Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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Craft Masonry.
Bros . R . J . Chilling-worth , S . W . ; T . Alcock , J . W . ; C , Vile , Treas . ; ' G . E . Snow , P . M ., Sec ; Robert J . Chappell , S . D . ; W . Mainly , J . D .: L . Angell , I . G . ; and Bro . Hoare , T . A splendid P . M . Jewel , made by Bro . Lamb , was presented to Bro . Wi-cnn ; and a guinea to the Benevolent Institution , ancl a guinea to tho Girls' School , were voted out of the Charity Fund . Two guineas were voted to the sick and wounded in war Tho business concludedthe brethren retired to the
. , banquet . There were many visitors present , among them being Bros . A . Day , P . M ., ( SGI ); H . G . Oldham ; W . Kibble , ( 715 ) : F . Y . Latrielle , P . M . ( 1 , 056 ) : A . Robbins , J . W . ( 1 , 05 G ); W . Ashbv , S . D . ( 1 , 056 ); R . P . Atkins , W . M . ( 55 ); aud J . Tiscn ( 1 , 050 ) . STANHOI ' LODCE ( No . 1 , 269 ) . —The brethen of this lodge met on Tuesday , the 13 th . inst . at the Muchot Hotel , Anorley .
Tho W . M ., Bro . H . W . Lindus in tlie chair , supported by his officers as follows . —Bros . JamesKcnch , J . W . ; John .-lart , S . D . Secretary ; T . E . Harcty , J . D . ; Seymour Smith , Organist ; James C . Ring , I . G . There were also present Bros . T . Linfield , H . Wood , J . W . Lassam , W . F . Goddavd , Hy . Webster , T . Man-iot , Walter J . Tliicko , Fred . Crovdon , and H . Massey ( No . 019 ) T . Goodman ( No . 463 ) , and J . " H . Rabson ( No . -163 ) . Bro . Henry Wood was passed to the second degree , and Bro .
Jas . Hy . Rabson raised to the third ; and tho brethen then sleeted Bro . James Kench as W . M . for the ensuing year : Bro . Bro . Lindus , Treasurer ; and Woodstock , T . Bro . Thicko , Wcbter , and Saunders were chosen auditors ; Bro . Kench in an dmirablo speech , returned thanks for his election . A Ton Guinea Jewel was then voted Bro . Lindus , in recognition of his more than ordinary services in connexion with the fouudation of the lodge . Tho loclge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , tho complimentary toasts followed .
ESSEX . WOODFORD . —Chigwell . Lodge ( No . 453 ) . —The brethren of this lodgo mot on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., at the Castle Hotel , Woodford . The WM ., Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , opened tho loclge , and tho minutes wore read aud confirmed . Bros . P . Saunders and Gabriel Pinedo were favourably ballotted for as joining members . Tho candidates for initiation being friends
of Bro . Joseph James , Prov . G . D .. the W . M . permitted him to initiate W . N . Trent aud John E < ran . The W . M . afterwards resumed his scat , and passed Bro . Clench to the second degree . At tho conclusion of this ceremony , Bro . C . Read Tatbam , S . W ., was installed in the Master ' s chair , with the usual solemnities , in the presence of a Board of installed Masters , which numbered seventeen members , many of them being Provincial Grand Officers of Essex . The W . M . appointed tho
following as his officers for tho ensuing vcar;—Bros . Joseph Tanner , ' S . W . j Cox , J . W . ; Store , P . M ., Treasurer ; Richard Motion , P . M ., Secretary ; Day , S . D . ; Ilosard , J . D .: Jeffrey , I . G . ; Roil , D . C . j G . Smith , Tyler . Bro . ' Stewart then delivered tho charges , aud sat down amidst loud applause , after which , ho proposed a gift of fivo guineas from the lodge funds for a P . M . Jewel to Bro . Giles , who had filled the chair of the
lodge for two years . Bro . Jager , P . M ., seconded tho motion , which was unanimously adopted . Bro . J . Tanner volunteered to servo tho office of Steward for this lodge at tho next festival of tho Girls' School , and Bro . R . Motion at that of tho Roys '; and Bro . Jager exhorted the newly-made Masons to embrace the opportunity that was offered to support those institutions . The lodge was then closed , and a sumptuous banquet , which no hotel could serve better than tho Cnstio , followed , and tho
brethren subsequently honoured nil the toasts , which woro given as usual from the chair . Bro . J . Wright Carr , Prov . G . Secretary , responded for the Prov . G . M . and his officers , and complimented the lodge ou the hospitable reception its brethren gave to the Provincial G . Lodge at its visit to Woodford on tho 31 st of May . Bros . L . Ruff ( No . 12 ) , A . Snolgrove ( No . 12 ) , W . A . Tharp ( No . 4 a ) , Geo . J . Shepherd ( No . 49 ) , F . Giles ( No . 108 ) A . Mnggeridge ( No . 192 ) II . Massey ( No . G 19 ) Geo .
