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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
We have received a copy of a circular signed by Bro . Frappoli , G . M . of Italy , of which the following is a translation : — " Florence , 7 th September , 1870 . " To the masters and brethren of all the lodges
in Italy , and to all M asonic Associations generally . "Dear Brethren , —the Italian Government has taken possession of Rome . " The Grand Orient of Masonry in Italy and its colonies has decided to establish itself therein . It
has , therefore , been decided to transfer its location from Florence to Eome , now the capital city of the Italian nation . Your Affectionate Brother , L . TRAPPOLE . Grand Master . "
" P . S . —Correspondence , however , will for the present be directed to the former a tldress , viz ., 'L . Frappoli , Deputato del Parlemeute , Florence . ' The Evergreen , speaking of the progress of
Masonry in the Holy Land , says : " Brother Samuel Hallock , of Beyrout , Syria , notifies us that another loclge ( a third ) was opened at Beyrout in A pril last , the commander of the Turkish troops of that cit y being the Worshipful Master . The old lodge ( Palestine No . 41 o ) , working in Arabic , is quite flourishing , haviug MO members of all denominations .
The Editor ofthe German town Chronicle , reviewim * " The Science of Thought" by Charles Carroll Evcritt ? gives an idea or two from its pages , which also will furnish an example of its style . "The thought must be what the object is in itself . If this is so , the object in itself must be thought .
This statement may seem a little startling at first sight . If we may say the outer world is objectthought , while what we call thought is only subjective thought , and thus the two are at heart one . ' A person who hears this for the first lime may be confused , yet , obviously , if our thought bo worth anythe and the
thing , thought object , must be at heart one . The phrase objective thought , is not after all so difficult as it may at first appear . Erwin Von Steinbach thought out a cathedral . The builders of Cologne embodied this thought in stone . What then is the cathedral at Cologne , but the thought of Erwin Steiubachmade outer °
Von , or objectiveto himself 9 We may approach this structure simpl y as objective thought . When we strive to comprehend it , we strive after the thought , which is its reality . When wo do somprehend it , we have got hold of the thought which is its reality . a
Saturday 27 th ult . was one of the gala days at Atlantic City , made such by the visit ancl parade of the Knights Templar . St . John . s Commandery , No . 4 of Philadelphia , and S yrene Commandery , No . 7 of
Camden , were there in force ; and a number of visitors from other commanderies , mostly from the city of brotherly love , added to the number , and the imposing appearance of the parade of the Order on this occasion . The chivalrous bearing and manly dignity of the Sir Knights , their graceful manoeuvres and
perfect drill , as well as the tasted uniform and decorations worn by them , enables them to present an entertainment which attracted crowds of the summer residers at this popular resort , as well as many others who had been drawn there by a knowledge of the fact , that this demonstration would take place- In the
evening a grand display of fireworks was presented ; the Knig hts were again mustered in Hue in front of the Sea View House , and with military precision marched into the commodious ball room , which was already thronged with the guests of the p lace ; the ladies in their most brilliant costumes and
counternances smiling ancl animated by the interesting occasion . After some vocal and instrumental music , the merry dance was commenced , and the evening spent in measureless enjoyment . Altogether the affair was one of unalloyed gratification to the Knights , and those who were participators in the elegant entertainment .
The members of Hugh De Payens Encampment , No . 19 , at Easton , are about to hold a Grand Promenade Concert on the 6 th of October next . In is said that the greatest preparations are being made by the Sir Knights to have the most successful entertainment of the kind , ever given in this jurisdiction . The buildings at the Fair Ground at Eastonhave
, been taken , aud are to be arranged in a style suitable to tho occasion , music , fair ladies and brave Sir Knights , and a commissariat of an approved and recherche character . Joy , loveliness , love , harmony , festivity , fraternity , chivalry and prosperity , are all expected to be present . We think the place , the
time , the occasion , will induce many to go from the city . Sir Knight Neiman of Easton , called in at our office , and in his pleasant and earnest way , told us all this . He never undertakes anything he don't make a success , and he says all who come shall have a good time . Sir Knihts of the Philadelphia
Comg manderies make arrangements to go in style and form , and get out your "fixings and things" aud be ready for the crusade on the lovely ladies , and excellent Sir Knights sit Easton , Oct . 6 . —Keystone .
