Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
power to promote thc happiness and welfare of the Lodges which are under his jurisdiction . —H . H . ] DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOU . SE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 2-1 ) . —At the regular meeting , hold pursuant to notice , Bro . R . R . Rodd , W . M ., in the chair , present Bros . Tripe , P . M . ; Lord Graves , S . AA . ; Knowling , J . AA . ; Dix , acting
Chaplain ; Spence Bate , Sec ; Ridley , S . D . ; Rae , J . D . ; AVnlker , I . G . ; Dowse , P . M . ; Hunt , P . M . ; Cave , AV . M ., No . 122 ; Russel , P . M . ; Triscott , Given ; and' visiting brethren , Ratcliff and Nowel—thc Lodge Avas opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were confirmed . Bro . Rains was then examined , and having been found to have made due progress , was solemnly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Batten was then examined as to the progress of his studies in the hidden mysteries of nature aud scienceand was afterwards
, raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge Avas then Avorked down to the first degree , when Bro . Heath was balloted for and elected as a joining member . The by-laws , as amended , were road and ordered to be put into type . Some bills were ordered to be paid , and the halfyearly banquet was decided to bo held at Bro . Thomas ' s Hotel , Devonport , on the 22 nd inst ., at six I'M . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at ten o ' clock .
DURHAM . SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening , December 12 th , at Bro . Camion ' s , Golden Lion Hotel , the W . M . ( Bro . Oliver ) presiding , supported by Bros . Foster , Ridley , Toshach , Hewison , T . Fenwick ( AA . M . elect of St . George ' s , No . 624 , North Shields ) , Twizell and Tulloch , P . Ms . ; and assisted b y Bros . J . Hinde , S . W . ; Buckland , J . AV . ; aud other officersAfter four had been initiated Hinde
. gentlemen , Bro . , S . AA " ., the AA . M . elect , was presented for installation by Bro . Forster , P . M ., and after having been duly obligated , was placed in the chair by a board of P . Ms , and duly saluted by the brethren . The ceremony of installation was ably and effectively conducted by Bro . Ridley , P . M „ wearing his costume of a P . Prov . J . G . AV . The AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros . J . J . Oliver , P . M . ; Biickland , S . AA . ; Rocldams , J . W .. ; Featherstone , Chap . ; Hindinarch S . D . ; S . D . Laister , Treas . ;
G . S . Shotton , Sec . ; Barlow , J . D . ; AVatt , Org . ; Buchanan , I . G . ; and Dunbar , Tyler ; Chambers and AA iudass , Stewards . Previous to tho A \ . M . investing the Tyler , he presented to the Lodge a beautiful and elaborately mounted sword for the use of thc Outer Guard . The brethren having adjourned to refreshment , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with the accustomed Masonic honours . A sum of five pounds was voted towards thc funds raised for the new Mechanics' Institute now in course of erection . The
treasurer ' s account was presented by the auditors , showing a balance of £ 169 lis . Sd . in favour of the Lodge , and ordered to be printed ; during the year a sum of . £ -17 13 s . Qd . has been voted towards the Masonic and other charities . After some other business the Lodge was closed in due form .
KENT . ASUFUIID . —Invicta Lodge [ 'So . 1011 ) . —The installation of AVorshipful Master of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , the 14 th instant , at the Assembly Rooms . Bro . AVm . Sheppard , the first Junior AVarden of thc Lodge , was duly installed iu the chair , the ceremony being ably conducted by Bro . U . I . Cooke , P . Prov . S . G . AA . Bro . Sheppard appointed the following officers : Bro . B . Thorpe , Piw . G . Reg ., being the immediate P . M . ; Bros . B . K . Thorpe , S . AA . ; M . Kingsford , J . AA . ; J . S . Easter , '
Sec ; AY . H . 1 C . Springen , S . D . ; M . Fresson , j D . ; H . Maund , I . G . ; H . Collius , Org . The following brethren of the Lodge were present—Thos . Hallowes , P . M .: P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; G . AV . Greenhill , AV . Lond , R . Mansell , AA . G . Oliver , J . AA arrington , aud F . C . Hallowes ; and the Alsitors were Bros . H . Stock , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . Supt . of lYorks ; and T . Kelsey , of No . 81 ( 5 ; T . A . Chubb , P . M ., No . 1 ; Ed . Ashdown , P . M . ; G . Key , P . M . ; and E . Tomalin , S . AV ., of No . 147 ; S . M . Shrnbsole , AA . M . ; and J . Greaves , of No . 155 . Before Bro . Thorpe left the chairin the name of
, the brethren , he presented to Bro . T . Hallowes a handsome P . M . jewel , on which was engraved the following inscription : — " Presented to Thomas Hallowes , Esq ., by the brethren of the Invicta Lod ge , Ashford , as a token of gratitude , for his valuable assistance in the formation and working of the Lodge , and as a mark of esteem for him as a Mason . " Bro . Hallowes is so impressed with the advantages and beauties of Freemasonry that although residing twenty miles distant , he has not hesitated togive up much valuable time in the establishment of this Lodge
and has rarely been absent from its monthly meetings since its foundation iu 1 S 57 . At the close of the Lodge the brethren dined together , and passed a pleasant evening , during which the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the newly installed AVorshi pful Master presiding .
