Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . London , W . C .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH ACT EAST ) . —Wo understand that a special 'Provincial Grand Lodgo was to havo been held on . Wednesday last , the 22 nd inst ., in Hull , but wo have not yot rocaivod any report o £ what took place . SOMERSETSHIRE . —Masonry is making progress in this province . under the Provincial Grand Master , tho R . W . Bro . Alex . W . Adair , who has within tho last fortnight opened aud consecrated two new lodges , tho Nyanza Lodgo ( Xo . 1 , 197 ) , at Ilminster , and tho Lodge of Agriculture ( No . 1 , 199 ) , at Gougrosbury .
SUSSEX . —It is with much pleasure that wo noto tho groat Masonic zeal of tho Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lord Pelham , M , P ., whoso working ability is not second to his zeal aud activity . It is but a month or so sineo ho performed tho coromonios connected with the opening and consecration of tho new lodgo at Battle ; last Saturday ho assisted at tho mooting of tho Tarborough Lodge at Brighton , and afterwards dined with tho
mombors ; and last wook ho was ploasod to accept tho office of Sonior Warden in tho Royal York Lodgo in Brighton . Ho has also visitod every lodge in his province , and is , indood , thoroughly fulfilling the duties of his high station , aso very . Provincial Grand Master should do .
Bro . Sekhiari , who was initiated into Masonry at Smyrna by Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . Turkey , has lately died , leaving a legacy for benevolent purposes of £ 1 , 000 to the St . George ' s I _ ouge of Smyrna , working in the Greek language under the English jurisdiction . This Greek lodge iu Asia was founded by Bro . Hyde Clyde , as were the Greek Lodges of Arete , at Constantinople , in Europe , and the Hellas , of Cairo , in Africa .
BEO . BUCHAIT ' LODGE MUSIC—We are glad to see from the Record of Western India , that this work has been adopted by several lodges . It only remains with Bro . Buchan to persevere in his endeavours to improve our rituals , to hold still the ruddy Hon of Scotland , the standard of Judah in Masonry .
Ttn . __ . EV . —Our Smyrna correspondent under date the Sth inst ., states that the installations and banquets of the Homer ( English ) Lodge and of the Dekran ( Tigranes ) Armenian Lodge , under the English jurisdiction , have been held ; the first on St . John's Day , the latter on the 6 fch inst . The installations were ably performed by Bro . Captain Stab , P . D . G . \ V . Turkey , and other P . M . ' s , ancl concluded by hospitable banquets . The
healths of the M . W . G . M ., the Karl of Zetland , and of the founder of the respective lodges , Bro . Hyde Clarke , and of the © . G . officers , W . M . ' s , & c , were duly commemorated . In proposing " The Health of the Deputy District Grand Master , " at the Dekran Lodge , Bro . Alparian , P . M ., D . G . D . Turkey , -entered at some length into the services of Bro . Hyde Clarke
in tlie promotion of Masonry in Turkej-. About forty brethren ¦ sat down to banquet . ScoriuU-D . —MIDDIE WARD OF LAN-AEKSHIKE . —An assembly , under the auspices of the Provincial Grand Lodge , is , we understand , being organised on a scale such as will render eclat to thc province , Hamilton being , we believe , selected as the town
in which the festive proceedings are to be celebrated . WE intond commencing Book II . of Bro . Oaoat Haye ' s "• Knight ' s Tomplar " in our next .