, , , Loch ( No . 858 ) , and R . J . Tucker ( No . 933 ) , wore among the visitors . LANCASHIRE , ( WEST ) . LANCASTER . —Lodgo ef Fortitude ( No . 291 ) . —On "Wednesday Evening , September 14 th , the bretheren of this Lodge held
their regular Monthly Meeting at the Masonic Rooms , Athona ) um . There were present the W . M ., Bro . John Hatch ; Bros . Edward Storey , J . P . M . ; Ch . Hartley , S . W . ; William Heald , as J . W . ; Enmund Simpson , P . M ., Secretary ; Bon ) . Mills , as S . D . ; William Hall , J . D . ; W . J . Sey ; J . G . Watson ; and Becloy Tylers : Past Masters , George Kolland ; J . Stanton ; J . Daniel Moore , Prov . G ., Supt . of Works ; William Hall , W . M ., 1051 ; Bros . E . Aivey ; 11 . S . Bateson ; Budd ; Bailey ;
Beesloy ; Bell ; J . Dickenson , E . A . P . ; J . Harrison ; Maslieder , R . Taylor . The Lodge was opened aud usual business transacted . The ballot was then taken for the undermentioned brethren who had been regularly proposed as joining members of the Lodge at a previous meeting and who wore declared to be unanimously elected , viz : — -Bro . Nicl G . Mercer , M . T ) .. S . W ., 1051 . Bro . Edward G . Paloy 1051 ; BroThomas Mason
; , . , P . M .. 1051 ; Bro . the Rev . J . A . G . B . Cave , M . A ., P . P . G . ; S . W . Oxfordshire ; Mr . John Tilley , of Coylon , Coffee Planter ; was then duly initiated into tho mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M ., tho working tools being presented by the S . W . Faur bsothren were proposed as joining members of the Lodge by tho W . M . and Past Masters Simpson and Mooro . After the regular proclamations tho Loclge was closed in due form .
PRESTON . —Concord Lodge ( No 323 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the members of tho above Lodge was held on Thursday last , the loth inst . Bro . Porter , W . M . in the chair ; supported by Bros . Banning , S . W . ; Heaps , J . W . ; Cockshott , S . D . ; Rev . Taylor , Sec . ancl Chaplain ; Farmer , J . D . ; Robinson , P . M ., Treasurer ; Hall , Organist ; Wilson , I . G ; and fifty brethren . The Lodge was opened at 7-30 , and after the minutes of tho previous mooting had been read and confirmed , the
Lodge was opened in tho second degree , when Bros . Robinson and Holme , being candidates of tho third degree , were introduced , examined , and having proved themselves proficient , were entrusted , and retired ; ancl the Lodge having been opened in the third degree , they were again admitted , and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M . The Lodge was then resumed in the firat degree , when tho names of three gentlemen were submitted for ballot at next meeting , and
hearty good wishes having- beau tendered from Bro . Worsley ( W . M ' ., ' 333 ); Bro . Dawson ( J . W ., 311 ); Harrison ( Chaplain , 11 . 3 ) : Fisher ( 1 , 256 ) , Tho Lodge was duly and solemnly closed according to ancient custom at ten o ' clock . Thirty brethren 'then retired to refreshment , served up in Bro . R . Robinson ' s well-known stylo- A . pleasant , agreeable , and profitable evening was spent , the visiting brethren especially tendering their best thanks for tho fraternal manner in which thev had been received .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE , AND CONSECRATION OF A NEW NEW LODCE AT MARKET HAIUIOBOUGII . Tho members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland , hold tucir first annual meeting since tho installation of Brother Kolly as tho successor of tho lamented Earl Howe , in tho Provincial Grand Mastership , at
