Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * ,. * All communications to he addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
TUB NEW POSTAL A RRANGEMENT . —On the 1 st of October , the now postal arrangement will come into operation , by which the postage of the MAG-AZIEE will be reduced one-halt ; of which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of our subscribers who pay one year in advance will receive the MAGAZINE post-free . Tbe price of the MAGAZINE will thus be
reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following be tbe terms of subscription : —One year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . 9 il . ; single numbers by post , SJcl . We hope that by thus giving this advantage to our subscribers thoy will , in return , use their best endeavours to increase our circulation , by inducing their friends to become subscribers . Anticipating a large increase in our circulation , arrangements are iu progress for special new features iu the MAGAZINE .
THE Eoyal Union Loclge of Instruction will meet every Tuesday evening , at eight o ' clock , at Bro . Dubby's Hotel , in Winsley Street , Oxford Street . THE EGBERT BUBNS LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 25 ) , has commenced its winter session , ancl now meets every Friday evening at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , ut
halfpast seven o'clock . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION EOB BOYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION , 1870 . —The votes and interest of tho Governors ancl Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of Harry Tappolet , aged nine years , son of Bro . Richard Tappolet , who died of pneumonia in March , 1 SG 1 , leaving a widow and eight children ,
two dependent on the widow , with an insufficient income for their support . Bro . Eichard Tappolet was initiated in tho Lodge of Temperance ( No . 169 ) , in 1861 ; joined the Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 192 ); was a P . M . in both lodges , and a member ofthe Royal Arch Chapter ; he was also a subscriber to all the Masonic Charities until his death . The case is strongly
recommended by many eminent brethren . Proxies will be thankfull y recived by the widow . 18 , Culford-road , Kingshmd . ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR BOYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —Tho support of tho subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of George James Fitzwatcr , aged nine years , whoso father . Bro . Charles Fitzwater , was initiated into Masonry in tho Ranolagh
Lodge ( Xo . 834 ) , in 1 SC 1 , and was a builder and contractor . Having suffered many heavy losses , became bankrupt in 1 SGG ; his wifo died in March , 1 SC 9 , leaving eight children ; ho has since broken up bis homo , and is unable to give thorn an education . The case is strongly recommended by tho WM . , officers , and brethren of tho Ranolagh Lodgo ( No . 83-1 ) . Proxies will bo thankfully received by tho father , Chas . Fitzwater , 7 , Addison-stroot , Notting-hill .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION TOR BOYS , OCTOEEB ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited ou behalf of Robert Gurton , born Sth April , 1563 . His father , the late Bro . John Gurton , was a wholesale wine merchant in Northumbc-rland-sli-cct , Strand , and died October 23 rd , 18 G 7 , after a short and severe illness , at tho age of te , caused by distress of mind through failure in business
, leaving a widow and four children totally unprovided for . The widow died very suddenly in t ]) e following January . The eldest son is in a situation , tlie second and third sons are in the Lisensed Victuallers' School , and ihe Candidate is being supported by a Brother Mason , who is entirel y unconnected with the
family . The case is well known and strongly recommended by the R . W . Bro . Col . Frantis Burdett , Prov . GAL of Middlesex , and a largo number of brethren whoso names will be found iu our advertising columns . VOTES of the Roya ! Masonic Institution for Boys are requested on behalf of Alfred Nutt , of Leicester , which should bo forwarded
to Bro . George Toller , jun ., Provincial Grand Secretary of Leicestershire , Freemasons' Hull , Leicester . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of Caroline Eliza Holland , aged eight years ton months , whoso father , Bro . Thos . Holland , was initiated in tho Old Concord Lodgo ( No . 172 ) , in
April , 1 SG 4 ; joined Prince of Wales Lodgo ( No . 959 ) , Ipswich 1 SG 5 ; ono of tho founders and first W . M . of Stour Valloy Lodge ( No . 1224 ) , ' . Sudbury , Suffolk . Was exalted in tho Royal Alexander Chapter ( No . 959 ) , Ipswich , August , 18 G 7 , is a Mark M ., Rose Croix , Prov . G . A . D . C . of Suffolk , also Lifo Governor of tbo Boys' School . Was in business as a builder aud contractor in
Sudbury , Suffolk , where bo failod in consequence of heavy losses , thereby deprived and loft entirely without moans to support his family . The case is strongly and earnestly recommended by a largo number of influential brethren .
THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OE WALES . —At a meeting of the managers of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh , held on Monday , the 12 th . iust ., a letter was read from the Earl of Dalhousie , intimating-the willingness of the Prince of Wales to lay the foundation stone of the new infirmary . Some time ago the Prince agreed to visit Edinburgh in October , on bis return from the North , for the purpose of being installed as Grand Patron of
the Freemasons in Scotland . It is now expected that his Royal Highness will be installed on Wednesday , tho 12 th of October , and that the founilatiou-stone of the Infirmary will be laid on the following day . It is understood that tlie Prince will be accompanied by the Princess of Wales . His Royal Highness has expressed a desire that he should not be asked to take part in
any public banquet . A grand Masonic procession , in which tho principal lodges throughout the country will be represented , is to be held in connection with the ceremony of Hiving the foundation-stone . The civic authorities and tlie representatives of the various public bodies will take part in the demonstration . VOTES of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls are requested
on behalf of Amelia Charlotte Titus , aged eleven years . Her father , William Beale Titus , who was a commercial traveller , was initiated in the Belvidere Lodge ( No . 503 , late 74-1 ) , on the 10 th November , 1857 , and continued a subscribing member till his death , which took place in November , 18 G 5 , leaving a widow and four children without means of support . The case is
strongly recommended by the W . M . ancl brethren of the Belvidere Lodge , Maidstone . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . R . Pearson , Trinity House , Maidstone . < - '
TUB Consecration ofthe King Harold Lodge ( No . 1 , 327 ) , will , tako place on Tuesday next , the 27 th iust ., at the Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town , at two p . m . Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . S . B ., Herts , will bo the consecrating officer . It is expected that a largo number of the provincial brethren will bo present .
Bro . George Markham Tweddell presents his most fraternal greeting to all true "brothers of the mystic tie , " and will thankfully receive any information they can give him likely to be useful for a History of Freemasonry iu tho North of England . Bros . Tweddell & Sous have announced a reprint of the Great American Masonic Poem . " King Solomon ' s Temple . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * ,. * All communications to he addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
TUB NEW POSTAL A RRANGEMENT . —On the 1 st of October , the now postal arrangement will come into operation , by which the postage of the MAG-AZIEE will be reduced one-halt ; of which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of our subscribers who pay one year in advance will receive the MAGAZINE post-free . Tbe price of the MAGAZINE will thus be
reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following be tbe terms of subscription : —One year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . 9 il . ; single numbers by post , SJcl . We hope that by thus giving this advantage to our subscribers thoy will , in return , use their best endeavours to increase our circulation , by inducing their friends to become subscribers . Anticipating a large increase in our circulation , arrangements are iu progress for special new features iu the MAGAZINE .
THE Eoyal Union Loclge of Instruction will meet every Tuesday evening , at eight o ' clock , at Bro . Dubby's Hotel , in Winsley Street , Oxford Street . THE EGBERT BUBNS LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 25 ) , has commenced its winter session , ancl now meets every Friday evening at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , ut
halfpast seven o'clock . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION EOB BOYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION , 1870 . —The votes and interest of tho Governors ancl Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of Harry Tappolet , aged nine years , son of Bro . Richard Tappolet , who died of pneumonia in March , 1 SG 1 , leaving a widow and eight children ,
two dependent on the widow , with an insufficient income for their support . Bro . Eichard Tappolet was initiated in tho Lodge of Temperance ( No . 169 ) , in 1861 ; joined the Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 192 ); was a P . M . in both lodges , and a member ofthe Royal Arch Chapter ; he was also a subscriber to all the Masonic Charities until his death . The case is strongly
recommended by many eminent brethren . Proxies will be thankfull y recived by the widow . 18 , Culford-road , Kingshmd . ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR BOYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —Tho support of tho subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of George James Fitzwatcr , aged nine years , whoso father . Bro . Charles Fitzwater , was initiated into Masonry in tho Ranolagh
