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Hughan the lecture on the tracing board , and the acting W . M . delivered the concluding charge . In consequence of the lodge having been so handsomely decorated , and thereby incurring additional liabilities , it was very nisely determined to increase the annual subscription some 25 per cent ., as also the fee for initiation at the same rate . The reasons for these alterations were lucidly explained hy the worthy Treasurer , Bro . Thomas Chirgwin . Bro . W . C . Oke , S . W ., was proposed for election as
alaster for the term ensuing , and the present Treasurer , by special desire of the lodge , again consented to act in that capacity , and it is to be hoped he will agree to the same another year as well . The Tyler having been also nominated , and a candidate for Freemasonry proposed and seconded , the lodge was closed at an early hour in peace and harmony . The annual festival will be held in January by both lodges in Truro . As an index of the position of Freemasonry in Cornwall , we may mention that the majority of mayors chosen during the month for the various towns in the county are members of the Craft .
DURHAM . DURHA 3 I . —Marquis ofC'ranig Lod , qe ( No . 124 ) . —On Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., a lodge of emergency , regularly summoned , was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Old El vet . The lodge was opened at seven o'clock p . m . hy Bro . W . R . Fitz Gerald , 18 ° , W . M ., with the assistance of the regular officers . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . Stoker , J . Cundill , and W .
Brignall , P . M . 's ; Rev . G . R . Bulman , Prov . G . Chap . ; Rev . F . Thompson , P . Prov . G . Chap ., & c . Bro . Pechell , WM . United Service Lodge ( No . 215 I . C . ) , attended as visitor . The circular calling the iodge , and the request in writing to summon the same having been read and entered on the minutes , the ballot was taken for the Rev . A . Ratvson Ashwell , M . A ., who was duly elected . Bro . H . J . Baker-Baker , being a candidate for advancement , underwent the usual examination , and , acquitting
himself satisfactorily , withdrew . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when he was readmitted and passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , when Bro . Ashwell , being in attendance , was regularly introduced , and made an E . A . The entire ceremony and the charge was given by the W . M . in an effective manner . The business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in due form , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
ESSEX . HARWICH . —Lodge Star in the East ( No . 650 ) . —The members of this lodge held their regular monthly meeting at the Pier Hotel , on Monday , the 12 th inst . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Durrant , P . M ., presided . There were also present Bros . Butcher , I . P . M . ; W . 0 . Ward , P . M . ; J . Surridsre , P . M ., Sec . ; J . farthing , S . W . ; E . Dorling , P . M ., as J . W . ; R . Dickson , S . D . ;
AV . R . Lodge , J . D . ; W . B . isham , I . G . ; R . Barlow , Tyler ; Brice , & c . The visitors were Bros . W . T . Westgate , W . M . ' 225 , 376 . Dir . of Cers . 959 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Suffolk ,- Daw , S . W . 225 ; J . Williams , 376 . 959 : G . W . Johnson , 461 ; S . Wrisht , 959 ; iT . Chinnock , 059 : W . B .. Rand , I . G . 225 , 376 . 959 rFlory , 225 ; J . Alloway , Treas . 959 , Prov . G . Steward Suffolk ; M . Low , 376 ; Gooid ' mg , 959 ; & c . The lodge was opened at seven o ' clock with solemn prayer . The minutes were
read and confirmed . No particular business offering , Bro . Durrant expressed the great pleasure he felt on the present occasion , as it fell to his lot to present a Past Master's jewel to a brother who had rendered them signal service on many occasions . He alluded to Bro . Westgate . He . trusted Bro . Westgate would be spared many years to wear the jewel he nowhad the honour to fix on his breast . Bro . Westgate , in acknowleding the complimentsaid : " T must most certainly state that
g , there has been a great degree of selfishness in the frequent visits I have paid to Lodge Star in the East , still I hope that selfishness has been of an honourable description , for feeling the desire to progress in Freemasonry ; and I well knew that the host method of gaining instruction was to take part in the work as often as circumstances would permit . Still , at the same time , I must congratulate you , worshipful sir , on the excellent working of your lodgeand assure you it will afford
, me the greatest pleasure to visit and assist you at any time . I thank yon most heartily for the very valuable present made to me this evening , which I will preserve as a mark of your respect as long as it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to give me the power to do so . " Bro . Dorling . P . M .. proposed , econded hy Bro . Dickson , S . D .. that a Past Master ' s jewel he
presented to Bro . Durrant , P . M ., for the able manner in which he had fulfilled the duties of Master of this lodge , which , ou being put , was carried unanimously . Bro . W . 0 . Ward , P . M ., said that such a resolution had been come to by several of the brethren , and he had anticipated the pleasure of presenting it on that evening , but irom some unexplained cause it had not arrived . He quite coincided with the wish of the lodge . After receiving the proposition of a gentlemen for initiation , the
lodge was closed in solemn form . The brethren then jetired from labour to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , the brethren separated after an enjoyable evening .
