Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
the conclusion of the Avorking , iu which every brother exerted himself to the utmost , as though stimulated by the knowledge that he was being listened to by numbers of brethren whose good working has become acknowledged throughout the Order , Bro . Savage , S . G . D ., having obtained tho permission of the AVorshipful Master to address thc Lodge , said it gave him sincere pleasure to bo allowed the privilege of proposing a vote of thanks to the Worshipful Master and brethren of the Grand Stewards' Lodge for the rich Masonic treat afforded to the Craft that
evening ; and he was sure the attendance of so many of the brethren must be most gratifying , especially to the Worshipful Master , who he knew had exerted himself most strenuously to restore to the Lodge the high reputation it had formerly enjoyed ; and in which it was evident he was well supported by the other members of the Lodge . He recollected his first visit to the Grand Stewards' Lodge on the third Wednesday iu December , now something like twenty years since , when only a Fellow Craft , aud how struck he then was with the excellence of the
work—though being , as he had told them , but in the second degree , he could only participate in the early portion of the evening ' s work . Prom that time he had attended the public nights of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge for many years , and with the recollection strong in his mind of the excellent working of Bros . Norton—his own namesake—Wilson , Acklom , Enly , and many others , who had now passed to the Grand Lodge above , he never derived greater pleasure from the working than he had that evening . Of late j'airs he had not been enabled to attend the
Grand Stewards' working as previously ; and he regretted that his attendance at the Board of Benevolence that evening had deprived him of the pleasure of being present throughout the working ; but he had heard the whole of the third lecture , and the manner in which it had been gone through had convinced him that with its present members the Grand Stewards' Lodge Avould lose none of its lustre , but that the mantle of their distinguished predecessors had worthily descended on
their shoulders ,- aud he trusted they might long live to enjoy it , and afford to the "brethren many such Masonic treats as they had enjoyed that evening—iu tho appreciation of which he was sure he was joined by every brother present . It was true that there Avere slight differences in working , but in the essentials there were no differences ; and thc Grand Stewards' Lodge being the depository of the ancient working , it was most gratifying to find the W . M . and the brethren of the Lodge so capable , not only of appreciating its beauties , but of rendering it so as to afford
gratification and and pleasure to the other members of the Craft . Wishing the Grand Stewards' Lodge a long reign of prosperity , he begged to move a vote of thanks—feeling that it would be cordially seconded by every visitor present—to the W . Master and brethren , for the opportunity afforded them of listening to such excellent working . Bro . Smith , ( G . Puts . ) and Bro . Farmer , ( W . M . No . 25 ) rising together , the latter gave way , and Bro . Smith said , it gave him great pleasure to bo allowed the privilege of seconding tho motion of' a vote of thanks to
the W . M . and brethren of the Lodge , for what Pro . Savage jhad truly designated as a Masonic treat ; and the brethren mi ght rest assured that so long as they maintained such excellent working , they would never want for a good muster of the Graft on their public nights . The resolution having been carried , Bro . Hewlett , AV . M ., returned thanks on behalf of himself and ( ho members of the Lodge for tiie kind and handsome maimer in which their exertions had been acknowledged by Bros . Savage and Smithand responded to bthe brethrenIt had certainl
, y . y been one of the dearest objects of his ambition to endeavour to restore the public nights of the Graud Stewards' Lodge to something like their ancient position , and they might therefore well understand how gratified he was by thc attendance of so largo and distinguished a number of the brethren as had honoured the Avorking of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge with their presence that evening . He regretted that owing to the unavoidable absence of two or three brethren AV I IO had undertaken
