Article CLASSICAL THEOLOGY.—LXXXIII. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Classical Theology.—Lxxxiii.
for him the honour of the name of Hercules , " Juno grace dicitur 'Hpa and K , \< = OS ( Hera-cleos ) gloria uncle nomen Hercules . " Bear in mind , nevertheless it is recorded , that Juno , after she had sent the two vipers to destroy the " vigorous
babe " in his cradle , upon the mediation of Pallas , grew so far reconciled to the infant as to offer him her breast , of which , nothing daunted , the noble little fellow partook so violently as to occasion the nursing goddess such smarting pain as to make
her put him away over suddenly . But here , at least , is to be seen evidence of the milk of human kindness being in the nature of Juno . Some of this aliment just as the poets declare it to be , though spilt was not lost , some fell upon the sky ,
whence the formation and derivation of ? aKax < . ( Galaxia ) or the Milky Way ; some fell upon the earth , whence the production ancl denomination of of Bosce Jimonice , or the roses of Juno . The appellation of Juno , as we have formerly
shown , may signify the air , the sky , the atmosphere surrounding the earth , the ether , or 'H & t , 'Era , of loving , the goddess of love , & c . But we know
how often Virgil makes Juno as " speaking from her cloud , " and thus to consider 'ffia or Hera to mean darkness as well as a cloud , let us not stop here to resolve : neither how she was adored under the names of Astarte , Venus , ancl Urania ,
than otherwise that we find her to have been the one and the same with the Juno of the Romans ; the Isis of the Egyptians ; the Alita of the Arabians , the Mena of the Hebrews , and the Caslestis of the Africans , that is to say the 2 e , \ £ m ( Selenana ) ,
MHNH , vx Selene ; or the Mother of Night and Queen of Heaven : as , similarly , Jupiter was the 5 eip ( Sier ) , Aids , vx , Elios ; or the Father of Day , ancl the King of Heaven . Originally the
Jews had no especial names for their months , they counted first , second , third , fourth , and so on . Afterwards they followed the system of the Egyptians in the division of their months ancl years . Twelve months , or three hundred aud
sixty-five clays , constituted their year ( as enumerated in Gen . VII ) . Each month contained thirty days up to the last , unto which they added five more , and , to allow for slow time , at the expiration of every one hundred ancl twenty years ,
they intercalated a whole month of thirty days . The origin of the names of these months has given rise to much learned controvers } -. We read of Chodesh Abib , as an Egyptian name , afterwards changed to Nisan , the first month of the
spring- and of the holy year ; of Zif , the second month of the holy year , which afterwards , was called Ijar , of Bui , the eighth month of the holy year , now answering to Marchesvau , of Ethanim , or the month of the Valiant , altered to Tishri , the seventh of the holy year . Be it here understood that the Rabbinic names of the months are
composed of those Chaldaic letters which are now termed Hebrew , from their having been used by Ezra in his transcript of the Scriptures . They are nearly pronounced as entered in our table , which we believe of itself will indicate its significant
agreement with our subject , notwithstanding the substitution of the several new names in place of the old nominations of the days and months withdrawn , and the blending of Languages , as may be exemplified even in so small a space as
hereallotted . Days of the week as named after the principal divinities or planets of the nations under the following headings : — Roman . Saxon .
Dies—Solis . Sunsdjeg , or Sun ' s day . „ Luna ; . Moonsdteg , or Moon's day . „ Martis . Tywsdseg , or Tyr ' s day . „ Mercurii . Wodensdaig , or Odin ' s day . „ Jovis . Thursdaig , or Thor's day . „ Veneris . Freyasdreg , or Freya ' s day . „ Saturni . Seternsdeeg , or Setern ' s day . Hindu . French . Governed by ^ S ^^ ed Greek
Aditvar . Dimanche . Surya . Helios . Somvar . Lundi . Chandra . Selene . Monvalgar . Mardi . Mangala . Ares . Budvar . Mercredi . Budha . Hermes . Virhaspetvai-. Jeudi . Virispati . Zens . Sukervar . Vendredi . Sukra . Aphrodite . Sanivar . ' Samedi . Sani . Kronus . The Hebrew month named according to the
order of the sacred and civil years , and corresponding with the Latin of the months attached . Sac . Civ . VII . 1 . Nisan , Martius—Mars , or March , O . S . VIII . 2 . Jjar , Aprilis—Avril , or April . IX . 3 . Sivan , Mains—Mai , or May .
X . 4 . T . immnz , Junius—Juin , or June . XI . 5 . Ab , Julius—Juilefc , or July . XII . G . Elnl , Augustus—Auguste , or August . ' I . 7 . Tishri , September—Septembre , or September . II . S . Marcheslivan , October—Octobre , or October . HI . 9 . Chislen , December—Decembre , or December . IV . 10 . Teheth , November—Novembre , or November . V . 11 . Sbebat , Januarius—Janvier , or January . AT . 12 . Adar , Febmarius—Fevrier , or February .
