Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE , —lloyal Union Lodgn ( No . 382 ) . —The September meeting of this Lodge—the oldest in the newly-constituted pro vinco of Middlesex—was held on the 19 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Uxbi-idgo , and a very numerous body of the brethren attended . Among those present were the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Coulton ; Bros . Jaquin , S . W . ; Lonsdale , J . W . ; Coombes ,
Hon . Sec , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . S . Coulton ( father of the W . M . ) , S . D . ; Floake , J . D . ; A . Blockley , Organist ; and tho following , via ., Bros . Felirenbaoh , the immediate P . M . ; 0 . Horsely , P . M . ; the excellent Preceptor of the Loclge , T . A . Adams , P . G . P ; together with Bros . Wm . Smith , P . G . S . ; and following members of the Lodge , viz ., Bros . Allen , Wools , Pleato , Wicks , Webb , and many others . Bro . Johuson , of tho Strong Man Lodge ( No . 45 ) , was a visitor of the W . M . After the opening
of the Lodgo , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Col . Francis Burdett , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., for Middlesex , was elected a Honorary Member of the Lodge at its last meeting . After the opening of the Lodge in the three several degrees , Bro . Wools was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., and the ceremony was most admirably and pcfectl y performed by the W . M ., whose working gave tho greatest satisfaction to all the brethren . Tho following three gentlemen wero duly ballotted for and elected , Henry N . Barnott , Esq ., E . A . Waddington , Esq ., andW . S . Rodgers , Esq . ; but neither
cf the three were iu attendance . On tho motion of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Horsley , P . M ., the bye-laws of the Lodge wero ordered to be I'evised ; and upon a like motion for the discussion of the proposed amended bye-laws , the same was entered upon , and the whole of tlie same were carr . ed , subject to few alterations ancl confirmation at the ensuing meeting of the Lodge in November next . The W . M . called the attention of the brethren to the necessity for removing the Loclge of Instruction to
another place of meeting , ancl tho subject was then discussed . The W . M . undertook to give timely notice , through the " Freemason ' s Magazine , " ofthe place where ho should , with tho authority of tho Loclge , remove it . The confirmation of the election of Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , tho excellent Very Worshippful Prov . G . M ., for Middlesex , as an honorary member of the Royal Union Loclge—the oldest in the province—was unanimously voted . The Lodgo having been closed
in the several degrees , the brethren proceeded to tho Chequers Hotel , ^ where an excellent substantial banquet was served . Numerous loyal toasts and friendl y harmonics closed a most pleasant meeting . It is said that the Lodge of Instruction in connection with the Royal Union will bo henceforward held atBro . Dubby ' s newly-buift and well . furnished rooms , in Winsley Street , Oxford Street , on every Tuesday evening , at eight p . m ., under the most ablo tuition of Bro . T . A . Adams ; and it is hoped that all brethren desirous of advancement in the Craft will attend the weekly meetings .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . PONTYPOOI ,. —Kennard Lodge ( No . 1 , 258 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Clarence Hotel , Sept . IDtli . Present , Bros . II . N . Kennard , W . M . ; M . Oliver , P . M .: W . Williams , Secretary ; H . Griffiths , S . W . ; R . Woolloy , J . W . ; Titus Lewis , S . D . ; J . Watkin , J . D . ; W . Bunning , l " . G ; \ V . H . Haskins , Organist ; J . Waite and K . Jones , Stewards ; W . Dorey , Assist . Sec . ; and J . EllisTler . Bro . the RevJohn
, y . Roes Jenkins , Vicar of Llauvrcclii-a , was paseed to the degree of F . C . The ceremony was correctly performed by the W-M . The lecture on the second Tracing Board was given bv Bro . Oliver . P . M . Bro . the Rev . J . R . Jenkins was appointed Chaplain to tho Lodge , and invested with his collar . The business ended , the Lodge was closed at seven p . m .
