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Knights Of Constantinople.
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Fortitude Council . —A meeting of this council , under authority of the St . Aubyn Grand Council , was held at the Alasonic Hall lately ( the precise date we are unable to give ) , and a large number of the members assembled under the presidency of Sir Knt . William James Hughan , 111 . Sov ., to elevate three candidates to the degree of a Alasonic Knight of
Constantinople , and to transact the regular business of the council . Sir Knt . Thomas Chirgwin , Treas ., was chosen to preside over the convocations for the year ensuing , and , after he ¦ was enthroned as 111 . Sov ., the members were readmitted , and the following were appointed as the officers to assist him in carrying out the duties of the council : —Sir Knts . William James Hughan , P . Sov . ; William Tweedy , Seneschal ; Frederick M . Williams , M . P ., C . A . ; William J . ' Johns , AI . A . ; Captain
Hasby Barber , Prelate ; Stephen Hollowav , R . and AI . F . ; AV . J . Hughan , P . Sov ,, M . D . -, Thomas Trega ' skis , Assist . M . D . ; Frederick W . Dabb , Marshal ; Richard Bodilly , Assist . Marshal ; AV . H . AV . Blight , Almoner ; William Bouse , 1 st Std . Bearer ; T . E . Lanyon , 2 nd Std . Bearer ; John Nuness . Sword Bearer ; AVilliam Lake , 1 st Herald ; W . AI . Couch , 2 nd Herald ; Richard Johns , Capt . of Guard ; Thomas Mann , W . ; John Langdon , Purveyor ; and AV . Wyatt . Sentinel . The members then
adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , and partook of their annual banquet . Several good speeches were made , and hopeful anticipations ivere expressed as to the success of the council during the coming year , under the management of the newly-appointed officers . The financial and numerical position of the Order in Cornwall is most satisfactory , and we understand the same experience is enjoyed by the Grand Council .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE LODGE . NO . 81 . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , Nov . 14 th , at the Alasonic Rooms , and was more interesting to many , and therefore better attended than usual , owing to the circumstance that there was an initiation , tho first under the present Mastership , which is now drawing to a close . Whatever may be said to the contrary , or however desirable it may be to give a more intellectual cast to Alasonic
meetings , instead of the monotonous repetition of ceremonial observances , it cannot be denied that the performance of an initiation , passing or raising , is more attractive , and brings together the brethren in greater numbers than the delivery of lectures or discussions on Alasonic subjects . This deficiency in the Doyle Lodge in what forms the staple occupation of so niany lodges , to the exclusion of other instructive work , must not be attributed to a lack of zeal among the membersbut rather to
, care and discrimination on those points which have lately been commented upon by the AI . W . the Grand Alaster of England in his circular to Prov . Grand Alasters , especially the character and habits of those seeking admission into the Order . The spirit of proselytising does not appear to exist in Guernsey ,
and so retiring are the Alasons in regard to all that concerns the Craft , that there is nothing to attract public notice and inquiry . The writer of this report particularly observed that the W . AI . mentioned as a matter for congratulation the fact that the candidate had not heen sought and solicited , as is too often the case , but that he had himself come forward in every sense of the words "freely and voluntary , " that being the most desirable condition under ivhich a new member can be
received . Several visitors were present , among whom were the Rev . Bro . Trueman , a Prov . G . Officer in Somersetshire ; Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . AI . 43 and 958 , and P . Prov . S . G . W . for Warwickshire ; Bro . H . Smytbson , W . AI . of 1 GS , and others . The lodge was opened at 7 . 50 bv Bro . John Guilbert , W . AI ., assisted by Bro . Cole , S . W . ; Bro . W . Martin , J . W . ; aud Bro . ChurchouseI . P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting
hav-, ing been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Air . Thomas Carre , which proved unanimous in his favour . The candidate was then introduced properly prepared , and received the benefit of initiation at the hands of the W . AI ., who conducted the ceremony carefully and efficiently—indeed , remarkably so , considering his long want of practice . At his request the usual
Channel Islands.
charge was delivered hy Bro . Dr . Hopkins , to whose skill and impressiveness ample testimony was afterwards openly expressed by the Rev . Bro . Trueman . The lodge was closed at nine o ' clock , and the brethren proceeded to the refreshment room , where they remained in the enjoyment of social intercourse till eleven o'clock .
Public Amusements.