LINCOLNSHIRE . LOUTS . —Lindseg Lodge fSo . 1014 ) . —The members - of this Lodge met at their new rooms on AA ednesday Aveek , for the purpose of installing Bro . Christopher Ingoldby , who had been elected AV . M . at the last Lodge night . The chair was taken by Bro . AA aitc , who very effectively discharged the duties of installing master . After having been duly conducted to the chair , and saluted by thc brethren according to the ancient ceremonies of the Craft , the new Master appointed and invested thc following Officers ;—Bros . S , Trought , M . D ., S . W . ; James Fowler ,
J . AA . ; 11 . J . Nell , Treasurer ; Geo . Edwards , Secretary ; C . M . Nesbitt , J . D . ; Ansclm Osliug , J . D . ; F . P . Cupiss and J . G . AAllliams ,- Stewards ; J . S . Young , I . G . ; R . P . Hadjam , Tyler , At the conclusion of the ceremony , the AV . M ., after thanking the brethren for the honour conferred upon him , moved in terms of well merited eulogy , that the thanks of the Lodge be presented to Bro . J . F . AA aite , for the zealous manner in Avhich he had occupied the chair during the past year .
Bro . Dr . Trought , S . AV . seconded the motion , which was carried with Masonic enthusiasm . The Lodge being closed , the brethren -adjourned to refreshment , and passed a most agreeable and harmonious evening . The Lodge meetings are now held at seven in the evening instead of six as heretofore , and under its present able and efficient Master aud officers will , wo are sure , maintain and improve upon the high position it holds in the province . The festival of St . John will be celebrated at a Lodge of Emergency summoned for Tuesday next , when a brother will bo raised to thc third degree .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NKAVCASTLE . —Lodge de Loraine ( No . 793 ) .- —This Lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 16 th inst . There , was a large attendance of Past Masters and brethren . Bro . AA m . Johnson , P . M ., of Lodge No . 24 , installed Bro . Septimus Bell , AA \ M . elect , to the chair , according to tho ancient usages and customs of the Craft . Bro . S . Bell , AA . M ., invested the following as officers : —Bros . T . Alexander , P . M . ; E . D . DavisP . M . Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . S . Y . B . BradshawChaplain ; T .
Ander-, , , son , S . AV . T . ; B . AAlntcr , J . AV ; R . Smaile , Sec ; J . Stokoe , Treas . ; J . Bailes . S . D . ; G . Twigg , J . D . ; J . G . Penman , Org . ; T . E . D . Byrne , I . G . ; AA . Bailes , S . S . ; A . MoslcyJ . S . ; J . Bousfield , Purveyor ; Alexr . Dickson , Tyler . The annual festival will be held at Bro . J . Brodie ' s , Turk's Head Inn , in conjunction with the brethren of Lodge No . 24 , on St . John ' s Day , Dec . 27 th . During the last twelve months this Lodge has had twenty initiations , and twenty-three subscribing members added to their roll .
STAFFORDSHIRE . HANI . EV . —Mentitria . Lodge ( No . 606 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their annual festival of St . John ' s on Tuesday , December 13 th , at the Mason's Arms Inn , Upper Hanley . After the ceremony of thc installation of Bro . John C . Daniel as AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year , the members and visitors ( numbering between forty and fifty ) adjourned to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . T . Simpson . Thc after proceedings were of the usual diversified and interesting character .
