Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article AUSTRALIA. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
who had so well supported him . The AV . M . then proposed " The health of the Visiting Brethren , " coupling Avith it the name of Bro . Blake , Avho responded in a feeling speech . Bro . Elkington , P . G . S . B ., and Prov . G . Sec , proposed "The health of the Past Masters of St . Paul ' s Lodge , " Avhich was warmly responded to by Bro . Stillman , P . M . The AA . M . proposed " The health of the Officers of the Lodge , coupling Avith it the name of the Junior AA arden , Avho responded in an able speech . The AV . M . then stated that he rose with pleasure to " The health of
propose the Hon . Sec , " Avhich he did in eulogistic terms , thanking him for the interest he had always displayed for the welfare of the Lodge , and the uniform courtesy Avhich he invariably displayed towards its members . Thc Hon . Sec , Bro . Alfred AV . Suckling , briefly responded , and the business of the evening was brought to a close in harmony shortly before fen o ' clock . AVILTSHIRE .
TitowjJKiDGE . —Lodge of Concord ( No . 915 ) . —This Lodge held its List meeting for the year on Tuesday , the 13 th instant , at the Court Hall , Trowbridge : —present , Bros . H . C . Levander , AV . M . ; G . Plimmer , S . W . ; J . Allen , J . AV . ; F . AVebber , P . M . ; aud other brethren . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Solomon Saxty as a candidate for initiation . The result being in his favourhe was admitted and dulinitiated into the
, y mysteries of our ancient Order . The brethren then proceeded to ballot for a AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year , when the present AV . M . Avas reelected . Bro . J . E . Hayward was also reelected Treasurer , and Bro . AV . Bailey , Tyler . Auditors of the accounts , and Stewards for the approaching annual festival , were also appointed . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge Avas closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Royal Arch.
INSTRUCTION . UNITED PILOBI . US AND DOMATIC UNITED CHAPTEKS . —This Chapter of Instruction , so celebrated for its correct working in Royal Arch Masonry , having removed from the Queen Elizabeth , Walworth , to Comp . Hill ' s , thc City Arms , AA est-square , St . George ' s Road , near the Elephant and Castle , the opening took place at the latter house , on Thursday , the Sth December , on which occasion Comp . Ladd , M . D ., presided
as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Garrod , H . ; Comp . J . R . AATarren , J . ; Comp . Onslow , P . S . After the ceremony of exaltation the M . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . Ladd , explained tho Royal Arch jewel , and illustrated the same by diagrams , with the solids and sphere of the universe , in a very interesting and excellent manner . The business of the Chapter being . concluded , the Companions adjourned to refreshment ; and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the M . E . Z . gave " Success to the United Chapters , " and congratulated the Companions upon the improvement in their quarters
. Comp . Blackburn , in proposing the health of the M . E . Z ., said lie considered Royal Arch Masons deeply indebted to Comp . Dr . Ladd for the zeal and intelligence he had displayed in Royal Arch Masonry , and without whose kindness in imparting the same this Chapter of Instruction never would have arrived at the high position it has now attained . The M . E . Z ., in returning thanks , begged to state that if any obligation existed it was certainly due to Comp . Blackburn , from whom alone he himself had acquired tho knowledge it would ever be his pleasure to
teach . The healths of the Principals of the United Pilgrims and Domatic Chapters having been honoured and duly responded to , as also the worthy host , Comp . Hill , the brethren separated at an early hour , after a most delightful aud iutellectual evening .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
ROSE CROIX CHAPTER . A meeting of thc members of the Invicta Rose Croix Chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , AA'illiani-street , AA ' " oolwich , on Friday , Dec . Kith , for the installation of the M . AA . Sov . elect , the III . Bro . Major . Henry Clerk , 31 ° . The 111 . Bro . Dr . H . J . Hinxman , 31 ° , presided , and in the presence of the brethren assembled inducted his successor into the chairThe ilWSovthen appointed as his officers for the ensuing
