Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Order , and illuminate it with the rays of thy blessings , preserve it intact iu all its loveliness from the attacks of time , and the innovations of men . Cause its disciples to disseminate by their example , through the length and breadth of the land , its three grand principles— -brotherly love , relief , and truth . Permit them to raise their eyes to the glories which surround thee , that they may ever be prepared for thy summons , and ready to meet thee in the Grand Lodge above , where thou in thine infinite wisdom , thy glory , thy goodness , and thy mercy , roignest for
ever and ever . So mote it be . " At the termination of the oration , the music again struck up , the members formed iu procession , and with the order in which they had arrived inverted , returned to their Lodge-room in the El Dorado . The ceremony w ; is one which the people of Beechworth may probably never have another opportunity of again observing ; should any ono chance to do so , he may be certain that it Avill not be accomplished more beautifully , or more correctly .
MELBOUUNE . —Richmond Lodge ( No . 1093 ) . —The installation of thc AA . M . of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , the 13 th September , at Tattersall ' s Hotel , Lonsdale-street East , Melbourne . The accommodation necessary for this occasion , in consequence of the increase of tho members , rendered it necessary for the AV . M . to hold this meeting at the Lodge rooms at 'Patterson ' s . At half past four o ' clock , the D . Prov . G . M . and his Prov . G . officers , with several brethren of distinction , arrived at the hotel , when the AA . M . of the Richmond Lodge and its members
immediately proceeded to the ceremony for which they had assembled . The ' chair was taken by Bro . H . St . John Clarke , the AV . M . The AV . M . elect , Bro . George M . Nicholls , being introduced to the chairman by the Prov . S . G . AA . and the Vrov . G . Sec , was , according to ancient custom , regularly installed as W . M . of the Richmond Lodge for Hie ensuing twelve months , or until such time as his successor may be duly nominated . AVhen this imposing ceremony was concluded , the brethren immediatel y adjourned to Menzies' Hotel , La Trobe-street , Avhere a
banquet was laid out with taste and elegance . The cloth being removed , several loyal and appropriate toasts Avere proposed by the newly installed AV . M ., and responded to with much feeling and eloquence by the members present . The health of thc A \ . M . was proposed in a speech of great merit , by the D . Prov . G . M ., and heartily responded to by the brethren present . Bro . Nicholls , in rising to respond to the toast , said ho felt some embarrassment in replying to the high compliment paid him by the D . Prov . G . M ., and also to the membersfor the cordial
, , and ( he had reason to believe ) , the sincere manner in Avhich his name had been received . He sincerely hoped that no act on his part Avould ever mar tho good fellowship that now existerl between himself and the members of the Richmond Lodge ; and , at the expiration of his term as their AA . M ., he trusted they would have no occasion to regret having selected him to preside over them . To his officers he looked for that support and good order which will ensure success , harmony , and esteem . There was one circumstance connected with this installation which he
( Bro . Nicholls ) viewed with peculiar pleasure and satisfaction . The Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Levick , P . M ., who officiated ,-is one of the installing Masters , initiated him into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry in England . He justly considered Bro . Levick his Masonic father , to
whom he was indebted for much valuable information ; and he sincerely hoped his acts and actions would always have a tendency to consider him a not undutiful son . In the course of the evening , a beautiful P . M ' s . jewel was presented by tho members of the Richmond Lodge to their immediate P . M ., Bro . II . St . John Clarke . The presentation was entrusted to tho Prov . S . G . AV ., Bro . IT . AV Lowry , who , in his usual masterly style , did full justice to the interesting event . Bro . Clarke , P . M ., feelingly and appropriately acknowledged the handsome mark of
esteem Avhich had been presented to him by the members of the Richmond Lodge ; and when he looked upon the gift , it would remind him of his duty to this Lodge in particular and to the brethren generally . The proceedings shortl y afterwards terminated . PORTLAND . —Lodge , of Victoria ( No . 841 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Lodge room , Lamb Inn , on Monday , October ] 0 th , 1853 , at , two o ' clock , I \ M , Bro . Charles George Thompson in the chair , supported by Bros . P . Scott , T . AV . A \ atsou , J . M'Conoehyand If .
