Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 4 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
interest as indicative of the important part which our Italian brethren consider Freemasonry should play as regards the rights of liberty of conscience . The following is a literal translation of the circular issued hy the lodge referred to : —
0 . - . di Pisa , 2 Sth Oct ., 1866 . THE LoncfE DOVEEE—DIEITTO . By the deliberation taken in the sitting of 27 th inst . Considering that religion requires the same liberty as art and science , as the believer , the ? rtis * an e savant are dependant onl their
' . ' ^ *^ y on individual moral conviction , of which they must give account to their own conscience and reason , — that all intervention of authority and force in matters of religion becomes unjust and tyrannical , the Government having neither the duty nor the right to support , impose , or protect one form of worshi
p whatever in preference to another . That it is necessary to instruct the people until there is a universal conviction of these truths , since , whilst they take many obstacles out of the way of the free progress of human society , they also promote and cement the sincere union of individualsfamiliesand
, , nations , —invites all the learned who are educated in the school of progress and of liberty , without distinction of sex or of nation , to write , even if in their native language , their thoughts regarding liberty of conscience .
A commission elected by the lodge is charged to examine the works of this nature which shall be received by it up to 30 th of April , 1867 , and will declare upon its responsibility tbe one which best responds to the elevation and importance of the subject . The work as above designated will have a prize of
1000 Italian lire ( £ 40 ) . It is not liowever intended that the vote of the commission should be prejudicial to the others , for the public will have the opportunity of knowing their value , as they will be printed , and , if possible , circulatedwithout to their respective
, any expense authors . Those journals which shall zealously aud worthily co-operate in the propagation and execution of the present deliberation , will receive a handsome premium , ancl will have the consciousness of . having accelerated the fulfilment of the irations of
many asp noble martyrs in the cause of liberty . All manuscripts and publications which are intended to compete for the above-named prizes must be addressed thus : —Alia Libreria e Cartoleria . via Palestro , No . 4 , Pisa , Italy .
MASONIC PHOCESSIONS . —Our public processions have been instituted for many noble purposes . We visit the houso of God in public to offer up our prayers and praises for mercies and blessings ; we attend in a body to show the world our mutual attachment as a band of brothers ; we are arranged in a set form to exhibit the beauty of our system , constructed on the most harmonious proportions , and modelled into a series of imperceptible grades of rank which cement and unite us in
that indissoluble chain of sincere affection which is so well understood by Master Masons ; and blend the attributes of equality and subordination in a balance so nice and equable , that the concord between rulers and brethren is never subject to violation , while we meet on the level and part on the square .
THEMASONICMIRROR. * # * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
The M . W . Grand Master has appointed Bro . the Kight Hon the Earl of Limerick Prov . G-rand Master for Bristol . GLASGOW . —The centenary festival of the Lodge of St . Mark ( No . 102 , S . C . ) was celebrated most successfully on Monday last , in McLean's Hotel , St . Vincent-street . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M ., Bro . Major R . D . Barhor , supported
on the right by Bros . J . White Melville , Grand Master Mason of Scotland ; Sir M . S . Stewart , Prov . G . M , Renfrewshire West ; Dick : W . Merry Gilmour , S . Prov ; G . M . Middle Ward ; G . K . Flmdt , Chap . ; D . H . Miller , P . M . ; W . A . Baillie , Treas . On the left were Bros . R . Wylie , W . M . of Mother Kilwinning Lodge , and Prov . G . M . for Ayrshire ; Colonel Campbell , Prov .
G . M . Renfrew East ; Lieut . Barrington Campbell ; Captain M'Casland ; A . Steward , Grand Clerk ; T . Halkett , Sec . ; Barradale , S . W . ; J . 0 . Smith , J . W . ; J . M . Allan , Grand Steward ; J . Leith , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . -, and J . Campbell , Prov . G . S . B ., were also present . The guests numbered over- one hundred , and among them were deputations from all the lodges in the
province , from some lodges out of the province , and a deputation from the young lodge at Millport , the Kelburne ( No . 459 ) , consisting of Bros , the Rev . H . H . Richardson , W . M . ; A . M'Kay , S . D . ; A . Hunter , J . D . ; S . H . Miller , R . P . Rees , and A . Houston . Want of space compels us to defer giving the report of the proceedings until next week .