SOUTH WALES , ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . _ The R . W ., Prov . Grand Master , Bro . T . Mansel Talbot , held bis Provincial Grand Lodge , on Thursday last , under tho ban ner of tho Bute Lodge , No . 9 G 0 . ' The handsome Assembly Room of tho Town Hall wasoxpressly prepared as a Masonic Lodge for the occasionunder
, tho Superintendence of Bros . F . Ware , W . Maud , P . Bird , P . M . The dais , vestibule , staircase and landings , being decorated with a quantity of rare and beautiful plants , flowers , and ferns , furnished by Bro . E . S . Hill , Prov . G . J . VV ., and Bro . Tressider , the whole presenting an appearance which elicited tho warmest
approbation from the R . W ., Prov . G . M ., his distinguished visitors , ancl , indeed , every Brother who was fortunate enough to be present . A feature somewhat new to this Province was introduced by desire of the Prov . and Deputy Prov . G . M ' s . The Bute Lodge , which has established a more than local Masonic reputation for its correct and careful working , holding a Lodge of Instruction prior to the ordinary Meeting of Prov . G . Lodge .
At one o ' clock precisely , the W . M ., ( Bro . F . Ware , ) opened his Lodge supported by tho following Officers : Bros . P . Bird , P . M . ; J . Hurman , S . W . ; S . Weichert , J . W . ; Rev . E . Jones , Chaplain ; D . Blelloch , Secretary ; W . T . Vaughan , J . D . ; F . J . Atkins , Mus . Bac . Oxon , Organist ; J . Tamplin , D . O . ; T . W .. Jacobs , I . G . ; and W . Davies , Tyler . There wore also present , Bros . T . M . Talbot , Prov . G . M . ; E . J . 3 Iorris , Deputy Prov . G . M . ; T . B . Bell , Prov . G . T . W . ;
T . Brook , Prov . G . S . W . ; Rev . Dr . Thomas , Prov . G . Chaplain ; W . M . Roes , Prov-. G . Treas . ; E . S . Hill , Prov . G . Reg . ; W . Whittington . Prov . G . Sec . ; M . E . Jones , Prov . G . S . D . ; G . Robertson , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; D . Longman , Prov . G . D O . j L . Middleton , Prov . G- Organist ; Jas . William , Prov . S . Purst ; together with nearly two hundred Brethen of the Province , ancl visiting Brethen , amongst the latter being BrOi Samuel BryantM . D . Provincial Grand Commander Knights
, , Templar , Bristol ; Bro . Wm . Powell , Dep . Prov . G . Bristol and Bro . Spiers , Prov . G . M . Oxon . The Loclge having been opened in due form , the sections of lectures in the 1 st . degree were correctly worked by the W . M . and following Brethren . —1 st . Bro . Shelper , S . D . ; 2 nd . Bro . J .
Hurman , S . W . ; 3 rd . Bro . S . Weichert , S , W . ; 4 th . Bro . D . Roberts , P . M . Prov . S . G . W . ; 5 th Bro . D . Blellock , See . ; 6 th . Bro . J . W . Jacobs , S . G . ancl 7 th . Bro . J . B . Bell , P . M . P . S . G . W . The Loclge of Instruction having been closed , Provincial Grand Lodge retired , and in due processional order resumed , when tho chair was taken by the R . W . the Prov . Grand Master who the Provincial Grand Master appointed by the Prov . G . Officer before named .
The Minutes of tho last Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Neath having been road and confirmed , Tho Prov . G . Treasurer ' s accounts for the past year were read and adopted . Bro . C . B . Gardner , W . M . 364 , was elected Prov , G . Treasurer , after which the Provincial Grand Master proceeded to appoint his officers for tho ensuing year , as follows . — Bro . Dr . Hall , P . M . 237 , Prov . G . S . W . . Col . HillP . M . 36 , Prov . G . S . W .
