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enabled without encroaching upon the principal , effectually to relieve and assist all who have claims upon our benevolence . A Building for Grand Lodge purposes . It has also been suggested that the time has at length arrived when Grand Lodge should have a suitable and jiermanent place of meeting , and that a building should be at once erected in some central positionwhere the meetings of Grand
, Lodge should be held , and where the office of the Grand Secretary should be permanently established . AVith this suggestion I feel disposed to concur , but , until it is finally determined whether our boundaries are to bo enlarged or whether our jurisdiction is to remain as at present , it does not appear to me that we could prudently proceed to take action even iu this matter at present . The whole subjecthoweveras
, , to . the disposal of the Asylum Fund and the various interests connected with it , having now been before | Grar , d Lodge for several years past , I entertain no doubt but that you will , during the present session , be able to arrive at a wise and satisfactory conclusion with regard to it . ( To le continued . )
BUENOS AYRES . E . \ - CELSIOH LODGE ( No . ( R 7 ) . —Tho 312 th regular mooting of this lodgo was hold on Thursday , tho 20 th Juno last , and was distinguished by the double event of tho inauguration of tho now Jodgo-room iu No . 48 , Callo do la Piodad , and of tho installation of Bro . F . W . Moore , who had boon ro-elootod to fdl tho honourable post of AY . M . In addition to tho members of tho lodgo , upwards
of sovonty-livo visitors attended , comprising several members of tho Supremo Grand Council of tho Graud Orient of Buenos Ayres , eleven AA . M . 's and P . M . 's of tho lodges working under that Council , tho AA . M . of tho "Star of tho South , " and many deputations from tho various 31-isojiie bodies in tho city . The R . AV . Bro . tho Rov . Johu Chubb Ford , District G . M .. attended hy his District G . Officers , entered tho lodge with the usual ceremonies , and presided during tho ceremony of installationwhich was ably given by
, Bro . Masoficld , P . M . Tho District G . M ., boforo leaving tho chair , made some flattering remarks to the AV . M ., and congratulated tho brethren on their choice . At tho same timo ho folicitatod them on their having acquired a now lodge-room in conjunction with tho daughter lodgo " Star of tho South , " and ivhich was to bo dedicated exclusively to tho York rito . After tho retirement of tho district G . ll ., several visitors of distinction offered congratulations to tho W . M . to which ho replied in a
, suitable manner . Tho other business being concluded , a very , liberal response was made to tho usual ajjpoal for tho Benevolent Fund , and tho lodgo was closed in duo form , tho District G . Sec , Bro . Stanfield , as immediate P . M ., closing tho sacred volume according to ancient custom . Tho now lodge-room has been
fitted up with a completeness surpassing any lodgo m tins city . In tho body of the lodge tho floor is covered with a carpet representing the square pavement , with a border of indented tessel of colours . Tho walls aro hung with alternate breadths of blue , red , audjmrplo velvet , while the coiling displays tho constellations of Heaven . The dais , separated from tho rest of tho room bytwo heavy gilt columns , is covered with a very rich carpet , aud the walls drajied with rod velvetcrowned with full lestoons ot
, blue velvet and silvor-laco borders , mooting in a mass of handsome drapery ovor the Master ' s chair . ST . UI OI- THE SOUTH LODGE ( NO . 1 , 025 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled on the 13 th of June las '" , at six o'clock in the evening . The lodge was opened in form , and the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , after which deputations entered from the Excelsio'' , Union Italians ) , Union del
Plata , HumaniU ' , Amis des Nanfr . 'igocs , Germania , Obcdiencia a la Ley , and Regeneration Lodges . The members of the District Grand Lodge ofthe Argentine Republic then entered , tbe R . AV . tbe Rev . John Chubb Ford , D . G . M ., taking the chair of AV . M ., Bro . Stanfield , D . G . Sec , the S . XV . 's , and Bro . Van Oppen , P . M ., the J . AA ' . 's , After some preliminary business , Bro . JIasefieldP . M . D . S . G . AV . being named Installing Master
, , , , proceeded to instal Bro . Charles Murray , J . AA " ., as AA' . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most ably and impressively conducted , after which the neivly-installed AV . M . was duly proclaimed and saluted , and tbe following officers were appointed and invested : —Bros . Jones , S . W . ; Pressinger , J . W . ; Gibson , Treas . ; Tagliabue , Dir . of Cers . ; Furness , S . D . ; Gallacber ,
J . D . ; Griffiths , I . G . ; Herring , Tyler . Speeches were madeby the W . M ., by Bros . Moore , AV . M . of the Excelsior ; Battilana , P . M . of the Union Italiana ; Albarracin , P . M . of the Unioft del Plata , aud others . The bag for the benevolent fund then passed round , and realised the sum of 391 dollars , after which tho lodge was closed in due form .