AVARAVICKSHIRE , BiiiMiXGHAM . —St . Paul's Lodge ( No . 51 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge Avas held at the Union Hotel , on the 28 th November last . Tho Lodge was well attended by brethren uuder the presidency of thc AVAL , Bro . AVni . B . Briggs . The R . AV Prov . G . M ., Lord Leigh , was present . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the previous Lodge read and confirmed . Bros . Boddington , York , and Allen were duly examined , and the Lodge being opened in tho
second degree , thc brethren were duly passed . It Avas proposed by the Hon . Sec , Bro . Alfred AA . Suckling , and seconded by the W . M ., " That there should be an especial performance at thc Alhambra Circus for the benefit of Bro . AA allett , AVIIO had contributed by his performances so largely to the funds of the charities of the town , under the patronage of thc Prov . Grand Master , and the various Lodges of the province , " and carried unanimously . The PIOT . G . M ., Lord Leihintimated his intention of being present on the occasion of the
g , performance . The AA . M . proposed as a joining member Bro . the Rev . — Edwards . The Lodge was closed with iJerfect harmony aud brotherly Jove , and the brethren proceeded to dinner . At the conclusion thc AA . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , Avhich were cordially responded to . The AV . M . gave the first Masonic toast , " The health of the Grand Master , thc Earl of Zetland , " which Avas most warmly received . The AV . M . next gave " The Health of the R . AA . Prov . Grand Master , Lord Leigh , " stating
that he had the greatest pleasure in doing so , inasmuch as the Prov . Grand Master had at all times shoAvn a great interest iu Masonry , and particularly in the prosperity of the Lodges in the province over which his lordship so well presided , and he hoped he might long continue to hold the office of Prov . Grand Master . This Avas received with great enthusiasm and Masonic honours . His lordship , in a truly Masonic speech , congratulated thc Lodge at having such a W . M ., who also was an officer in the Rifle Volunteers ' ; and further stated that he would have tho
pleasing duty to preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AAldoAVS , and should feel great pleasure in so doing ; he hoped many AA arwiekshire brethren Avould be there to support him . ( Cheers ) . In conclusion he thanked the brethren for the honour they had done him , by the manner iu which his health had been received , and alluded to the fact that he had spent many happy hours in the St . Paul ' s Lodge . The noble lord thou said that he had to propose the next toastwhich was a most pleasing duty .
, It was with great satisfaction lie had witnessed the working of the W . M ., and hoped he would long live to be au honour to the St . Paul ' s Lodge ; he proposed "The health of the Worshipful Master . " This was received with full Masonic honours . The AV . M ., in responding , stated he 1 ' elt a great aud Masonic interest in the prosperity of the Lodge , and although ho should leave the chair in December , he should ever continue to ilo ail in his power to promote the interest of the Lodge ; and feel the warmest gratitude towards the officers aud brethren
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
power to promote thc happiness and welfare of the Lodges which are under his jurisdiction . —H . H . ] DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOU . SE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 2-1 ) . —At the regular meeting , hold pursuant to notice , Bro . R . R . Rodd , W . M ., in the chair , present Bros . Tripe , P . M . ; Lord Graves , S . AA . ; Knowling , J . AA . ; Dix , acting
Chaplain ; Spence Bate , Sec ; Ridley , S . D . ; Rae , J . D . ; AVnlker , I . G . ; Dowse , P . M . ; Hunt , P . M . ; Cave , AV . M ., No . 122 ; Russel , P . M . ; Triscott , Given ; and' visiting brethren , Ratcliff and Nowel—thc Lodge Avas opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were confirmed . Bro . Rains was then examined , and having been found to have made due progress , was solemnly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Batten was then examined as to the progress of his studies in the hidden mysteries of nature aud scienceand was afterwards
, raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge Avas then Avorked down to the first degree , when Bro . Heath was balloted for and elected as a joining member . The by-laws , as amended , were road and ordered to be put into type . Some bills were ordered to be paid , and the halfyearly banquet was decided to bo held at Bro . Thomas ' s Hotel , Devonport , on the 22 nd inst ., at six I'M . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at ten o ' clock .
DURHAM . SOUTH SHIELDS . —St . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening , December 12 th , at Bro . Camion ' s , Golden Lion Hotel , the W . M . ( Bro . Oliver ) presiding , supported by Bros . Foster , Ridley , Toshach , Hewison , T . Fenwick ( AA . M . elect of St . George ' s , No . 624 , North Shields ) , Twizell and Tulloch , P . Ms . ; and assisted b y Bros . J . Hinde , S . W . ; Buckland , J . AV . ; aud other officersAfter four had been initiated Hinde
. gentlemen , Bro . , S . AA " ., the AA . M . elect , was presented for installation by Bro . Forster , P . M ., and after having been duly obligated , was placed in the chair by a board of P . Ms , and duly saluted by the brethren . The ceremony of installation was ably and effectively conducted by Bro . Ridley , P . M „ wearing his costume of a P . Prov . J . G . AV . The AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros . J . J . Oliver , P . M . ; Biickland , S . AA . ; Rocldams , J . W .. ; Featherstone , Chap . ; Hindinarch S . D . ; S . D . Laister , Treas . ;
G . S . Shotton , Sec . ; Barlow , J . D . ; AVatt , Org . ; Buchanan , I . G . ; and Dunbar , Tyler ; Chambers and AA iudass , Stewards . Previous to tho A \ . M . investing the Tyler , he presented to the Lodge a beautiful and elaborately mounted sword for the use of thc Outer Guard . The brethren having adjourned to refreshment , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with the accustomed Masonic honours . A sum of five pounds was voted towards thc funds raised for the new Mechanics' Institute now in course of erection . The
treasurer ' s account was presented by the auditors , showing a balance of £ 169 lis . Sd . in favour of the Lodge , and ordered to be printed ; during the year a sum of . £ -17 13 s . Qd . has been voted towards the Masonic and other charities . After some other business the Lodge was closed in due form .
