Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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EOYAL AMEUT LODOE ( NO . 907 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 19 th inst ., at the Freemasons'Tavern . The lodge having been duly opened , a ballot was severally taken for Messrs . Nugent and Standfast , which proving to be in their favour , the latter gentleman , being in attendance , was regularly initiated into the mysteries of the Order . Bros . Chard , Pendygrass , Hallet , aud H . J . Lewis were afterwards raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge ivas then
called off from labour to refreshment by the J . W ., and adjourned to banquet . The cloth having been drawn ,, and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given , the W . M ., in proposing the health of the visitors , alluded to the presence of a brother who held high office in the Grand Orient of France , and expressed a hope that the utmost cordiality might always prevail between the French and English nations . Bro . Jules Neumann , Grand Expert , G . O . of France ( the brother referred to ) returned thanks very
grace-, fully for the compliment paid him . On the brethren being re-called to labour , Bro . Little , the Secretary , notified to the members the change in the number of the lodge , which had been ordered since the previous meeting . Bro . Farnfield , J . D ., directed attention to the forthcoming anniversary of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , on which occasion Bro . Smith , P . G . Purst . and P . M . of the lodge , would represent the Eoyal Albert , and he trusted that
the brethren would liberally support their Steward . After a very happy evening , the brethren separated . The visitors were—Bros . Jules Neumann , G . Expert G . O . of France and Sov , G . Insp . Gen . 33 ° ; C . B . Payne , P . M . No . 27 ; A . Colston , J . D . No . 228 j T . Pryor , No . 177 ; and G . F . Simpson . STBAWBEI -H Y HILL LODOE ( NO . 946 ) . —This lodge held its second meeting at Bro . Bendy's , the Grotto Tavern , Twickenhamon Wednesdaythe 14 th inst . under Bro . John Gurton
, , , , its first W . M . ; Bros . Stedwell , S . W . ; Collard , J . W . ; Piatt , Sec ., W . Watson , and several other members . The visitors were—Bros . G . States , G . Steward , 23 ; XV . Yates , 23 , and Jones . The business before the lodge was the passing of Bros . Bendy aud Foresight . The initiation of Messrs . Veal Box , J . P . Brown , and W .- Escott , which ceremonies were performed with the W . M . 's usual skill and good taste . Bro . E . Saundersof the LilLod
, y ge ( No . 820 ) , was balloted for and elected a joining member . The work being concluded , the brethren adjourned to a dinner , which for elegance , good cheer , and profusion , is seldom equallecl by any establishment . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were happily given by the W . M ., and with that of the D . G . M . and the Grand Officers he coupled the name of Bro . George StatesG . Steward of the year . In the
, course of Bro . States's reply , he playfully alluded to the name of the lodge , saying that although it was but a very young plant—a seedling he might term it of the W . M . ' s—yet under such a brother it could do no less than turn out an Admiral Dundas , even if it did not become a pine or Myatt ' s surprise before the end ofthe year . He congratulated the lodge on its rosy prospects , and concluded by saying that if the officers only
copied their W . M . they would turn out perfect hantboys . The W . H ., in a very clever way , proposed the health of the initiates , to which those brethren replied ; and after which , Bro . W . Watson proposed the toast of the W . M . amidst great applause . Bro . John Gurton replied to it , with the best feeling . He alluded to the formation of tho lodge , and that the meeting was tho first after its consecration , and concluded by expressing his confidence in its future . Other toasts rapidly followedand with
, that of the officers the W . M . joined the name of Bro . Piatt , their careful and indefatigable Secretary . The officers replied seriatim , and the last toast brought a very happy and highly successful meeting to an end . ROSE OE DEKIIARK LODG-E ( NO . 975 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the White HartBarnes . The lodge was duly opened bthe W . MBro .