sections , their Avorkmg had not been more perfect , but those present had done their best , and he was sure that the recollection of the brilliant attendance that evening would stimulate them to greater exertions in the future . It Avas indeed matter of pride to himself that at a period when probably he was about to be called upon to resign the chair of a Lodge Avhich had existed for one hundred and forty years as the repository of the true and ancient system of working , to find his exertions for the resuscitation of its auci ' eiit fame so well seconded by the brethren nf the Lod
ge and so generously acknowledged by the largest assemblage which had for many years graced tho public nights of the Grand Stewards' Lodge ; and Avhether in or out of the ehair , he could assure them he would continue to oxercise his utmost exertions to promote tho prosperity of the Lodge , being happy in finding there were now amongst its members many brethren looking up to fill the proud position he then occupied , whose Masonic abilities would reflect the highest honour upon it . The Lodge was then closed ; and a number of the brethren
shortly afterwards adjourned to a light refreshment . The next public night will take place in March , when we hope there will be even a more numerous attendance of the brethren than on Wednesday last — as nothing is more likely to socure good working by the brethren than the knowledge that it will be closely scanned by numerous Masons of ability , well qualified to form an opinion of the manner in which they perform their respective duties . ENOCH LODGE ( NO . IS ) . —The second monthly meeting for tho season of this Lodge tool ; place on Wednesday , the 14 th instant , at tho Freemasons' Tavern , when the W . M ., Bro . James Pain , initiated into the mysteries of the Craft Messrs , M . C , \ Y . Home . A , Goldsmidt , and
J . T . Menzics ; and passed Bro . Swan . Tho election of W . M . for the ensuing year was the next business , and as the S . W ., Bro . Ceaman , resigned the honour through ill health , Bro . George Edward Sewell , tho J . W ., was unanimously elected . Bro . AV . Williams was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . John Crawley , Tyler . Several members having been proposed for ballot and election next month , the AVM . closed his . Lodge . Nearly forty of the brethren then retired to banquet , presided over most ably and leasantlby tho AVM . Bro . PainAvho gave the
p y , , usual toasts , Bros . George Tedder , Lewis , Austen , and AVatson , by their \ -ocal abilities , adding to tho enjoyment of a most happy evening . The visitors wore Bros , S . Larcomb ( Crescent , No . 1 , 090 ) , AA'illiam Scott ( St . George , No . 164 ) , AAllliam Hughes ( Royal Naval , No . 70 ) , AA . H . Jackson ( Royal Naval , No . 70 ) , Samuel AVebb ( Confidence , No . 22 S ) , Charles Evans ( Fitzroy , No . SSO ) . KENT LODGE ( NO . 15 ) . — 'This Lodge held its monthly meeting on 7
AAednesday , the 14 th inst , at Bro . Harris ' s , the Three Tuns Tavern , South \ vavk , Bro . Mariner , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . Anslow , P . M ., as S . AA . pro tern . ; and Gossens , J . AA . The business of the evening consisted of three raisings , one passing , and two initiations , which ceremonies were performed in a manner highly creditable to the Lodge . The sum of ten guineas was voted by the Lodge towards the AVidows Fund , and a further sum of ten pounds to the widow of a deceased member of the Lodgewhose bereavement was greatowing to the loss of her husband
, , while following his occupation as engineer . All business being concluded , and the Lodge closed in due form , the brethren retired to the banquet . The usual loyal toasts being given and responded to , Bro . C . C . Gibbs , P . M ., proposed the health of the AA ^ . M . Bro . Mariner in reply assured the brethren he felt great pleasure in receiving their kindly expressions of fraternal regard , and trusted while he had the honour of presiding , his conduct would be such as to meet a continuance of their esteem . Bro . AVhifcehoaseP . M . proposed the better health of their much
, , respected Treasurer , Bro . Richard Barnes , Avhose absence they much regretted , he being unable to attend the duties of his office from severe indisposition . Bro . R . E . Barnes , P . M ., aud Hon . Sec , in rising to thank the brethren , assured them lie should indeed be wanting iu filial as well as fraternal affection , were he insensible to the very great mark of respect they had unanimously evinced towards his father—they well knew his zeal and punctual attendance for a long series of years , also his ardent wish for the Avelfare of the Lodge . The AA 7 . M . then proposed the
health of the newly initiated brethren , Bros . AA ' oodrow and Sennett , which was duly received and responded to . The health of the visiting brethren was also given and replied to , and the evening Avas spent in a truly Masonic spirit .