ISLE OF MAN . RAIISAX . —St . Manghold Lodge ( No . 1075 ) . —The usua [ monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Ramsay Grammar School , Waterloo-road , on Thursday evening , the 15 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . Rothwell , W . M .. with Bros . A . Dumbell . S . W . ; W . Hunter , J . W . ; Rev . W . Kermotle , Chaplain ; W , Laughlin , Sec . ; H . P . Webb , S . D . ; G . H .
Walker , J . D . ; R . B . Henderson , I . G . ; Bros . McWhannell , R . Teare , Cleator , Pellett , J . Higgins , Thos . Allen , Thos . M . Teare , F . E . Harrison , E . M . Taubender , A . B . Skeoch , Thomas A oudy . The harmonium was presided over by Bro . Allen in a very creditable manner , which added very much to the impressiveness of the several ceremonies : The minutes having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for the gentlemen who were proposed last monthaud l-esulted in their favour ; after which
, Bros . Higgins , Dr . Teare and Yondy were passed to the degree of F . D . and Bro . Harrison raised to the M . M . degree by the W . M . in his usual masterly style , the solemnity of the latter degree was very much increased by the able manner in which the Chaplain did his parts of the ceremony . An audit committee having been appointed the brethren adjourned to one of anterooms , where the refreshment had been spread . The W . M . proposed and the brethren drank the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts , after which the health of the brethren who had that night been passed was drank , and responded to by Bros . Dr . Teare and Vomiy . Bro . Harrison's ( the newly-raised ) health was proposed aud duly responded to . The health of Bro . Pellett was proposed hy the W . M . who said that it was at all times a pleasure to have the chief magistrates amongst ns , but especially so to-night . Bro . Pellett had informed him that it was now nearly fifty years since he was initiated , and had shown by his prompt attendance this evening that he still retained a love for the Craft . Bro . Pellett briefly responded . The Tyler's toast was then given , when all separated in harmony .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GARSTON . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th inst ., Bro . Leedham , W . M ., in the chair , and all the officers in attendance as usual . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , Messrs . Prenshaii , Hessenmuller , and Wagner , were duly admitted to light bthe W . M . in his usual earnest and impressive manner
y , , and declared themselves subscribing members . The preliminary examinations being satisfactory , and the lodge being opened in the second degree , Bros . Evans , Sellar , Eaves , and Tait were passed to the degree of Fellow Crafts , by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G Treas ., Lancashire West . After which Bro . W . H . L . Smith , T . 0 . Speakmau , and R . Jones were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., by Bro . Leedham . The lodge having closed down , a the wife of
petition was presented from Mrs . Rogers , an . unworthy brother , who has absconded . Her case excited much commiseration , and the sum of three guineas and a half was voted for her present wants , and the case was strongly recommended to the visiting hrethren to he brought forward at their respective lodges . The West Lancashire relief committee being short of funds , owing to the large numbers of Masons passing through Liverpool who are really deserving of assistance ,
the sum of two guineas was voted to the funds . This committee , ire may here say , sets an example well worthy of adoption in other towns , as all the lodges refer petitions for relief to it , and while the " professionals" receive their just dues , the really worthy aud distressed brethren are properly cared for . The brethren then adjourned to the refreshment table , furnished in Bro . Wood's usual excellent style . We noticed among the visitins brethren , Bros . H . Williams , P . M . 249 ; J . Healing , S . W . 249 ; Croxton and A . Little , 249 ; Prenslau , 160 ; Hunter , Balshaw , Kerr , Spencer , Taylor , Mowall , and Luut , all of 10 S 6 ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Hughan the lecture on the tracing board , and the acting W . M . delivered the concluding charge . In consequence of the lodge having been so handsomely decorated , and thereby incurring additional liabilities , it was very nisely determined to increase the annual subscription some 25 per cent ., as also the fee for initiation at the same rate . The reasons for these alterations were lucidly explained hy the worthy Treasurer , Bro . Thomas Chirgwin . Bro . W . C . Oke , S . W ., was proposed for election as
alaster for the term ensuing , and the present Treasurer , by special desire of the lodge , again consented to act in that capacity , and it is to be hoped he will agree to the same another year as well . The Tyler having been also nominated , and a candidate for Freemasonry proposed and seconded , the lodge was closed at an early hour in peace and harmony . The annual festival will be held in January by both lodges in Truro . As an index of the position of Freemasonry in Cornwall , we may mention that the majority of mayors chosen during the month for the various towns in the county are members of the Craft .