, , „ Rev . C . Hcartly , 237 , Prov . G . Chaplain „ OB . Gardner , W . M . 304 , Prov . G . Treasurer . „ Fi-ecllc . Ware , W . M . 900 , Prov . G . Registrar . „ W . Whittington , P . M . 304 , Prov . G . Secretary , „ Geo . Robertson , W . M . 30 , Prov . G . S . D . „ Edw . Daniel , W . M . 833 , Prov . G . S . D „ T . S . Jones , WM . 110 , Prov . G . S . of W . Bros . T . Hewson 237 ; and S . Weichart 900 P . M . G . Dir of
, , , Cirs ; James Williams , 051 , Prov . G . S . B . ; F . T . Adkius , Mus . Bac . Oxon . Oi-ic . ( 900 ) Prov . G . Org . ; Bro . H . Green , ( 304 ) Prov . G . Pursuivant ; A . W . Sergeant ( 900 ); T . C . Sheopev , ( 9 G 0 ); D . Watson ( 30 ) , S . M . Sodden ( 110 ) , Prov . G . Stewards . Tho following Report of Provincial Graud Lodge Committee was then road : —
"Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo Committee bog to place before the Provincial Grand Lodge their usual Annual Report . " In reviewing the events of tlie past year , the Committee find much deserving of satisfactory record in the general feeling and improved working throughout the Province . " Tho Committee have great pleasure iu being ablo to announce that the Brethen of tiie " St . David's Lodge , " No . 679 Abordarehave resumed their meetings with a vigour and
, , earnestness which augur well for the future conduct and progress of this Lodge . " Tho Committee desire also to refer to the formation of a now Lodgo at Swansea , for which a warrant has been granted , under tho title of the " Talbot " Lodge , No . 1323 . The establishment of a second Lodge at Swansea has long been contemplated , the necessity has become more and more apparent , and the want has been supplied . The recognized ability and
influence of tho promoters , the number and respectability of its applicants for admission to membership , and the wide-spread feeling of satisfaction evinced by the Brethen of the Province generally , indicate tho great and valuable support already extended to the now Lodgo , and the happiest guarantee is afforded for its prosperous future .
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MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE , —lloyal Union Lodgn ( No . 382 ) . —The September meeting of this Lodge—the oldest in the newly-constituted pro vinco of Middlesex—was held on the 19 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Uxbi-idgo , and a very numerous body of the brethren attended . Among those present were the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Coulton ; Bros . Jaquin , S . W . ; Lonsdale , J . W . ; Coombes ,
Hon . Sec , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . S . Coulton ( father of the W . M . ) , S . D . ; Floake , J . D . ; A . Blockley , Organist ; and tho following , via ., Bros . Felirenbaoh , the immediate P . M . ; 0 . Horsely , P . M . ; the excellent Preceptor of the Loclge , T . A . Adams , P . G . P ; together with Bros . Wm . Smith , P . G . S . ; and following members of the Lodge , viz ., Bros . Allen , Wools , Pleato , Wicks , Webb , and many others . Bro . Johuson , of tho Strong Man Lodge ( No . 45 ) , was a visitor of the W . M . After the opening
of the Lodgo , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Col . Francis Burdett , the R . W . Prov . G . M ., for Middlesex , was elected a Honorary Member of the Lodge at its last meeting . After the opening of the Lodge in the three several degrees , Bro . Wools was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., and the ceremony was most admirably and pcfectl y performed by the W . M ., whose working gave tho greatest satisfaction to all the brethren . Tho following three gentlemen wero duly ballotted for and elected , Henry N . Barnott , Esq ., E . A . Waddington , Esq ., andW . S . Rodgers , Esq . ; but neither
cf the three were iu attendance . On tho motion of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Horsley , P . M ., the bye-laws of the Lodge wero ordered to be I'evised ; and upon a like motion for the discussion of the proposed amended bye-laws , the same was entered upon , and the whole of tlie same were carr . ed , subject to few alterations ancl confirmation at the ensuing meeting of the Lodge in November next . The W . M . called the attention of the brethren to the necessity for removing the Loclge of Instruction to