ENOCH LODG-E ( NO . 11 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place o : t the Sth inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . Dale , P . M ., in the absence of the W . M ., presided . One brother having been raised to the third degree , Bro . Honey , the W . M . elect , was presented and duly installed Master according to ancient custom . The caremony was most admirably performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , P . M . The W . M . then appointed his officers
as follows : —Bros . Ciabatta , J . W . ; Matthews , Sec ; E . J . Lewis , S . D . ; Whittaker , J . D . ; Palmer , I . G . ; F . Ledger , Steward ; and Grainger , Dir . of Cers . ; who , with the Treasurer , Bro . Watson , were invested in clue form . Messrs . Stock , Spokes , and Carlowa , were initiated into the Order by the new W . M . ( Bro . Honey ) . A brother in distress was relieved from tha charity fund , to which sum a handsome subscription was added . The petition of the widow of a deceased brother was
recommended to the Lodge of Benevolence for relief . AU Masonic business being over , the brethren retired to the banquet . Bro . Honev , W . M ., presided , supported by several P . M . ' s of the lodge , including Bros . H . Potter , P . Matthews , C . J . Watson , F . Ledger , J . Dale , W . F . Moutrie , and "W . Greaves . After the cloth had been removed , grace was sung by Bro . George Perren , Bro . Ciabatta , Miss Fanny Holland , and Miss Eyles . The usual loyal and complimentary toasts were interspersed with music , the artistes beino- those before-named aud Bros . Wilhelm Ganz
and Kuij ; . THE ROVAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . 72 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on tlie 6 th inst . for the purpose of installing Bvo . Samuel Hodsou , the W . M . elect , which impressive ceremony was ably performed by Bro . Nunn , P . M . Mr . Bennett , of Oxford-street , was duly initiated . At the conclusion of business , near one hundred brethren , comprising visitors from every important Metropolitan lodge , and ajmost unusual display of P . M . ' s sat down to au elegant banquet . The musical illustrations by Bro _ . Bavtlemtui , Dawson , and Carter , were of very high order , and greatly added to the eniovment of the evening .
VITRUVIA > ' LODGE ( No . 87 ) . —An ordinary meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the Sth inst , at Bro . Fairman ' s , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Bros . Timothy and Clegg were raised , and Bros . Barwick , Penson , Welland , and Jekyll passed . The W . M . then installed his successor , Bro . T . H . Meredith , into the chair of K . S . The new W . M . appointed as his officers Bros . H . Carv , S . W . ; C . S . Jolly , J . W . ; John Noke , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Whiting , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Crabtree , S . D . ; T .
Wood , J . D . ; W . Lewis , I . G . ; Landfield , W . S . ; Hopkins , Dir . of Cers . : and Ellis , Tyler . Mr . Diprose was afterwards initiated into the mysteries of Freem-Asouty . On the motion of Bro . T . S . Morris . P . M ., seconded by Bro . Stuart , P . M ., a welldeserved gratuity was voted to Bro . Whiting , P . M ., for the indefatigability and zeal with which he had performed the duties of Secretary . A P . M . jewel was , on the motion of Bro . Stuart , P . M . seconded bBro . BainP . M . voted to Bro . James Hill ,
, y , , I . P . M ., a compliment which had been fully earned by his correct performance of all the offices of the chair . £ 20 was voted to Widow ' s Fund of the Benevolent Institution , and thc same was ordered to be placed on tho list of Bro . Bond , P . M ., who will represent this lodge at the forthcoming festival . Numerous sums were also put on the same list by individual brethren . Bro . Whiting announced the death of Bro . Davidson , a member for thirty years of this lodgeand a letter of condolence with his
, daughter on her bereavement was directed to be sent to her . The trustees of the Benevolent Fund were appointed , and the lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was jfohowed by the usual toasts , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —The regular eventful night of the year , the installation , like all other seasons , arrives at its allotted time . To some it brings joy and gladness , being the time they either commence at the lowest step of office , or arrive at the summit of their ambition , the Solomonic Chair ; whilst others perhaps may feel the pangs of disappointment in not having the office bestowed on them which they may have coveted . Anyhow it is in all lodges an evening of great interest
, ancl more members and visitors attend than on ordinary occasions . The installation of this old Lodge of Justice was not any exception to the rule . The meeting , a most full one , was held on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Bro . George Chapman , W . M ., occupied
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . London , W . C .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH ACT EAST ) . —Wo understand that a special 'Provincial Grand Lodgo was to havo been held on . Wednesday last , the 22 nd inst ., in Hull , but wo have not yot rocaivod any report o £ what took place . SOMERSETSHIRE . —Masonry is making progress in this province . under the Provincial Grand Master , tho R . W . Bro . Alex . W . Adair , who has within tho last fortnight opened aud consecrated two new lodges , tho Nyanza Lodgo ( Xo . 1 , 197 ) , at Ilminster , and tho Lodge of Agriculture ( No . 1 , 199 ) , at Gougrosbury .