DURHAM . DURHA 3 I . —Marquis ofC'ranig Lod , qe ( No . 124 ) . —On Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., a lodge of emergency , regularly summoned , was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Old El vet . The lodge was opened at seven o'clock p . m . hy Bro . W . R . Fitz Gerald , 18 ° , W . M ., with the assistance of the regular officers . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . Stoker , J . Cundill , and W .
Brignall , P . M . 's ; Rev . G . R . Bulman , Prov . G . Chap . ; Rev . F . Thompson , P . Prov . G . Chap ., & c . Bro . Pechell , WM . United Service Lodge ( No . 215 I . C . ) , attended as visitor . The circular calling the iodge , and the request in writing to summon the same having been read and entered on the minutes , the ballot was taken for the Rev . A . Ratvson Ashwell , M . A ., who was duly elected . Bro . H . J . Baker-Baker , being a candidate for advancement , underwent the usual examination , and , acquitting
himself satisfactorily , withdrew . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when he was readmitted and passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , when Bro . Ashwell , being in attendance , was regularly introduced , and made an E . A . The entire ceremony and the charge was given by the W . M . in an effective manner . The business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in due form , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
ESSEX . HARWICH . —Lodge Star in the East ( No . 650 ) . —The members of this lodge held their regular monthly meeting at the Pier Hotel , on Monday , the 12 th inst . In the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Durrant , P . M ., presided . There were also present Bros . Butcher , I . P . M . ; W . 0 . Ward , P . M . ; J . Surridsre , P . M ., Sec . ; J . farthing , S . W . ; E . Dorling , P . M ., as J . W . ; R . Dickson , S . D . ;
AV . R . Lodge , J . D . ; W . B . isham , I . G . ; R . Barlow , Tyler ; Brice , & c . The visitors were Bros . W . T . Westgate , W . M . ' 225 , 376 . Dir . of Cers . 959 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Suffolk ,- Daw , S . W . 225 ; J . Williams , 376 . 959 : G . W . Johnson , 461 ; S . Wrisht , 959 ; iT . Chinnock , 059 : W . B .. Rand , I . G . 225 , 376 . 959 rFlory , 225 ; J . Alloway , Treas . 959 , Prov . G . Steward Suffolk ; M . Low , 376 ; Gooid ' mg , 959 ; & c . The lodge was opened at seven o ' clock with solemn prayer . The minutes were
read and confirmed . No particular business offering , Bro . Durrant expressed the great pleasure he felt on the present occasion , as it fell to his lot to present a Past Master's jewel to a brother who had rendered them signal service on many occasions . He alluded to Bro . Westgate . He . trusted Bro . Westgate would be spared many years to wear the jewel he nowhad the honour to fix on his breast . Bro . Westgate , in acknowleding the complimentsaid : " T must most certainly state that
g , there has been a great degree of selfishness in the frequent visits I have paid to Lodge Star in the East , still I hope that selfishness has been of an honourable description , for feeling the desire to progress in Freemasonry ; and I well knew that the host method of gaining instruction was to take part in the work as often as circumstances would permit . Still , at the same time , I must congratulate you , worshipful sir , on the excellent working of your lodgeand assure you it will afford
, me the greatest pleasure to visit and assist you at any time . I thank yon most heartily for the very valuable present made to me this evening , which I will preserve as a mark of your respect as long as it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to give me the power to do so . " Bro . Dorling . P . M .. proposed , econded hy Bro . Dickson , S . D .. that a Past Master ' s jewel he
presented to Bro . Durrant , P . M ., for the able manner in which he had fulfilled the duties of Master of this lodge , which , ou being put , was carried unanimously . Bro . W . 0 . Ward , P . M ., said that such a resolution had been come to by several of the brethren , and he had anticipated the pleasure of presenting it on that evening , but irom some unexplained cause it had not arrived . He quite coincided with the wish of the lodge . After receiving the proposition of a gentlemen for initiation , the
lodge was closed in solemn form . The brethren then jetired from labour to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , the brethren separated after an enjoyable evening .
