Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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the chair of K . S ., and during the evening there were present , Bros . J . Patte , S . W . and AVM . elect ; AV . Andrews , J . W . ; J . Lighfcfoot , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Bavin . P . M ., Sec ; Batt , S . D . ; Percival , J . D . ; Bartlett , as I . G . ; G . Bolton , C . H . Davis , J . Cavell , F . Walters , N . AVingfield , H . Moore , and W . Clothier , P . M . ' s ; C . G . Dilley , J . Cawer , P . Froud , J . Porter , D . Davies , and many others . Amongst an unusual large number of visitors who were present we noticed tlie local celebritiesBros . J . T .
, Tibbals , W . Noak , West , Littlecott , Barrett , ancl others . The minutes of the preceding meeting were read ancl unanimously confirmed . Bro . J . Bavin , Sec , in a neat speech , acknowledged the great help he had received from Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., who had in the kindest manner made up his books for him . He remarked he had thanked him privately , and now repeated his thanks publicly for the assistance Bro . P . Walters , P . M ., had so
generously rendered to him . Bro . F . Goulding was raised to the third degree , and Bro . T . White was passed to the second degree . Bro . J . Lightfoot , P . M . and Treas ., then presented Bro . J . Patte , S . W . and W . M . elect , to Bro . G . Chapman , W . M ., to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , a board of Installed Masters , composed of a dozen members , was then formed . Bro .
J . Patte was then most ; ably installed into the ancient Solomonic chair according to the established rite . The board was closed and the W . M , proclaimed and saluted . The warrant , constitutions , and by-laws were severally presented to him . Having named , invested , and appointed his officers as follows , viz . : — Bros . Batt , S . W . ; Percival , J . W . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M . and Treas . ( re-invested ; J . BavinP . M . Sec . ( re-invested ); WhiffenS . D . ;
, , , Roberts , J . C . ; Sadler , I . G . ; J . L . AVinn , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . G . Chapman gave an impressive address to each officer . Then were delivered the appropriate addresses to the Master , Wardens , and brethren , which were listened to with marked and deep attention , ancl when completed , those present testified their approbation by giving a most hearty applause . The Installing
Master was congratulated by thc P . M . for his efficient , able , ancl talented manner ! n which he performed this all-important ceremony . Now this odge possesses amongst its members no less than five Installing Masters , viz ., Bros . G . Bolton , P . M ., ( who has clone more installations in this and other lodges , than any Mason in the neighbourhood ); J . Bavin , P . M ., Sec , who installed his successor ; P . Walters , P . M . 73 , who installed his successorand has several times done the ceremony in other
, lodges where he is a member ; H . Moore , P . M , 73 , who installed his successor ; and now must be added Bro . G . Chapman . With such an array of talent the lodge must prosper . Some few years ago it was customary for tho old lodges meeting in Deptford , to have to invite brethren from London to do tlie installations , but now it is not necessary . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M ., was one of the first to set the example to do this impressive
ceremony , and he has now many followers , for all the lodges now meeting in Deptford possess amongst their members at least one who can do this ceremony . Too much praise cannot be given to Bro . G . Chapman , P . M ., for the able manner in which lis rendered every part of the installation ceremony , ancl more particularly the addresses so impressively given to each officer . The newly-installed Master , Bro . J . Patte , gave proofs of his
proficiency by the able manner in which lie initiated a gentleman into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , which augurs well for the work he may be expected to do during his year of office . Bro . W . Andrews , the 'late J . W ., in the ' most praiseworthy manner , gave up his promotion as an officer as , since his being made J . W ., he had been regularly installed W . M . of the Royal Oak Lod ( No . S 71 ) and being an installed
ge , Master , the height of his ambition , he retired from office to assist all those who might wish to havo a similar honour . A notice of motion was postponed until tlie next lodge meeting . The labours of the evening being ended , the lodgo was closed until Wednesday , February 12 th . A first-class banquet followed as usual .
SAIXT JAMES ' UXIOX CIIAOTEE ( No . ISO ) . —This lodge met at tiie Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-strest , on the 14 th inst . The installation of W . M . for the ensuing year was performed in a very excellent manner by Bro . Stoner , P . M . Bro . J . W . Hamilton , tho installed W . M ., fulfilled the after duties of the evening very satisfactorily . The business performed was tbe initiations of Mr . Benjamin Colls and Mr . Audvew Shelley . Bros . Herzig , Heath , and Long were passed to tlie F . C . degree ; and Bros . Strauss , Puik , and Humble were raised to the third degree . Tlie banquet which succeeded was served up in Bro . Charles Gosden ' s usual style .
