Article OUR MASONIC CHARITIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Our Masonic Charities.
of thelnstitutions are now fully realised by the Order at large . The yearly increasing applications for admission ju-ove a long existing want among the brethren - which is only to be fully and fitly supplied by enabling the Committee still further to add to the number of inmates .
The building lately erected can be adapted to receive 200 boys at a comparativel y inconsiderable outlay for additional dormitory accommodation only . BUILDING EXPENDITURE , 31 ST DECEMBER , 1869 . As much misapprehension exists on this head , the
following statement is published for the information ¦ of donors and subscribers , and ofthe Craft generally . It must be borne in mind that the soil of Wood Green is heavy clay , necessitating a large outlay for foundations so laid as to secure the building from damp , and
as a consequence also , that the whole of th e roads have "been reconstructed , aud most extensive drainage provided .
& s . d . £ s . d . Foundations .... 1 , 899 14 1 Contract for Superstructure . 21 , 894 0 0 23 , 793 14 1 Extras , and additional works .... 4 , 148 19 0 Library 435 0 0 Gymnasium 1 , 010 6 0
Lodges aud Entrance Gates .... 1 , 305 16 9 Heating Apparatus 672 14 7 'Gas Fittings 670 4 7 Water supply , baths , & engineering fittings .... 1 , 882 8 8 Well 381 5 O
. 2 , 263 13 8 Forming Roads , Levelling and Laying out the Grounds , Draining , & o . 2 , 4 S 8 12 3 Playground 395 9 0 Farm Buildings , Garden Walls , and
Fences 1 , 972 1 11 Furniture , Fittings , & c 2 , 444 18 7 Decoration and Inscriptions .... 195 0 0 Premium on Selected Design . 70 0 0 Architects' Commission . . 1 , 902 19 6 Surveyors' Commission . . 200 0 0 2172 19 6
, Interest on Advances . . 112 9 10 Expenses of mortgage , . 294 14 4 407 4 2 Sundries , including Expenses of Fetes , Inauguration , & o . . . . 6 S 8 7 8
45 , 063 1 9 repairs , Painting , and Sustention .... 879 18 3 j , Head-master ' s house 65 7 5 a , Old Building . . 57 1 0 1 , 002 6 8 £ 4 , 6065 8 5
¦ Examined and Certified , S . B . WILSON , Sth January , 1870 .
Towards this expenditure the whole of the funded property was sold in 1 S 64 , viz;— £ 13 , 100 , producing £ 11 , 540 10 s . The following-information is given to afford friends and subscribers the opportunity of satisfying
themselves as to tho accommodation provided in the new building at Wood Green . SCHOLASTIC . Mean Total Cubic Floor space . height . area . capacity . School Room . GOft . tby 25 ft . 30 ft * 1 , 500 ft . 45 , 000 ft .
Class Room ( A ) 20 ft . by 14 ft . 18 ft . 2 S 0 ft . 5 , 040 ft . Class Room ( B ) 21 ft . by 14 ft . 13 ft . 294 ffc . 3 , 822 ft . Library ... SOJ by 20 ft . 25 ft . f 610 ft . 15 , 250 ft .
2 , 684 ft . 69 , 112 ft Which for 200 Boys , gives for each . 13 ft . 345 ft . RESIDENTIAL . Eight Dormitories 12 Jft . 5 , 91 Sft . 73 , 975 ft . which for 13 BJ Boys , gives to each . 44 ft . 54 Sft Dining Hall . . 60 ft . by 2 Sft 31 Jft . || 1 , 680 ft . 51 , 240 ft §
which for 200 Boys gives to each . Sft . 256 ft . INFIRMARY . Sick Ward .. ' .,.. 20 ft , by 25 ft . Convalescent Room . . 16 ft . by 13 ft . Nurse ' s Room .... 16 ft . by lift , and Bath Room and Lavatory , & c , complete .
The original " Instructions to Parents" are reprinted , as showing the sound sense of the founders in treating the somewhat difficult and delicate relations between the friends and of the pupils and the executive of the school , who , if they are to be held responsible—as undoubtedly they are—for the good
conduct , order and discipline of the establishment , must be unfettered in their discretion as to tho means to be employed for their maintenance , and in the choice of those to whom are entrusted the immediate management and control of a large number of boys .
These observations , applicable to the Institution in its original form , acquire stronger force when applied to the present establishment . The following are the orders to be observed by the parents of the children on their admission to this
charity . I . That they take care to send their children to school at such hours as the masters shall appoint , and not keep them at home on any pretence whatever , except in case of sickness , of which they must give immediate notice to the schoolmaster , as three days ' absence from school will render them to be liable to
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Our Masonic Charities.
of thelnstitutions are now fully realised by the Order at large . The yearly increasing applications for admission ju-ove a long existing want among the brethren - which is only to be fully and fitly supplied by enabling the Committee still further to add to the number of inmates .