, Castle , l' . Ms . The Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes of last Lodge read ami confirmed . The Lodge Avas then opened in the third degree , when Bro . Thos . llenty was duly raised . Thc Lodge , was then reduced to the . first degree , * when Messrs . John Learmouth , ( Jharleson Marshall Trangonar , Charles George Doughty , and AVilliam Sanderson AVyman , were initiated . Thc Lodge being opened in the second degree , Bro . T . AV . AA .-ifson presented Bro . Edward Francis lushes the WMelectThe of installation
I as .. . ceremony was performed in au impressive manner hy the A \ . M ., that rellected great credit on his attainments in Freemasonry ; and as a slight recompense for past , services to this Lodge , and also as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by the brethren , a P . M ' s . jewel of exquisite beauty and workmanship was presented him . Bro . ( , 'has . Geo . Thompson , I ' . M ,, in returning thanks , said he not only thanked the brethren for the token of their esteembut also for assistance received from the worthy l ' . Ms . and
, officers during his pleasing year of office , as also the brethren generall y , for their punctual attendance and earnest desire of improving their Masonic knowledge , Although he luul left the chair in abler hands , his duties were , not yet iiui . ljed . lie would endeavour to fiil-Llifir iliipiut siioh . Va-iofn ' c ki ) o » -lcdgo as iin puwssed , j . o tiw many byt'tiirm ho ) i ; nl
had tho honour of initiating , and at all times to assist the AA ' . M . when called upon . He indeed might well say this to him was a day of joy and exultation , which would never pass away . The son of a Mason of high repute , in a province where Masons were known for their benevolence , he had endeavoured to carry out those precepts , inculcated not only by his parent , but by his parent Lodge ( Alfred Lodge , No . 425 ) How well he had succeeded , the jewel he held in his hand testified , and told more than any words he could litter . AVith gratitude to the
G . A . O . T . U . for permitting him to perform his duties aright , and thanks to the brethren , he concluded . The AV . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . J . Roberts , S . AV . ; J . Fathers , J . AA . ; P . Scott , P . M ., Treas . The AA ' . M . said , in investing you , Bro . P . M . Scott , with the badge of this important office , I should be wanting in duty to the Lodge , did I not express the hig h estimation in which you are held by the brethren , and even that hig h estimation falling short of your deserts . One of the pioneers of Freemasonry of this western province , our first
AV . M ., and reelected a second time to that high office , thc jewel with which you are adorned proves the estimation in which , you were held . Let me assure you , it has lost nothing of its lustre , anil in reelecting you as Treasurer , the brethren congratulate themselves on having secured for the office one whom they know to he a Mason indeed . Bros . M . C . Dahl , Sec . ; C . Croker , S . D . ; F . C . Oswald , J . D . ; J . Browning , I . G . ; J . Gardiner , Tyler , Avere then invested , and the Lodge was afterwards closed Avith solemn prayer . The brethren , to the number of
twenty-two , assembled in the evening to celebrate the installation by a . banquet , the excellence of which reflected the greatest credit on tho stewards , Bros . H . Smith and J . Browning , as also on the caterer , Bro . Pilven . The routine toasts Avere ably given by the AV . M ., and the replies in keeping with the acknowledged abilities of the speakers . The evening was enlivened by songs from many talented brethren , amongst others Bros . Fethers , Roberts , Athill , and M'Conoehy . The brethren separated at an early hour ., after spending an evening of enjoyment , only appreciated by Masons .
KOYAL ARCH . MF . LBOUU . NE . —Meridian Chapter ( No . 1031 ) . —This Chapter held its first annual meeting on the 14 th October , for the purpose of installing the Principals for the ensuing year , and also to ballot for several brethren proposed at the last meeting . The installation ceremony was performed by Comp . IT . AV . Lowry , M . E . Z . of this Chapter , assisted by Comp . R . Levick , P . Z . of No . GOT . Comp . AV . P . Wilson was installed M . E . Z .,
and Comp . Frank Adames IT . Comp . P . P . Labertouche has been elected to the ehair of J ., but as he has filled the office of Scribe E . only eleven months , his installation has been deferred until a future meeting . Tin ; newly installed First Principal , Comp . AVilson , in a very efficient manner exalted Bro . F . T . AVest Ford to this supreme degree . The Principals and several Past Principals of tho Australian Chapter , No . (!! i 7 , were present , and rendered valuable assistance . The business been concluded , the Companions adjourned to refreshment , and after a pleasant
evening , enhanced by tho presence of several visitors , retired to their respective homes , well satisfied with thc proceedings of the evening . SOUTH AUSTRALIA . GAWLEU . TOAVN . —Lodge , of Fidelity ( No . 854 ) . —The brethren gave a full dress ball on the 14 th October lastin the hall belonging to the Odd
, Fellows , in that town . Dancing commenced on the arrival of Bro . Rudall , AA . M ., and was kept up with great spirit until newly six o ' clock in the morning . The brethren all appeared iu full regalia ; and we understand it is intended have to a similar ball every year . In no part , of the world is Masonry more appreciated than in South A " tralia , as is shown by the number of Lodges , and the respectability of the members of the Craft .