. .. . year : —Bros . AVilliain Henry Carter , 1 st Gen . ; John AA . Figg , 2 nd Gen . ; E . J . Phillips , G . Marshall ; AVilliain Smith , Raphael ; Matthew Cooke , Org . ; Robert Crowe , Capt . of Guard . This was the first meeting in the new Masonic Hall , Avhich is a joint undertaking of this Chapter—the Kemys-Tynte Encampment aud the Florence Nightingale Lodge . The hall of is of good proportions ; indeed Ave may call it a noble room , and is sufficiently spacious for giving good effect to the beautiful rite
that celebrated its opening ; it was therefore to be regretted that the attendance was so small . The chamber , having a vaulted or semicircular roof , is well adapted for giving good effect to music ; and the Organist will doubtless avail himself of its capabilities when there is a numerous assemblage to deaden thc echo which exists in a small meeting . The hall is approached from the street by a lobby , from which open a Tyler ' s room and preparation room—small certainly—but sufficient for any Masonic purposes . The hall is lighted from the roof , excepting two circular lights at tho oast aud west ends , which arc to have
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
illuminated emblems ; and Avhen the intended decorations on the walls are completed , the AA oolwich brethren may congratulate themselves on having a house of assembly superior to any in Loudon . Bros . Hinxman and Gierke , by Avhose exertions this has been effected , cannot fail to be highly gratified with the successful result . All business being ended , the brethren adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s Tavern for banquet . Bro How Avas the only visitor .
CORK . EROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OE MUNSTEK . THE fourth quarterly meeting of this year was held on the 20 th of November , 1859 , in the large handsomely decorated Lodge room of thc first Lodge of Ireland , Turkey-street . In the absence of the Prov . Grand Master , the Grand Lodge was opened in due form by his Deputy , Bro . George Chatterton , who said
that he felt gratified on seeing the Lodges , particularly those of the city , so well represented , and also that he felt pleased at being able to state that the usual harmony continues amongst the brethren . The first business commenced with the election of officers for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . A . Perrier , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., after having spoken in very flattering terms of the general conduct and well knoAvn efficiency of the outgoing officers , proposed their reelection , Avhich was duly secondedand unanimously carried . The officers for the next year are
, as follows : —Bros . Gen . Sir James C . Chatterton , K . H ., Prov . G . M . of Muustcr ; George Chatterton , D . Prov . G . M . ; Richard Meara , Prov . S . G . AV . ; the Hon . Charles Moore Smyth , Prov . J . G . AV . ; the Rev . J . D . Penrose , Prov . G . Chajnain ; Godfrey Brereton , Prov . S . G . D . ; James E . AVhite , Prov . J . G . D . ; Henry Bible , Prov . G . Purs . ; George Harvey , Prov . G . Treas . ; AVilliam Penrose , Prov . G . Sec . The following communication from the Prov . Grand Master of Munster Avas then read : — " The Prov . Grand Master has learned Avith extreme
satisfaction the very respectable gathering of the Masonic body upon the late occasion at the ceremonial of laying the foundation stone of St . Patrick's Bridge , and he requests the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , the Prov . Grand Lodge , and the AVorshipful Masters aud brethren of thc different Lodges in attendance , to accept his warmest thanks aud paternal regards . " The Prov . Grand Master had also the pleasure to receive a letter from the Earl of Carlisle , expressive of his excellency ' s satisfaction at the excellent and very efficient manner the Masonic operations
were conducted , and whilst the Prov . Grand Master greatly regrets he was prevented from being present upon so interesting an occasion , he feels consoled by the certain conviction that his place Avas most ably filled hy the Deputy Graud Master .
