Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 4 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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and visitors . Amongst the latter wo observed Bros . Dr . Harris , Lodge Friendship ( 20 G ); Newton , W . M ., Lodge Sincerity ( So . 174 ); Neal , S . W ., of the same lodge ; Allison , P . M ., Eastern Star Lodge ( No . 94 ) . The minutes of the last regular lodgo and emergency meeting having been read by the Secretary , and the same being respectively confirmed , a ballot was taken and declared unanimous in favour of Mr . John Holt , and Mr . Jolm Perkinsas candidates for initiationand also as ajoining member
, , , Bro . Audries Scheerboon . Mr . John Holt being present , was regularly initiated into ancient Freemasonry ; the ceremony ( notwithstanding the indisposition of the W . M . ) , was worked very impressively . The lodge being opened in tho second degree , Bros . Coleman , ami Firfield , being candidates for the third degree , and after being entrusted , " -ere raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Wright , P . M ., who kirfflly
worked this ceremony consequent upon the illness of the W . M . Upon the lodge being resumed to the first degree , Bro . Rend , the Secretary , then read to the lodgo a letter of resignation received from Bro . Fitzmaurice , which was accepted . There being no further business the lodge as customary , closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned at an early hour to banquet ; and it is but just to our newlinitiated brothertho
y , worthy host , to say that the banquet was all that even the most fastidious could desire , and which elicited from all the brethren the most lively satisfaction . After the removal of the cloth , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and dishonoured , Bro . Wright , P . M ., proposed tho health of their W . M . He was sure all would agree with him that it was very commendable , the interest he took in everything pertaining to
Masonry , that he should have come among them that evening with such a severe cold as rendered his voice quite inaudable ; he had so endeared himself to the brethren by his urbanity and genial disposition , that it would be superfluous fo ,- him , Bro . Wright , to make further comment upon his many inestimable qualities . The W . M , in replying felt highly giatified at the high encomiums passed him btheir worth
many upon y y P . M ., Bro . Wright ; ho endeavoured to do his duty as their W ' . M ., and he hoped to their satisfaction , and while that harmonious and kindly feeling existed among all the brethren , he could not resist the temptation of coming among them , although he felt
himself quite unequal to the fatigue . "The Health of the Past Musters" was then given , and duly responded to by Bro . Daniel and With . Bro . 'Aright then gave " The Masonic Charities , " and coupling with them the name of Bra . Kindred , P . M ., who was always at work for one or more of the Charities . He had made his name popular iu every direction by the earnestness of his application to the good work . He might also add , and he was sure that all the brethren ivould be delighted to hear that
the Merchant Navy Lodge would be ably represented at the next Festival for Aged Freemasons aud their Widows , by Bvo . Bracebridge their S . W ., as Steward , lire Kindred . P . M ., replied that he felt a pleasure in assisting by his exertions to the success of any candidate , and also in promoting the benefit of those noble institutions ivhich were such a credit to the Craft , and added that he was much pleased to hear that Bro .
Bracebridge would represent that lodge , and he hoped that all the brethren would give him their warm supnort , and that the Merchant Navy Lodge would be liberally as well as ably represented . The health of the initiate , Bro . Holt the host , ivas then given , who replied that he thanked the brethren for the kind manner in which hehad been received by them , and added that he felt gratified that his humble efforts in catering for
them this evening had elicited such satisfaction . The health of the visitors was then given , coupling the name of Bro . Newton , W . M ., Lodge Sincerity ( No . 171 ) , who replied that he was placed in rather an invidious position to return thanks on behalf of the visitors when lie could scarcely consider himself as such , as he was so frequently among them , and was personally known to most of the brethrenhe was delihted to see sne ' li
, g kindly feeling manifested between the lodge over which he had the honour of presiding , and the Merchant Navy Lodge , be should at all times he pleased to give any of the brethren that hearty welcome that he himself had at any occasion received from them . The health of the officers was then given and responded to by Bro , Wright , P . M ., and Treas . Bros . Davis , S . W . ; and RraeebridgeJ . W . who alluded to the Masonic Charitiesand