ADELAIDE . OPEJCIXG OP THE NEW MASONIC HALL , I . C . AA ATJIOUIHSTBEET . The highly interesting ceremony took jdace on Thursday , the 3 rd May , 1867 , at 3 p . m . There were jn-esent on the occasion the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . J . T . Bagot , the R . AV . D . P . G . M ., Bros . AV . Fiveash , AA . P . G . S . AA . ; W . N . Crowder , W . P . G . J . AV . ; R . I .
AVinter , W . P . G . ; Sec . J . P . Boucuut , W . P . G . ; Chaplain the Rev . James Pollitt , AA . P . G . ; District Inspector of Lodges , R , L . Macgrath , AA . ; Superintendent of Works , W . Lines , AV . P . G . ; Director of Ceremonies , AA . G . Harris , AV . P . G . ; Organist , H . L . Durien , W . P . G . ; Purst ., AV . Lister ; also the Right AVorshipful the District Provincial Grand Master , Arthur Hardy , E . G . ; the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Past S . AV ., H . E . Downer , E . G ., and a numerous assemblage of visiting brothers and members of the various constitutions of tbe craft .
ADDRESS BY THE SECRETARY . After the customaiy form of opening the lodge b } the R . W . the Deputy Pro . Grand Master I . C-, Bros . AA m . Fiveash , the-Secretary , R . AV . P . G . ; J . Penn Boucaut , addressed the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master as follows : — "Right Worshipful Sir , —The committee formed for the erection of a Masonic Hall having so far succeeded in their
endeavours , through the kind assistance of their brethren and friends , trusts that the portion of the building we are now in being complete may meet with your approval and that you may be pleased to consecrate and dedicate the same to the use of thecraft . "
RESPOXSE . "Bro . Secretary , —Before complying with your request I will , having inspected the building , now consult the plans , and see how far the architect's design has been carried out . " ADDRESS BY SUPERIXTEXDEXT OP AA ' ORKS . "Right AAtn-shipful Sir , —Having been entrusted with the .
superintendence and management of the workmen employed in . the construction of this edifice , and having , according to the best of my ability , accomplished tbe task assigned to me in completing this portion of the building , I now return my thanks for the honour of the appointment , and beg leave to submit toyou the plans , to see that my work has been in accordance withmy instructions , humbly hoping that the exertions made on this occasion may meet with your approval and that of the Provincial Grand Lodge . " RESPOXSE .
" Brother Architect , —The skill and fidelity displayed in the execution of the trust reposed in yoa at the commencement of this undertaking have secured the entire approval of myself and . the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and we sincerely pray that this edifice may continue a lasting monument of the . taste , spirit , and liberality of its founders . " The following hymn was then sung : —
" Thou ! who are God alone , Accept before Thy throne Our fervent prayer ! To fill with light and grace This house Thy dwelling-place , And bless Thy chosen race , 0 God draw near !