TEMPERANCE LODGE ( SO . 169 ) . —This prosperous old lodge met on the 15 th inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Bro . N " . Wingfield , W . M ., presided . All the three ceremonies were done in an efficient manner . A large sum was collected for the unemployed operatives of Deptford and Greenwich . There were several visitors present . UNITED STEEXGTH LODGE ( No . 22 S ) . —The members of this ancient lodge held their November meeting at St . John's
Gate , Clerkenwell , on Tuesday evening , the 13 th inst . Among the visitors who joined tho brethren at the lodge and banquet room we noticed Bros- S . May , J . W . 701 ; Dunning , Boys , and Garratt , 701-: Hurren , 901 : Sawyer , 733 ; Ward , 917 ; Newton , 17-1 , and others . The ceremonies of initiation and passing were ably performed by Bro . A . Colston , W . M ., assisted by the officers and brethren , after which the brethren sat down to an admirable
banquet prepared for them by their enterprising host , Bro . S . Wiclcen . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , the W . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . Thaine , " the initiate who had joined them that evening , which was duly and cordially received . Bro . Thaine in returning thanks expressed the pleasure it afforded him in becoming a member of so ancient an institution , and the kind reception he had met
witli from the brethren of the lodge . The " Visitors , " were next proposed in appropriate terms , and the honour was humourously acknowledged by Bro . Boys . " The Health of the Worshipful Muster , Past Masters , and Officers , " having been duly honoured , the W . M . rose and proposed " The Masonic Charities , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . J . N . Frost , P . M ., who purposed representing the United Strength Lodge at the next
festival as their Steward for and on behalf of the Aged Freemasons and their widows . He ( the W . M . ) trusted that the brethren would do all in their power to support their respected P . M ., Bro . Frost , who was so universally known and acknowledged for his talents in that lodge , and who was also so eminently known and respected at the Camden and many other lodges , for his zeal and assiduity in having hefore represented the Charities as Steward on two occasions . The institutions
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
interest as indicative of the important part which our Italian brethren consider Freemasonry should play as regards the rights of liberty of conscience . The following is a literal translation of the circular issued hy the lodge referred to : —
0 . - . di Pisa , 2 Sth Oct ., 1866 . THE LoncfE DOVEEE—DIEITTO . By the deliberation taken in the sitting of 27 th inst . Considering that religion requires the same liberty as art and science , as the believer , the ? rtis * an e savant are dependant onl their
' . ' ^ *^ y on individual moral conviction , of which they must give account to their own conscience and reason , — that all intervention of authority and force in matters of religion becomes unjust and tyrannical , the Government having neither the duty nor the right to support , impose , or protect one form of worshi
p whatever in preference to another . That it is necessary to instruct the people until there is a universal conviction of these truths , since , whilst they take many obstacles out of the way of the free progress of human society , they also promote and cement the sincere union of individualsfamiliesand
, , nations , —invites all the learned who are educated in the school of progress and of liberty , without distinction of sex or of nation , to write , even if in their native language , their thoughts regarding liberty of conscience .
A commission elected by the lodge is charged to examine the works of this nature which shall be received by it up to 30 th of April , 1867 , and will declare upon its responsibility tbe one which best responds to the elevation and importance of the subject . The work as above designated will have a prize of
1000 Italian lire ( £ 40 ) . It is not liowever intended that the vote of the commission should be prejudicial to the others , for the public will have the opportunity of knowing their value , as they will be printed , and , if possible , circulatedwithout to their respective
, any expense authors . Those journals which shall zealously aud worthily co-operate in the propagation and execution of the present deliberation , will receive a handsome premium , ancl will have the consciousness of . having accelerated the fulfilment of the irations of
many asp noble martyrs in the cause of liberty . All manuscripts and publications which are intended to compete for the above-named prizes must be addressed thus : —Alia Libreria e Cartoleria . via Palestro , No . 4 , Pisa , Italy .