KENT . ASUFUIID . —Invicta Lodge [ 'So . 1011 ) . —The installation of AVorshipful Master of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , the 14 th instant , at the Assembly Rooms . Bro . AVm . Sheppard , the first Junior AVarden of thc Lodge , was duly installed iu the chair , the ceremony being ably conducted by Bro . U . I . Cooke , P . Prov . S . G . AA . Bro . Sheppard appointed the following officers : Bro . B . Thorpe , Piw . G . Reg ., being the immediate P . M . ; Bros . B . K . Thorpe , S . AA . ; M . Kingsford , J . AA . ; J . S . Easter , '
Sec ; AY . H . 1 C . Springen , S . D . ; M . Fresson , j D . ; H . Maund , I . G . ; H . Collius , Org . The following brethren of the Lodge were present—Thos . Hallowes , P . M .: P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; G . AV . Greenhill , AV . Lond , R . Mansell , AA . G . Oliver , J . AA arrington , aud F . C . Hallowes ; and the Alsitors were Bros . H . Stock , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . Supt . of lYorks ; and T . Kelsey , of No . 81 ( 5 ; T . A . Chubb , P . M ., No . 1 ; Ed . Ashdown , P . M . ; G . Key , P . M . ; and E . Tomalin , S . AV ., of No . 147 ; S . M . Shrnbsole , AA . M . ; and J . Greaves , of No . 155 . Before Bro . Thorpe left the chairin the name of
, the brethren , he presented to Bro . T . Hallowes a handsome P . M . jewel , on which was engraved the following inscription : — " Presented to Thomas Hallowes , Esq ., by the brethren of the Invicta Lod ge , Ashford , as a token of gratitude , for his valuable assistance in the formation and working of the Lodge , and as a mark of esteem for him as a Mason . " Bro . Hallowes is so impressed with the advantages and beauties of Freemasonry that although residing twenty miles distant , he has not hesitated togive up much valuable time in the establishment of this Lodge
and has rarely been absent from its monthly meetings since its foundation iu 1 S 57 . At the close of the Lodge the brethren dined together , and passed a pleasant evening , during which the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , the newly installed AVorshi pful Master presiding .
LINCOLNSHIRE . LOUTS . —Lindseg Lodge fSo . 1014 ) . —The members - of this Lodge met at their new rooms on AA ednesday Aveek , for the purpose of installing Bro . Christopher Ingoldby , who had been elected AV . M . at the last Lodge night . The chair was taken by Bro . AA aitc , who very effectively discharged the duties of installing master . After having been duly conducted to the chair , and saluted by thc brethren according to the ancient ceremonies of the Craft , the new Master appointed and invested thc following Officers ;—Bros . S , Trought , M . D ., S . W . ; James Fowler ,
J . AA . ; 11 . J . Nell , Treasurer ; Geo . Edwards , Secretary ; C . M . Nesbitt , J . D . ; Ansclm Osliug , J . D . ; F . P . Cupiss and J . G . AAllliams ,- Stewards ; J . S . Young , I . G . ; R . P . Hadjam , Tyler , At the conclusion of the ceremony , the AV . M ., after thanking the brethren for the honour conferred upon him , moved in terms of well merited eulogy , that the thanks of the Lodge be presented to Bro . J . F . AA aite , for the zealous manner in Avhich he had occupied the chair during the past year .