another place of meeting , ancl tho subject was then discussed . The W . M . undertook to give timely notice , through the " Freemason ' s Magazine , " ofthe place where ho should , with tho authority of tho Loclge , remove it . The confirmation of the election of Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , tho excellent Very Worshippful Prov . G . M ., for Middlesex , as an honorary member of the Royal Union Loclge—the oldest in the province—was unanimously voted . The Lodgo having been closed
in the several degrees , the brethren proceeded to tho Chequers Hotel , ^ where an excellent substantial banquet was served . Numerous loyal toasts and friendl y harmonics closed a most pleasant meeting . It is said that the Lodge of Instruction in connection with the Royal Union will bo henceforward held atBro . Dubby ' s newly-buift and well . furnished rooms , in Winsley Street , Oxford Street , on every Tuesday evening , at eight p . m ., under the most ablo tuition of Bro . T . A . Adams ; and it is hoped that all brethren desirous of advancement in the Craft will attend the weekly meetings .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . PONTYPOOI ,. —Kennard Lodge ( No . 1 , 258 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Clarence Hotel , Sept . IDtli . Present , Bros . II . N . Kennard , W . M . ; M . Oliver , P . M .: W . Williams , Secretary ; H . Griffiths , S . W . ; R . Woolloy , J . W . ; Titus Lewis , S . D . ; J . Watkin , J . D . ; W . Bunning , l " . G ; \ V . H . Haskins , Organist ; J . Waite and K . Jones , Stewards ; W . Dorey , Assist . Sec . ; and J . EllisTler . Bro . the RevJohn
, y . Roes Jenkins , Vicar of Llauvrcclii-a , was paseed to the degree of F . C . The ceremony was correctly performed by the W-M . The lecture on the second Tracing Board was given bv Bro . Oliver . P . M . Bro . the Rev . J . R . Jenkins was appointed Chaplain to tho Lodge , and invested with his collar . The business ended , the Lodge was closed at seven p . m .
SOUTH WALES , ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . _ The R . W ., Prov . Grand Master , Bro . T . Mansel Talbot , held bis Provincial Grand Lodge , on Thursday last , under tho ban ner of tho Bute Lodge , No . 9 G 0 . ' The handsome Assembly Room of tho Town Hall wasoxpressly prepared as a Masonic Lodge for the occasionunder
, tho Superintendence of Bros . F . Ware , W . Maud , P . Bird , P . M . The dais , vestibule , staircase and landings , being decorated with a quantity of rare and beautiful plants , flowers , and ferns , furnished by Bro . E . S . Hill , Prov . G . J . VV ., and Bro . Tressider , the whole presenting an appearance which elicited tho warmest
approbation from the R . W ., Prov . G . M ., his distinguished visitors , ancl , indeed , every Brother who was fortunate enough to be present . A feature somewhat new to this Province was introduced by desire of the Prov . and Deputy Prov . G . M ' s . The Bute Lodge , which has established a more than local Masonic reputation for its correct and careful working , holding a Lodge of Instruction prior to the ordinary Meeting of Prov . G . Lodge .
At one o ' clock precisely , the W . M ., ( Bro . F . Ware , ) opened his Lodge supported by tho following Officers : Bros . P . Bird , P . M . ; J . Hurman , S . W . ; S . Weichert , J . W . ; Rev . E . Jones , Chaplain ; D . Blelloch , Secretary ; W . T . Vaughan , J . D . ; F . J . Atkins , Mus . Bac . Oxon , Organist ; J . Tamplin , D . O . ; T . W .. Jacobs , I . G . ; and W . Davies , Tyler . There wore also present , Bros . T . M . Talbot , Prov . G . M . ; E . J . 3 Iorris , Deputy Prov . G . M . ; T . B . Bell , Prov . G . T . W . ;
T . Brook , Prov . G . S . W . ; Rev . Dr . Thomas , Prov . G . Chaplain ; W . M . Roes , Prov-. G . Treas . ; E . S . Hill , Prov . G . Reg . ; W . Whittington . Prov . G . Sec . ; M . E . Jones , Prov . G . S . D . ; G . Robertson , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; D . Longman , Prov . G . D O . j L . Middleton , Prov . G- Organist ; Jas . William , Prov . S . Purst ; together with nearly two hundred Brethen of the Province , ancl visiting Brethen , amongst the latter being BrOi Samuel BryantM . D . Provincial Grand Commander Knights
, , Templar , Bristol ; Bro . Wm . Powell , Dep . Prov . G . Bristol and Bro . Spiers , Prov . G . M . Oxon . The Loclge having been opened in due form , the sections of lectures in the 1 st . degree were correctly worked by the W . M . and following Brethren . —1 st . Bro . Shelper , S . D . ; 2 nd . Bro . J .