"As through the Universe All Nature ' s works diverse Thy praise accord ; Let Faith upon us shine , And Charity combine AVith Hope to make us Thine , Jehovah I Lord !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
enabled without encroaching upon the principal , effectually to relieve and assist all who have claims upon our benevolence . A Building for Grand Lodge purposes . It has also been suggested that the time has at length arrived when Grand Lodge should have a suitable and jiermanent place of meeting , and that a building should be at once erected in some central positionwhere the meetings of Grand
, Lodge should be held , and where the office of the Grand Secretary should be permanently established . AVith this suggestion I feel disposed to concur , but , until it is finally determined whether our boundaries are to bo enlarged or whether our jurisdiction is to remain as at present , it does not appear to me that we could prudently proceed to take action even iu this matter at present . The whole subjecthoweveras
, , to . the disposal of the Asylum Fund and the various interests connected with it , having now been before | Grar , d Lodge for several years past , I entertain no doubt but that you will , during the present session , be able to arrive at a wise and satisfactory conclusion with regard to it . ( To le continued . )
BUENOS AYRES . E . \ - CELSIOH LODGE ( No . ( R 7 ) . —Tho 312 th regular mooting of this lodgo was hold on Thursday , tho 20 th Juno last , and was distinguished by the double event of tho inauguration of tho now Jodgo-room iu No . 48 , Callo do la Piodad , and of tho installation of Bro . F . W . Moore , who had boon ro-elootod to fdl tho honourable post of AY . M . In addition to tho members of tho lodgo , upwards
of sovonty-livo visitors attended , comprising several members of tho Supremo Grand Council of tho Graud Orient of Buenos Ayres , eleven AA . M . 's and P . M . 's of tho lodges working under that Council , tho AA . M . of tho "Star of tho South , " and many deputations from tho various 31-isojiie bodies in tho city . The R . AV . Bro . tho Rov . Johu Chubb Ford , District G . M .. attended hy his District G . Officers , entered tho lodge with the usual ceremonies , and presided during tho ceremony of installationwhich was ably given by
, Bro . Masoficld , P . M . Tho District G . M ., boforo leaving tho chair , made some flattering remarks to the AV . M ., and congratulated tho brethren on their choice . At tho same timo ho folicitatod them on their having acquired a now lodge-room in conjunction with tho daughter lodgo " Star of tho South , " and ivhich was to bo dedicated exclusively to tho York rito . After tho retirement of tho district G . ll ., several visitors of distinction offered congratulations to tho W . M . to which ho replied in a
, suitable manner . Tho other business being concluded , a very , liberal response was made to tho usual ajjpoal for tho Benevolent Fund , and tho lodgo was closed in duo form , tho District G . Sec , Bro . Stanfield , as immediate P . M ., closing tho sacred volume according to ancient custom . Tho now lodge-room has been
fitted up with a completeness surpassing any lodgo m tins city . In tho body of the lodge tho floor is covered with a carpet representing the square pavement , with a border of indented tessel of colours . Tho walls aro hung with alternate breadths of blue , red , audjmrplo velvet , while the coiling displays tho constellations of Heaven . The dais , separated from tho rest of tho room bytwo heavy gilt columns , is covered with a very rich carpet , aud the walls drajied with rod velvetcrowned with full lestoons ot
, blue velvet and silvor-laco borders , mooting in a mass of handsome drapery ovor the Master ' s chair . ST . UI OI- THE SOUTH LODGE ( NO . 1 , 025 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled on the 13 th of June las '" , at six o'clock in the evening . The lodge was opened in form , and the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , after which deputations entered from the Excelsio'' , Union Italians ) , Union del
Plata , HumaniU ' , Amis des Nanfr . 'igocs , Germania , Obcdiencia a la Ley , and Regeneration Lodges . The members of the District Grand Lodge ofthe Argentine Republic then entered , tbe R . AV . tbe Rev . John Chubb Ford , D . G . M ., taking the chair of AV . M ., Bro . Stanfield , D . G . Sec , the S . XV . 's , and Bro . Van Oppen , P . M ., the J . AA ' . 's , After some preliminary business , Bro . JIasefieldP . M . D . S . G . AV . being named Installing Master
, , , , proceeded to instal Bro . Charles Murray , J . AA " ., as AA' . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most ably and impressively conducted , after which the neivly-installed AV . M . was duly proclaimed and saluted , and tbe following officers were appointed and invested : —Bros . Jones , S . W . ; Pressinger , J . W . ; Gibson , Treas . ; Tagliabue , Dir . of Cers . ; Furness , S . D . ; Gallacber ,
J . D . ; Griffiths , I . G . ; Herring , Tyler . Speeches were madeby the W . M ., by Bros . Moore , AV . M . of the Excelsior ; Battilana , P . M . of the Union Italiana ; Albarracin , P . M . of the Unioft del Plata , aud others . The bag for the benevolent fund then passed round , and realised the sum of 391 dollars , after which tho lodge was closed in due form .