The Week.
inn Conr . T . — Hie Queen and her family have this week returned to AAMndsor for the Christmas holidays , andarealIingoodhealt . il . The Prince of AValcs also has joined the iamily party , having left Oxford for the vacation ; hi : has been presented by tho reigning Dtikc . of Saxe Coburg with the insignia of the order of the ducal houses of Saxony ; at Osborne there were no other visitors except Prince and Princess Leiningon . Foi ' . EKiir NEWS . —The severe illness of the old ox-King Jeromewhich
, was considered to wear such a threatening appearance last week , has considerably amended , and he is now thought to be out of danger tor the present . His great age however , and the inroads which a very free life have made into a naturally iron constitution , render it almost impossible that his life can be preserved much longer ; all Paris is therefore in consternation lest an imperial mourning should interfere with the huh , mArees , diners , and other fashionable necessities which the approach of the gay season in Paris is supposed to bring with it . The Monileiir
announces that the Emperor will receive the Corps Di plomatique on the 1 st of January , The report of the speeches delivered on this occasion will he . eagerly looked for . The Congress ci definitivel y constituted , The 1 ' ullf . HVJijg is a complete ( with thc e . vxyptiuil nf Naples " and Sweden ) and pmmte H & Qf tho Ptoiipotrmliariss r—JSngJawt]— . Lord Cowley m <\
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Order , and illuminate it with the rays of thy blessings , preserve it intact iu all its loveliness from the attacks of time , and the innovations of men . Cause its disciples to disseminate by their example , through the length and breadth of the land , its three grand principles— -brotherly love , relief , and truth . Permit them to raise their eyes to the glories which surround thee , that they may ever be prepared for thy summons , and ready to meet thee in the Grand Lodge above , where thou in thine infinite wisdom , thy glory , thy goodness , and thy mercy , roignest for
ever and ever . So mote it be . " At the termination of the oration , the music again struck up , the members formed iu procession , and with the order in which they had arrived inverted , returned to their Lodge-room in the El Dorado . The ceremony w ; is one which the people of Beechworth may probably never have another opportunity of again observing ; should any ono chance to do so , he may be certain that it Avill not be accomplished more beautifully , or more correctly .
MELBOUUNE . —Richmond Lodge ( No . 1093 ) . —The installation of thc AA . M . of this Lodge took place on Tuesday , the 13 th September , at Tattersall ' s Hotel , Lonsdale-street East , Melbourne . The accommodation necessary for this occasion , in consequence of the increase of tho members , rendered it necessary for the AV . M . to hold this meeting at the Lodge rooms at 'Patterson ' s . At half past four o ' clock , the D . Prov . G . M . and his Prov . G . officers , with several brethren of distinction , arrived at the hotel , when the AA . M . of the Richmond Lodge and its members
immediately proceeded to the ceremony for which they had assembled . The ' chair was taken by Bro . H . St . John Clarke , the AV . M . The AV . M . elect , Bro . George M . Nicholls , being introduced to the chairman by the Prov . S . G . AA . and the Vrov . G . Sec , was , according to ancient custom , regularly installed as W . M . of the Richmond Lodge for Hie ensuing twelve months , or until such time as his successor may be duly nominated . AVhen this imposing ceremony was concluded , the brethren immediatel y adjourned to Menzies' Hotel , La Trobe-street , Avhere a
banquet was laid out with taste and elegance . The cloth being removed , several loyal and appropriate toasts Avere proposed by the newly installed AV . M ., and responded to with much feeling and eloquence by the members present . The health of thc A \ . M . was proposed in a speech of great merit , by the D . Prov . G . M ., and heartily responded to by the brethren present . Bro . Nicholls , in rising to respond to the toast , said ho felt some embarrassment in replying to the high compliment paid him by the D . Prov . G . M ., and also to the membersfor the cordial
, , and ( he had reason to believe ) , the sincere manner in Avhich his name had been received . He sincerely hoped that no act on his part Avould ever mar tho good fellowship that now existerl between himself and the members of the Richmond Lodge ; and , at the expiration of his term as their AA . M ., he trusted they would have no occasion to regret having selected him to preside over them . To his officers he looked for that support and good order which will ensure success , harmony , and esteem . There was one circumstance connected with this installation which he
( Bro . Nicholls ) viewed with peculiar pleasure and satisfaction . The Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Levick , P . M ., who officiated ,-is one of the installing Masters , initiated him into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry in England . He justly considered Bro . Levick his Masonic father , to