CLACKMANNAN . —Alloa Lodge . — A meeting of this Lodge took place at the Lodge room , Alloa , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., tho AV . M ., Bro . AV . Downing Bruce , of Garlet aud Kilbagie , presiding , when the following office bearers were elected for the ensuing year , viz .: — Bro . AVilliam MacQueen , AV . M ., in the place of Bro . Downing Bruce , appointed representative Master to the Grand Lodge ; Bro . Thos . Hunter , Senior Warden ; Bro . Capt . R . C . Dalrymple Bruce , Sth King ' s regiment , representative Senior AVarden ; Bro . Alex . Mackie , Junior AVavden ; the Right Hon . Bro . the Earl of Buchan , representative Junior AVarden ; Bro . R . 0 . Arnot , Treasurer , and Bro . J . B . Richardson , Secretary .
VICTORIA . LAVING THE FOUNDATION STONE OS A MASONIC HALL AT BEEOIIWOliTlI . THE foundation stone of a Masonic Hall for the Becchworth Lodge of St . John , No . 1030 , was laid on the 6 th September with due observance of all the forms and solemnities appertaining to thc ceremony . Tho hall which , Avhen erected , will be a plain unpretending erection of red brickbut of commodious sizeand containing the
-, , necessary arrange ments of anteroom , will grace Loch-street , almost immediately opposite to the Athemeuin , and will be very useful indeed to the members of tho Lodge , who have hitherto been indebted to the kindness of Mr . John Smith for the use of the hall in the now untenanted Eldorado Tavern in High-street . The ceremony Avas the occasion of bringing together nearly every member of the Lodge in the district , besides a number of brethren who do not belong to it . It was one of those great occasions on Avhich the brethren are permitted to walk iu procession , wearing the
badges and ornaments of the Order , and to publish to the uninitiated world at large indications of the great principles to which they are devoted . The spectacle of a large body of men passing iu procession through some of the principal streets of the town , naturally excited much observation , and a very large concourse of ladies and gentlemen , had collected on the site of the building to witness the ceremony of laying the stone . The chief actor in the ceremony was Bro . A . H . Lissak , jmi . the AVorshipful Master of thc Lodge , who with its first
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
who had so well supported him . The AV . M . then proposed " The health of the Visiting Brethren , " coupling Avith it the name of Bro . Blake , Avho responded in a feeling speech . Bro . Elkington , P . G . S . B ., and Prov . G . Sec , proposed "The health of the Past Masters of St . Paul ' s Lodge , " Avhich was warmly responded to by Bro . Stillman , P . M . The AA . M . proposed " The health of the Officers of the Lodge , coupling Avith it the name of the Junior AA arden , Avho responded in an able speech . The AV . M . then stated that he rose with pleasure to " The health of
propose the Hon . Sec , " Avhich he did in eulogistic terms , thanking him for the interest he had always displayed for the welfare of the Lodge , and the uniform courtesy Avhich he invariably displayed towards its members . Thc Hon . Sec , Bro . Alfred AV . Suckling , briefly responded , and the business of the evening was brought to a close in harmony shortly before fen o ' clock . AVILTSHIRE .
TitowjJKiDGE . —Lodge of Concord ( No . 915 ) . —This Lodge held its List meeting for the year on Tuesday , the 13 th instant , at the Court Hall , Trowbridge : —present , Bros . H . C . Levander , AV . M . ; G . Plimmer , S . W . ; J . Allen , J . AV . ; F . AVebber , P . M . ; aud other brethren . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Solomon Saxty as a candidate for initiation . The result being in his favourhe was admitted and dulinitiated into the
, y mysteries of our ancient Order . The brethren then proceeded to ballot for a AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year , when the present AV . M . Avas reelected . Bro . J . E . Hayward was also reelected Treasurer , and Bro . AV . Bailey , Tyler . Auditors of the accounts , and Stewards for the approaching annual festival , were also appointed . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge Avas closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Royal Arch.