The building lately erected can be adapted to receive 200 boys at a comparativel y inconsiderable outlay for additional dormitory accommodation only . BUILDING EXPENDITURE , 31 ST DECEMBER , 1869 . As much misapprehension exists on this head , the
following statement is published for the information ¦ of donors and subscribers , and ofthe Craft generally . It must be borne in mind that the soil of Wood Green is heavy clay , necessitating a large outlay for foundations so laid as to secure the building from damp , and
as a consequence also , that the whole of th e roads have "been reconstructed , aud most extensive drainage provided .
& s . d . £ s . d . Foundations .... 1 , 899 14 1 Contract for Superstructure . 21 , 894 0 0 23 , 793 14 1 Extras , and additional works .... 4 , 148 19 0 Library 435 0 0 Gymnasium 1 , 010 6 0
Lodges aud Entrance Gates .... 1 , 305 16 9 Heating Apparatus 672 14 7 'Gas Fittings 670 4 7 Water supply , baths , & engineering fittings .... 1 , 882 8 8 Well 381 5 O
. 2 , 263 13 8 Forming Roads , Levelling and Laying out the Grounds , Draining , & o . 2 , 4 S 8 12 3 Playground 395 9 0 Farm Buildings , Garden Walls , and
Fences 1 , 972 1 11 Furniture , Fittings , & c 2 , 444 18 7 Decoration and Inscriptions .... 195 0 0 Premium on Selected Design . 70 0 0 Architects' Commission . . 1 , 902 19 6 Surveyors' Commission . . 200 0 0 2172 19 6
, Interest on Advances . . 112 9 10 Expenses of mortgage , . 294 14 4 407 4 2 Sundries , including Expenses of Fetes , Inauguration , & o . . . . 6 S 8 7 8
45 , 063 1 9 repairs , Painting , and Sustention .... 879 18 3 j , Head-master ' s house 65 7 5 a , Old Building . . 57 1 0 1 , 002 6 8 £ 4 , 6065 8 5
¦ Examined and Certified , S . B . WILSON , Sth January , 1870 .
Towards this expenditure the whole of the funded property was sold in 1 S 64 , viz;— £ 13 , 100 , producing £ 11 , 540 10 s . The following-information is given to afford friends and subscribers the opportunity of satisfying
themselves as to tho accommodation provided in the new building at Wood Green . SCHOLASTIC . Mean Total Cubic Floor space . height . area . capacity . School Room . GOft . tby 25 ft . 30 ft * 1 , 500 ft . 45 , 000 ft .
Class Room ( A ) 20 ft . by 14 ft . 18 ft . 2 S 0 ft . 5 , 040 ft . Class Room ( B ) 21 ft . by 14 ft . 13 ft . 294 ffc . 3 , 822 ft . Library ... SOJ by 20 ft . 25 ft . f 610 ft . 15 , 250 ft .
2 , 684 ft . 69 , 112 ft Which for 200 Boys , gives for each . 13 ft . 345 ft . RESIDENTIAL . Eight Dormitories 12 Jft . 5 , 91 Sft . 73 , 975 ft . which for 13 BJ Boys , gives to each . 44 ft . 54 Sft Dining Hall . . 60 ft . by 2 Sft 31 Jft . || 1 , 680 ft . 51 , 240 ft §
which for 200 Boys gives to each . Sft . 256 ft . INFIRMARY . Sick Ward .. ' .,.. 20 ft , by 25 ft . Convalescent Room . . 16 ft . by 13 ft . Nurse ' s Room .... 16 ft . by lift , and Bath Room and Lavatory , & c , complete .
The original " Instructions to Parents" are reprinted , as showing the sound sense of the founders in treating the somewhat difficult and delicate relations between the friends and of the pupils and the executive of the school , who , if they are to be held responsible—as undoubtedly they are—for the good
conduct , order and discipline of the establishment , must be unfettered in their discretion as to tho means to be employed for their maintenance , and in the choice of those to whom are entrusted the immediate management and control of a large number of boys .
These observations , applicable to the Institution in its original form , acquire stronger force when applied to the present establishment . The following are the orders to be observed by the parents of the children on their admission to this
charity . I . That they take care to send their children to school at such hours as the masters shall appoint , and not keep them at home on any pretence whatever , except in case of sickness , of which they must give immediate notice to the schoolmaster , as three days ' absence from school will render them to be liable to