We would remind our readers of the forthcoming benefit of Mr . Fred . Burgess , the Manager of the Christy Msnstrels , on Monday , the 3 rd prox ., at the above hall . We have had much pleasure in witnessing the talent displayed by Mr . Burgess ' s Company of twenty performers , included amongst which are the original members who identified the title of
Christy ' s Minstrels in 1 S 57 . Although we have now "Christy ' s Minstrels" without number , and many of them claiming the ri ght to the title of " Originals , " it tells very favourabl y indeed for the merits of Mr . Burgess ' s Company that they have continued for such a considerable period here , where they have drawn ni ghtly a crowded and approving audience .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending Dec. 1st, 1866.
Monday , Nov . 26 th . —ROYAL GEoGEA . TEic . vii SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . Tuesday , Nov . 27 th . —INSTITUTION or CIVIL ENGINEERS , at 8 . AVednesday , Nov . 2 Sth . —SOCIETY OF ARTS , at 8 .
The Week.
THE COUET . —The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales , walked and drove on the 14 th inst . Her Majesty the Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness princess Louise , and attended by the Countess of Caledon and Lord Alfred Paget , left Windsor hy special train on the Great Western Railway , at ten minutes past eleven o'clock on the
loth inst ., for London , and drove from Paddington to Hyde Park , where her Majesty inspected the works in progress for tho National Memorial to the Prince Consort . The Queen accompanied by her Royal Highness , Princess Christian , drove out in the afternoon , and her Majesty , with Princess Beatrice went out in the grounds on the morning of the lfith inst . The
Queen , with the Princess of Wales , drove out in the afternoon . Her Majesty , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Louise , and attended by Lady Susan Melville , drove out on the morning of the 17 th inst . The Queen , with her Royal Highness the Princess Christian , drove out in the afternoon ; Princess Beatrice drove out also . The Queen , her Royal Highness the
Princess of Wales , his Roj-al Highness the Duke of Edinburgh , their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess Chnstiuni Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice , and the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting attended Divine service on the morning of the 18 th inst ., in the private chapel . The Rev . . 1 . I ' . Woodford preached the sermon . The
Queen , accompanied hy their Royal Highnesses the Princess of Wales and Princess Christian , drove out on the morning of the 19 th inst . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Of Constantinople.
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Fortitude Council . —A meeting of this council , under authority of the St . Aubyn Grand Council , was held at the Alasonic Hall lately ( the precise date we are unable to give ) , and a large number of the members assembled under the presidency of Sir Knt . William James Hughan , 111 . Sov ., to elevate three candidates to the degree of a Alasonic Knight of
Constantinople , and to transact the regular business of the council . Sir Knt . Thomas Chirgwin , Treas ., was chosen to preside over the convocations for the year ensuing , and , after he ¦ was enthroned as 111 . Sov ., the members were readmitted , and the following were appointed as the officers to assist him in carrying out the duties of the council : —Sir Knts . William James Hughan , P . Sov . ; William Tweedy , Seneschal ; Frederick M . Williams , M . P ., C . A . ; William J . ' Johns , AI . A . ; Captain
Hasby Barber , Prelate ; Stephen Hollowav , R . and AI . F . ; AV . J . Hughan , P . Sov ,, M . D . -, Thomas Trega ' skis , Assist . M . D . ; Frederick W . Dabb , Marshal ; Richard Bodilly , Assist . Marshal ; AV . H . AV . Blight , Almoner ; William Bouse , 1 st Std . Bearer ; T . E . Lanyon , 2 nd Std . Bearer ; John Nuness . Sword Bearer ; AVilliam Lake , 1 st Herald ; W . AI . Couch , 2 nd Herald ; Richard Johns , Capt . of Guard ; Thomas Mann , W . ; John Langdon , Purveyor ; and AV . Wyatt . Sentinel . The members then
adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , and partook of their annual banquet . Several good speeches were made , and hopeful anticipations ivere expressed as to the success of the council during the coming year , under the management of the newly-appointed officers . The financial and numerical position of the Order in Cornwall is most satisfactory , and we understand the same experience is enjoyed by the Grand Council .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE LODGE . NO . 81 . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , Nov . 14 th , at the Alasonic Rooms , and was more interesting to many , and therefore better attended than usual , owing to the circumstance that there was an initiation , tho first under the present Mastership , which is now drawing to a close . Whatever may be said to the contrary , or however desirable it may be to give a more intellectual cast to Alasonic