INSTRUCTION . UNITED PILOBI . US AND DOMATIC UNITED CHAPTEKS . —This Chapter of Instruction , so celebrated for its correct working in Royal Arch Masonry , having removed from the Queen Elizabeth , Walworth , to Comp . Hill ' s , thc City Arms , AA est-square , St . George ' s Road , near the Elephant and Castle , the opening took place at the latter house , on Thursday , the Sth December , on which occasion Comp . Ladd , M . D ., presided
as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Garrod , H . ; Comp . J . R . AATarren , J . ; Comp . Onslow , P . S . After the ceremony of exaltation the M . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . Ladd , explained tho Royal Arch jewel , and illustrated the same by diagrams , with the solids and sphere of the universe , in a very interesting and excellent manner . The business of the Chapter being . concluded , the Companions adjourned to refreshment ; and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the M . E . Z . gave " Success to the United Chapters , " and congratulated the Companions upon the improvement in their quarters
. Comp . Blackburn , in proposing the health of the M . E . Z ., said lie considered Royal Arch Masons deeply indebted to Comp . Dr . Ladd for the zeal and intelligence he had displayed in Royal Arch Masonry , and without whose kindness in imparting the same this Chapter of Instruction never would have arrived at the high position it has now attained . The M . E . Z ., in returning thanks , begged to state that if any obligation existed it was certainly due to Comp . Blackburn , from whom alone he himself had acquired tho knowledge it would ever be his pleasure to
teach . The healths of the Principals of the United Pilgrims and Domatic Chapters having been honoured and duly responded to , as also the worthy host , Comp . Hill , the brethren separated at an early hour , after a most delightful aud iutellectual evening .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
ROSE CROIX CHAPTER . A meeting of thc members of the Invicta Rose Croix Chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , AA'illiani-street , AA ' " oolwich , on Friday , Dec . Kith , for the installation of the M . AA . Sov . elect , the III . Bro . Major . Henry Clerk , 31 ° . The 111 . Bro . Dr . H . J . Hinxman , 31 ° , presided , and in the presence of the brethren assembled inducted his successor into the chairThe ilWSovthen appointed as his officers for the ensuing
. .. . year : —Bros . AVilliain Henry Carter , 1 st Gen . ; John AA . Figg , 2 nd Gen . ; E . J . Phillips , G . Marshall ; AVilliain Smith , Raphael ; Matthew Cooke , Org . ; Robert Crowe , Capt . of Guard . This was the first meeting in the new Masonic Hall , Avhich is a joint undertaking of this Chapter—the Kemys-Tynte Encampment aud the Florence Nightingale Lodge . The hall of is of good proportions ; indeed Ave may call it a noble room , and is sufficiently spacious for giving good effect to the beautiful rite
that celebrated its opening ; it was therefore to be regretted that the attendance was so small . The chamber , having a vaulted or semicircular roof , is well adapted for giving good effect to music ; and the Organist will doubtless avail himself of its capabilities when there is a numerous assemblage to deaden thc echo which exists in a small meeting . The hall is approached from the street by a lobby , from which open a Tyler ' s room and preparation room—small certainly—but sufficient for any Masonic purposes . The hall is lighted from the roof , excepting two circular lights at tho oast aud west ends , which arc to have
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
illuminated emblems ; and Avhen the intended decorations on the walls are completed , the AA oolwich brethren may congratulate themselves on having a house of assembly superior to any in Loudon . Bros . Hinxman and Gierke , by Avhose exertions this has been effected , cannot fail to be highly gratified with the successful result . All business being ended , the brethren adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s Tavern for banquet . Bro How Avas the only visitor .