Market Harborough , on Friday week . The chief object of tho mooting was to inaugurate a now Lodge , called tho St . Rotor's Lodge , No . 1330 , just established in that town , and of which tho Right Hon . the Earl of Shrewsbury , Sir Henry St . John Halfoi-d , Bart ., Albert Peel , Esq .. M . P ., Roland Hunt , Esq , ( Kilworfch Hall ) , the Rovs . John P . Halford , and A . A . O'Noil , and otnor Brethren are members . Tho members of tno order mot in tho AssemblRoomThree Swans Hotelat
y , , half-past ton oe'lock in tho morning , and soon afterwards the Provincial Grand Lodgo was opened by tho R . W . P . G . Master in clue form , assisted by Brother the Rov . John Denton , as acting Deputy Grand Master , L . A . Clarko , Senior Grand Warden ; Rev . W . Langly , as Junior Grand Warden ; the Rovs . John Spitt . il and Dr . Haycroft , Grand Chaplains ; and other Grand Officers . Among tho other brethren present were Sir . H . St . J . TIalfoi-QBart . ' S . InnsEsq . D . P . G . M . for Nortbants
, , , , and Hunts ; tho Revs . John Halford , A . A . O'ncill , R . P . Bent P . G . Chaplain , Bedfordshire ; Captains Goodehild , Bailey , and Millican ; d . P . Epin ( Thvapston ) , E . W . Chapman , J . RDobson , ancl S . Jacobs ( Kettering ) , J . Tnnnard ( Toweester ) , II . Carson ( P . P . G . W . Derbyshire ) , T . Garner ( S . W ., 890 , Hornscy ) , T . Campion ( Thrapstonc ) . J . Mason ( Huntingdon P . P . G . J . W . ) , j .. 0 . Duncomb ( Peterborough ) , in addition to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Bros . R . J . Chilling-worth , S . W . ; T . Alcock , J . W . ; C , Vile , Treas . ; ' G . E . Snow , P . M ., Sec ; Robert J . Chappell , S . D . ; W . Mainly , J . D .: L . Angell , I . G . ; and Bro . Hoare , T . A splendid P . M . Jewel , made by Bro . Lamb , was presented to Bro . Wi-cnn ; and a guinea to the Benevolent Institution , ancl a guinea to tho Girls' School , were voted out of the Charity Fund . Two guineas were voted to the sick and wounded in war Tho business concludedthe brethren retired to the
. , banquet . There were many visitors present , among them being Bros . A . Day , P . M ., ( SGI ); H . G . Oldham ; W . Kibble , ( 715 ) : F . Y . Latrielle , P . M . ( 1 , 056 ) : A . Robbins , J . W . ( 1 , 05 G ); W . Ashbv , S . D . ( 1 , 056 ); R . P . Atkins , W . M . ( 55 ); aud J . Tiscn ( 1 , 050 ) . STANHOI ' LODCE ( No . 1 , 269 ) . —The brethen of this lodge met on Tuesday , the 13 th . inst . at the Muchot Hotel , Anorley .
Tho W . M ., Bro . H . W . Lindus in tlie chair , supported by his officers as follows . —Bros . JamesKcnch , J . W . ; John .-lart , S . D . Secretary ; T . E . Harcty , J . D . ; Seymour Smith , Organist ; James C . Ring , I . G . There were also present Bros . T . Linfield , H . Wood , J . W . Lassam , W . F . Goddavd , Hy . Webster , T . Man-iot , Walter J . Tliicko , Fred . Crovdon , and H . Massey ( No . 019 ) T . Goodman ( No . 463 ) , and J . " H . Rabson ( No . -163 ) . Bro . Henry Wood was passed to the second degree , and Bro .
