Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4
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"Although not strictly within tho cognizance of the Provincial Grand Loclge Committee , it may be permitted to record as an event of pleasing importance , the establishment of another Royal Arch Chapter in the Province , viz ., the " St . David ' s " Chapter , attached to the " Cambrian " Loclge , No . 304 , Neath , which was opened and consecrated in June last , under circumstances peculiarly gratifying to its Members . It has now entered upon a career of great usefulnesswith every prospect
, of success . "The contributions from the Province in aid of the Masonic Charities continue to be liberally and cheerfully made , evidencing the enduring interest taken by the Brethen in the welfare of these valuable Institutions . "The amount collected in aid of tho funds of the Boys ' School by its representative Steward , Bro . Philip Hoary Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W :, was £ 134 .
"The amount collected similarly for the Girls School , by Bro . David Williams , P . Prov . G . Sec . was £ 100 . "To both representatives thanks are especially due for the r . eal and energy with which they prosecuted their charitable mission . " Next year the claims of the Girls' School will be undertaken by Bro . Philip Henry Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; and the care of the Bovs' interest will be entrusted to Bro
Frederick Ware , W . M . of the " Bute " Lodge , No . 900 . Cardiff . ' Since the establishment of the system of Steward representation in 1865 , this Province has contributed no less than £ 1 , 415 17 s . 9 d . to tho several Masonic Clarities , viz .: — "To Boys'School : — £ s . d . In 1805 Bro . Edward J . Morris , Dop . Prov . G . M ., Steward - - - 211 10 0
I 860 „ R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Steward - - - - 115 4 6 1867 ,, Charles Bath , P . Prov . S . GW ., Steward - - - - 130 0 0 1868 „ II . LI . Prichard , Prov . J . G . W ., Steward - - - - 100 IS 0 1809 „ David Williams , P . Prov . G . Sec . Steward - - - - 157 1 6 1870 „ Phillip H Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W ., Steward - - 134 0 0
Total - - 848 14 0 "To Girls' School : — In ISG 6 Bro . Edward J . Morris , Dep . Prov . G . M ., Steward - - - 119 19 3 1 SG 7 „ R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G W ., Steward .... 77 14 0 1 SG 8 Charles BathP . Prov . S . G . W .
„ , , Steward . - - - 90 12 0 1869 „ H . LI . Prichard , Prov . J . G . W ., Steward - - - - 47 7 0 1870 „ David Williams , P . Prov . G . Sec . Steward - - - 100 0 0
Total - - 441 12 3 "To Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution : — Iu 1868 , The R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Steward - - - - 125 11 6 "In conformity with recommendation of the Provincial Grand Loclge Committee at its last Meeting , the votes of the Province for the last Election havo been employed in assisting
the return of candidates from Bristol ancl Gloucester . "Brethen who havo votes are fraternally requested to forward thorn to the Provincial Grand Secretary , Broth-. ! - Walter Whittington , Neath . " Neath , Aug . 11 th , 1870 , " The following contributions were voted , —twenty guineas to each of the Masonic charities , ten guineas for tho National Society for Aid of tne Sick and Wounded in War , and five
guineas to the Cardiff Infirmary and Hamadryad Hospital Ship . A collection was then made which amounted to £ 7 which the W . M . was requested to hand over to the Vicar for the relief of poor in his parish . On tho proposition of Bro . Ware , W . M . ( 960 ) , seconded by Bro . Bird , W . M . ( 900 ) , the thanks of tlie Prov . Grand Lodge was accorded to tho Mayor of Cardiff for the use of the Assembl y Rooms . Provincial Grand Lodgo having been closed in clue form , tho Brethen adjonrned to the Cardiff Arms Hotel , where a banquet Was provided which did great credit to tho worthy hostess ( Widow
of tho late Bro . Lord ) . The handsome and commodious dining room was most tastefully decorated with hothouse plants , and the tables afforded a magnifioant display of horticultural rarities furnished and arranged in the most attractive manner by the gardener of Bro . Hill . P . G . S . W ., the R . W . Prov . Grand Master presided ; supported by the V . W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master ( Bro . B . S . Morris ); Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., Deputy Prov . G . M . Oxon , nearly all the Brethen before named ,
and other of this and adjacent Province to the number of over one hundred . The vice chairs were occupied by Bro . Dr . Hull , Senior Grand Warden , ancl Bro . Col . Hill , Junior Grand Warden . After the removal of the cloth , grace was said by the Prov . G . Chaplin , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and responded to , In proposing the health of his Deputy the R . W . Prov . G . M .
