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' Spirit of Truth and Love ! Descending from above , Our hearts iuilame ; Till Masonry ' s control Shall build iu one the whole A temple of tbe soul To Thy great name 1 "
A prayer from the Constitutions was then given by the Chaplain , with response , as under , the brethren standing during tbe prayer : — "Glory to God on high ; on earth , peace , good will towards men . " ADDRESS BY Di-prxr . Right Worshipful Sir—The portion of the hall in which we
, are now assembled , and the plans upon which it has been constructed , having met with your approbation , it is the desire of the fraternity over which you preside that it should now be consecrated and dedicated according to ancient form and usap-e . R . AA . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Fiveash , then handed over the deed ¦ and trust , which was read by the Secretary . Tbe Prov . G . Master then asked his Dejiuty and Wardens to
assist in the consecration . The Deputy , Senior and Junior AA ' ardens having advanced to foot of lodge , tho three last carrying corn , wine , and oil , which were handed in turn to the Provincial Grand Master , who sprinkled a little of each , saying : — Invoking the blessing and favour of the all-merciful and gracious Creator , of whose free and universal bounty this corn ,
wine , and oil are the significant emblems , I consecrate this building to Freemasonry , to religion , virtue , science , and universal benevolence . Amen . So mote it be . The brethren then responded as follows : The lord is gracious , and His mercy enduretb for ever . A men . So mote it be . The Prov . G . Master then returned to his place , and the fol'lowiug hymn was simg -. — AH honours to our Master pay , AA'bo bade our holy temple rise ; AA hilo here we journey on our way .
Our thanks shall reach to furthest skies . Wc hail our holy Patron ' s name , \ Vhose bright example guides us still ; His highest honours wo proclaim , AVhile grateful thanks otir temple fill . AA'hile thus we seek , in pure desire , Our mortal bliss in realms above
, Our hearts shall kindle at tbe fire , AA ' hose light is universal love . The R . AA . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Hardy , addressed the Grand Lodge upon the principles and precepts of Masonry generally , upon its advantages , and the desirableness of having a special building at all times for Masonic purposes . Ho referred at length to tbe building which had then been inaugurated , and to the
important fact that it was all paid for . After all necessary expenses had been defrayed , the income and the rents coming into the Grand Lodge would bo appropriated to benevolent purposes . The list of subscribers to the new building was then read over by the Secretary . Total , £ ' 221 . The Prov . G . Master then delivered a short address , after which the ordinary business of the Grand Lodge was adjourned
until the next monthly meeting , and tiie Grand Lodge closed in the usual peace , love , and harmony . After the ceremony the brethren of tbe Duke of Leinster Lodge , No 3 C 3 ( l . C ) , held their first meeting in tbe new hall , on which occasion one brother was passed to the second , or F . C . degree , two were balloted for as candidates , and the usual routine of business followed .
Alter closing lodge the brethren retired to a splendid banquet , provided for tbe occasion , and a few most agreeable hours were spent . The brethren expressed themselves highly delighted with their now ball , and thanks were again given to tbe H . AA . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Fiveash , and Bro . Lines , Supt . of AVorks , for the exertions tbey had made , the whole cost of the building being defrayed by voluntary contributions .
Wo have bscn favoured with Bro . William P . Buchaivs "Book of Craft Music , " dedicated to the Lodge of
Glasgow St . John ( No . 0 bis . ) As the subject of introducing music into every lodge has been more than once mooted , ivo havo no doubt but that this edition is produced at an opportune time . It is nicely arranged , and creditably got up . T / . e Oriyin of f . ' ie l ? . oi / af Arch Order of JVeemasoiivi / , by
the Eev . Bro . G . OLIVER , D . D . New edition , ivith a memoir of tho author . London : Bro . Eichard Spencer , 26 ' , Great Quoeii-sfcreet , W . C . We have received a copy of this work , and , from a cursory glance at its contents , consider it a work of great interest . We purpose next week , however , to give a full review of tho same , when we shall have had more time to enjoy its perusal .
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending August 31st, 1867.
MOXDAY , 26 th . —British Oak Lodge ( No . 831 ) , Gurney ' ss Hotel , Stratford ; Towev Hamlets Engineers Lodgo ( No . 902 ) , George Hotel , Aldermanbury ; De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 90-3 ) , Angel Hotel , Great Ilford . TI ' KSDAV , 27 fcb . —Industry Lodge ( No . 186 ) , Great Queeu-strcct . WEDNESDAY , 28 th . —United Pilgrims Lodge ( No . 507 ) ,
Horns Tavern , Kennington ; High Cross Lodgo ( No . 754 ) , Railway Hotel , Northumberland Park , Tottenham ; Union Waterloo Chapter ( No . 13 ) , Masonic Booms , William-street , "Woolwich . THURSDAY , 29 th . —General Committee Female School , at Office , at 4 : PitiDAY , 30 th . —House Committo Boys' School , at 4 .