, y ., Smith , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Little and W . H . Farnfield , and the minutes of the consecration meeting were read and confirmed . The business consisted of two initiations and live passings ; after which the W . M . called on the Secretary , Bro . Buss , to read a letter received from Bro . Farnfield , tiie Secretary to the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , requesting the lodge to furnish a
Steward for the forthcoming anniversary of the Institution , on the 27 th January next , when Bro . Charles D . Sewell , Dir . of Cers ., offered to represent the lodge on that occasion . There being no other business , the brethren proceeded to discuss the
good things set before them by the worthy host , Bro . Wilcox , and a very happy evening was spent , enlivened by the vocal exertions of several talented brethren . The visitors were Bros . F . E . Lawrence , S . W . No . 91 ; Dr . Palin , late of No . 27 ; and H . W . Smith , No . 179 .
LANCASHIEE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . — Merchant ' s Lodge ( No . 241 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., when one gentleman having been initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the W . M ., Bro . Mott , in his usual excellent style , the brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the usual loyal and
Masonic toasts had been given , the W . M . stated that they had now come to the event of the evening , that of presenting a testimonial , as a mark of their esteem to their respected Treasurer , Bro . Jewitt , and as Bro . Jewitt was an old member ofthe lodge , he ( the W . M . ) ivould call upon Bro . Younghusband , the oldest P . M . present to perform that duty . —Bro . Younghusband highly eulogised the conduct of Bro . Jewitt ; ho expressed his
opinion that tho lodge by honouring him , equally honoured itself . He then presented in their name , a handsome silver inkstand , with a suitable inscription . —Bro . Jewitt returned thanks in feeling and eloquent terms . Among the visitors present were the Prov . G . Treas ., the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Corbett , of late 1071 London , and a brother recently arrived from the Confederate States . At ten the lodge was closed , and all present , both visitors and members , expressed their gratification at the proceedings of the ceremony .
STAFFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GEAND LODOE . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held on Friday , October 9 th , at the Shire Hall , Stafford . Owing to the unusual and interesting nature of tho business to be transacted , there was a very large { attendance . The Prov . G . M ., Lieutenant-Colonel Vernonpresidedand amongst the Past and Present
, , Officers in attendance , were Bros . Dr . Burton , D . Prov . G . M . ; Thomas Ward , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Jas . Downes , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Horton Yates , Prov . S . G . W . ; E . L . Bullock , Prov . J . G . W . ; H . Day , Prov . G . Chap . ; Wm . Dutton , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . K . Harvey , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Thomas James , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Charles ' T . Davenport , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Colonel HoggP . Prov . S . G . XV . J . W . M'Kniht . P . Prov . S . G . W . ;
, ; g H . C . Vernon , P . D . Prov . G . M ., Prov . G . M . Worcestershire ; John Hallam , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Foster Gough , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Edwin Yates , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . J . G . W ., George Baker , P . Prov . . I . G . W ., & c . The visitors included the following brethren : —Charles W . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . Warwickshire ; Frederick Empson , P . Prov . S . G . W . Warwickshire ; W . Mnsefield , P . Prov . S . G . W . Worcestershire ; Charles
John Vync , P . Prov . S . G . W . Somersetshire ; W . Bristow , P . Prov . J . G . W . Worcestershire ; — Wardhaugh , W . M ., Bury , Lancashire ; Bro . Binckes , Secretary to the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys .
After the ordinary business of the lodge had been transacted , the following appointments were made : — Bro . Arthur Bass Prov . S . G . Warden . „ C . E . Newman Prov . J . G . Warden . „ H . Day Prov . G . Chaplain . „ W . E . Cave Prov . G . Assist , ditto . „ W . Lynes Prov . G . Eegistrai . AV . Howell Prov . G . Treasurer .
„ „ F . James Prov . G . Secretary . „ C . Y ' arwood Prov . S . G . Deacon . „ Barnet Prov . J . G . Deacon . „ C . H . Bailey Prov . G . Supt . of Works . „ S . Hill Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . Crupper Prov . G . Assist , ditto . J . Bennett Prov . G . Sword Bearer .