, referred in the most flattering terms to the ablo assistance he has all times received from that worthy and distinguished Brother , and in proposing tho health of the W . M ., of No . ( 960 ) thanked him . in the kindest and warmest terms fin- his exertions to render the reception of W . M . G .. Loclge wotthy tho occasion which effort has proved in every way successful . Altogether a most agreeable evening was spent , the utmost harmony prevailing . The musical arrangements both in Loclge
and at the banquet were of a perfect ! } ' satisfactory character . At the latter the programme was carried ont to the very great pleasure of the Brethen , under the conduct of Bro . Adkins , Prov . G ., Organist , and Bro . Groves , P . M . G . Organist , Monmouth .
SUFFOLK . STOW . MARK . ET . —Phccnix Lodge ( No . 510 ) . —On Friday evening the usual monthly meeting of the Lodgo took place , Bro . J . W . Sheridan . W . M . ; and Bro Francis Betts as S . W . Tho usual business having been transacted , a ballot was taken for Mr . Albert Tillctt , when ho was introduced and initiated , the ceremony being ably performed by tho W . M . After closing the Lodge , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , aud a pleasant evening was spent .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . —Yarborough Lodge ( No . 811 ) . —This well known Brighton lodge held its installation mooting at the Pavilion New Masonic Rooms on Saturday last , the 17 th inst . A goodly assemblage of numbers and visitors were present to do honour to the new W . M ., Bro . E . Turner , of German House , Brighton , whose well deserved popularity and long connection with the
lodgo now placed him in the proud position of Master of tho Yarmouth Lodge . Among the brethren of the lodge present wero Bio . tho Rev . Dr . Griffith , P . M ., who ou this occasion occupied the chair , Bro . Molynenx , who retired ' , carrying with him tho warm esteom of every brother of the lodge . Several of the P . M . ' s of the loclge were also present , including Bros . Hyde 'Pullen , P . M . ; Cunningham , P . M . ; and Bryce , P . M . The last . brother on this evening resigned his office of Secretary
ofthe loclge , after doing tho duties of tho office with great efficiency for the past three years . Bro . Jell , the newly appointed Secretary , took possession of tho books and keys of his office , vice Bro . Bryce , resigned . Among the officers present wero Bros . E . Turner , S . W . and AV . M . elect ; C . Rossley , J . W . ; Tanner , S . D . ; Bro . Dr . O'Brien ; and many other brethren . Among tho visitors wo were glad to find Bro . Foi-nietho hihlesteemed D . Prov . G . M . for Sussexand
, gy , Bro . Pocock , the Prov . Grand Secretary , Sussex , and many other distinguished brethren of Sussex lodges . The ecremony of initiation having been very admirably worked by Bro . Hyde Pullen , at the request of the retiring W . M , tho ooremeny of installation was also gone through by Bro . Pullen with all the impressiveness ancl perfect elocution which so much distinguish him , and Bro . E . Turner was by him duly installed in tho chair of K . S . The newly elected WM . then
appointecl Bro . G . Horsley to tho office of S . W ., aud Bro . Tanner to that of J . W ., and Bro . Jell as Sec . Bro . Alcock , the son of the late esteemed Tyler of that name , was unanimously elected Tyler of tbe lodgo foi the ensiling year . The work of the lodge having been gone through by 7 . 15 , the brethren sat clown to an excellent banquet served in tho new masonic halt of the Pavilion , and , after an exceedingly pleasant evening , the brethren broke up at 11 o'clock .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Although not strictly within tho cognizance of the Provincial Grand Loclge Committee , it may be permitted to record as an event of pleasing importance , the establishment of another Royal Arch Chapter in the Province , viz ., the " St . David ' s " Chapter , attached to the " Cambrian " Loclge , No . 304 , Neath , which was opened and consecrated in June last , under circumstances peculiarly gratifying to its Members . It has now entered upon a career of great usefulnesswith every prospect
, of success . "The contributions from the Province in aid of the Masonic Charities continue to be liberally and cheerfully made , evidencing the enduring interest taken by the Brethen in the welfare of these valuable Institutions . "The amount collected in aid of tho funds of the Boys ' School by its representative Steward , Bro . Philip Hoary Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W :, was £ 134 .