" We learn from a correspondent that at Gothenberg , according to arrangements of last year , after the 7 th degree had been conferred upon Comp . Denton , of Leeds , a chapter of emergency was called together this month to confer upon him the 8 th degree . The Prov . G . M . and his deputy , with a grand
array of officers , conferred the Sih degree upon him in a very able and impressive manner , in the presence of a great number of companions who had assembled at a very short notice . All coincided in the opinion that they had uever heard the exaltation so ably performed . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
We have received a copy of a circular signed by Bro . Frappoli , G . M . of Italy , of which the following is a translation : — " Florence , 7 th September , 1870 . " To the masters and brethren of all the lodges
in Italy , and to all M asonic Associations generally . "Dear Brethren , —the Italian Government has taken possession of Rome . " The Grand Orient of Masonry in Italy and its colonies has decided to establish itself therein . It
has , therefore , been decided to transfer its location from Florence to Eome , now the capital city of the Italian nation . Your Affectionate Brother , L . TRAPPOLE . Grand Master . "
" P . S . —Correspondence , however , will for the present be directed to the former a tldress , viz ., 'L . Frappoli , Deputato del Parlemeute , Florence . ' The Evergreen , speaking of the progress of
Masonry in the Holy Land , says : " Brother Samuel Hallock , of Beyrout , Syria , notifies us that another loclge ( a third ) was opened at Beyrout in A pril last , the commander of the Turkish troops of that cit y being the Worshipful Master . The old lodge ( Palestine No . 41 o ) , working in Arabic , is quite flourishing , haviug MO members of all denominations .
The Editor ofthe German town Chronicle , reviewim * " The Science of Thought" by Charles Carroll Evcritt ? gives an idea or two from its pages , which also will furnish an example of its style . "The thought must be what the object is in itself . If this is so , the object in itself must be thought .
This statement may seem a little startling at first sight . If we may say the outer world is objectthought , while what we call thought is only subjective thought , and thus the two are at heart one . ' A person who hears this for the first lime may be confused , yet , obviously , if our thought bo worth anythe and the
thing , thought object , must be at heart one . The phrase objective thought , is not after all so difficult as it may at first appear . Erwin Von Steinbach thought out a cathedral . The builders of Cologne embodied this thought in stone . What then is the cathedral at Cologne , but the thought of Erwin Steiubachmade outer °
Von , or objectiveto himself 9 We may approach this structure simpl y as objective thought . When we strive to comprehend it , we strive after the thought , which is its reality . When wo do somprehend it , we have got hold of the thought which is its reality . a
Saturday 27 th ult . was one of the gala days at Atlantic City , made such by the visit ancl parade of the Knights Templar . St . John . s Commandery , No . 4 of Philadelphia , and S yrene Commandery , No . 7 of
Camden , were there in force ; and a number of visitors from other commanderies , mostly from the city of brotherly love , added to the number , and the imposing appearance of the parade of the Order on this occasion . The chivalrous bearing and manly dignity of the Sir Knights , their graceful manoeuvres and
perfect drill , as well as the tasted uniform and decorations worn by them , enables them to present an entertainment which attracted crowds of the summer residers at this popular resort , as well as many others who had been drawn there by a knowledge of the fact , that this demonstration would take place- In the
evening a grand display of fireworks was presented ; the Knig hts were again mustered in Hue in front of the Sea View House , and with military precision marched into the commodious ball room , which was already thronged with the guests of the p lace ; the ladies in their most brilliant costumes and
counternances smiling ancl animated by the interesting occasion . After some vocal and instrumental music , the merry dance was commenced , and the evening spent in measureless enjoyment . Altogether the affair was one of unalloyed gratification to the Knights , and those who were participators in the elegant entertainment .
The members of Hugh De Payens Encampment , No . 19 , at Easton , are about to hold a Grand Promenade Concert on the 6 th of October next . In is said that the greatest preparations are being made by the Sir Knights to have the most successful entertainment of the kind , ever given in this jurisdiction . The buildings at the Fair Ground at Eastonhave
, been taken , aud are to be arranged in a style suitable to tho occasion , music , fair ladies and brave Sir Knights , and a commissariat of an approved and recherche character . Joy , loveliness , love , harmony , festivity , fraternity , chivalry and prosperity , are all expected to be present . We think the place , the
time , the occasion , will induce many to go from the city . Sir Knight Neiman of Easton , called in at our office , and in his pleasant and earnest way , told us all this . He never undertakes anything he don't make a success , and he says all who come shall have a good time . Sir Knihts of the Philadelphia
Comg manderies make arrangements to go in style and form , and get out your "fixings and things" aud be ready for the crusade on the lovely ladies , and excellent Sir Knights sit Easton , Oct . 6 . —Keystone .
" We learn from a correspondent that at Gothenberg , according to arrangements of last year , after the 7 th degree had been conferred upon Comp . Denton , of Leeds , a chapter of emergency was called together this month to confer upon him the 8 th degree . The Prov . G . M . and his deputy , with a grand
array of officers , conferred the Sih degree upon him in a very able and impressive manner , in the presence of a great number of companions who had assembled at a very short notice . All coincided in the opinion that they had uever heard the exaltation so ably performed . "