Article THE KEYS IDENTIFIED. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE KEYS IDENTIFIED. Page 3 of 3 Article FREEMASONRY OVER THE BORDER. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Keys Identified.
forming the tAvo Masonic implements into one , interpreted for her own esoteric information the biblical mysteries aright . *
The mysteries were the sword , the science the scabbard Avhich she flung aside , resolved to conquer or to die . f Thus it came to pass , that the Masonic mysteries through the instrumentality ofthe Romish church ,
became the fruitful mother of sectarianism , Avhich unhappily has not only introduced confusion among the civilised , but 'bewilderment among hosts of the uncivilised of the human race ; au interesting modern picture of one of whom , is that of the
untutored African , Avhose simple reasoning so confounded the bishop , as to inspire him to prescribe , in extenso , that the Pentateauch should be severed from the Bible to preserve the health , the vitality , of the remainder , upon Avhich he , in the last resort ,
plants the standard of his faith . NOAV the bishop , being a polished aud renowned scholar , urbanely listened to the adverse information that the Bible
needed no severance , for throughout it was vigorous and literally true to science . The bishop Avas then too deeply engaged in preparing his prescription for the press , to dwell on the novel information imparted to him , but the writer feels assured that
it made a serious impression upon the thoughtful , the mathematical miud of his lordship . The objects of this paper may be thus epitomised . They are to sheAV , that as there are Biblical mysteries , so are there Masonic , so are there Romish mysteries ; that the three mysteries are one and the same , — -the holy trinity
The Keys Identified.
in unity ; that those mysteries are derived from the science of astronomy ; that as there are Biblical keys , so are there Masonic , so are there Romish keys ; that the three keys are one , tria junctil in uno , belonging legitimately to
Freemasonry . The game of the Romish church was universal dominion over the souls , the bodies , the purses of the laity Avho , en masse , were credulous in proportion to their ignorance . HOAV successfully she manipulated the cards , history but too tragically narrates .
It is Avell for the Avorld that there are sceptics Avho , like the unbelieving Apostle , desire to touch , to probe , to see , before they can believe . Let any such sceptics , of Avhatsoever professiou , to the number of three , or five , form a committee who
shall , under equitable conditions , undergo a course of initiation iu the rediscovered kuoAvledge , then let them either affirm or disprove the same . Fiat justitia ruat caelum . There is no time to lose . The victory is Avon . " The keys are identified . " But at a fearful sacrifice of health and strength by the victor .
Freemasonry Over The Border.
ByR . It has frequently been my lot , on visiting lodges in England ( and previously to my joining a lodge under the English constitution ) , to have been asked— "What is your mother lodge ? " and on
my replying "The Lodge St . Blank , of Edinburgh , " I have been both amused and annoyed hy the look of pity and contempt , with Avhich my answer has been received . I well remember on one occasion , when much younger in the Craft
than I am now , I asked the brother who was testing me , "What ' s the matter with Scottish Masonry ? is it in any way different to the Craft in other countries , or am I , as a Scottish Mason , inferior to you ? " " Well , " replied he , " the
fact is , that Masonry is made so common in Scotland , and is worked so loosely , that in England , we cannot help looking down on it . " From my after experience I find a great deal of this feeling is prevalent among the brethren in
England , and it is to combat this impression , and if possible to remove it altogether , that I have been induced to venture these few remarks . HoAvever , I do not for one moment mean to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Keys Identified.
forming the tAvo Masonic implements into one , interpreted for her own esoteric information the biblical mysteries aright . *
The mysteries were the sword , the science the scabbard Avhich she flung aside , resolved to conquer or to die . f Thus it came to pass , that the Masonic mysteries through the instrumentality ofthe Romish church ,
became the fruitful mother of sectarianism , Avhich unhappily has not only introduced confusion among the civilised , but 'bewilderment among hosts of the uncivilised of the human race ; au interesting modern picture of one of whom , is that of the
untutored African , Avhose simple reasoning so confounded the bishop , as to inspire him to prescribe , in extenso , that the Pentateauch should be severed from the Bible to preserve the health , the vitality , of the remainder , upon Avhich he , in the last resort ,
plants the standard of his faith . NOAV the bishop , being a polished aud renowned scholar , urbanely listened to the adverse information that the Bible
needed no severance , for throughout it was vigorous and literally true to science . The bishop Avas then too deeply engaged in preparing his prescription for the press , to dwell on the novel information imparted to him , but the writer feels assured that
it made a serious impression upon the thoughtful , the mathematical miud of his lordship . The objects of this paper may be thus epitomised . They are to sheAV , that as there are Biblical mysteries , so are there Masonic , so are there Romish mysteries ; that the three mysteries are one and the same , — -the holy trinity
The Keys Identified.
in unity ; that those mysteries are derived from the science of astronomy ; that as there are Biblical keys , so are there Masonic , so are there Romish keys ; that the three keys are one , tria junctil in uno , belonging legitimately to
Freemasonry . The game of the Romish church was universal dominion over the souls , the bodies , the purses of the laity Avho , en masse , were credulous in proportion to their ignorance . HOAV successfully she manipulated the cards , history but too tragically narrates .
It is Avell for the Avorld that there are sceptics Avho , like the unbelieving Apostle , desire to touch , to probe , to see , before they can believe . Let any such sceptics , of Avhatsoever professiou , to the number of three , or five , form a committee who
shall , under equitable conditions , undergo a course of initiation iu the rediscovered kuoAvledge , then let them either affirm or disprove the same . Fiat justitia ruat caelum . There is no time to lose . The victory is Avon . " The keys are identified . " But at a fearful sacrifice of health and strength by the victor .
Freemasonry Over The Border.
ByR . It has frequently been my lot , on visiting lodges in England ( and previously to my joining a lodge under the English constitution ) , to have been asked— "What is your mother lodge ? " and on
my replying "The Lodge St . Blank , of Edinburgh , " I have been both amused and annoyed hy the look of pity and contempt , with Avhich my answer has been received . I well remember on one occasion , when much younger in the Craft
than I am now , I asked the brother who was testing me , "What ' s the matter with Scottish Masonry ? is it in any way different to the Craft in other countries , or am I , as a Scottish Mason , inferior to you ? " " Well , " replied he , " the
fact is , that Masonry is made so common in Scotland , and is worked so loosely , that in England , we cannot help looking down on it . " From my after experience I find a great deal of this feeling is prevalent among the brethren in
England , and it is to combat this impression , and if possible to remove it altogether , that I have been induced to venture these few remarks . HoAvever , I do not for one moment mean to