Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEHPLAR. Page 1 of 1
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SUFFOLK . IPSWICH—Lodge St . Lv . lce ( No . 225 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Coach and Horses , Brook-street , on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., Bio . W . T . Westgate , W . M ., in the chair . Present , Bros . Daw , S . W . ; Richmond , P . M ., J . W . protein . ; P . Whitehead , S . 1 L ; R . 0 . Brown , J . D . ; W . R . Rand , I . G . ; Syer , Tyler ; J . Whitehead , Chirk , A . Barber ,
Turner , and S . B . King , P . M . ' s ; Robb , Clements , Barber , VTory , Godhold , Meek , J . Baker , Bloomfirld , & c . Visitors : Bros . Pedgrill , P . M . 3 SS , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Brock , 370 ; Wright , 259 , & c . The lodge being opened iu due form , the minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . The brethren then proceeded to ballot for Mr . W . D . Skinner , which being unanimous , he Was duly initiated by the W . AI ., the S . W . delivered the working tools . The charge was given by Bro . Whitehead , P . M .
Bro . Skinner having retired , the W . M . then proceeded to examine Bro . Bloomfield in the questions leading from the first to the second degree . The lodge was then opened in the second degree . Bro . Bloomfield was duly passed to the degree of a F . C . by the W . M . The lodge was closed in the second degree , the W . M . informed the brethren the next business was to elect a Master to preside over them for the ensuing twelve months . On the ballot being takenit was declared unanimous in favour
, of Bro . Drvy , S . W . Bro . Clark was elected Treasurer , and Bro . Syer , Tyler . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation . No further business offering the lodge was closed in solemn form , and the brethren retired to refreshment . The toast of "The Queen , Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family "being given , the W . M . next gave " The Grand Master , " "The Deputy Grand Master" " The Provincial Grand Master
, , Bro . Col . A . S . Adair , " " The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lockwood , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , " coupled with that toast Bro . Barber , Prov . G . Org ., who acknowledged the same in ve-y suitable terms- After various songs from several of the brethren , and a fow other toasts , the brethren retired at high twelve , after a very pleasant evening .
ROYAL ARCH . METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) , —An emergency meeting of this new chapter was held on Thursday , the loth inst ., at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . The convocation wos opened by Comp . V . WaltersAl . E . Z .: J . AV . Halsey
, , as H . ; H . Muggeridge , P . Z ., as , 1 , The companions were admitted . Tbe minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Comp . A . D . Loeivenstark , S . N . and Treas ., J ., 185 , then took the J . chair . Bro . W . C . Farries , 73 , Alount Lebanon Lodge , being in attendance , was exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . R . Watts , P . Z ., acted as P . S . All the officers did their work in an able and efficient manner . Three brethren
were proposed as candidates for the next meeting , and one companion as a joining member . The chapter ivas closed until Thursday , January 10 th , 1 S 67 , to meet seven o ' clock" , p . m . A isitors , Comps . J . W . Halsey , H . 507 ; J . Lightl ' oot , 109 , & c .
Mark Masonry.
ScAXBlio ' . —Slar in the Fast ( No . 95 ) . —The consecration of a new lodge of Mark Alasters , under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Alasters in England , ' called the "Star in the East , " No . 95 , took place at the Alasonic Hall , Scarborough , on Saturday the 17 th inst . The brethren assembled at three o ' clock p . m ., when the ceremony of consecration was very ably performed by Bro . Frederick Binckes , G . Steward , who proceeded to install Bros . Dr . Wm . Foster RookeWAIMajor JW
, .. ; . . Woodall , S . W . ; W . Peacock , J . W . ( tho petitioners for the warrant of constitution ) , Cap . Knocker , JI . O . ; J . F . Spun-, P . AI . ; W . J . Farthing , P . AI ., J . O ., Sergeant 11 . C . Martin , P . M ., Sec ., andRcg . of Marks ; J . Chapman , J . D . and Treas . ; J . D . C . Jackson , I . G ?; W . Milner , Tyler . The following members of the Old Glohe Lodge of Freemasons were ballotted for and advanced to the decree of Mark Masters : Bros . W . SpongW . Peacock-HHGarnett
, , . . , J . Raper , J . D . C . Jackson , and W . Milner , and several candidates were proposed for the ballot , after which the lodge was closed at six o ' clock , when tiie brethren dined together and spent a very social and agreeable evening . We may add that this is the first and only lodge of Alark Alasters , under the said jurisdiction in the North Riding of Yorkshire .