„ „ Lewis Day Prov . G . Organist . „ G . Whitehead Prov . G . Pursuivant . „ David Wright Prov . G . Standard Baarer . „ Henry Baggaley Prov . G . Tyler . The usual procession to St . Mary's Church was dispensed with on this occasion , in consequence of the inclemency of the weather . An able and appropriate sermon was , however ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EOYAL AMEUT LODOE ( NO . 907 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 19 th inst ., at the Freemasons'Tavern . The lodge having been duly opened , a ballot was severally taken for Messrs . Nugent and Standfast , which proving to be in their favour , the latter gentleman , being in attendance , was regularly initiated into the mysteries of the Order . Bros . Chard , Pendygrass , Hallet , aud H . J . Lewis were afterwards raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge ivas then
called off from labour to refreshment by the J . W ., and adjourned to banquet . The cloth having been drawn ,, and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given , the W . M ., in proposing the health of the visitors , alluded to the presence of a brother who held high office in the Grand Orient of France , and expressed a hope that the utmost cordiality might always prevail between the French and English nations . Bro . Jules Neumann , Grand Expert , G . O . of France ( the brother referred to ) returned thanks very
grace-, fully for the compliment paid him . On the brethren being re-called to labour , Bro . Little , the Secretary , notified to the members the change in the number of the lodge , which had been ordered since the previous meeting . Bro . Farnfield , J . D ., directed attention to the forthcoming anniversary of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , on which occasion Bro . Smith , P . G . Purst . and P . M . of the lodge , would represent the Eoyal Albert , and he trusted that
the brethren would liberally support their Steward . After a very happy evening , the brethren separated . The visitors were—Bros . Jules Neumann , G . Expert G . O . of France and Sov , G . Insp . Gen . 33 ° ; C . B . Payne , P . M . No . 27 ; A . Colston , J . D . No . 228 j T . Pryor , No . 177 ; and G . F . Simpson . STBAWBEI -H Y HILL LODOE ( NO . 946 ) . —This lodge held its second meeting at Bro . Bendy's , the Grotto Tavern , Twickenhamon Wednesdaythe 14 th inst . under Bro . John Gurton
, , , , its first W . M . ; Bros . Stedwell , S . W . ; Collard , J . W . ; Piatt , Sec ., W . Watson , and several other members . The visitors were—Bros . G . States , G . Steward , 23 ; XV . Yates , 23 , and Jones . The business before the lodge was the passing of Bros . Bendy aud Foresight . The initiation of Messrs . Veal Box , J . P . Brown , and W .- Escott , which ceremonies were performed with the W . M . 's usual skill and good taste . Bro . E . Saundersof the LilLod
, y ge ( No . 820 ) , was balloted for and elected a joining member . The work being concluded , the brethren adjourned to a dinner , which for elegance , good cheer , and profusion , is seldom equallecl by any establishment . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were happily given by the W . M ., and with that of the D . G . M . and the Grand Officers he coupled the name of Bro . George StatesG . Steward of the year . In the
, course of Bro . States's reply , he playfully alluded to the name of the lodge , saying that although it was but a very young plant—a seedling he might term it of the W . M . ' s—yet under such a brother it could do no less than turn out an Admiral Dundas , even if it did not become a pine or Myatt ' s surprise before the end ofthe year . He congratulated the lodge on its rosy prospects , and concluded by saying that if the officers only
copied their W . M . they would turn out perfect hantboys . The W . H ., in a very clever way , proposed the health of the initiates , to which those brethren replied ; and after which , Bro . W . Watson proposed the toast of the W . M . amidst great applause . Bro . John Gurton replied to it , with the best feeling . He alluded to the formation of tho lodge , and that the meeting was tho first after its consecration , and concluded by expressing his confidence in its future . Other toasts rapidly followedand with
, that of the officers the W . M . joined the name of Bro . Piatt , their careful and indefatigable Secretary . The officers replied seriatim , and the last toast brought a very happy and highly successful meeting to an end . ROSE OE DEKIIARK LODG-E ( NO . 975 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., at the White HartBarnes . The lodge was duly opened bthe W . MBro .