meetings , instead of the monotonous repetition of ceremonial observances , it cannot be denied that the performance of an initiation , passing or raising , is more attractive , and brings together the brethren in greater numbers than the delivery of lectures or discussions on Alasonic subjects . This deficiency in the Doyle Lodge in what forms the staple occupation of so niany lodges , to the exclusion of other instructive work , must not be attributed to a lack of zeal among the membersbut rather to
, care and discrimination on those points which have lately been commented upon by the AI . W . the Grand Alaster of England in his circular to Prov . Grand Alasters , especially the character and habits of those seeking admission into the Order . The spirit of proselytising does not appear to exist in Guernsey ,
and so retiring are the Alasons in regard to all that concerns the Craft , that there is nothing to attract public notice and inquiry . The writer of this report particularly observed that the W . AI . mentioned as a matter for congratulation the fact that the candidate had not heen sought and solicited , as is too often the case , but that he had himself come forward in every sense of the words "freely and voluntary , " that being the most desirable condition under ivhich a new member can be
received . Several visitors were present , among whom were the Rev . Bro . Trueman , a Prov . G . Officer in Somersetshire ; Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . AI . 43 and 958 , and P . Prov . S . G . W . for Warwickshire ; Bro . H . Smytbson , W . AI . of 1 GS , and others . The lodge was opened at 7 . 50 bv Bro . John Guilbert , W . AI ., assisted by Bro . Cole , S . W . ; Bro . W . Martin , J . W . ; aud Bro . ChurchouseI . P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting
hav-, ing been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Air . Thomas Carre , which proved unanimous in his favour . The candidate was then introduced properly prepared , and received the benefit of initiation at the hands of the W . AI ., who conducted the ceremony carefully and efficiently—indeed , remarkably so , considering his long want of practice . At his request the usual
Channel Islands.
charge was delivered hy Bro . Dr . Hopkins , to whose skill and impressiveness ample testimony was afterwards openly expressed by the Rev . Bro . Trueman . The lodge was closed at nine o ' clock , and the brethren proceeded to the refreshment room , where they remained in the enjoyment of social intercourse till eleven o'clock .
Public Amusements.
We would remind our readers of the forthcoming benefit of Mr . Fred . Burgess , the Manager of the Christy Msnstrels , on Monday , the 3 rd prox ., at the above hall . We have had much pleasure in witnessing the talent displayed by Mr . Burgess ' s Company of twenty performers , included amongst which are the original members who identified the title of
Christy ' s Minstrels in 1 S 57 . Although we have now "Christy ' s Minstrels" without number , and many of them claiming the ri ght to the title of " Originals , " it tells very favourabl y indeed for the merits of Mr . Burgess ' s Company that they have continued for such a considerable period here , where they have drawn ni ghtly a crowded and approving audience .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending Dec. 1st, 1866.
Monday , Nov . 26 th . —ROYAL GEoGEA . TEic . vii SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . Tuesday , Nov . 27 th . —INSTITUTION or CIVIL ENGINEERS , at 8 . AVednesday , Nov . 2 Sth . —SOCIETY OF ARTS , at 8 .
The Week.
THE COUET . —The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales , walked and drove on the 14 th inst . Her Majesty the Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness princess Louise , and attended by the Countess of Caledon and Lord Alfred Paget , left Windsor hy special train on the Great Western Railway , at ten minutes past eleven o'clock on the
loth inst ., for London , and drove from Paddington to Hyde Park , where her Majesty inspected the works in progress for tho National Memorial to the Prince Consort . The Queen accompanied by her Royal Highness , Princess Christian , drove out in the afternoon , and her Majesty , with Princess Beatrice went out in the grounds on the morning of the lfith inst . The
Queen , with the Princess of Wales , drove out in the afternoon . Her Majesty , accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Louise , and attended by Lady Susan Melville , drove out on the morning of the 17 th inst . The Queen , with her Royal Highness the Princess Christian , drove out in the afternoon ; Princess Beatrice drove out also . The Queen , her Royal Highness the
Princess of Wales , his Roj-al Highness the Duke of Edinburgh , their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess Chnstiuni Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice , and the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting attended Divine service on the morning of the 18 th inst ., in the private chapel . The Rev . . 1 . I ' . Woodford preached the sermon . The
Queen , accompanied hy their Royal Highnesses the Princess of Wales and Princess Christian , drove out on the morning of the 19 th inst . The Queen , accompanied by her Royal Highness