , to Steward E . Tresilian , in recognition of his many services as a brother and a friend . The Chairman in presenting this very handsome and wellmerited gilt alluded to Bro . Tresilian ' s services in the cause of Masonry , anel his long connection with the Ancient Boyne , a
period of over thirty years . Bro . Tresilian thanked the brethren warmly for this unexpected token of friendship anel brotherly love , and assured them , never would their kindness be forgotten by him .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
read » nd confirmed . The ballot was taken for Messrs . AV . Fugl , H . N . Barnett , " J . B . Lunt , W . Heale , G . R , Sheitlt , and C . Bisceborn , whicn proved unanimous in their favour . Messrs . Lunf , Heale , Sheielt , anel Bisceborn being in attendance were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M . Bros . Marshall , Freeman , and Blockley were passed to the degree of F . C . Bros . Short aud Holliday were raised to the sublime
degree of M . M . ' s . 'The Secretary read a letter that he bad received from Bro . J . Hervey , Grand Secretary , approving of new by-laws for the loelge . Bro . Coulter , S . AV ., presented to the lodge three appropriate gavel boards . The loelge was closeel in form and with solemn prayer , anel the brethren aeljourned to refreshment at Bro . Line ' s , the Chequers Hotel . After spending a pleasant evening they separated at an early hour .
ESSEX . UPTON LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 227 ) . —The election meeting of this lodge was held at the Spotted Dog Inn , Upton , on Thursday the 8 th inst . The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , Bros . Stevens and Simmonds were passed to the degree of F . C , and Messrs . Calverley and Levickwere initiuted bthe WM . Bro . Bellerbwho
-, y y , per formed the ceremonies in his accustomed faultless manner . Bro . B . Pickering the S . W . was unanimously elected AV . M . The treasurer was re-elected , and Bro . AVoodstock was elected Tyler . A handsome snm was voted by the lodge to record its sense of Bro . Bellerby ' s great services , which was afterwards largely supplemented by private subscriptions from the brethren .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LTVEBEOOL . —Merchant ' s Lodge ( No . 241 ) . —This lodge held its annual meeting for the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , on Tuesday the 29 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple , Ropestreet ., when Bro . Samuel Forrsst was duly installed to the chair ofthe lodge . The proceedings commenced at two o'clock p . m ., a large number of brethren assembled in the large roomand
, amongst them several distinguished visitors from this and the neighbouring province of Cheshire . The ceremony of installation having been concluded , and the officers for the ensuing year having been invested by the W . M ., the loelge was closed in clue form . At five o ' clock the brethren to the number of 86 , sat down to a banquet at the Stanley Arms Hotel , Eoby . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been proposed , the I . P . M . gave the toast of the the health of the
evening— AV . M ., and spoke in high terms of his character and ability , as one well qualified to discharge the duties annexed to tins office , and to occupy the chair of this lodge , of the reputation of which every member wasjustly proud . The toast was received with every token of enthusiasm by the brethren , thus most cordially confirming the unanimity of Bro . Forrest ' s election . At nine o ' clock the meeting was closed and the brethren returned to town after spending a very eniovable evor . inrr .
LIVERPOOL —Royal Victoria , Lodge ( No . 1013 ) . —Tuesilay the 9 th inst . was the annual meeting of this thriving lodge , at which , in addition to the ordinary business of the day the installation of the AV . M . elect took place , the brethren assembled at the Temple-, Hope-street , at 3 . 30 in the afternoon , when Bro . A . C . Mott , P . G . S . D . P . M . 241 , & c , & c . took the chair . The minutes ofthe previous meeting having been read and confirmed Robinson
, Bro . J . B . the AV . M . elect , was duly presented by Bro . P . Johnson , P . M ., and regularly installed in the chair of the lodge by Bro . Mott , who performed the duties of Installing Master in the able aud effective manner for which he has long been known in the province . The following are the brethren whom the W . M . invested as bis officers : Bros . Edward Priend , I . P . M . ; Thomas A . Lowe , S . AV . ; Thomas H . Gaw'itb , Simon Lewi Richard
J . AV . ; s , Treas . ; AV . Crowe , Sec . ; W . B . Henley , S . D . ; A . L'Estrange , J . D . ; John Kenyon , I . G . ' ¦ T H Hughes , P . M . Dir . of Cers . ; T . AVelch , \ V . G . Glover , Stewards-E . Robinson , Org . The business of the installation having been concluded , the AV . M ., proceeded to initiate into Masonry Messrs . Thompson , 'feeling , and Jordan , who had been regularly pro- ' posed and balloted for , and conducted the ceremony throughout in such an able and excellent manner as could not fail to satisfy all who were present , that he was one well fitted to occupy the chair of the lod ge and to discharge its duties to the satisfaction of all . The brethren were then called off from labour to refresh -
