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The proceedings were commenced by Bro . Nicholls , W . M ., who congratulated the lodge upon its unanimous choice . It was one that secured his own especial approbation , and he was happy in the knowledge that his opinion of the esteemed brother now to be installed must be supported by every member who had the pleasure of Bro . William ' s acquaintance . To extend to any eulogy of character , after what had already passed , would be superfluousand he could not do better
, than call upon Bro . Gover to assist him in leading the new-Master to his chair , and invest him in due and ample form , so that he might be enabled to carry out the requirements for which he was now solicited to become responsible . The lodge was therefore passed to the several degrees of the Order up to the fourth , when Bro . AVilliams was formally introduced ; and having received from Bro . Grover and others , the Past Masters '
present , tlie customory charges , ancl met the more impressive obligations required , partook of the cup of congratulation on his association with the elders of the lodge . The numerous assembly was afterwards admitted , according to Masonic rank , and acknowledged their new Master with the salutations usual upon this festive occasion , and conformable to ancient custom . Bro . AVilliams then proceeded to name the officers of his choice , remarking that the brethren must consider themselves
as much the selection of the Past Masters as himself , for in no one instance could it be said there arose in dissent the slightest preponderance . A perfect unanimity of feeling prevailed , and this was to him a source of the highest comfort , since it relieved him from a weight which might otherwise have proved burdensome , if not oppressive . The selection is as follows : —Bros . J . Richards . S . W . ; L . D . " WestcottJ . AV . the Rev . J . W . St . Aub Chap . P . P .
, ; yn , ; Holmes , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Treas . ; J . Rowe Brewer , P . M ., Sec ; Andrews , S . D . ; Knowsley , J . D . ; G . T . Fey , Org . ; Ellis , Dir . of Cers . ; Bennett , Assist . " Dir . of Cers . ; Skelton , S . S . ; Berry , J . S . ; and T . Smith , Tyler . After the investment of the respective officers , who received their charges from Bro . Gover , the lodge had the pleasure of hearing a very appropriate and instructive oration from Bro .
Haynes . Every part of his discourse was truthful to the Order , and if any arose , with more than common interest it was that whicli embraced woman , whose excellence in the scale of enhanced society was never more forcibly nor felicitously advocated . Tlie talented brother ' s oratorial display came homo and told home ; and was in fair keeping with his artistic excellence , of which all who had witnessed it knew was of the hishest class .
On Ihursday , the 2 nd inst ., this lodge partook of its annual banquet at the house of Bro . Watts , known as the Globe Hotel , in Bedford-street . It was served at an advanced hour . Tlie W . Master was supported on his right by Bros . 11 . J . Radford , Isaac Latimer ; W . Bell , AV . M . Lodge . Harmony : J . Fox , AA . M . Lodge Fortitude ; J . Fisher , St . Aubyu's Lodge ; Murch , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Org ., Friendship Lodge ; Jew , Lodge Fortitude , ancl others whose ° Provincial rank is well known in tho locality
. On his left were Bros . Past Masters Jenkin Thomas , P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , 1845 ; J . Evans , 1847 ; Isaac AVatts , 1 S 4 S ; J . Ferries , 1849 ; J . B . Gover , 1859 ; J . Dupre , I 860 ; F . P . Holmes , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , 1 SG 1 ; J . S . Phillips , 1 SG 3 ; J . J . Humbly , 1 SG 5 ; J . Head , 1866 : and G . G . Nicholls , 1867 . The benedictions were rendered by the Rev . J . W . St . Aubyn , who graced the chair of the lodge by taking the office of
Chaplain during its occupation by Bro . Williams , the AV . M . On the removal of the cloth , Her Majesty ' s gracious name was given , as the patroness of the Masonic Charities , and the Anthem followed in fraternal and faithful earnestness . The name of the M . AA . the G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , came next , and the R . AV ., the D . Prov . G . Master , who is a Grand Officer , responded . Then followed the name of the Rev . ancl RWthe PGMof the
.. ... province , John Huyshe , MA ., P . G . C . There need be but ono manifestation among Masons upon the mention of this excellent anil venerated brother , whose recovery from late severe indisposition was a joy to all who had the privileged happiness of his notice . The AV . Bros . Radford , Taity , and S . Latimer responded on behalf of the sister lodges , and their addresses were attentivel receivedTbe name of the WBAVilliamsMaster
y . .. , , was given by tlie R . AV . L . P . Metham , Esq ., D . Prov . G . M ., and the AV . brother suitabl y acknowledged the high honour in the favoured compliment paid him . TheJP . M ., G . 'C . Nicholls , was next noticed , ancl such was the lodge's esteem for this truly deserving brother that , in addition to the free outlay which had marked it during his year of office , it could not allow him
to vacate , the chair without the present of a life Governorship . The Past Masters and other officers followed in fraternal succession , to whom were allowed due time for very happy responses . The R . AV . the D . Prov . G . M . embraced the occasion _ to expatiate on the advantages of the several Masonic charities , ancl particularly on the one in whicli lie now felt direct interest baccepting the stewardshiat the end of the current month .