"The amount collected similarly for the Girls School , by Bro . David Williams , P . Prov . G . Sec . was £ 100 . "To both representatives thanks are especially due for the r . eal and energy with which they prosecuted their charitable mission . " Next year the claims of the Girls' School will be undertaken by Bro . Philip Henry Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; and the care of the Bovs' interest will be entrusted to Bro
Frederick Ware , W . M . of the " Bute " Lodge , No . 900 . Cardiff . ' Since the establishment of the system of Steward representation in 1865 , this Province has contributed no less than £ 1 , 415 17 s . 9 d . to tho several Masonic Clarities , viz .: — "To Boys'School : — £ s . d . In 1805 Bro . Edward J . Morris , Dop . Prov . G . M ., Steward - - - 211 10 0
I 860 „ R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Steward - - - - 115 4 6 1867 ,, Charles Bath , P . Prov . S . GW ., Steward - - - - 130 0 0 1868 „ II . LI . Prichard , Prov . J . G . W ., Steward - - - - 100 IS 0 1809 „ David Williams , P . Prov . G . Sec . Steward - - - - 157 1 6 1870 „ Phillip H Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W ., Steward - - 134 0 0
Total - - 848 14 0 "To Girls' School : — In ISG 6 Bro . Edward J . Morris , Dep . Prov . G . M ., Steward - - - 119 19 3 1 SG 7 „ R . F . Langley , P . Prov . S . G W ., Steward .... 77 14 0 1 SG 8 Charles BathP . Prov . S . G . W .
„ , , Steward . - - - 90 12 0 1869 „ H . LI . Prichard , Prov . J . G . W ., Steward - - - - 47 7 0 1870 „ David Williams , P . Prov . G . Sec . Steward - - - 100 0 0
Total - - 441 12 3 "To Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution : — Iu 1868 , The R . W . Provincial Grand Master , Steward - - - - 125 11 6 "In conformity with recommendation of the Provincial Grand Loclge Committee at its last Meeting , the votes of the Province for the last Election havo been employed in assisting
the return of candidates from Bristol ancl Gloucester . "Brethen who havo votes are fraternally requested to forward thorn to the Provincial Grand Secretary , Broth-. ! - Walter Whittington , Neath . " Neath , Aug . 11 th , 1870 , " The following contributions were voted , —twenty guineas to each of the Masonic charities , ten guineas for tho National Society for Aid of tne Sick and Wounded in War , and five
guineas to the Cardiff Infirmary and Hamadryad Hospital Ship . A collection was then made which amounted to £ 7 which the W . M . was requested to hand over to the Vicar for the relief of poor in his parish . On tho proposition of Bro . Ware , W . M . ( 960 ) , seconded by Bro . Bird , W . M . ( 900 ) , the thanks of tlie Prov . Grand Lodge was accorded to tho Mayor of Cardiff for the use of the Assembl y Rooms . Provincial Grand Lodgo having been closed in clue form , tho Brethen adjonrned to the Cardiff Arms Hotel , where a banquet Was provided which did great credit to tho worthy hostess ( Widow
of tho late Bro . Lord ) . The handsome and commodious dining room was most tastefully decorated with hothouse plants , and the tables afforded a magnifioant display of horticultural rarities furnished and arranged in the most attractive manner by the gardener of Bro . Hill . P . G . S . W ., the R . W . Prov . Grand Master presided ; supported by the V . W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master ( Bro . B . S . Morris ); Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., Deputy Prov . G . M . Oxon , nearly all the Brethen before named ,
and other of this and adjacent Province to the number of over one hundred . The vice chairs were occupied by Bro . Dr . Hull , Senior Grand Warden , ancl Bro . Col . Hill , Junior Grand Warden . After the removal of the cloth , grace was said by the Prov . G . Chaplin , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and responded to , In proposing the health of his Deputy the R . W . Prov . G . M .