, , , his Stewardship , he felt ita high honour to represent the Merchant Navy Lodge at the festival , and he hoped that the brethren would gain him grc ter reason to be proud of it hy their liberality , and that he should go up with a good list . The Tyler ' s toast brought this pleasant evening to a close , and the
brethren dispersed in love and harmony , congratulating themselves upon the successful and happy manner in which the proceedings of tho Merchant Navy Lodge had been inaugurated at its new place of meeting . Tho pleasures of the evening were much enhanced hy some excellent songs from Bros . Levy , Gibbs , Kindred , Hocking , Holt , Beeves , Walker , and Bradbury . ROSE OF DEXAIAHK LODGE ( NO . 975 ) . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on the 16 th inst . at
, tho White Hart Hotel , Barnes , Surrey , when the lodge ivas opened bv Bro . J . Cockbnni , assisted by Bro . G . H . Oliver , S . W .: C . Pago , J . W .: if . Potts , Treas .: It . W . Little , P . M . and See . ; ' G . T . Noyce , J . D . ; J . Barnes , I . G . ; J . Smith , P . M . ; H . G . Buss , Past Sec .: Samels , Neivens , Willcox , Hankins , Beamish , Graham , H . Goodale , Dr . Clarke , Guy , C . A . Smith , H . B . Hewitt , Gtirney , Davis , & c . After the minutes had been confirmed ,
ballots were taken for four candidates , and the lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Barnard having proved his proficiency as a F . C , was entrusted and retired . The lodgo was opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising Bi-o . Barnard was well rendered hy the W . M . and his officers . The lodge having been resumed to the second degree , Bro . J ~ Smith , P . G . Burst , and P . M ., assumed the chair , with Bros .
Little and Potter , as S . and J . \ V . ; and Bro . Oliver , W . M . elect , was duly presented for installation . After the customary formalities a board of Installed Masters was formed , and the new W . M was regularly placed in the chair of K . S . The brethren were then re-admitted find the usual salutes given , when the officers for the ensuing year were appointed as follows : —Bros . C . Page , S . W . ; Neivens , J . W .: Potter , Treas . ; Little , P . M ., Sec . ; Noyce , S . D . ; Clarke , J-. D . ; Barnes , I . G . ; C . A . Smith , Dir . of Cers . ; Samels , W . S . The re-appointment of Bro . Little as Secretary , was received with applause , the brethren heartily endorsing the
complinicntaey terms in which the W . M . addressed him . Bro . Smith delivered the address to the Master , and the Secretary gave those to the Wardens and brethren . The newly-installed W . M . then , in a most creditable .. manner , initiated Messrs . F . P Smith , If . N . Heivctt , G . C . Harrison , and H . L . Farrer into the mysteries of the Order . The report of the Audit Committee skowhg a handsome balance in hand , was read and approved , and a P . M . ' s jewel presented iu the name of the lodge , by the
W . M . to Bro . Cockburn , I . P . M ., who responded in brief butappropriate terms . The lodgo was then closed , and the hrethren adjourned to a capital banquet , under the presidency of Bro . Oliver , who proposed "The Health of "Bro . Smith , " in connection with the toast of the Grand Officers , and Bro . Smith , in reply , stated that he was about to servo ss Steward at the next festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution on the 31 st Jan ., 1 SG 7 and solicited the support of the lodgeto which a liberal
, , collection was tho response . ' The Healths of the Initiates , " wore well received , and were followed by the " E . A . Song , " given by the Secretary . The new Master ' s health was received with enthusiasm ,. Bro . Oliver being thoroughly popular and greatly respected by every member of the lodge . The W . M . expressed his gratification at the cordial reception of his name ,, and also how much he appreciated the high position in which
he had been placed , and assured tho brethren that his best endeavours should be exerted to promote the prosperity of the Eose of Denmark- Lodge . Bro . the Rev . J . S . Dar we ' ll , W . M . elect IOS ( who officiated as Chaplain at the consecration of the lodge ) , Bro . Jager , P . M . 453 , and several other brethren responded for the visitors ; Bros . Page , J . W ., Potter , & c , for the officers , and the Tyler's toast brought the meeting to an end ,, the utmost unanimity and good feeling having prevailed throughout the protracted proceedings of this happy reunion .