The Week.
THE COUP . T . —Tho Queen drove out on tho afternoon of the 14 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Louiso and Princo Leopold , aud her Majesty walked in tho grounds in the morning with Princess Louiso . Tho Queen walked iu tho grounds on tho afternoon of the lGth inst ., . attended by tho Hon . Emily Cathcart , and hoi- Majesty walked on tho morning of the 17 th inst .,
accompanied by Princess Louiso and the Princess of Loiuingon . The King of tho Grooks visited tho Queen on the 17 th inst ., and aftor taking luncheon with her Majesty and the Royal Family returned to London . Her Majesty crossed ovor from Southampton in the Eoyal Yacht Alberta , Captain his Sorono Highness tho Prince ot Loningon , and was received on his
arrival by tho Queen and tho "Royal Family iu the entrance hall . Her Majesty tho ( jiioon and tho Eoyal Family , attended by tho Ladies and Goufclomon-iu-AV . tituig , wero present at Divino Service on tho 18 th inst . at Osborne . Tho service was performed by tho Very Eev . the Dean of AVostmiustor . Tho Queen , accompanied by their Eoyal Highnesses Princess
Louiso , Princess Beatrice , Princo Leopold , and the infant Princo Christian Victor of Sehloswig-llolstoin , loft Osborne on tho liJth inst . at a quarter boforo throe , and arrived at AVindsor Castlo at half-past six o ' clock . Her Majesty crossed over to Gosporljin tho Eoyal yaet Alberta , Captain his Serene Highness the Princo of Loraiugcu . Tho Queen , accompanied by their Royal
Highnesses Princess Louise , Princess Broatieo , and Princo Leopold , drove iu the grounds on tho morning of the __ 0 lh inst . Her Majesty bold a Council at throe o ' clock , at which wore present tho Karl of Derby , tho Duke of Marlborough , Lord Stanley , aud tho Chancellor of the Exchequer . The Queen , with their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , aud Princo Leopold , loft tho Castle at ton minutes before ton
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' Spirit of Truth and Love ! Descending from above , Our hearts iuilame ; Till Masonry ' s control Shall build iu one the whole A temple of tbe soul To Thy great name 1 "
A prayer from the Constitutions was then given by the Chaplain , with response , as under , the brethren standing during tbe prayer : — "Glory to God on high ; on earth , peace , good will towards men . " ADDRESS BY Di-prxr . Right Worshipful Sir—The portion of the hall in which we
, are now assembled , and the plans upon which it has been constructed , having met with your approbation , it is the desire of the fraternity over which you preside that it should now be consecrated and dedicated according to ancient form and usap-e . R . AA . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Fiveash , then handed over the deed ¦ and trust , which was read by the Secretary . Tbe Prov . G . Master then asked his Dejiuty and Wardens to
assist in the consecration . The Deputy , Senior and Junior AA ' ardens having advanced to foot of lodge , tho three last carrying corn , wine , and oil , which were handed in turn to the Provincial Grand Master , who sprinkled a little of each , saying : — Invoking the blessing and favour of the all-merciful and gracious Creator , of whose free and universal bounty this corn ,
wine , and oil are the significant emblems , I consecrate this building to Freemasonry , to religion , virtue , science , and universal benevolence . Amen . So mote it be . The brethren then responded as follows : The lord is gracious , and His mercy enduretb for ever . A men . So mote it be . The Prov . G . Master then returned to his place , and the fol'lowiug hymn was simg -. — AH honours to our Master pay , AA'bo bade our holy temple rise ; AA hilo here we journey on our way .
Our thanks shall reach to furthest skies . Wc hail our holy Patron ' s name , \ Vhose bright example guides us still ; His highest honours wo proclaim , AVhile grateful thanks otir temple fill . AA'hile thus we seek , in pure desire , Our mortal bliss in realms above
, Our hearts shall kindle at tbe fire , AA ' hose light is universal love . The R . AA . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Hardy , addressed the Grand Lodge upon the principles and precepts of Masonry generally , upon its advantages , and the desirableness of having a special building at all times for Masonic purposes . Ho referred at length to tbe building which had then been inaugurated , and to the
important fact that it was all paid for . After all necessary expenses had been defrayed , the income and the rents coming into the Grand Lodge would bo appropriated to benevolent purposes . The list of subscribers to the new building was then read over by the Secretary . Total , £ ' 221 . The Prov . G . Master then delivered a short address , after which the ordinary business of the Grand Lodge was adjourned
until the next monthly meeting , and tiie Grand Lodge closed in the usual peace , love , and harmony . After the ceremony the brethren of tbe Duke of Leinster Lodge , No 3 C 3 ( l . C ) , held their first meeting in tbe new hall , on which occasion one brother was passed to the second , or F . C . degree , two were balloted for as candidates , and the usual routine of business followed .