SUSSEX . —It is with much pleasure that wo noto tho groat Masonic zeal of tho Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lord Pelham , M , P ., whoso working ability is not second to his zeal aud activity . It is but a month or so sineo ho performed tho coromonios connected with the opening and consecration of tho new lodgo at Battle ; last Saturday ho assisted at tho mooting of tho Tarborough Lodge at Brighton , and afterwards dined with tho
mombors ; and last wook ho was ploasod to accept tho office of Sonior Warden in tho Royal York Lodgo in Brighton . Ho has also visitod every lodge in his province , and is , indood , thoroughly fulfilling the duties of his high station , aso very . Provincial Grand Master should do .
Bro . Sekhiari , who was initiated into Masonry at Smyrna by Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . Turkey , has lately died , leaving a legacy for benevolent purposes of £ 1 , 000 to the St . George ' s I _ ouge of Smyrna , working in the Greek language under the English jurisdiction . This Greek lodge iu Asia was founded by Bro . Hyde Clyde , as were the Greek Lodges of Arete , at Constantinople , in Europe , and the Hellas , of Cairo , in Africa .
BEO . BUCHAIT ' LODGE MUSIC—We are glad to see from the Record of Western India , that this work has been adopted by several lodges . It only remains with Bro . Buchan to persevere in his endeavours to improve our rituals , to hold still the ruddy Hon of Scotland , the standard of Judah in Masonry .
Ttn . __ . EV . —Our Smyrna correspondent under date the Sth inst ., states that the installations and banquets of the Homer ( English ) Lodge and of the Dekran ( Tigranes ) Armenian Lodge , under the English jurisdiction , have been held ; the first on St . John's Day , the latter on the 6 fch inst . The installations were ably performed by Bro . Captain Stab , P . D . G . \ V . Turkey , and other P . M . ' s , ancl concluded by hospitable banquets . The
healths of the M . W . G . M ., the Karl of Zetland , and of the founder of the respective lodges , Bro . Hyde Clarke , and of the © . G . officers , W . M . ' s , & c , were duly commemorated . In proposing " The Health of the Deputy District Grand Master , " at the Dekran Lodge , Bro . Alparian , P . M ., D . G . D . Turkey , -entered at some length into the services of Bro . Hyde Clarke
in tlie promotion of Masonry in Turkej-. About forty brethren ¦ sat down to banquet . ScoriuU-D . —MIDDIE WARD OF LAN-AEKSHIKE . —An assembly , under the auspices of the Provincial Grand Lodge , is , we understand , being organised on a scale such as will render eclat to thc province , Hamilton being , we believe , selected as the town
in which the festive proceedings are to be celebrated . WE intond commencing Book II . of Bro . Oaoat Haye ' s "• Knight ' s Tomplar " in our next .