ment and sat down to au excellent baueraet which had been provided by the House Steward . Among the visitors present were : — Bros . Hamer , P . G . Treas . ; Smith , P . M ., 1 , 091 . ; Johnson , P . M ., 1 , 013 ; Doyle , P . M ., 667 ; De la Perelle , P . M ., 249 ; Wilson , P . M ., 241 ; Barker , P . M ., 220 ; McKcane , P . M ., 216 ; Sheldon , W . M ., 1 , 094 ; Ashmore , AV . M ., 723 : Forrest , AV . M ., 241 ; Hill , J . AV ., 724 DemsonJD 1094 & c & c . During the eveningand
; . .., , ; , , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , tho health of the AV . M . was proposed by Bro . Mott , P . M ., who congratulated the lodge in having elected Bro . Robinson as their W . M ., one who hael this evening given proofs of how admirably he could conduct the business of the lodge . The toast having been warmly and heartily responded to by the brethren , the AV . M . replied , and in the course of his remarks said : He could not ,
as some did when elected to a new office , promise to redouble his diligence , for since he first held office in tho loelge , he had endeavoured to be not only regular but punctual in his attendance , and to discharge the duties allotted to him to the utmost of his ability . He could promise , however , that he would not relax in his endeavours to promote the prosperity of the lodge , and he trusted that bis conduct during the year would meet with the approval of every brother . At about 930 p . m ., the brethren resumeel labour and tho lodge was shortly after finally closed in due form , the brethren expressing themselves well pleased with the whole proceedings of the day .
MONMOUTHSHIEE . TREDEGAR . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 1 , 098 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held on Thursday last at seven p . m . Bro . B . S » Fisher , W . M . presided , admirably performed the ceremony of raising Bros . S . T . Green , mineral agent to the Tredegar Iron Company , and Thomas Spencer , Cambrian Inn , also the initiation of Messrs . David Dobbs , innkeeper , Ebbw Vale , and Henry
Saunders , chief accountant locomotive department B . B . and C . I . Railway , who is about to leave for Bombay . The brethren , afterwards sab down to supper at the Castle Hotel , Bro . Host Spencer catering with his usual excellent taste . The AV . M .. Bro . Fisher was in the chair . The usual Masonic toasts were given , and the healths of the new initiates drank with loud cheers . The brethren separated at au earl y hour ,, having first drank to their next merry meeting .
CORK . BAXDON . —Ancient Boyne Lodge ( No . 84 ) . —On Thursday ,, the 24 th ult ., the brethren of this lodge assembled in the rooms at the Devonshire Arms to celebrate the 31 st anniversary of the lodge , anel to install the officers for the ensuing six months : — Bros . G . Bennett , AV . M . ; Robert Sutton , S . AV ; R . Topham , J . AV . ; E . C . Dawson , J . D , ; M . Lee , J . D . ; Dr . Belcher , I . G . ; .
Bennett , Sec . and Treas . At five o ' clock the following brethren , sat down to dine : —Bros . Steward Tresilian , R . Sutton , R Topbam , M . Lee , Dr . Belcher , F . D . Cornwall , R . Nash , J . H Strain , AA . Bullcn , AV . Joyce , J . Morris , F . Gannoon , R . Payne E . VV . Doherte , W . Sellivant , G . Hegarty , E . Bright , J . Martin , W . Corley , B , N . AVolfe , F . P . Potter , W . Fuller , H . N . Lloyd ,. C . Cole . The chair was occupied by Bro . Tresilian and the vicechair by M . Lee . After ample justice was done to the good things
provided by " mine host , " which embraced an abundant supply ofthe delicacies ofthe season , the usualloyal Masonic toasts were given and responded to with due honours . Bro . Bennett then took the chair , when the brethern proceeded to present Bro . Tresilian with a very handsome silver tea service , as a testimonal in acknowledgment of his services iu the cause of Masonry , and appreciation of the manner in which he accredited himself as AV . M . for the past twelve months . The tea-pot attracted
particular attention , it being very massive and richly chased , bearing the following inscriptions : — " The Ancient Boyne Lodge , to Steward E . Tresilian , in recognition of his many services as a brother and a friend . The Chairman in presenting this very handsome and wellmerited gilt alluded to Bro . Tresilian ' s services in the cause of Masonry , anel his long connection with the Ancient Boyne , a
period of over thirty years . Bro . Tresilian thanked the brethren warmly for this unexpected token of friendship anel brotherly love , and assured them , never would their kindness be forgotten by him .