LODGE or JOPPA ( NO . 1 SS ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on the 6 th inst ., at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street . Bros . Hoffenbach , Joseph , Hickman , Wagstaff , ancl Naurice were passed to the degree of F . C . ; and Bros . Davis , Lowensteiu , and Cohen raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Both these ceremonies were most admirably performed by Bro . A . Eskell , W . M .,. while Bro . Van Noorden presided over the harmonium with his well-known skill . Bro 11 Van Diepenheim was then installed
. .. as W . M . for the ensuing year , receiving the obligation of his exalted office from Bro . Abrahams , P . M . of tlie Lodge of Montefiore ( No . 1 , 017 ) . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet . Tlie lodge was closed in perfect- harmony about half-past eleven o ' clock . LODGE OF COXFIDEXCE ( NO . 193 ) . —This lod assembled on
ge the 13 th inst ., under Bro . Theodore Foulger , their recentlyinstalled W . M ., who , in tlie most able manner , passed Bros . Reed ancl Pbilpot to the degree of P . O ., and raised Bros . Bishopaud Lawrence to the degree of M . M . When the command to retire from labour to refreshment was given , Bro . Samuel Webb ,. I . P . M ., presided for the W . M ., who was compelled to be absent .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . WIHTEIIAVEJ .. —Installation of the W . M . of Lodge No . 872 . —The festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated at Whitehaven , ou Friday the 10 th inst ., when one of the most numerously attended ancl in eveiy respect successful assemblies of members of the Masonic Craft that has occurred in this townfor some time took place . The proceedings commenced
withthe installation of Bro . Morton as WM . of the Lewis Lodge-S 72 . The Lodge was opened by acting AV . M . Bro . Hughes and other officers , shortly after which Deputy Prov . Gr . Master Whitwell , of Kendal , ancl G . Prov . Sec . Simpson were announced . Bi-o . Greaves , F . D . Prov . G . M . was requested to take the chair as Installing Master , and a Board of Installing Masters havingbeen formed , the installation of Bro . Morton was proceeded
with . Having been duly installed , the AV . M . invested the officers for the year as follows : —Bros . AV . G . Huerhes , P . M . ; H . Fisher , Treas .: Rev . T . R . Holme , S . AA . ; J . Spittal , J . W .: AV . Losh Ponsonby . 'Chap . ; J . Dixon , S . D . ; AV . AV . Whittle , J . D . ; B . Foster . I . G . ; G . Fitzgerald , Tyler . This concluded the business of the lodge , which •* as closed , in the usual form , by the newly installed AV . M . and othar officers . Immediately after the lodge had been
closed , the brethren repaired to the banqueting hall , where a sumptuous dinner was provided by Bro . Capt . Hugan , of the Indian King Hotel , in his usual able and liberal style . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , followed bysome excellent speeches and songs , the brethren separated , well pleased with the i . ntertanment provided for them .
DEVONSHIRE . PI . TIIOI . __ II . —St . John ' s Lodge . —This lodge assembled at the Huyshe Masonic Temple on the 2 Gth ult ., serving for the festival of St . John the Evangelist . The change of date must be considered circumstantial from necessity , or necessitous from circumstances . It was not allowed to pass without an appeal ' to authority , and this sanctioned a change which did not make an infraction upon the full period of dutyas required bthe
, y constitutions . To absent brethren , whose business calls them upon the great water ? , and who consequently have not theadvantage of a notice of change of festival , a disappointment may arise . He who holds a by-law may uot have a by-leave , ancl may lay a greater stress upon a day than is confined to it . The lodge formed in the evening instead of the afternoon , as heretofore usual , and proceeded to the business of its summons ; , namely , the installation of its new Master , Bro . J . B . W .
AA'illiams , who had met unanimous election . There werepresent , Bros . G . G . Nicholls , AV . M . ; J . B . Gover , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . [ Dir . of Cers . ; J . Head , P . M .: Isaac Watts . P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Jenkin Thomas , P . M ., P . Prov . Supt . of Works ; F . P . Holmes , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; J . J . Hambly , P . M .: J . Ferris . P . M . ; John Evans , P . M . ; J . Downe , J . Richards , L . D . AVestcott , AA ainwright , Haynes , Hoskins , Skelton , Farthing , Crook , Martin , G . Richards , Knowsley , G . T . Fey , Hurre )] , Stribling , Lav-ers , Tremayne , Austin , Seidell , Ellis , Bennett , Gullett , Bowman . Halloway , Smith , and others .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the chair of K . S ., and during the evening there were present , Bros . J . Patte , S . W . and AVM . elect ; AV . Andrews , J . W . ; J . Lighfcfoot , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Bavin . P . M ., Sec ; Batt , S . D . ; Percival , J . D . ; Bartlett , as I . G . ; G . Bolton , C . H . Davis , J . Cavell , F . Walters , N . AVingfield , H . Moore , and W . Clothier , P . M . ' s ; C . G . Dilley , J . Cawer , P . Froud , J . Porter , D . Davies , and many others . Amongst an unusual large number of visitors who were present we noticed tlie local celebritiesBros . J . T .