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 131 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Quaystreet , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., at seven p . m ., Bro . Stephen Holloivay , W . M ., Prov . G . S ., in the chair . A large number of the members were present . The minutes having been read and unanimously cuiiiirined , one Entered Apprentice was examined as to his proficiency in Masonry , and the trial having proved satisfactory , he ir . is pas-sod to the second degree by Bro . Thomas . Chirgwin , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W ., in a most effective manner ., Bro . Stephen Hollowny gave the tools , Bro . William James
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and visitors . Amongst the latter wo observed Bros . Dr . Harris , Lodge Friendship ( 20 G ); Newton , W . M ., Lodge Sincerity ( So . 174 ); Neal , S . W ., of the same lodge ; Allison , P . M ., Eastern Star Lodge ( No . 94 ) . The minutes of the last regular lodgo and emergency meeting having been read by the Secretary , and the same being respectively confirmed , a ballot was taken and declared unanimous in favour of Mr . John Holt , and Mr . Jolm Perkinsas candidates for initiationand also as ajoining member
, , , Bro . Audries Scheerboon . Mr . John Holt being present , was regularly initiated into ancient Freemasonry ; the ceremony ( notwithstanding the indisposition of the W . M . ) , was worked very impressively . The lodge being opened in tho second degree , Bros . Coleman , ami Firfield , being candidates for the third degree , and after being entrusted , " -ere raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Wright , P . M ., who kirfflly
worked this ceremony consequent upon the illness of the W . M . Upon the lodge being resumed to the first degree , Bro . Rend , the Secretary , then read to the lodgo a letter of resignation received from Bro . Fitzmaurice , which was accepted . There being no further business the lodge as customary , closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned at an early hour to banquet ; and it is but just to our newlinitiated brothertho
y , worthy host , to say that the banquet was all that even the most fastidious could desire , and which elicited from all the brethren the most lively satisfaction . After the removal of the cloth , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and dishonoured , Bro . Wright , P . M ., proposed tho health of their W . M . He was sure all would agree with him that it was very commendable , the interest he took in everything pertaining to
Masonry , that he should have come among them that evening with such a severe cold as rendered his voice quite inaudable ; he had so endeared himself to the brethren by his urbanity and genial disposition , that it would be superfluous fo ,- him , Bro . Wright , to make further comment upon his many inestimable qualities . The W . M , in replying felt highly giatified at the high encomiums passed him btheir worth
many upon y y P . M ., Bro . Wright ; ho endeavoured to do his duty as their W ' . M ., and he hoped to their satisfaction , and while that harmonious and kindly feeling existed among all the brethren , he could not resist the temptation of coming among them , although he felt
himself quite unequal to the fatigue . "The Health of the Past Musters" was then given , and duly responded to by Bro . Daniel and With . Bro . 'Aright then gave " The Masonic Charities , " and coupling with them the name of Bra . Kindred , P . M ., who was always at work for one or more of the Charities . He had made his name popular iu every direction by the earnestness of his application to the good work . He might also add , and he was sure that all the brethren ivould be delighted to hear that
the Merchant Navy Lodge would be ably represented at the next Festival for Aged Freemasons aud their Widows , by Bvo . Bracebridge their S . W ., as Steward , lire Kindred . P . M ., replied that he felt a pleasure in assisting by his exertions to the success of any candidate , and also in promoting the benefit of those noble institutions ivhich were such a credit to the Craft , and added that he was much pleased to hear that Bro .
Bracebridge would represent that lodge , and he hoped that all the brethren would give him their warm supnort , and that the Merchant Navy Lodge would be liberally as well as ably represented . The health of the initiate , Bro . Holt the host , ivas then given , who replied that he thanked the brethren for the kind manner in which hehad been received by them , and added that he felt gratified that his humble efforts in catering for
them this evening had elicited such satisfaction . The health of the visitors was then given , coupling the name of Bro . Newton , W . M ., Lodge Sincerity ( No . 171 ) , who replied that he was placed in rather an invidious position to return thanks on behalf of the visitors when lie could scarcely consider himself as such , as he was so frequently among them , and was personally known to most of the brethrenhe was delihted to see sne ' li
, g kindly feeling manifested between the lodge over which he had the honour of presiding , and the Merchant Navy Lodge , be should at all times he pleased to give any of the brethren that hearty welcome that he himself had at any occasion received from them . The health of the officers was then given and responded to by Bro , Wright , P . M ., and Treas . Bros . Davis , S . W . ; and RraeebridgeJ . W . who alluded to the Masonic Charitiesand