, referred in the most flattering terms to the ablo assistance he has all times received from that worthy and distinguished Brother , and in proposing tho health of the W . M ., of No . ( 960 ) thanked him . in the kindest and warmest terms fin- his exertions to render the reception of W . M . G .. Loclge wotthy tho occasion which effort has proved in every way successful . Altogether a most agreeable evening was spent , the utmost harmony prevailing . The musical arrangements both in Loclge
and at the banquet were of a perfect ! } ' satisfactory character . At the latter the programme was carried ont to the very great pleasure of the Brethen , under the conduct of Bro . Adkins , Prov . G ., Organist , and Bro . Groves , P . M . G . Organist , Monmouth .
SUFFOLK . STOW . MARK . ET . —Phccnix Lodge ( No . 510 ) . —On Friday evening the usual monthly meeting of the Lodgo took place , Bro . J . W . Sheridan . W . M . ; and Bro Francis Betts as S . W . Tho usual business having been transacted , a ballot was taken for Mr . Albert Tillctt , when ho was introduced and initiated , the ceremony being ably performed by tho W . M . After closing the Lodge , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , aud a pleasant evening was spent .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . —Yarborough Lodge ( No . 811 ) . —This well known Brighton lodge held its installation mooting at the Pavilion New Masonic Rooms on Saturday last , the 17 th inst . A goodly assemblage of numbers and visitors were present to do honour to the new W . M ., Bro . E . Turner , of German House , Brighton , whose well deserved popularity and long connection with the
lodgo now placed him in the proud position of Master of tho Yarmouth Lodge . Among the brethren of the lodge present wero Bio . tho Rev . Dr . Griffith , P . M ., who ou this occasion occupied the chair , Bro . Molynenx , who retired ' , carrying with him tho warm esteom of every brother of the lodge . Several of the P . M . ' s of the loclge were also present , including Bros . Hyde 'Pullen , P . M . ; Cunningham , P . M . ; and Bryce , P . M . The last . brother on this evening resigned his office of Secretary
ofthe loclge , after doing tho duties of tho office with great efficiency for the past three years . Bro . Jell , the newly appointed Secretary , took possession of tho books and keys of his office , vice Bro . Bryce , resigned . Among the officers present wero Bros . E . Turner , S . W . and AV . M . elect ; C . Rossley , J . W . ; Tanner , S . D . ; Bro . Dr . O'Brien ; and many other brethren . Among tho visitors wo were glad to find Bro . Foi-nietho hihlesteemed D . Prov . G . M . for Sussexand
, gy , Bro . Pocock , the Prov . Grand Secretary , Sussex , and many other distinguished brethren of Sussex lodges . The ecremony of initiation having been very admirably worked by Bro . Hyde Pullen , at the request of the retiring W . M , tho ooremeny of installation was also gone through by Bro . Pullen with all the impressiveness ancl perfect elocution which so much distinguish him , and Bro . E . Turner was by him duly installed in tho chair of K . S . The newly elected WM . then
appointecl Bro . G . Horsley to tho office of S . W ., aud Bro . Tanner to that of J . W ., and Bro . Jell as Sec . Bro . Alcock , the son of the late esteemed Tyler of that name , was unanimously elected Tyler of tbe lodgo foi the ensiling year . The work of the lodge having been gone through by 7 . 15 , the brethren sat clown to an excellent banquet served in tho new masonic halt of the Pavilion , and , after an exceedingly pleasant evening , the brethren broke up at 11 o'clock .