Mark Masonry.
KENT LODGE OT ? MAHK MASTERS . —This lodge having removed to the excellently arranged lodge room of Bro . Todd , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , met on Tuesday hist , Bros . H . J . Thompson , W . M . ; W . Wynne ,. S . W . and Treas .: the Rev . D . Shahoe , Chap . ; Swan , Sec : Warr , S . 0 ., and many other highly respected members being present . Bros . Todd and Wescomb were advanced , and several propositions of candidates for advancement at the next meeting were made . After closing
the lodge the brethren adju . irued to Bro . Todd's handsome and comfortable baiKjinit vooin , v . htve they found substantial refreshment and excellent wines , and after the usual toasts and some good vocal music , retired at eleven o'clock .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
DEVON . Monday , the 19 th inst ., was a red letter day for the Saint Aubyn Chapter of S-P . lt . ij < Present , the 111 . Bro . A'incent Bird , 30 ' , as M . W . S . The Excellent and Perfect Bro . Samuel Chappie , 18 ° , as Prelate . E . and P . Bro . William J . Hughan , 18 ° , First General ; E . and P . Bro . Matthew Paul for the 111 . Bro . F . At . Williams , 30 ° , M . P . for Truro , as Second General ; E . and P . Bro . Jolm Brown , 18 ' , as Grand Marshal ; James
Hawton , 18 ° , as Raphael ; John Oxland , 13 ° , as Capt . of Guard , and about tweny others . The business of the day commenced at two p . m . The ballots having heen taken , and the following brethren having signed the declaration of allegiance , they were declared to he entitled to the privileges of this ancient and noble Order- —William Gordon Cornwallis Eliot , commonly called Lord Eliot , M . P . for Devonport : John George Mason , P . Prov . S . G . W . Cornwall ; Frederick William DabbP . Prov .
, , J . G . W ., Cornwall ; John Hocking , jun . P . Prov . J . G . W ., Cornivali ; Thomas Taylor , P . M . ; ami AVilliam Henry Roberts , AI . AI . A Grand Lodge of Perfection being opened , the degrees from the fourth to the fourteenth were conferred , and the brethren declared to be entitled to the rank thereof . This Grand Lodge being closed , a council of the Princes of
Jerusalem was opened , and the degrees of 15 and 1 G then conferred ; subsequently an encampment of tho Knights of the East and West having been planted , the brethren were therein intrusted with the qualification to pass them into the Royal Chapter of Rose Croix of H . R . D . AI . The ceremonies peculiar to this sublime degree in its several parts were rendered in a feeling and solemn manner , and calculated to leave a lasting impression on those privileged to he present . The Knights of the
East and West having performed their allotted task , readied the perfection of Alasonry , and were duly constituted Knights of the Pelican and Eagle , and perfected Princes of the Holy Order of Rose (^ of H . ll . D . AV . wero proclaimed as such , and summoned by the Herald to take their places in the Chapter . Congratulations having ensued , the Chapter was duly closed in ancient form at 0 . 30 . The proprietor of the premises in which the Alasonic
business of Saint Aubyn is conducted seems to be actuated by a desire to spare no expense so that proper accommodation shall be given to work all the degrees efficiently , and the whole ofthe officers , from the M . U ' . S . to tho serving brother , seem to vie with eacli other as to who shall he most efficient in the discharge of their duties .
Knights Tehplar.