The Saxons worshipped the sun and moon and the earth under the personifications of Wodin , whom they made to replace Odin , of Thimre , whom they made to replace Thor ; ancl of Herth , whom seemingly they made to represent the
goddess Terra . Thor was not only their god of hosts , but also their god of mercy and justice . From the corruption of the worship of Odin ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Classical Theology.—Lxxxiii.
for him the honour of the name of Hercules , " Juno grace dicitur 'Hpa and K , \< = OS ( Hera-cleos ) gloria uncle nomen Hercules . " Bear in mind , nevertheless it is recorded , that Juno , after she had sent the two vipers to destroy the " vigorous
babe " in his cradle , upon the mediation of Pallas , grew so far reconciled to the infant as to offer him her breast , of which , nothing daunted , the noble little fellow partook so violently as to occasion the nursing goddess such smarting pain as to make
her put him away over suddenly . But here , at least , is to be seen evidence of the milk of human kindness being in the nature of Juno . Some of this aliment just as the poets declare it to be , though spilt was not lost , some fell upon the sky ,
whence the formation and derivation of ? aKax < . ( Galaxia ) or the Milky Way ; some fell upon the earth , whence the production ancl denomination of of Bosce Jimonice , or the roses of Juno . The appellation of Juno , as we have formerly
shown , may signify the air , the sky , the atmosphere surrounding the earth , the ether , or 'H & t , 'Era , of loving , the goddess of love , & c . But we know
how often Virgil makes Juno as " speaking from her cloud , " and thus to consider 'ffia or Hera to mean darkness as well as a cloud , let us not stop here to resolve : neither how she was adored under the names of Astarte , Venus , ancl Urania ,
than otherwise that we find her to have been the one and the same with the Juno of the Romans ; the Isis of the Egyptians ; the Alita of the Arabians , the Mena of the Hebrews , and the Caslestis of the Africans , that is to say the 2 e , \ £ m ( Selenana ) ,
MHNH , vx Selene ; or the Mother of Night and Queen of Heaven : as , similarly , Jupiter was the 5 eip ( Sier ) , Aids , vx , Elios ; or the Father of Day , ancl the King of Heaven . Originally the
Jews had no especial names for their months , they counted first , second , third , fourth , and so on . Afterwards they followed the system of the Egyptians in the division of their months ancl years . Twelve months , or three hundred aud
sixty-five clays , constituted their year ( as enumerated in Gen . VII ) . Each month contained thirty days up to the last , unto which they added five more , and , to allow for slow time , at the expiration of every one hundred ancl twenty years ,
they intercalated a whole month of thirty days . The origin of the names of these months has given rise to much learned controvers } -. We read of Chodesh Abib , as an Egyptian name , afterwards changed to Nisan , the first month of the
spring- and of the holy year ; of Zif , the second month of the holy year , which afterwards , was called Ijar , of Bui , the eighth month of the holy year , now answering to Marchesvau , of Ethanim , or the month of the Valiant , altered to Tishri , the seventh of the holy year . Be it here understood that the Rabbinic names of the months are
composed of those Chaldaic letters which are now termed Hebrew , from their having been used by Ezra in his transcript of the Scriptures . They are nearly pronounced as entered in our table , which we believe of itself will indicate its significant
agreement with our subject , notwithstanding the substitution of the several new names in place of the old nominations of the days and months withdrawn , and the blending of Languages , as may be exemplified even in so small a space as
hereallotted . Days of the week as named after the principal divinities or planets of the nations under the following headings : — Roman . Saxon .
Dies—Solis . Sunsdjeg , or Sun ' s day . „ Luna ; . Moonsdteg , or Moon's day . „ Martis . Tywsdseg , or Tyr ' s day . „ Mercurii . Wodensdaig , or Odin ' s day . „ Jovis . Thursdaig , or Thor's day . „ Veneris . Freyasdreg , or Freya ' s day . „ Saturni . Seternsdeeg , or Setern ' s day . Hindu . French . Governed by ^ S ^^ ed Greek
Aditvar . Dimanche . Surya . Helios . Somvar . Lundi . Chandra . Selene . Monvalgar . Mardi . Mangala . Ares . Budvar . Mercredi . Budha . Hermes . Virhaspetvai-. Jeudi . Virispati . Zens . Sukervar . Vendredi . Sukra . Aphrodite . Sanivar . ' Samedi . Sani . Kronus . The Hebrew month named according to the
order of the sacred and civil years , and corresponding with the Latin of the months attached . Sac . Civ . VII . 1 . Nisan , Martius—Mars , or March , O . S . VIII . 2 . Jjar , Aprilis—Avril , or April . IX . 3 . Sivan , Mains—Mai , or May .
X . 4 . T . immnz , Junius—Juin , or June . XI . 5 . Ab , Julius—Juilefc , or July . XII . G . Elnl , Augustus—Auguste , or August . ' I . 7 . Tishri , September—Septembre , or September . II . S . Marcheslivan , October—Octobre , or October . HI . 9 . Chislen , December—Decembre , or December . IV . 10 . Teheth , November—Novembre , or November . V . 11 . Sbebat , Januarius—Janvier , or January . AT . 12 . Adar , Febmarius—Fevrier , or February .
The Saxons worshipped the sun and moon and the earth under the personifications of Wodin , whom they made to replace Odin , of Thimre , whom they made to replace Thor ; ancl of Herth , whom seemingly they made to represent the
goddess Terra . Thor was not only their god of hosts , but also their god of mercy and justice . From the corruption of the worship of Odin ,