Lodge ( Xo . 834 ) , in 1 SC 1 , and was a builder and contractor . Having suffered many heavy losses , became bankrupt in 1 SGG ; his wifo died in March , 1 SC 9 , leaving eight children ; ho has since broken up bis homo , and is unable to give thorn an education . The case is strongly recommended by tho WM . , officers , and brethren of tho Ranolagh Lodgo ( No . 83-1 ) . Proxies will bo thankfully received by tho father , Chas . Fitzwater , 7 , Addison-stroot , Notting-hill .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION TOR BOYS , OCTOEEB ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited ou behalf of Robert Gurton , born Sth April , 1563 . His father , the late Bro . John Gurton , was a wholesale wine merchant in Northumbc-rland-sli-cct , Strand , and died October 23 rd , 18 G 7 , after a short and severe illness , at tho age of te , caused by distress of mind through failure in business
, leaving a widow and four children totally unprovided for . The widow died very suddenly in t ]) e following January . The eldest son is in a situation , tlie second and third sons are in the Lisensed Victuallers' School , and ihe Candidate is being supported by a Brother Mason , who is entirel y unconnected with the
family . The case is well known and strongly recommended by the R . W . Bro . Col . Frantis Burdett , Prov . GAL of Middlesex , and a largo number of brethren whoso names will be found iu our advertising columns . VOTES of the Roya ! Masonic Institution for Boys are requested on behalf of Alfred Nutt , of Leicester , which should bo forwarded
to Bro . George Toller , jun ., Provincial Grand Secretary of Leicestershire , Freemasons' Hull , Leicester . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of Caroline Eliza Holland , aged eight years ton months , whoso father , Bro . Thos . Holland , was initiated in tho Old Concord Lodgo ( No . 172 ) , in
April , 1 SG 4 ; joined Prince of Wales Lodgo ( No . 959 ) , Ipswich 1 SG 5 ; ono of tho founders and first W . M . of Stour Valloy Lodge ( No . 1224 ) , ' . Sudbury , Suffolk . Was exalted in tho Royal Alexander Chapter ( No . 959 ) , Ipswich , August , 18 G 7 , is a Mark M ., Rose Croix , Prov . G . A . D . C . of Suffolk , also Lifo Governor of tbo Boys' School . Was in business as a builder aud contractor in
Sudbury , Suffolk , where bo failod in consequence of heavy losses , thereby deprived and loft entirely without moans to support his family . The case is strongly and earnestly recommended by a largo number of influential brethren .
THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OE WALES . —At a meeting of the managers of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh , held on Monday , the 12 th . iust ., a letter was read from the Earl of Dalhousie , intimating-the willingness of the Prince of Wales to lay the foundation stone of the new infirmary . Some time ago the Prince agreed to visit Edinburgh in October , on bis return from the North , for the purpose of being installed as Grand Patron of
the Freemasons in Scotland . It is now expected that his Royal Highness will be installed on Wednesday , tho 12 th of October , and that the founilatiou-stone of the Infirmary will be laid on the following day . It is understood that tlie Prince will be accompanied by the Princess of Wales . His Royal Highness has expressed a desire that he should not be asked to take part in
any public banquet . A grand Masonic procession , in which tho principal lodges throughout the country will be represented , is to be held in connection with the ceremony of Hiving the foundation-stone . The civic authorities and tlie representatives of the various public bodies will take part in the demonstration . VOTES of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls are requested
on behalf of Amelia Charlotte Titus , aged eleven years . Her father , William Beale Titus , who was a commercial traveller , was initiated in the Belvidere Lodge ( No . 503 , late 74-1 ) , on the 10 th November , 1857 , and continued a subscribing member till his death , which took place in November , 18 G 5 , leaving a widow and four children without means of support . The case is
strongly recommended by the W . M . ancl brethren of the Belvidere Lodge , Maidstone . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . R . Pearson , Trinity House , Maidstone . < - '
TUB Consecration ofthe King Harold Lodge ( No . 1 , 327 ) , will , tako place on Tuesday next , the 27 th iust ., at the Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town , at two p . m . Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . S . B ., Herts , will bo the consecrating officer . It is expected that a largo number of the provincial brethren will bo present .
Bro . George Markham Tweddell presents his most fraternal greeting to all true "brothers of the mystic tie , " and will thankfully receive any information they can give him likely to be useful for a History of Freemasonry iu tho North of England . Bros . Tweddell & Sous have announced a reprint of the Great American Masonic Poem . " King Solomon ' s Temple . "