ENOCH LODG-E ( NO . 11 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place o : t the Sth inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . Dale , P . M ., in the absence of the W . M ., presided . One brother having been raised to the third degree , Bro . Honey , the W . M . elect , was presented and duly installed Master according to ancient custom . The caremony was most admirably performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , P . M . The W . M . then appointed his officers
as follows : —Bros . Ciabatta , J . W . ; Matthews , Sec ; E . J . Lewis , S . D . ; Whittaker , J . D . ; Palmer , I . G . ; F . Ledger , Steward ; and Grainger , Dir . of Cers . ; who , with the Treasurer , Bro . Watson , were invested in clue form . Messrs . Stock , Spokes , and Carlowa , were initiated into the Order by the new W . M . ( Bro . Honey ) . A brother in distress was relieved from tha charity fund , to which sum a handsome subscription was added . The petition of the widow of a deceased brother was
recommended to the Lodge of Benevolence for relief . AU Masonic business being over , the brethren retired to the banquet . Bro . Honev , W . M ., presided , supported by several P . M . ' s of the lodge , including Bros . H . Potter , P . Matthews , C . J . Watson , F . Ledger , J . Dale , W . F . Moutrie , and "W . Greaves . After the cloth had been removed , grace was sung by Bro . George Perren , Bro . Ciabatta , Miss Fanny Holland , and Miss Eyles . The usual loyal and complimentary toasts were interspersed with music , the artistes beino- those before-named aud Bros . Wilhelm Ganz
and Kuij ; . THE ROVAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . 72 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on tlie 6 th inst . for the purpose of installing Bvo . Samuel Hodsou , the W . M . elect , which impressive ceremony was ably performed by Bro . Nunn , P . M . Mr . Bennett , of Oxford-street , was duly initiated . At the conclusion of business , near one hundred brethren , comprising visitors from every important Metropolitan lodge , and ajmost unusual display of P . M . ' s sat down to au elegant banquet . The musical illustrations by Bro _ . Bavtlemtui , Dawson , and Carter , were of very high order , and greatly added to the eniovment of the evening .
VITRUVIA > ' LODGE ( No . 87 ) . —An ordinary meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the Sth inst , at Bro . Fairman ' s , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Bros . Timothy and Clegg were raised , and Bros . Barwick , Penson , Welland , and Jekyll passed . The W . M . then installed his successor , Bro . T . H . Meredith , into the chair of K . S . The new W . M . appointed as his officers Bros . H . Carv , S . W . ; C . S . Jolly , J . W . ; John Noke , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Whiting , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Crabtree , S . D . ; T .
Wood , J . D . ; W . Lewis , I . G . ; Landfield , W . S . ; Hopkins , Dir . of Cers . : and Ellis , Tyler . Mr . Diprose was afterwards initiated into the mysteries of Freem-Asouty . On the motion of Bro . T . S . Morris . P . M ., seconded by Bro . Stuart , P . M ., a welldeserved gratuity was voted to Bro . Whiting , P . M ., for the indefatigability and zeal with which he had performed the duties of Secretary . A P . M . jewel was , on the motion of Bro . Stuart , P . M . seconded bBro . BainP . M . voted to Bro . James Hill ,
, y , , I . P . M ., a compliment which had been fully earned by his correct performance of all the offices of the chair . £ 20 was voted to Widow ' s Fund of the Benevolent Institution , and thc same was ordered to be placed on tho list of Bro . Bond , P . M ., who will represent this lodge at the forthcoming festival . Numerous sums were also put on the same list by individual brethren . Bro . Whiting announced the death of Bro . Davidson , a member for thirty years of this lodgeand a letter of condolence with his
, daughter on her bereavement was directed to be sent to her . The trustees of the Benevolent Fund were appointed , and the lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was jfohowed by the usual toasts , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —The regular eventful night of the year , the installation , like all other seasons , arrives at its allotted time . To some it brings joy and gladness , being the time they either commence at the lowest step of office , or arrive at the summit of their ambition , the Solomonic Chair ; whilst others perhaps may feel the pangs of disappointment in not having the office bestowed on them which they may have coveted . Anyhow it is in all lodges an evening of great interest
, ancl more members and visitors attend than on ordinary occasions . The installation of this old Lodge of Justice was not any exception to the rule . The meeting , a most full one , was held on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Bro . George Chapman , W . M ., occupied