liOMTORD . —Temple Creasing Encampment . —This flourishing encampment met on Thursday week , at the White Hart Hotel , under the command of Sir Knt . Dr . Lilley . who , in his usual impressive and efficient manner , installed Comp . W . N . Rudge , of the Royal York Chapter ; the E . G . was ably supported by his officers , Sir Knts . Leuiainc , P . E . C ., Prelate ; Farran , P . E . C , Reg . ; Alajor Du Cane as 1 st Capt ,: F . W . Mitchell , 2 nd Capt . ; and II . F . Smith , Capt . of Lines . Sir Knt . H . F . Smith
pre sented a very superior suit of armour to the encampment , for ivhich the E . G ., in a most appropriate speech on behalf of the encampment , moved a vote of thanks , which was carried unanimously and ordered to he entered on the minutes . After tbe closing of the encampment the knights adjourned to a banquet provided in the excellent manner for which Air , Cowland , the proprietor of the hotel , is so deservedly noted .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH—Lodge St . Lv . lce ( No . 225 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Coach and Horses , Brook-street , on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., Bio . W . T . Westgate , W . M ., in the chair . Present , Bros . Daw , S . W . ; Richmond , P . M ., J . W . protein . ; P . Whitehead , S . 1 L ; R . 0 . Brown , J . D . ; W . R . Rand , I . G . ; Syer , Tyler ; J . Whitehead , Chirk , A . Barber ,
Turner , and S . B . King , P . M . ' s ; Robb , Clements , Barber , VTory , Godhold , Meek , J . Baker , Bloomfirld , & c . Visitors : Bros . Pedgrill , P . M . 3 SS , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Brock , 370 ; Wright , 259 , & c . The lodge being opened iu due form , the minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . The brethren then proceeded to ballot for Mr . W . D . Skinner , which being unanimous , he Was duly initiated by the W . AI ., the S . W . delivered the working tools . The charge was given by Bro . Whitehead , P . M .
Bro . Skinner having retired , the W . M . then proceeded to examine Bro . Bloomfield in the questions leading from the first to the second degree . The lodge was then opened in the second degree . Bro . Bloomfield was duly passed to the degree of a F . C . by the W . M . The lodge was closed in the second degree , the W . M . informed the brethren the next business was to elect a Master to preside over them for the ensuing twelve months . On the ballot being takenit was declared unanimous in favour
, of Bro . Drvy , S . W . Bro . Clark was elected Treasurer , and Bro . Syer , Tyler . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation . No further business offering the lodge was closed in solemn form , and the brethren retired to refreshment . The toast of "The Queen , Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family "being given , the W . M . next gave " The Grand Master , " "The Deputy Grand Master" " The Provincial Grand Master
, , Bro . Col . A . S . Adair , " " The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lockwood , and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , " coupled with that toast Bro . Barber , Prov . G . Org ., who acknowledged the same in ve-y suitable terms- After various songs from several of the brethren , and a fow other toasts , the brethren retired at high twelve , after a very pleasant evening .
ROYAL ARCH . METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) , —An emergency meeting of this new chapter was held on Thursday , the loth inst ., at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark . The convocation wos opened by Comp . V . WaltersAl . E . Z .: J . AV . Halsey
, , as H . ; H . Muggeridge , P . Z ., as , 1 , The companions were admitted . Tbe minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Comp . A . D . Loeivenstark , S . N . and Treas ., J ., 185 , then took the J . chair . Bro . W . C . Farries , 73 , Alount Lebanon Lodge , being in attendance , was exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . R . Watts , P . Z ., acted as P . S . All the officers did their work in an able and efficient manner . Three brethren
were proposed as candidates for the next meeting , and one companion as a joining member . The chapter ivas closed until Thursday , January 10 th , 1 S 67 , to meet seven o ' clock" , p . m . A isitors , Comps . J . W . Halsey , H . 507 ; J . Lightl ' oot , 109 , & c .
Mark Masonry.
ScAXBlio ' . —Slar in the Fast ( No . 95 ) . —The consecration of a new lodge of Mark Alasters , under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Alasters in England , ' called the "Star in the East , " No . 95 , took place at the Alasonic Hall , Scarborough , on Saturday the 17 th inst . The brethren assembled at three o ' clock p . m ., when the ceremony of consecration was very ably performed by Bro . Frederick Binckes , G . Steward , who proceeded to install Bros . Dr . Wm . Foster RookeWAIMajor JW
, .. ; . . Woodall , S . W . ; W . Peacock , J . W . ( tho petitioners for the warrant of constitution ) , Cap . Knocker , JI . O . ; J . F . Spun-, P . AI . ; W . J . Farthing , P . AI ., J . O ., Sergeant 11 . C . Martin , P . M ., Sec ., andRcg . of Marks ; J . Chapman , J . D . and Treas . ; J . D . C . Jackson , I . G ?; W . Milner , Tyler . The following members of the Old Glohe Lodge of Freemasons were ballotted for and advanced to the decree of Mark Masters : Bros . W . SpongW . Peacock-HHGarnett
, , . . , J . Raper , J . D . C . Jackson , and W . Milner , and several candidates were proposed for the ballot , after which the lodge was closed at six o ' clock , when tiie brethren dined together and spent a very social and agreeable evening . We may add that this is the first and only lodge of Alark Alasters , under the said jurisdiction in the North Riding of Yorkshire .