, Tibbals , W . Noak , West , Littlecott , Barrett , ancl others . The minutes of the preceding meeting were read ancl unanimously confirmed . Bro . J . Bavin , Sec , in a neat speech , acknowledged the great help he had received from Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., who had in the kindest manner made up his books for him . He remarked he had thanked him privately , and now repeated his thanks publicly for the assistance Bro . P . Walters , P . M ., had so
generously rendered to him . Bro . F . Goulding was raised to the third degree , and Bro . T . White was passed to the second degree . Bro . J . Lightfoot , P . M . and Treas ., then presented Bro . J . Patte , S . W . and W . M . elect , to Bro . G . Chapman , W . M ., to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , a board of Installed Masters , composed of a dozen members , was then formed . Bro .
J . Patte was then most ; ably installed into the ancient Solomonic chair according to the established rite . The board was closed and the W . M , proclaimed and saluted . The warrant , constitutions , and by-laws were severally presented to him . Having named , invested , and appointed his officers as follows , viz . : — Bros . Batt , S . W . ; Percival , J . W . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M . and Treas . ( re-invested ; J . BavinP . M . Sec . ( re-invested ); WhiffenS . D . ;
, , , Roberts , J . C . ; Sadler , I . G . ; J . L . AVinn , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . G . Chapman gave an impressive address to each officer . Then were delivered the appropriate addresses to the Master , Wardens , and brethren , which were listened to with marked and deep attention , ancl when completed , those present testified their approbation by giving a most hearty applause . The Installing
Master was congratulated by thc P . M . for his efficient , able , ancl talented manner ! n which he performed this all-important ceremony . Now this odge possesses amongst its members no less than five Installing Masters , viz ., Bros . G . Bolton , P . M ., ( who has clone more installations in this and other lodges , than any Mason in the neighbourhood ); J . Bavin , P . M ., Sec , who installed his successor ; P . Walters , P . M . 73 , who installed his successorand has several times done the ceremony in other
, lodges where he is a member ; H . Moore , P . M , 73 , who installed his successor ; and now must be added Bro . G . Chapman . With such an array of talent the lodge must prosper . Some few years ago it was customary for tho old lodges meeting in Deptford , to have to invite brethren from London to do tlie installations , but now it is not necessary . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M ., was one of the first to set the example to do this impressive
ceremony , and he has now many followers , for all the lodges now meeting in Deptford possess amongst their members at least one who can do this ceremony . Too much praise cannot be given to Bro . G . Chapman , P . M ., for the able manner in which lis rendered every part of the installation ceremony , ancl more particularly the addresses so impressively given to each officer . The newly-installed Master , Bro . J . Patte , gave proofs of his
proficiency by the able manner in which lie initiated a gentleman into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , which augurs well for the work he may be expected to do during his year of office . Bro . W . Andrews , the 'late J . W ., in the ' most praiseworthy manner , gave up his promotion as an officer as , since his being made J . W ., he had been regularly installed W . M . of the Royal Oak Lod ( No . S 71 ) and being an installed
ge , Master , the height of his ambition , he retired from office to assist all those who might wish to havo a similar honour . A notice of motion was postponed until tlie next lodge meeting . The labours of the evening being ended , the lodgo was closed until Wednesday , February 12 th . A first-class banquet followed as usual .
SAIXT JAMES ' UXIOX CIIAOTEE ( No . ISO ) . —This lodge met at tiie Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-strest , on the 14 th inst . The installation of W . M . for the ensuing year was performed in a very excellent manner by Bro . Stoner , P . M . Bro . J . W . Hamilton , tho installed W . M ., fulfilled the after duties of the evening very satisfactorily . The business performed was tbe initiations of Mr . Benjamin Colls and Mr . Audvew Shelley . Bros . Herzig , Heath , and Long were passed to tlie F . C . degree ; and Bros . Strauss , Puik , and Humble were raised to the third degree . Tlie banquet which succeeded was served up in Bro . Charles Gosden ' s usual style .