ISLE OF MAN . RAIISAX . —St . Manghold Lodge ( No . 1075 ) . —The usua [ monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Ramsay Grammar School , Waterloo-road , on Thursday evening , the 15 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . Rothwell , W . M .. with Bros . A . Dumbell . S . W . ; W . Hunter , J . W . ; Rev . W . Kermotle , Chaplain ; W , Laughlin , Sec . ; H . P . Webb , S . D . ; G . H .
Walker , J . D . ; R . B . Henderson , I . G . ; Bros . McWhannell , R . Teare , Cleator , Pellett , J . Higgins , Thos . Allen , Thos . M . Teare , F . E . Harrison , E . M . Taubender , A . B . Skeoch , Thomas A oudy . The harmonium was presided over by Bro . Allen in a very creditable manner , which added very much to the impressiveness of the several ceremonies : The minutes having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for the gentlemen who were proposed last monthaud l-esulted in their favour ; after which
, Bros . Higgins , Dr . Teare and Yondy were passed to the degree of F . D . and Bro . Harrison raised to the M . M . degree by the W . M . in his usual masterly style , the solemnity of the latter degree was very much increased by the able manner in which the Chaplain did his parts of the ceremony . An audit committee having been appointed the brethren adjourned to one of anterooms , where the refreshment had been spread . The W . M . proposed and the brethren drank the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts , after which the health of the brethren who had that night been passed was drank , and responded to by Bros . Dr . Teare and Vomiy . Bro . Harrison's ( the newly-raised ) health was proposed aud duly responded to . The health of Bro . Pellett was proposed hy the W . M . who said that it was at all times a pleasure to have the chief magistrates amongst ns , but especially so to-night . Bro . Pellett had informed him that it was now nearly fifty years since he was initiated , and had shown by his prompt attendance this evening that he still retained a love for the Craft . Bro . Pellett briefly responded . The Tyler's toast was then given , when all separated in harmony .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . GARSTON . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th inst ., Bro . Leedham , W . M ., in the chair , and all the officers in attendance as usual . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , Messrs . Prenshaii , Hessenmuller , and Wagner , were duly admitted to light bthe W . M . in his usual earnest and impressive manner
y , , and declared themselves subscribing members . The preliminary examinations being satisfactory , and the lodge being opened in the second degree , Bros . Evans , Sellar , Eaves , and Tait were passed to the degree of Fellow Crafts , by Bro . Hamer , Prov . G Treas ., Lancashire West . After which Bro . W . H . L . Smith , T . 0 . Speakmau , and R . Jones were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., by Bro . Leedham . The lodge having closed down , a the wife of
petition was presented from Mrs . Rogers , an . unworthy brother , who has absconded . Her case excited much commiseration , and the sum of three guineas and a half was voted for her present wants , and the case was strongly recommended to the visiting hrethren to he brought forward at their respective lodges . The West Lancashire relief committee being short of funds , owing to the large numbers of Masons passing through Liverpool who are really deserving of assistance ,
the sum of two guineas was voted to the funds . This committee , ire may here say , sets an example well worthy of adoption in other towns , as all the lodges refer petitions for relief to it , and while the " professionals" receive their just dues , the really worthy aud distressed brethren are properly cared for . The brethren then adjourned to the refreshment table , furnished in Bro . Wood's usual excellent style . We noticed among the visitins brethren , Bros . H . Williams , P . M . 249 ; J . Healing , S . W . 249 ; Croxton and A . Little , 249 ; Prenslau , 160 ; Hunter , Balshaw , Kerr , Spencer , Taylor , Mowall , and Luut , all of 10 S 6 ;