Mark Masonry.
KENT LODGE OT ? MAHK MASTERS . —This lodge having removed to the excellently arranged lodge room of Bro . Todd , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , met on Tuesday hist , Bros . H . J . Thompson , W . M . ; W . Wynne ,. S . W . and Treas .: the Rev . D . Shahoe , Chap . ; Swan , Sec : Warr , S . 0 ., and many other highly respected members being present . Bros . Todd and Wescomb were advanced , and several propositions of candidates for advancement at the next meeting were made . After closing
the lodge the brethren adju . irued to Bro . Todd's handsome and comfortable baiKjinit vooin , v . htve they found substantial refreshment and excellent wines , and after the usual toasts and some good vocal music , retired at eleven o'clock .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
DEVON . Monday , the 19 th inst ., was a red letter day for the Saint Aubyn Chapter of S-P . lt . ij < Present , the 111 . Bro . A'incent Bird , 30 ' , as M . W . S . The Excellent and Perfect Bro . Samuel Chappie , 18 ° , as Prelate . E . and P . Bro . William J . Hughan , 18 ° , First General ; E . and P . Bro . Matthew Paul for the 111 . Bro . F . At . Williams , 30 ° , M . P . for Truro , as Second General ; E . and P . Bro . Jolm Brown , 18 ' , as Grand Marshal ; James
Hawton , 18 ° , as Raphael ; John Oxland , 13 ° , as Capt . of Guard , and about tweny others . The business of the day commenced at two p . m . The ballots having heen taken , and the following brethren having signed the declaration of allegiance , they were declared to he entitled to the privileges of this ancient and noble Order- —William Gordon Cornwallis Eliot , commonly called Lord Eliot , M . P . for Devonport : John George Mason , P . Prov . S . G . W . Cornwall ; Frederick William DabbP . Prov .
, , J . G . W ., Cornwall ; John Hocking , jun . P . Prov . J . G . W ., Cornivali ; Thomas Taylor , P . M . ; ami AVilliam Henry Roberts , AI . AI . A Grand Lodge of Perfection being opened , the degrees from the fourth to the fourteenth were conferred , and the brethren declared to be entitled to the rank thereof . This Grand Lodge being closed , a council of the Princes of
Jerusalem was opened , and the degrees of 15 and 1 G then conferred ; subsequently an encampment of tho Knights of the East and West having been planted , the brethren were therein intrusted with the qualification to pass them into the Royal Chapter of Rose Croix of H . R . D . AI . The ceremonies peculiar to this sublime degree in its several parts were rendered in a feeling and solemn manner , and calculated to leave a lasting impression on those privileged to he present . The Knights of the
East and West having performed their allotted task , readied the perfection of Alasonry , and were duly constituted Knights of the Pelican and Eagle , and perfected Princes of the Holy Order of Rose (^ of H . ll . D . AV . wero proclaimed as such , and summoned by the Herald to take their places in the Chapter . Congratulations having ensued , the Chapter was duly closed in ancient form at 0 . 30 . The proprietor of the premises in which the Alasonic
business of Saint Aubyn is conducted seems to be actuated by a desire to spare no expense so that proper accommodation shall be given to work all the degrees efficiently , and the whole ofthe officers , from the M . U ' . S . to tho serving brother , seem to vie with eacli other as to who shall he most efficient in the discharge of their duties .
Knights Tehplar.
liOMTORD . —Temple Creasing Encampment . —This flourishing encampment met on Thursday week , at the White Hart Hotel , under the command of Sir Knt . Dr . Lilley . who , in his usual impressive and efficient manner , installed Comp . W . N . Rudge , of the Royal York Chapter ; the E . G . was ably supported by his officers , Sir Knts . Leuiainc , P . E . C ., Prelate ; Farran , P . E . C , Reg . ; Alajor Du Cane as 1 st Capt ,: F . W . Mitchell , 2 nd Capt . ; and II . F . Smith , Capt . of Lines . Sir Knt . H . F . Smith
pre sented a very superior suit of armour to the encampment , for ivhich the E . G ., in a most appropriate speech on behalf of the encampment , moved a vote of thanks , which was carried unanimously and ordered to he entered on the minutes . After tbe closing of the encampment the knights adjourned to a banquet provided in the excellent manner for which Air , Cowland , the proprietor of the hotel , is so deservedly noted .