whom he was indebted for much valuable information ; and he sincerely hoped his acts and actions would always have a tendency to consider him a not undutiful son . In the course of the evening , a beautiful P . M ' s . jewel was presented by tho members of the Richmond Lodge to their immediate P . M ., Bro . II . St . John Clarke . The presentation was entrusted to tho Prov . S . G . AV ., Bro . IT . AV Lowry , who , in his usual masterly style , did full justice to the interesting event . Bro . Clarke , P . M ., feelingly and appropriately acknowledged the handsome mark of
esteem Avhich had been presented to him by the members of the Richmond Lodge ; and when he looked upon the gift , it would remind him of his duty to this Lodge in particular and to the brethren generally . The proceedings shortl y afterwards terminated . PORTLAND . —Lodge , of Victoria ( No . 841 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Lodge room , Lamb Inn , on Monday , October ] 0 th , 1853 , at , two o ' clock , I \ M , Bro . Charles George Thompson in the chair , supported by Bros . P . Scott , T . AV . A \ atsou , J . M'Conoehyand If .
, Castle , l' . Ms . The Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes of last Lodge read ami confirmed . The Lodge Avas then opened in the third degree , when Bro . Thos . llenty was duly raised . Thc Lodge , was then reduced to the . first degree , * when Messrs . John Learmouth , ( Jharleson Marshall Trangonar , Charles George Doughty , and AVilliam Sanderson AVyman , were initiated . Thc Lodge being opened in the second degree , Bro . T . AV . AA .-ifson presented Bro . Edward Francis lushes the WMelectThe of installation
I as .. . ceremony was performed in au impressive manner hy the A \ . M ., that rellected great credit on his attainments in Freemasonry ; and as a slight recompense for past , services to this Lodge , and also as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by the brethren , a P . M ' s . jewel of exquisite beauty and workmanship was presented him . Bro . ( , 'has . Geo . Thompson , I ' . M ,, in returning thanks , said he not only thanked the brethren for the token of their esteembut also for assistance received from the worthy l ' . Ms . and
, officers during his pleasing year of office , as also the brethren generall y , for their punctual attendance and earnest desire of improving their Masonic knowledge , Although he luul left the chair in abler hands , his duties were , not yet iiui . ljed . lie would endeavour to fiil-Llifir iliipiut siioh . Va-iofn ' c ki ) o » -lcdgo as iin puwssed , j . o tiw many byt'tiirm ho ) i ; nl
had tho honour of initiating , and at all times to assist the AA ' . M . when called upon . He indeed might well say this to him was a day of joy and exultation , which would never pass away . The son of a Mason of high repute , in a province where Masons were known for their benevolence , he had endeavoured to carry out those precepts , inculcated not only by his parent , but by his parent Lodge ( Alfred Lodge , No . 425 ) How well he had succeeded , the jewel he held in his hand testified , and told more than any words he could litter . AVith gratitude to the
G . A . O . T . U . for permitting him to perform his duties aright , and thanks to the brethren , he concluded . The AV . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . J . Roberts , S . AV . ; J . Fathers , J . AA . ; P . Scott , P . M ., Treas . The AA ' . M . said , in investing you , Bro . P . M . Scott , with the badge of this important office , I should be wanting in duty to the Lodge , did I not express the hig h estimation in which you are held by the brethren , and even that hig h estimation falling short of your deserts . One of the pioneers of Freemasonry of this western province , our first
AV . M ., and reelected a second time to that high office , thc jewel with which you are adorned proves the estimation in which , you were held . Let me assure you , it has lost nothing of its lustre , anil in reelecting you as Treasurer , the brethren congratulate themselves on having secured for the office one whom they know to he a Mason indeed . Bros . M . C . Dahl , Sec . ; C . Croker , S . D . ; F . C . Oswald , J . D . ; J . Browning , I . G . ; J . Gardiner , Tyler , Avere then invested , and the Lodge was afterwards closed Avith solemn prayer . The brethren , to the number of
twenty-two , assembled in the evening to celebrate the installation by a . banquet , the excellence of which reflected the greatest credit on tho stewards , Bros . H . Smith and J . Browning , as also on the caterer , Bro . Pilven . The routine toasts Avere ably given by the AV . M ., and the replies in keeping with the acknowledged abilities of the speakers . The evening was enlivened by songs from many talented brethren , amongst others Bros . Fethers , Roberts , Athill , and M'Conoehy . The brethren separated at an early hour ., after spending an evening of enjoyment , only appreciated by Masons .