TESU'LI ' . LODGE ( No . US ) . —The members of this Lodge met on Tuesday , the ( ith instant , at four , P . Jr . llro . JHastilow , P . M ., in the absence of the A \ . M ., occupied the ehair and was supported by Bros . A . Day , S . AA " ., and E . Farthing , d . lY . The Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer in flic first , second and third degrees . Bros . . Tavman and Lyn having shewn their proficiency as F . C . were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . in Bro . Hastilow ' s usual impressive manner . This being the night for the election of AV . M ., a ballot was taken and declared
unanimous in favour of Bro . A . Day , who returned thanks in a very feeling manner for the high honour conferred upon him . The installation will take place on the first Tuesday in February . Br . Beard ( tho Hon . Sec ) , also announced that the annual ball in connection with this Lodge will take place as usual at Eadley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars , about the middle of February , due notice of which will be given . The brethren were then called off from labour to refreshment . The brethren mustered very numerously , including forty-nine visitors . A
very pleasant evening was spent , which was much enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros . Perrin , Sen ., Farthing , Lawrence and others . The Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren separated about teno ' cloek . " Happy to meet , happy to part , happy to meet again . "
INSTRUCTION . CIIVSTAX PALACE LODGE ( No . 1014 ) . —A very numerous meeting of this Lodge was bold on Monday evening , December 10 th , at the City Arms , AVest-square , Soufchwark . Bra . Anslow ( iu the absence of Pro . Bertram ) presided ; Bro . Arnold , P . M . of No . 1 C 5 , S . W ., aud Bro . Blackburn , P . M . of No . 11 , J . AA ' . The business of tho evening Avas devoted to the working of the fifteeu sections , and they were distributed as follows : —First lecture , first section , Bros . Robertson ; second , 1 lood ; third ,
AThite ; fourth , Newman ; fifth , Blackburn ; sixth , H . T . Thompson ; and seventh , Arnold . Second lecture , first section , Bros . Bradley ; second , Brett ; third , Stuart ; fourth Hill ; and fifth , Thomas . Third lecture , first section , Bros . Hollius ; second , Farmer ; and third , J . R . AVnrren . At the conclusion of the sections , on the motion of Bro . J . R . AA ' arren , seconded by Bro . Arnold , a vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to Bro . Anslow , for thc able manner in which he had presided on that occasion . Bro . Anslow acknowled ged the compliment , and tho Lodge adjourned until tho 2 nd of January .
PROVINCIAL . BRISTOL . BitiSTOl .. —Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 81 ) . —At the usual fortnightly meeting of this flourishing Lodge , held on Monday , the 12 th instant ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
the conclusion of the Avorking , iu which every brother exerted himself to the utmost , as though stimulated by the knowledge that he was being listened to by numbers of brethren whose good working has become acknowledged throughout the Order , Bro . Savage , S . G . D ., having obtained tho permission of the AVorshipful Master to address thc Lodge , said it gave him sincere pleasure to bo allowed the privilege of proposing a vote of thanks to the Worshipful Master and brethren of the Grand Stewards' Lodge for the rich Masonic treat afforded to the Craft that
evening ; and he was sure the attendance of so many of the brethren must be most gratifying , especially to the Worshipful Master , who he knew had exerted himself most strenuously to restore to the Lodge the high reputation it had formerly enjoyed ; and in which it was evident he was well supported by the other members of the Lodge . He recollected his first visit to the Grand Stewards' Lodge on the third Wednesday iu December , now something like twenty years since , when only a Fellow Craft , aud how struck he then was with the excellence of the
work—though being , as he had told them , but in the second degree , he could only participate in the early portion of the evening ' s work . Prom that time he had attended the public nights of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge for many years , and with the recollection strong in his mind of the excellent working of Bros . Norton—his own namesake—Wilson , Acklom , Enly , and many others , who had now passed to the Grand Lodge above , he never derived greater pleasure from the working than he had that evening . Of late j'airs he had not been enabled to attend the
Grand Stewards' working as previously ; and he regretted that his attendance at the Board of Benevolence that evening had deprived him of the pleasure of being present throughout the working ; but he had heard the whole of the third lecture , and the manner in which it had been gone through had convinced him that with its present members the Grand Stewards' Lodge Avould lose none of its lustre , but that the mantle of their distinguished predecessors had worthily descended on