, , , his Stewardship , he felt ita high honour to represent the Merchant Navy Lodge at the festival , and he hoped that the brethren would gain him grc ter reason to be proud of it hy their liberality , and that he should go up with a good list . The Tyler ' s toast brought this pleasant evening to a close , and the
brethren dispersed in love and harmony , congratulating themselves upon the successful and happy manner in which the proceedings of tho Merchant Navy Lodge had been inaugurated at its new place of meeting . Tho pleasures of the evening were much enhanced hy some excellent songs from Bros . Levy , Gibbs , Kindred , Hocking , Holt , Beeves , Walker , and Bradbury . ROSE OF DEXAIAHK LODGE ( NO . 975 ) . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on the 16 th inst . at
, tho White Hart Hotel , Barnes , Surrey , when the lodge ivas opened bv Bro . J . Cockbnni , assisted by Bro . G . H . Oliver , S . W .: C . Pago , J . W .: if . Potts , Treas .: It . W . Little , P . M . and See . ; ' G . T . Noyce , J . D . ; J . Barnes , I . G . ; J . Smith , P . M . ; H . G . Buss , Past Sec .: Samels , Neivens , Willcox , Hankins , Beamish , Graham , H . Goodale , Dr . Clarke , Guy , C . A . Smith , H . B . Hewitt , Gtirney , Davis , & c . After the minutes had been confirmed ,
ballots were taken for four candidates , and the lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Barnard having proved his proficiency as a F . C , was entrusted and retired . The lodgo was opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising Bi-o . Barnard was well rendered hy the W . M . and his officers . The lodge having been resumed to the second degree , Bro . J ~ Smith , P . G . Burst , and P . M ., assumed the chair , with Bros .
Little and Potter , as S . and J . \ V . ; and Bro . Oliver , W . M . elect , was duly presented for installation . After the customary formalities a board of Installed Masters was formed , and the new W . M was regularly placed in the chair of K . S . The brethren were then re-admitted find the usual salutes given , when the officers for the ensuing year were appointed as follows : —Bros . C . Page , S . W . ; Neivens , J . W .: Potter , Treas . ; Little , P . M ., Sec . ; Noyce , S . D . ; Clarke , J-. D . ; Barnes , I . G . ; C . A . Smith , Dir . of Cers . ; Samels , W . S . The re-appointment of Bro . Little as Secretary , was received with applause , the brethren heartily endorsing the
complinicntaey terms in which the W . M . addressed him . Bro . Smith delivered the address to the Master , and the Secretary gave those to the Wardens and brethren . The newly-installed W . M . then , in a most creditable .. manner , initiated Messrs . F . P Smith , If . N . Heivctt , G . C . Harrison , and H . L . Farrer into the mysteries of the Order . The report of the Audit Committee skowhg a handsome balance in hand , was read and approved , and a P . M . ' s jewel presented iu the name of the lodge , by the
W . M . to Bro . Cockburn , I . P . M ., who responded in brief butappropriate terms . The lodgo was then closed , and the hrethren adjourned to a capital banquet , under the presidency of Bro . Oliver , who proposed "The Health of "Bro . Smith , " in connection with the toast of the Grand Officers , and Bro . Smith , in reply , stated that he was about to servo ss Steward at the next festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution on the 31 st Jan ., 1 SG 7 and solicited the support of the lodgeto which a liberal
, , collection was tho response . ' The Healths of the Initiates , " wore well received , and were followed by the " E . A . Song , " given by the Secretary . The new Master ' s health was received with enthusiasm ,. Bro . Oliver being thoroughly popular and greatly respected by every member of the lodge . The W . M . expressed his gratification at the cordial reception of his name ,, and also how much he appreciated the high position in which
he had been placed , and assured tho brethren that his best endeavours should be exerted to promote the prosperity of the Eose of Denmark- Lodge . Bro . the Rev . J . S . Dar we ' ll , W . M . elect IOS ( who officiated as Chaplain at the consecration of the lodge ) , Bro . Jager , P . M . 453 , and several other brethren responded for the visitors ; Bros . Page , J . W ., Potter , & c , for the officers , and the Tyler's toast brought the meeting to an end ,, the utmost unanimity and good feeling having prevailed throughout the protracted proceedings of this happy reunion .
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 131 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Quaystreet , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., at seven p . m ., Bro . Stephen Holloivay , W . M ., Prov . G . S ., in the chair . A large number of the members were present . The minutes having been read and unanimously cuiiiirined , one Entered Apprentice was examined as to his proficiency in Masonry , and the trial having proved satisfactory , he ir . is pas-sod to the second degree by Bro . Thomas . Chirgwin , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W ., in a most effective manner ., Bro . Stephen Hollowny gave the tools , Bro . William James