KOYAL ARCH . MF . LBOUU . NE . —Meridian Chapter ( No . 1031 ) . —This Chapter held its first annual meeting on the 14 th October , for the purpose of installing the Principals for the ensuing year , and also to ballot for several brethren proposed at the last meeting . The installation ceremony was performed by Comp . IT . AV . Lowry , M . E . Z . of this Chapter , assisted by Comp . R . Levick , P . Z . of No . GOT . Comp . AV . P . Wilson was installed M . E . Z .,
and Comp . Frank Adames IT . Comp . P . P . Labertouche has been elected to the ehair of J ., but as he has filled the office of Scribe E . only eleven months , his installation has been deferred until a future meeting . Tin ; newly installed First Principal , Comp . AVilson , in a very efficient manner exalted Bro . F . T . AVest Ford to this supreme degree . The Principals and several Past Principals of tho Australian Chapter , No . (!! i 7 , were present , and rendered valuable assistance . The business been concluded , the Companions adjourned to refreshment , and after a pleasant
evening , enhanced by tho presence of several visitors , retired to their respective homes , well satisfied with thc proceedings of the evening . SOUTH AUSTRALIA . GAWLEU . TOAVN . —Lodge , of Fidelity ( No . 854 ) . —The brethren gave a full dress ball on the 14 th October lastin the hall belonging to the Odd
, Fellows , in that town . Dancing commenced on the arrival of Bro . Rudall , AA . M ., and was kept up with great spirit until newly six o ' clock in the morning . The brethren all appeared iu full regalia ; and we understand it is intended have to a similar ball every year . In no part , of the world is Masonry more appreciated than in South A " tralia , as is shown by the number of Lodges , and the respectability of the members of the Craft .
The Week.
inn Conr . T . — Hie Queen and her family have this week returned to AAMndsor for the Christmas holidays , andarealIingoodhealt . il . The Prince of AValcs also has joined the iamily party , having left Oxford for the vacation ; hi : has been presented by tho reigning Dtikc . of Saxe Coburg with the insignia of the order of the ducal houses of Saxony ; at Osborne there were no other visitors except Prince and Princess Leiningon . Foi ' . EKiir NEWS . —The severe illness of the old ox-King Jeromewhich
, was considered to wear such a threatening appearance last week , has considerably amended , and he is now thought to be out of danger tor the present . His great age however , and the inroads which a very free life have made into a naturally iron constitution , render it almost impossible that his life can be preserved much longer ; all Paris is therefore in consternation lest an imperial mourning should interfere with the huh , mArees , diners , and other fashionable necessities which the approach of the gay season in Paris is supposed to bring with it . The Monileiir
announces that the Emperor will receive the Corps Di plomatique on the 1 st of January , The report of the speeches delivered on this occasion will he . eagerly looked for . The Congress ci definitivel y constituted , The 1 ' ullf . HVJijg is a complete ( with thc e . vxyptiuil nf Naples " and Sweden ) and pmmte H & Qf tho Ptoiipotrmliariss r—JSngJawt]— . Lord Cowley m <\