Hurman , S . W . ; 3 rd . Bro . S . Weichert , S , W . ; 4 th . Bro . D . Roberts , P . M . Prov . S . G . W . ; 5 th Bro . D . Blellock , See . ; 6 th . Bro . J . W . Jacobs , S . G . ancl 7 th . Bro . J . B . Bell , P . M . P . S . G . W . The Loclge of Instruction having been closed , Provincial Grand Lodge retired , and in due processional order resumed , when tho chair was taken by the R . W . the Prov . Grand Master who the Provincial Grand Master appointed by the Prov . G . Officer before named .
The Minutes of tho last Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Neath having been road and confirmed , Tho Prov . G . Treasurer ' s accounts for the past year were read and adopted . Bro . C . B . Gardner , W . M . 364 , was elected Prov , G . Treasurer , after which the Provincial Grand Master proceeded to appoint his officers for tho ensuing year , as follows . — Bro . Dr . Hall , P . M . 237 , Prov . G . S . W . . Col . HillP . M . 36 , Prov . G . S . W .
, , „ Rev . C . Hcartly , 237 , Prov . G . Chaplain „ OB . Gardner , W . M . 304 , Prov . G . Treasurer . „ Fi-ecllc . Ware , W . M . 900 , Prov . G . Registrar . „ W . Whittington , P . M . 304 , Prov . G . Secretary , „ Geo . Robertson , W . M . 30 , Prov . G . S . D . „ Edw . Daniel , W . M . 833 , Prov . G . S . D „ T . S . Jones , WM . 110 , Prov . G . S . of W . Bros . T . Hewson 237 ; and S . Weichart 900 P . M . G . Dir of
, , , Cirs ; James Williams , 051 , Prov . G . S . B . ; F . T . Adkius , Mus . Bac . Oxon . Oi-ic . ( 900 ) Prov . G . Org . ; Bro . H . Green , ( 304 ) Prov . G . Pursuivant ; A . W . Sergeant ( 900 ); T . C . Sheopev , ( 9 G 0 ); D . Watson ( 30 ) , S . M . Sodden ( 110 ) , Prov . G . Stewards . Tho following Report of Provincial Graud Lodge Committee was then road : —
"Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo Committee bog to place before the Provincial Grand Lodge their usual Annual Report . " In reviewing the events of tlie past year , the Committee find much deserving of satisfactory record in the general feeling and improved working throughout the Province . " Tho Committee have great pleasure iu being ablo to announce that the Brethen of tiie " St . David's Lodge , " No . 679 Abordarehave resumed their meetings with a vigour and
, , earnestness which augur well for the future conduct and progress of this Lodge . " Tho Committee desire also to refer to the formation of a now Lodgo at Swansea , for which a warrant has been granted , under tho title of the " Talbot " Lodge , No . 1323 . The establishment of a second Lodge at Swansea has long been contemplated , the necessity has become more and more apparent , and the want has been supplied . The recognized ability and
influence of tho promoters , the number and respectability of its applicants for admission to membership , and the wide-spread feeling of satisfaction evinced by the Brethen of the Province generally , indicate tho great and valuable support already extended to the now Lodgo , and the happiest guarantee is afforded for its prosperous future .