CORK . EROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OE MUNSTEK . THE fourth quarterly meeting of this year was held on the 20 th of November , 1859 , in the large handsomely decorated Lodge room of thc first Lodge of Ireland , Turkey-street . In the absence of the Prov . Grand Master , the Grand Lodge was opened in due form by his Deputy , Bro . George Chatterton , who said
that he felt gratified on seeing the Lodges , particularly those of the city , so well represented , and also that he felt pleased at being able to state that the usual harmony continues amongst the brethren . The first business commenced with the election of officers for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . A . Perrier , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., after having spoken in very flattering terms of the general conduct and well knoAvn efficiency of the outgoing officers , proposed their reelection , Avhich was duly secondedand unanimously carried . The officers for the next year are
, as follows : —Bros . Gen . Sir James C . Chatterton , K . H ., Prov . G . M . of Muustcr ; George Chatterton , D . Prov . G . M . ; Richard Meara , Prov . S . G . AV . ; the Hon . Charles Moore Smyth , Prov . J . G . AV . ; the Rev . J . D . Penrose , Prov . G . Chajnain ; Godfrey Brereton , Prov . S . G . D . ; James E . AVhite , Prov . J . G . D . ; Henry Bible , Prov . G . Purs . ; George Harvey , Prov . G . Treas . ; AVilliam Penrose , Prov . G . Sec . The following communication from the Prov . Grand Master of Munster Avas then read : — " The Prov . Grand Master has learned Avith extreme
satisfaction the very respectable gathering of the Masonic body upon the late occasion at the ceremonial of laying the foundation stone of St . Patrick's Bridge , and he requests the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , the Prov . Grand Lodge , and the AVorshipful Masters aud brethren of thc different Lodges in attendance , to accept his warmest thanks aud paternal regards . " The Prov . Grand Master had also the pleasure to receive a letter from the Earl of Carlisle , expressive of his excellency ' s satisfaction at the excellent and very efficient manner the Masonic operations
were conducted , and whilst the Prov . Grand Master greatly regrets he was prevented from being present upon so interesting an occasion , he feels consoled by the certain conviction that his place Avas most ably filled hy the Deputy Graud Master .
CLACKMANNAN . —Alloa Lodge . — A meeting of this Lodge took place at the Lodge room , Alloa , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., tho AV . M ., Bro . AV . Downing Bruce , of Garlet aud Kilbagie , presiding , when the following office bearers were elected for the ensuing year , viz .: — Bro . AVilliam MacQueen , AV . M ., in the place of Bro . Downing Bruce , appointed representative Master to the Grand Lodge ; Bro . Thos . Hunter , Senior Warden ; Bro . Capt . R . C . Dalrymple Bruce , Sth King ' s regiment , representative Senior AVarden ; Bro . Alex . Mackie , Junior AVavden ; the Right Hon . Bro . the Earl of Buchan , representative Junior AVarden ; Bro . R . 0 . Arnot , Treasurer , and Bro . J . B . Richardson , Secretary .
VICTORIA . LAVING THE FOUNDATION STONE OS A MASONIC HALL AT BEEOIIWOliTlI . THE foundation stone of a Masonic Hall for the Becchworth Lodge of St . John , No . 1030 , was laid on the 6 th September with due observance of all the forms and solemnities appertaining to thc ceremony . Tho hall which , Avhen erected , will be a plain unpretending erection of red brickbut of commodious sizeand containing the
-, , necessary arrange ments of anteroom , will grace Loch-street , almost immediately opposite to the Athemeuin , and will be very useful indeed to the members of tho Lodge , who have hitherto been indebted to the kindness of Mr . John Smith for the use of the hall in the now untenanted Eldorado Tavern in High-street . The ceremony Avas the occasion of bringing together nearly every member of the Lodge in the district , besides a number of brethren who do not belong to it . It was one of those great occasions on Avhich the brethren are permitted to walk iu procession , wearing the
badges and ornaments of the Order , and to publish to the uninitiated world at large indications of the great principles to which they are devoted . The spectacle of a large body of men passing iu procession through some of the principal streets of the town , naturally excited much observation , and a very large concourse of ladies and gentlemen , had collected on the site of the building to witness the ceremony of laying the stone . The chief actor in the ceremony was Bro . A . H . Lissak , jmi . the AVorshipful Master of thc Lodge , who with its first