their shoulders ,- aud he trusted they might long live to enjoy it , and afford to the "brethren many such Masonic treats as they had enjoyed that evening—iu tho appreciation of which he was sure he was joined by every brother present . It was true that there Avere slight differences in working , but in the essentials there were no differences ; and thc Grand Stewards' Lodge being the depository of the ancient working , it was most gratifying to find the W . M . and the brethren of the Lodge so capable , not only of appreciating its beauties , but of rendering it so as to afford
gratification and and pleasure to the other members of the Craft . Wishing the Grand Stewards' Lodge a long reign of prosperity , he begged to move a vote of thanks—feeling that it would be cordially seconded by every visitor present—to the W . Master and brethren , for the opportunity afforded them of listening to such excellent working . Bro . Smith , ( G . Puts . ) and Bro . Farmer , ( W . M . No . 25 ) rising together , the latter gave way , and Bro . Smith said , it gave him great pleasure to bo allowed the privilege of seconding tho motion of' a vote of thanks to
the W . M . and brethren of the Lodge , for what Pro . Savage jhad truly designated as a Masonic treat ; and the brethren mi ght rest assured that so long as they maintained such excellent working , they would never want for a good muster of the Graft on their public nights . The resolution having been carried , Bro . Hewlett , AV . M ., returned thanks on behalf of himself and ( ho members of the Lodge for tiie kind and handsome maimer in which their exertions had been acknowledged by Bros . Savage and Smithand responded to bthe brethrenIt had certainl
, y . y been one of the dearest objects of his ambition to endeavour to restore the public nights of the Graud Stewards' Lodge to something like their ancient position , and they might therefore well understand how gratified he was by thc attendance of so largo and distinguished a number of the brethren as had honoured the Avorking of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge with their presence that evening . He regretted that owing to the unavoidable absence of two or three brethren AV I IO had undertaken
sections , their Avorkmg had not been more perfect , but those present had done their best , and he was sure that the recollection of the brilliant attendance that evening would stimulate them to greater exertions in the future . It Avas indeed matter of pride to himself that at a period when probably he was about to be called upon to resign the chair of a Lodge Avhich had existed for one hundred and forty years as the repository of the true and ancient system of working , to find his exertions for the resuscitation of its auci ' eiit fame so well seconded by the brethren nf the Lod
ge and so generously acknowledged by the largest assemblage which had for many years graced tho public nights of the Grand Stewards' Lodge ; and Avhether in or out of the ehair , he could assure them he would continue to oxercise his utmost exertions to promote tho prosperity of the Lodge , being happy in finding there were now amongst its members many brethren looking up to fill the proud position he then occupied , whose Masonic abilities would reflect the highest honour upon it . The Lodge was then closed ; and a number of the brethren
shortly afterwards adjourned to a light refreshment . The next public night will take place in March , when we hope there will be even a more numerous attendance of the brethren than on Wednesday last — as nothing is more likely to socure good working by the brethren than the knowledge that it will be closely scanned by numerous Masons of ability , well qualified to form an opinion of the manner in which they perform their respective duties . ENOCH LODGE ( NO . IS ) . —The second monthly meeting for tho season of this Lodge tool ; place on Wednesday , the 14 th instant , at tho Freemasons' Tavern , when the W . M ., Bro . James Pain , initiated into the mysteries of the Craft Messrs , M . C , \ Y . Home . A , Goldsmidt , and
J . T . Menzics ; and passed Bro . Swan . Tho election of W . M . for the ensuing year was the next business , and as the S . W ., Bro . Ceaman , resigned the honour through ill health , Bro . George Edward Sewell , tho J . W ., was unanimously elected . Bro . AV . Williams was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . John Crawley , Tyler . Several members having been proposed for ballot and election next month , the AVM . closed his . Lodge . Nearly forty of the brethren then retired to banquet , presided over most ably and leasantlby tho AVM . Bro . PainAvho gave the
p y , , usual toasts , Bros . George Tedder , Lewis , Austen , and AVatson , by their \ -ocal abilities , adding to tho enjoyment of a most happy evening . The visitors wore Bros , S . Larcomb ( Crescent , No . 1 , 090 ) , AA'illiam Scott ( St . George , No . 164 ) , AAllliam Hughes ( Royal Naval , No . 70 ) , AA . H . Jackson ( Royal Naval , No . 70 ) , Samuel AVebb ( Confidence , No . 22 S ) , Charles Evans ( Fitzroy , No . SSO ) . KENT LODGE ( NO . 15 ) . — 'This Lodge held its monthly meeting on 7