Jas . Hy . Rabson raised to the third ; and tho brethen then sleeted Bro . James Kench as W . M . for the ensuing year : Bro . Bro . Lindus , Treasurer ; and Woodstock , T . Bro . Thicko , Wcbter , and Saunders were chosen auditors ; Bro . Kench in an dmirablo speech , returned thanks for his election . A Ton Guinea Jewel was then voted Bro . Lindus , in recognition of his more than ordinary services in connexion with the fouudation of the lodge . Tho loclge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , tho complimentary toasts followed .
ESSEX . WOODFORD . —Chigwell . Lodge ( No . 453 ) . —The brethren of this lodgo mot on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., at the Castle Hotel , Woodford . The WM ., Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , opened tho loclge , and tho minutes wore read aud confirmed . Bros . P . Saunders and Gabriel Pinedo were favourably ballotted for as joining members . Tho candidates for initiation being friends
of Bro . Joseph James , Prov . G . D .. the W . M . permitted him to initiate W . N . Trent aud John E < ran . The W . M . afterwards resumed his scat , and passed Bro . Clench to the second degree . At tho conclusion of this ceremony , Bro . C . Read Tatbam , S . W ., was installed in the Master ' s chair , with the usual solemnities , in the presence of a Board of installed Masters , which numbered seventeen members , many of them being Provincial Grand Officers of Essex . The W . M . appointed tho
following as his officers for tho ensuing vcar;—Bros . Joseph Tanner , ' S . W . j Cox , J . W . ; Store , P . M ., Treasurer ; Richard Motion , P . M ., Secretary ; Day , S . D . ; Ilosard , J . D .: Jeffrey , I . G . ; Roil , D . C . j G . Smith , Tyler . Bro . ' Stewart then delivered tho charges , aud sat down amidst loud applause , after which , ho proposed a gift of fivo guineas from the lodge funds for a P . M . Jewel to Bro . Giles , who had filled the chair of the
lodge for two years . Bro . Jager , P . M ., seconded tho motion , which was unanimously adopted . Bro . J . Tanner volunteered to servo tho office of Steward for this lodge at tho next festival of tho Girls' School , and Bro . R . Motion at that of tho Roys '; and Bro . Jager exhorted the newly-made Masons to embrace the opportunity that was offered to support those institutions . The lodge was then closed , and a sumptuous banquet , which no hotel could serve better than tho Cnstio , followed , and tho
brethren subsequently honoured nil the toasts , which woro given as usual from the chair . Bro . J . Wright Carr , Prov . G . Secretary , responded for the Prov . G . M . and his officers , and complimented the lodge ou the hospitable reception its brethren gave to the Provincial G . Lodge at its visit to Woodford on tho 31 st of May . Bros . L . Ruff ( No . 12 ) , A . Snolgrove ( No . 12 ) , W . A . Tharp ( No . 4 a ) , Geo . J . Shepherd ( No . 49 ) , F . Giles ( No . 108 ) A . Mnggeridge ( No . 192 ) II . Massey ( No . G 19 ) Geo .
, , , Loch ( No . 858 ) , and R . J . Tucker ( No . 933 ) , wore among the visitors . LANCASHIRE , ( WEST ) . LANCASTER . —Lodgo ef Fortitude ( No . 291 ) . —On "Wednesday Evening , September 14 th , the bretheren of this Lodge held
their regular Monthly Meeting at the Masonic Rooms , Athona ) um . There were present the W . M ., Bro . John Hatch ; Bros . Edward Storey , J . P . M . ; Ch . Hartley , S . W . ; William Heald , as J . W . ; Enmund Simpson , P . M ., Secretary ; Bon ) . Mills , as S . D . ; William Hall , J . D . ; W . J . Sey ; J . G . Watson ; and Becloy Tylers : Past Masters , George Kolland ; J . Stanton ; J . Daniel Moore , Prov . G ., Supt . of Works ; William Hall , W . M ., 1051 ; Bros . E . Aivey ; 11 . S . Bateson ; Budd ; Bailey ;
Beesloy ; Bell ; J . Dickenson , E . A . P . ; J . Harrison ; Maslieder , R . Taylor . The Lodge was opened aud usual business transacted . The ballot was then taken for the undermentioned brethren who had been regularly proposed as joining members of the Lodge at a previous meeting and who wore declared to be unanimously elected , viz : — -Bro . Nicl G . Mercer , M . T ) .. S . W ., 1051 . Bro . Edward G . Paloy 1051 ; BroThomas Mason
; , . , P . M .. 1051 ; Bro . the Rev . J . A . G . B . Cave , M . A ., P . P . G . ; S . W . Oxfordshire ; Mr . John Tilley , of Coylon , Coffee Planter ; was then duly initiated into tho mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M ., tho working tools being presented by the S . W . Faur bsothren were proposed as joining members of the Lodge by tho W . M . and Past Masters Simpson and Mooro . After the regular proclamations tho Loclge was closed in due form .