LODGE or JOPPA ( NO . 1 SS ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on the 6 th inst ., at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street . Bros . Hoffenbach , Joseph , Hickman , Wagstaff , ancl Naurice were passed to the degree of F . C . ; and Bros . Davis , Lowensteiu , and Cohen raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Both these ceremonies were most admirably performed by Bro . A . Eskell , W . M .,. while Bro . Van Noorden presided over the harmonium with his well-known skill . Bro 11 Van Diepenheim was then installed
. .. as W . M . for the ensuing year , receiving the obligation of his exalted office from Bro . Abrahams , P . M . of tlie Lodge of Montefiore ( No . 1 , 017 ) . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet . Tlie lodge was closed in perfect- harmony about half-past eleven o ' clock . LODGE OF COXFIDEXCE ( NO . 193 ) . —This lod assembled on
ge the 13 th inst ., under Bro . Theodore Foulger , their recentlyinstalled W . M ., who , in tlie most able manner , passed Bros . Reed ancl Pbilpot to the degree of P . O ., and raised Bros . Bishopaud Lawrence to the degree of M . M . When the command to retire from labour to refreshment was given , Bro . Samuel Webb ,. I . P . M ., presided for the W . M ., who was compelled to be absent .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . WIHTEIIAVEJ .. —Installation of the W . M . of Lodge No . 872 . —The festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated at Whitehaven , ou Friday the 10 th inst ., when one of the most numerously attended ancl in eveiy respect successful assemblies of members of the Masonic Craft that has occurred in this townfor some time took place . The proceedings commenced
withthe installation of Bro . Morton as WM . of the Lewis Lodge-S 72 . The Lodge was opened by acting AV . M . Bro . Hughes and other officers , shortly after which Deputy Prov . Gr . Master Whitwell , of Kendal , ancl G . Prov . Sec . Simpson were announced . Bi-o . Greaves , F . D . Prov . G . M . was requested to take the chair as Installing Master , and a Board of Installing Masters havingbeen formed , the installation of Bro . Morton was proceeded
with . Having been duly installed , the AV . M . invested the officers for the year as follows : —Bros . AV . G . Huerhes , P . M . ; H . Fisher , Treas .: Rev . T . R . Holme , S . AA . ; J . Spittal , J . W .: AV . Losh Ponsonby . 'Chap . ; J . Dixon , S . D . ; AV . AV . Whittle , J . D . ; B . Foster . I . G . ; G . Fitzgerald , Tyler . This concluded the business of the lodge , which •* as closed , in the usual form , by the newly installed AV . M . and othar officers . Immediately after the lodge had been
closed , the brethren repaired to the banqueting hall , where a sumptuous dinner was provided by Bro . Capt . Hugan , of the Indian King Hotel , in his usual able and liberal style . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , followed bysome excellent speeches and songs , the brethren separated , well pleased with the i . ntertanment provided for them .
DEVONSHIRE . PI . TIIOI . __ II . —St . John ' s Lodge . —This lodge assembled at the Huyshe Masonic Temple on the 2 Gth ult ., serving for the festival of St . John the Evangelist . The change of date must be considered circumstantial from necessity , or necessitous from circumstances . It was not allowed to pass without an appeal ' to authority , and this sanctioned a change which did not make an infraction upon the full period of dutyas required bthe
, y constitutions . To absent brethren , whose business calls them upon the great water ? , and who consequently have not theadvantage of a notice of change of festival , a disappointment may arise . He who holds a by-law may uot have a by-leave , ancl may lay a greater stress upon a day than is confined to it . The lodge formed in the evening instead of the afternoon , as heretofore usual , and proceeded to the business of its summons ; , namely , the installation of its new Master , Bro . J . B . W .
AA'illiams , who had met unanimous election . There werepresent , Bros . G . G . Nicholls , AV . M . ; J . B . Gover , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . [ Dir . of Cers . ; J . Head , P . M .: Isaac Watts . P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Jenkin Thomas , P . M ., P . Prov . Supt . of Works ; F . P . Holmes , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; J . J . Hambly , P . M .: J . Ferris . P . M . ; John Evans , P . M . ; J . Downe , J . Richards , L . D . AVestcott , AA ainwright , Haynes , Hoskins , Skelton , Farthing , Crook , Martin , G . Richards , Knowsley , G . T . Fey , Hurre )] , Stribling , Lav-ers , Tremayne , Austin , Seidell , Ellis , Bennett , Gullett , Bowman . Halloway , Smith , and others .