MASONIC PHOCESSIONS . —Our public processions have been instituted for many noble purposes . We visit the houso of God in public to offer up our prayers and praises for mercies and blessings ; we attend in a body to show the world our mutual attachment as a band of brothers ; we are arranged in a set form to exhibit the beauty of our system , constructed on the most harmonious proportions , and modelled into a series of imperceptible grades of rank which cement and unite us in
that indissoluble chain of sincere affection which is so well understood by Master Masons ; and blend the attributes of equality and subordination in a balance so nice and equable , that the concord between rulers and brethren is never subject to violation , while we meet on the level and part on the square .
THEMASONICMIRROR. * # * All communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
The M . W . Grand Master has appointed Bro . the Kight Hon the Earl of Limerick Prov . G-rand Master for Bristol . GLASGOW . —The centenary festival of the Lodge of St . Mark ( No . 102 , S . C . ) was celebrated most successfully on Monday last , in McLean's Hotel , St . Vincent-street . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M ., Bro . Major R . D . Barhor , supported
on the right by Bros . J . White Melville , Grand Master Mason of Scotland ; Sir M . S . Stewart , Prov . G . M , Renfrewshire West ; Dick : W . Merry Gilmour , S . Prov ; G . M . Middle Ward ; G . K . Flmdt , Chap . ; D . H . Miller , P . M . ; W . A . Baillie , Treas . On the left were Bros . R . Wylie , W . M . of Mother Kilwinning Lodge , and Prov . G . M . for Ayrshire ; Colonel Campbell , Prov .
G . M . Renfrew East ; Lieut . Barrington Campbell ; Captain M'Casland ; A . Steward , Grand Clerk ; T . Halkett , Sec . ; Barradale , S . W . ; J . 0 . Smith , J . W . ; J . M . Allan , Grand Steward ; J . Leith , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . -, and J . Campbell , Prov . G . S . B ., were also present . The guests numbered over- one hundred , and among them were deputations from all the lodges in the
province , from some lodges out of the province , and a deputation from the young lodge at Millport , the Kelburne ( No . 459 ) , consisting of Bros , the Rev . H . H . Richardson , W . M . ; A . M'Kay , S . D . ; A . Hunter , J . D . ; S . H . Miller , R . P . Rees , and A . Houston . Want of space compels us to defer giving the report of the proceedings until next week .
TEMPERANCE LODGE ( SO . 169 ) . —This prosperous old lodge met on the 15 th inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Bro . N " . Wingfield , W . M ., presided . All the three ceremonies were done in an efficient manner . A large sum was collected for the unemployed operatives of Deptford and Greenwich . There were several visitors present . UNITED STEEXGTH LODGE ( No . 22 S ) . —The members of this ancient lodge held their November meeting at St . John's
Gate , Clerkenwell , on Tuesday evening , the 13 th inst . Among the visitors who joined tho brethren at the lodge and banquet room we noticed Bros- S . May , J . W . 701 ; Dunning , Boys , and Garratt , 701-: Hurren , 901 : Sawyer , 733 ; Ward , 917 ; Newton , 17-1 , and others . The ceremonies of initiation and passing were ably performed by Bro . A . Colston , W . M ., assisted by the officers and brethren , after which the brethren sat down to an admirable
banquet prepared for them by their enterprising host , Bro . S . Wiclcen . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , the W . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . Thaine , " the initiate who had joined them that evening , which was duly and cordially received . Bro . Thaine in returning thanks expressed the pleasure it afforded him in becoming a member of so ancient an institution , and the kind reception he had met
witli from the brethren of the lodge . The " Visitors , " were next proposed in appropriate terms , and the honour was humourously acknowledged by Bro . Boys . " The Health of the Worshipful Muster , Past Masters , and Officers , " having been duly honoured , the W . M . rose and proposed " The Masonic Charities , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . J . N . Frost , P . M ., who purposed representing the United Strength Lodge at the next
festival as their Steward for and on behalf of the Aged Freemasons and their widows . He ( the W . M . ) trusted that the brethren would do all in their power to support their respected P . M ., Bro . Frost , who was so universally known and acknowledged for his talents in that lodge , and who was also so eminently known and respected at the Camden and many other lodges , for his zeal and assiduity in having hefore represented the Charities as Steward on two occasions . The institutions