PRESTON . —Concord Lodge ( No 323 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the members of tho above Lodge was held on Thursday last , the loth inst . Bro . Porter , W . M . in the chair ; supported by Bros . Banning , S . W . ; Heaps , J . W . ; Cockshott , S . D . ; Rev . Taylor , Sec . ancl Chaplain ; Farmer , J . D . ; Robinson , P . M ., Treasurer ; Hall , Organist ; Wilson , I . G ; and fifty brethren . The Lodge was opened at 7-30 , and after the minutes of tho previous mooting had been read and confirmed , the
Lodge was opened in tho second degree , when Bros . Robinson and Holme , being candidates of tho third degree , were introduced , examined , and having proved themselves proficient , were entrusted , and retired ; ancl the Lodge having been opened in the third degree , they were again admitted , and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M . The Lodge was then resumed in the firat degree , when tho names of three gentlemen were submitted for ballot at next meeting , and
hearty good wishes having- beau tendered from Bro . Worsley ( W . M ' ., ' 333 ); Bro . Dawson ( J . W ., 311 ); Harrison ( Chaplain , 11 . 3 ) : Fisher ( 1 , 256 ) , Tho Lodge was duly and solemnly closed according to ancient custom at ten o ' clock . Thirty brethren 'then retired to refreshment , served up in Bro . R . Robinson ' s well-known stylo- A . pleasant , agreeable , and profitable evening was spent , the visiting brethren especially tendering their best thanks for tho fraternal manner in which thev had been received .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE , AND CONSECRATION OF A NEW NEW LODCE AT MARKET HAIUIOBOUGII . Tho members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland , hold tucir first annual meeting since tho installation of Brother Kolly as tho successor of tho lamented Earl Howe , in tho Provincial Grand Mastership , at
Market Harborough , on Friday week . The chief object of tho mooting was to inaugurate a now Lodge , called tho St . Rotor's Lodge , No . 1330 , just established in that town , and of which tho Right Hon . the Earl of Shrewsbury , Sir Henry St . John Halfoi-d , Bart ., Albert Peel , Esq .. M . P ., Roland Hunt , Esq , ( Kilworfch Hall ) , the Rovs . John P . Halford , and A . A . O'Noil , and otnor Brethren are members . Tho members of tno order mot in tho AssemblRoomThree Swans Hotelat
y , , half-past ton oe'lock in tho morning , and soon afterwards the Provincial Grand Lodgo was opened by tho R . W . P . G . Master in clue form , assisted by Brother the Rov . John Denton , as acting Deputy Grand Master , L . A . Clarko , Senior Grand Warden ; Rev . W . Langly , as Junior Grand Warden ; the Rovs . John Spitt . il and Dr . Haycroft , Grand Chaplains ; and other Grand Officers . Among tho other brethren present were Sir . H . St . J . TIalfoi-QBart . ' S . InnsEsq . D . P . G . M . for Nortbants
, , , , and Hunts ; tho Revs . John Halford , A . A . O'ncill , R . P . Bent P . G . Chaplain , Bedfordshire ; Captains Goodehild , Bailey , and Millican ; d . P . Epin ( Thvapston ) , E . W . Chapman , J . RDobson , ancl S . Jacobs ( Kettering ) , J . Tnnnard ( Toweester ) , II . Carson ( P . P . G . W . Derbyshire ) , T . Garner ( S . W ., 890 , Hornscy ) , T . Campion ( Thrapstonc ) . J . Mason ( Huntingdon P . P . G . J . W . ) , j .. 0 . Duncomb ( Peterborough ) , in addition to