Bro . Dr . Trought , S . AV . seconded the motion , which was carried with Masonic enthusiasm . The Lodge being closed , the brethren -adjourned to refreshment , and passed a most agreeable and harmonious evening . The Lodge meetings are now held at seven in the evening instead of six as heretofore , and under its present able and efficient Master aud officers will , wo are sure , maintain and improve upon the high position it holds in the province . The festival of St . John will be celebrated at a Lodge of Emergency summoned for Tuesday next , when a brother will bo raised to thc third degree .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NKAVCASTLE . —Lodge de Loraine ( No . 793 ) .- —This Lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 16 th inst . There , was a large attendance of Past Masters and brethren . Bro . AA m . Johnson , P . M ., of Lodge No . 24 , installed Bro . Septimus Bell , AA \ M . elect , to the chair , according to tho ancient usages and customs of the Craft . Bro . S . Bell , AA . M ., invested the following as officers : —Bros . T . Alexander , P . M . ; E . D . DavisP . M . Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . S . Y . B . BradshawChaplain ; T .
Ander-, , , son , S . AV . T . ; B . AAlntcr , J . AV ; R . Smaile , Sec ; J . Stokoe , Treas . ; J . Bailes . S . D . ; G . Twigg , J . D . ; J . G . Penman , Org . ; T . E . D . Byrne , I . G . ; AA . Bailes , S . S . ; A . MoslcyJ . S . ; J . Bousfield , Purveyor ; Alexr . Dickson , Tyler . The annual festival will be held at Bro . J . Brodie ' s , Turk's Head Inn , in conjunction with the brethren of Lodge No . 24 , on St . John ' s Day , Dec . 27 th . During the last twelve months this Lodge has had twenty initiations , and twenty-three subscribing members added to their roll .
STAFFORDSHIRE . HANI . EV . —Mentitria . Lodge ( No . 606 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their annual festival of St . John ' s on Tuesday , December 13 th , at the Mason's Arms Inn , Upper Hanley . After the ceremony of thc installation of Bro . John C . Daniel as AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year , the members and visitors ( numbering between forty and fifty ) adjourned to an excellent dinner , provided by Bro . T . Simpson . Thc after proceedings were of the usual diversified and interesting character .
AVARAVICKSHIRE , BiiiMiXGHAM . —St . Paul's Lodge ( No . 51 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge Avas held at the Union Hotel , on the 28 th November last . Tho Lodge was well attended by brethren uuder the presidency of thc AVAL , Bro . AVni . B . Briggs . The R . AV Prov . G . M ., Lord Leigh , was present . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the previous Lodge read and confirmed . Bros . Boddington , York , and Allen were duly examined , and the Lodge being opened in tho
second degree , thc brethren were duly passed . It Avas proposed by the Hon . Sec , Bro . Alfred AA . Suckling , and seconded by the W . M ., " That there should be an especial performance at thc Alhambra Circus for the benefit of Bro . AA allett , AVIIO had contributed by his performances so largely to the funds of the charities of the town , under the patronage of thc Prov . Grand Master , and the various Lodges of the province , " and carried unanimously . The PIOT . G . M ., Lord Leihintimated his intention of being present on the occasion of the
g , performance . The AA . M . proposed as a joining member Bro . the Rev . — Edwards . The Lodge was closed with iJerfect harmony aud brotherly Jove , and the brethren proceeded to dinner . At the conclusion thc AA . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , Avhich were cordially responded to . The AV . M . gave the first Masonic toast , " The health of the Grand Master , thc Earl of Zetland , " which Avas most warmly received . The AV . M . next gave " The Health of the R . AA . Prov . Grand Master , Lord Leigh , " stating
that he had the greatest pleasure in doing so , inasmuch as the Prov . Grand Master had at all times shoAvn a great interest iu Masonry , and particularly in the prosperity of the Lodges in the province over which his lordship so well presided , and he hoped he might long continue to hold the office of Prov . Grand Master . This Avas received with great enthusiasm and Masonic honours . His lordship , in a truly Masonic speech , congratulated thc Lodge at having such a W . M ., who also was an officer in the Rifle Volunteers ' ; and further stated that he would have tho
pleasing duty to preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AAldoAVS , and should feel great pleasure in so doing ; he hoped many AA arwiekshire brethren Avould be there to support him . ( Cheers ) . In conclusion he thanked the brethren for the honour they had done him , by the manner iu which his health had been received , and alluded to the fact that he had spent many happy hours in the St . Paul ' s Lodge . The noble lord thou said that he had to propose the next toastwhich was a most pleasing duty .
, It was with great satisfaction lie had witnessed the working of the W . M ., and hoped he would long live to be au honour to the St . Paul ' s Lodge ; he proposed "The health of the Worshipful Master . " This was received with full Masonic honours . The AV . M ., in responding , stated he 1 ' elt a great aud Masonic interest in the prosperity of the Lodge , and although ho should leave the chair in December , he should ever continue to ilo ail in his power to promote the interest of the Lodge ; and feel the warmest gratitude towards the officers aud brethren