ADELAIDE . OPEJCIXG OP THE NEW MASONIC HALL , I . C . AA ATJIOUIHSTBEET . The highly interesting ceremony took jdace on Thursday , the 3 rd May , 1867 , at 3 p . m . There were jn-esent on the occasion the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . J . T . Bagot , the R . AV . D . P . G . M ., Bros . AV . Fiveash , AA . P . G . S . AA . ; W . N . Crowder , W . P . G . J . AV . ; R . I .
AVinter , W . P . G . ; Sec . J . P . Boucuut , W . P . G . ; Chaplain the Rev . James Pollitt , AA . P . G . ; District Inspector of Lodges , R , L . Macgrath , AA . ; Superintendent of Works , W . Lines , AV . P . G . ; Director of Ceremonies , AA . G . Harris , AV . P . G . ; Organist , H . L . Durien , W . P . G . ; Purst ., AV . Lister ; also the Right AVorshipful the District Provincial Grand Master , Arthur Hardy , E . G . ; the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Past S . AV ., H . E . Downer , E . G ., and a numerous assemblage of visiting brothers and members of the various constitutions of tbe craft .
ADDRESS BY THE SECRETARY . After the customaiy form of opening the lodge b } the R . W . the Deputy Pro . Grand Master I . C-, Bros . AA m . Fiveash , the-Secretary , R . AV . P . G . ; J . Penn Boucaut , addressed the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master as follows : — "Right Worshipful Sir , —The committee formed for the erection of a Masonic Hall having so far succeeded in their
endeavours , through the kind assistance of their brethren and friends , trusts that the portion of the building we are now in being complete may meet with your approval and that you may be pleased to consecrate and dedicate the same to the use of thecraft . "
RESPOXSE . "Bro . Secretary , —Before complying with your request I will , having inspected the building , now consult the plans , and see how far the architect's design has been carried out . " ADDRESS BY SUPERIXTEXDEXT OP AA ' ORKS . "Right AAtn-shipful Sir , —Having been entrusted with the .
superintendence and management of the workmen employed in . the construction of this edifice , and having , according to the best of my ability , accomplished tbe task assigned to me in completing this portion of the building , I now return my thanks for the honour of the appointment , and beg leave to submit toyou the plans , to see that my work has been in accordance withmy instructions , humbly hoping that the exertions made on this occasion may meet with your approval and that of the Provincial Grand Lodge . " RESPOXSE .
" Brother Architect , —The skill and fidelity displayed in the execution of the trust reposed in yoa at the commencement of this undertaking have secured the entire approval of myself and . the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and we sincerely pray that this edifice may continue a lasting monument of the . taste , spirit , and liberality of its founders . " The following hymn was then sung : —
" Thou ! who are God alone , Accept before Thy throne Our fervent prayer ! To fill with light and grace This house Thy dwelling-place , And bless Thy chosen race , 0 God draw near !
"As through the Universe All Nature ' s works diverse Thy praise accord ; Let Faith upon us shine , And Charity combine AVith Hope to make us Thine , Jehovah I Lord !