Alter closing lodge the brethren retired to a splendid banquet , provided for tbe occasion , and a few most agreeable hours were spent . The brethren expressed themselves highly delighted with their now ball , and thanks were again given to tbe H . AA . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Fiveash , and Bro . Lines , Supt . of AVorks , for the exertions tbey had made , the whole cost of the building being defrayed by voluntary contributions .
Wo have bscn favoured with Bro . William P . Buchaivs "Book of Craft Music , " dedicated to the Lodge of
Glasgow St . John ( No . 0 bis . ) As the subject of introducing music into every lodge has been more than once mooted , ivo havo no doubt but that this edition is produced at an opportune time . It is nicely arranged , and creditably got up . T / . e Oriyin of f . ' ie l ? . oi / af Arch Order of JVeemasoiivi / , by
the Eev . Bro . G . OLIVER , D . D . New edition , ivith a memoir of tho author . London : Bro . Eichard Spencer , 26 ' , Great Quoeii-sfcreet , W . C . We have received a copy of this work , and , from a cursory glance at its contents , consider it a work of great interest . We purpose next week , however , to give a full review of tho same , when we shall have had more time to enjoy its perusal .
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending August 31st, 1867.
MOXDAY , 26 th . —British Oak Lodge ( No . 831 ) , Gurney ' ss Hotel , Stratford ; Towev Hamlets Engineers Lodgo ( No . 902 ) , George Hotel , Aldermanbury ; De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 90-3 ) , Angel Hotel , Great Ilford . TI ' KSDAV , 27 fcb . —Industry Lodge ( No . 186 ) , Great Queeu-strcct . WEDNESDAY , 28 th . —United Pilgrims Lodge ( No . 507 ) ,
Horns Tavern , Kennington ; High Cross Lodgo ( No . 754 ) , Railway Hotel , Northumberland Park , Tottenham ; Union Waterloo Chapter ( No . 13 ) , Masonic Booms , William-street , "Woolwich . THURSDAY , 29 th . —General Committee Female School , at Office , at 4 : PitiDAY , 30 th . —House Committo Boys' School , at 4 .
The Week.
THE COUP . T . —Tho Queen drove out on tho afternoon of the 14 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Louiso and Princo Leopold , aud her Majesty walked in tho grounds in the morning with Princess Louiso . Tho Queen walked iu tho grounds on tho afternoon of the lGth inst ., . attended by tho Hon . Emily Cathcart , and hoi- Majesty walked on tho morning of the 17 th inst .,
accompanied by Princess Louiso and the Princess of Loiuingon . The King of tho Grooks visited tho Queen on the 17 th inst ., and aftor taking luncheon with her Majesty and the Royal Family returned to London . Her Majesty crossed ovor from Southampton in the Eoyal Yacht Alberta , Captain his Sorono Highness tho Prince ot Loningon , and was received on his
arrival by tho Queen and tho "Royal Family iu the entrance hall . Her Majesty tho ( jiioon and tho Eoyal Family , attended by tho Ladies and Goufclomon-iu-AV . tituig , wero present at Divino Service on tho 18 th inst . at Osborne . Tho service was performed by tho Very Eev . the Dean of AVostmiustor . Tho Queen , accompanied by their Eoyal Highnesses Princess
Louiso , Princess Beatrice , Princo Leopold , and the infant Princo Christian Victor of Sehloswig-llolstoin , loft Osborne on tho liJth inst . at a quarter boforo throe , and arrived at AVindsor Castlo at half-past six o ' clock . Her Majesty crossed over to Gosporljin tho Eoyal yaet Alberta , Captain his Serene Highness the Princo of Loraiugcu . Tho Queen , accompanied by their Royal
Highnesses Princess Louise , Princess Broatieo , and Princo Leopold , drove iu the grounds on tho morning of the __ 0 lh inst . Her Majesty bold a Council at throe o ' clock , at which wore present tho Karl of Derby , tho Duke of Marlborough , Lord Stanley , aud tho Chancellor of the Exchequer . The Queen , with their Royal Highnesses Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , aud Princo Leopold , loft tho Castle at ton minutes before ton