, y ., Smith , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Little and W . H . Farnfield , and the minutes of the consecration meeting were read and confirmed . The business consisted of two initiations and live passings ; after which the W . M . called on the Secretary , Bro . Buss , to read a letter received from Bro . Farnfield , tiie Secretary to the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , requesting the lodge to furnish a
Steward for the forthcoming anniversary of the Institution , on the 27 th January next , when Bro . Charles D . Sewell , Dir . of Cers ., offered to represent the lodge on that occasion . There being no other business , the brethren proceeded to discuss the
good things set before them by the worthy host , Bro . Wilcox , and a very happy evening was spent , enlivened by the vocal exertions of several talented brethren . The visitors were Bros . F . E . Lawrence , S . W . No . 91 ; Dr . Palin , late of No . 27 ; and H . W . Smith , No . 179 .
LANCASHIEE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . — Merchant ' s Lodge ( No . 241 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., when one gentleman having been initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the W . M ., Bro . Mott , in his usual excellent style , the brethren adjourned to refreshment . After the usual loyal and
Masonic toasts had been given , the W . M . stated that they had now come to the event of the evening , that of presenting a testimonial , as a mark of their esteem to their respected Treasurer , Bro . Jewitt , and as Bro . Jewitt was an old member ofthe lodge , he ( the W . M . ) ivould call upon Bro . Younghusband , the oldest P . M . present to perform that duty . —Bro . Younghusband highly eulogised the conduct of Bro . Jewitt ; ho expressed his
opinion that tho lodge by honouring him , equally honoured itself . He then presented in their name , a handsome silver inkstand , with a suitable inscription . —Bro . Jewitt returned thanks in feeling and eloquent terms . Among the visitors present were the Prov . G . Treas ., the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Corbett , of late 1071 London , and a brother recently arrived from the Confederate States . At ten the lodge was closed , and all present , both visitors and members , expressed their gratification at the proceedings of the ceremony .
STAFFORDSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GEAND LODOE . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held on Friday , October 9 th , at the Shire Hall , Stafford . Owing to the unusual and interesting nature of tho business to be transacted , there was a very large { attendance . The Prov . G . M ., Lieutenant-Colonel Vernonpresidedand amongst the Past and Present
, , Officers in attendance , were Bros . Dr . Burton , D . Prov . G . M . ; Thomas Ward , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Jas . Downes , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Horton Yates , Prov . S . G . W . ; E . L . Bullock , Prov . J . G . W . ; H . Day , Prov . G . Chap . ; Wm . Dutton , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . K . Harvey , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Thomas James , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Charles ' T . Davenport , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Colonel HoggP . Prov . S . G . XV . J . W . M'Kniht . P . Prov . S . G . W . ;
, ; g H . C . Vernon , P . D . Prov . G . M ., Prov . G . M . Worcestershire ; John Hallam , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Foster Gough , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Edwin Yates , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . Prov . J . G . W ., George Baker , P . Prov . . I . G . W ., & c . The visitors included the following brethren : —Charles W . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . Warwickshire ; Frederick Empson , P . Prov . S . G . W . Warwickshire ; W . Mnsefield , P . Prov . S . G . W . Worcestershire ; Charles
John Vync , P . Prov . S . G . W . Somersetshire ; W . Bristow , P . Prov . J . G . W . Worcestershire ; — Wardhaugh , W . M ., Bury , Lancashire ; Bro . Binckes , Secretary to the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys .
After the ordinary business of the lodge had been transacted , the following appointments were made : — Bro . Arthur Bass Prov . S . G . Warden . „ C . E . Newman Prov . J . G . Warden . „ H . Day Prov . G . Chaplain . „ W . E . Cave Prov . G . Assist , ditto . „ W . Lynes Prov . G . Eegistrai . AV . Howell Prov . G . Treasurer .
„ „ F . James Prov . G . Secretary . „ C . Y ' arwood Prov . S . G . Deacon . „ Barnet Prov . J . G . Deacon . „ C . H . Bailey Prov . G . Supt . of Works . „ S . Hill Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . Crupper Prov . G . Assist , ditto . J . Bennett Prov . G . Sword Bearer .
„ „ Lewis Day Prov . G . Organist . „ G . Whitehead Prov . G . Pursuivant . „ David Wright Prov . G . Standard Baarer . „ Henry Baggaley Prov . G . Tyler . The usual procession to St . Mary's Church was dispensed with on this occasion , in consequence of the inclemency of the weather . An able and appropriate sermon was , however ,