AAednesday , the 14 th inst , at Bro . Harris ' s , the Three Tuns Tavern , South \ vavk , Bro . Mariner , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bros . Anslow , P . M ., as S . AA . pro tern . ; and Gossens , J . AA . The business of the evening consisted of three raisings , one passing , and two initiations , which ceremonies were performed in a manner highly creditable to the Lodge . The sum of ten guineas was voted by the Lodge towards the AVidows Fund , and a further sum of ten pounds to the widow of a deceased member of the Lodgewhose bereavement was greatowing to the loss of her husband
, , while following his occupation as engineer . All business being concluded , and the Lodge closed in due form , the brethren retired to the banquet . The usual loyal toasts being given and responded to , Bro . C . C . Gibbs , P . M ., proposed the health of the AA ^ . M . Bro . Mariner in reply assured the brethren he felt great pleasure in receiving their kindly expressions of fraternal regard , and trusted while he had the honour of presiding , his conduct would be such as to meet a continuance of their esteem . Bro . AVhifcehoaseP . M . proposed the better health of their much
, , respected Treasurer , Bro . Richard Barnes , Avhose absence they much regretted , he being unable to attend the duties of his office from severe indisposition . Bro . R . E . Barnes , P . M ., aud Hon . Sec , in rising to thank the brethren , assured them lie should indeed be wanting iu filial as well as fraternal affection , were he insensible to the very great mark of respect they had unanimously evinced towards his father—they well knew his zeal and punctual attendance for a long series of years , also his ardent wish for the Avelfare of the Lodge . The AA 7 . M . then proposed the
health of the newly initiated brethren , Bros . AA ' oodrow and Sennett , which was duly received and responded to . The health of the visiting brethren was also given and replied to , and the evening Avas spent in a truly Masonic spirit .
TESU'LI ' . LODGE ( No . US ) . —The members of this Lodge met on Tuesday , the ( ith instant , at four , P . Jr . llro . JHastilow , P . M ., in the absence of the A \ . M ., occupied the ehair and was supported by Bros . A . Day , S . AA " ., and E . Farthing , d . lY . The Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer in flic first , second and third degrees . Bros . . Tavman and Lyn having shewn their proficiency as F . C . were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . in Bro . Hastilow ' s usual impressive manner . This being the night for the election of AV . M ., a ballot was taken and declared
unanimous in favour of Bro . A . Day , who returned thanks in a very feeling manner for the high honour conferred upon him . The installation will take place on the first Tuesday in February . Br . Beard ( tho Hon . Sec ) , also announced that the annual ball in connection with this Lodge will take place as usual at Eadley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars , about the middle of February , due notice of which will be given . The brethren were then called off from labour to refreshment . The brethren mustered very numerously , including forty-nine visitors . A
very pleasant evening was spent , which was much enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros . Perrin , Sen ., Farthing , Lawrence and others . The Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren separated about teno ' cloek . " Happy to meet , happy to part , happy to meet again . "
INSTRUCTION . CIIVSTAX PALACE LODGE ( No . 1014 ) . —A very numerous meeting of this Lodge was bold on Monday evening , December 10 th , at the City Arms , AVest-square , Soufchwark . Bra . Anslow ( iu the absence of Pro . Bertram ) presided ; Bro . Arnold , P . M . of No . 1 C 5 , S . W ., aud Bro . Blackburn , P . M . of No . 11 , J . AA ' . The business of tho evening Avas devoted to the working of the fifteeu sections , and they were distributed as follows : —First lecture , first section , Bros . Robertson ; second , 1 lood ; third ,
AThite ; fourth , Newman ; fifth , Blackburn ; sixth , H . T . Thompson ; and seventh , Arnold . Second lecture , first section , Bros . Bradley ; second , Brett ; third , Stuart ; fourth Hill ; and fifth , Thomas . Third lecture , first section , Bros . Hollius ; second , Farmer ; and third , J . R . AVnrren . At the conclusion of the sections , on the motion of Bro . J . R . AA ' arren , seconded by Bro . Arnold , a vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to Bro . Anslow , for thc able manner in which he had presided on that occasion . Bro . Anslow acknowled ged the compliment , and tho Lodge adjourned until tho 2 nd of January .
PROVINCIAL . BRISTOL . BitiSTOl .. —Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 81 ) . —At the usual fortnightly meeting of this flourishing Lodge , held on Monday , the 12 th instant ,