y p This respected brother spoke nt some length in his usual energetic style , audfreely acknowleclgeclthe support that had attended his appeal to the several lodges which he had visited , and by the members of which he had been received with the utmost Masonic courtesy . He hoped to witness the lodges in the province subscribers to all the charities . He knew how far they had latelbeen called and how faithfully they had
y upon , answered every call ; and he could fairly anticipate the future by a remembrance of the past . Bro . Hambly , P . M ., as if fearful that the guests might fancy the craftsmen of his lodge deficient in material to their means , for the necessary charitable ornamentation of the Temple ,, considered much had been clone during the present and past and more than he expectedfrom the indirect calls
years , , many upon its treasury . A preference had of late been shown towardsthe Annuity . In an old lodge like St . John ' s , there could not but arise a call for the support- of aged members , and there were two or three who merited all that could possibly be done for ' them . Life-membership had leaned towards this branch of the Masonic charities . The winter of nature is severe ; the winter
of life more so . The first will be succeeded by its spring , summer ,, and autumn ; but the second has no budding , green , or yellow leaf . AU left it is the sear and withered , and this for a very brief period—until its dust shall mingle with its parent dust , and the spirit pass to her higher resting . The Girls aud Boys' Schools , however , are of the greatest importance . The education therein afforded was , from its sound moral basis , acknowledged . It brought the creature nearer to the Creatorancl
prepared-, him for closer contact . It was of vital consideration , and would receive the support it merited . With such exalted Craftsmen in the " labour of love , " as those who dignify our province , the best results must follow ; and from the active part , taken by Bro . Phillips , P . M ., in behalf of a child , the offspring of a recently departed and esteemed brother , in thc prime of life , the hope arises of such consideration becoming sufficient
and speedy . ' There was much pleasantness during the evening . The return of thanks on the part of tho ladies was reserved for a bachelor . Why this is made usual there is no time to inquire ; but perhaps it may be to stimulate some dormant excellence in these hesitating brethren , ancl calculated to make them happier . The task- was , however ,, fraternally met , and favourably
accomplished . For the very good , dinner , dessert , and wine , much praise was due . The excellent host , who is one of the more skilful workers in the higher degrees of the Order , was shorn of his laurels , or so supposed , by the AA . B . Gover , who declared that the female conspicuously appeared in all that had pleased during the feast ; ancl he was , therefore , disposed to think the " Qui meruit " the ladhostessThishoweverhappened to
y . , , be the opinion of the lady ' s cheerful partner himself , who lost nothing in the shape of expected praise , for lie readily acknowledged that it was to her , ancl her active female assistants , all the honour belonged ; and thus he happily united tho wellknown motto with the additional words , " Palmam ferat . " So pleased were all the brethren , that , if another similar evening were soon to follow , there would not be found one to regret it .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) KIEKDAIE . —Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1035 . ) Installation of Bro . J . F . " Nemell , W . M . elect . This lodge was opened , on the 31 st ult ., at 2 . 30 . p m . by the-AA . M ., Bro . Siittclift ' e , and that portion of the minutes referring to the AV . M . were read and confirmed .
The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when tho AV . M ., Bro . Suttcliil ' e , vacated the chair to Bro . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . of AVest Lancashire , who proceeded to instal Bro / Newell AV . M . elect . The lodge was then opened iu the third degree , when all the brethren under the rank of P . M . were desired to retire . The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The proceedings were commenced by Bro . Nicholls , W . M ., who congratulated the lodge upon its unanimous choice . It was one that secured his own especial approbation , and he was happy in the knowledge that his opinion of the esteemed brother now to be installed must be supported by every member who had the pleasure of Bro . William ' s acquaintance . To extend to any eulogy of character , after what had already passed , would be superfluousand he could not do better
, than call upon Bro . Gover to assist him in leading the new-Master to his chair , and invest him in due and ample form , so that he might be enabled to carry out the requirements for which he was now solicited to become responsible . The lodge was therefore passed to the several degrees of the Order up to the fourth , when Bro . AVilliams was formally introduced ; and having received from Bro . Grover and others , the Past Masters '
present , tlie customory charges , ancl met the more impressive obligations required , partook of the cup of congratulation on his association with the elders of the lodge . The numerous assembly was afterwards admitted , according to Masonic rank , and acknowledged their new Master with the salutations usual upon this festive occasion , and conformable to ancient custom . Bro . AVilliams then proceeded to name the officers of his choice , remarking that the brethren must consider themselves
as much the selection of the Past Masters as himself , for in no one instance could it be said there arose in dissent the slightest preponderance . A perfect unanimity of feeling prevailed , and this was to him a source of the highest comfort , since it relieved him from a weight which might otherwise have proved burdensome , if not oppressive . The selection is as follows : —Bros . J . Richards . S . W . ; L . D . " WestcottJ . AV . the Rev . J . W . St . Aub Chap . P . P .
, ; yn , ; Holmes , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Treas . ; J . Rowe Brewer , P . M ., Sec ; Andrews , S . D . ; Knowsley , J . D . ; G . T . Fey , Org . ; Ellis , Dir . of Cers . ; Bennett , Assist . " Dir . of Cers . ; Skelton , S . S . ; Berry , J . S . ; and T . Smith , Tyler . After the investment of the respective officers , who received their charges from Bro . Gover , the lodge had the pleasure of hearing a very appropriate and instructive oration from Bro .
Haynes . Every part of his discourse was truthful to the Order , and if any arose , with more than common interest it was that whicli embraced woman , whose excellence in the scale of enhanced society was never more forcibly nor felicitously advocated . Tlie talented brother ' s oratorial display came homo and told home ; and was in fair keeping with his artistic excellence , of which all who had witnessed it knew was of the hishest class .
On Ihursday , the 2 nd inst ., this lodge partook of its annual banquet at the house of Bro . Watts , known as the Globe Hotel , in Bedford-street . It was served at an advanced hour . Tlie W . Master was supported on his right by Bros . 11 . J . Radford , Isaac Latimer ; W . Bell , AV . M . Lodge . Harmony : J . Fox , AA . M . Lodge Fortitude ; J . Fisher , St . Aubyu's Lodge ; Murch , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Org ., Friendship Lodge ; Jew , Lodge Fortitude , ancl others whose ° Provincial rank is well known in tho locality
. On his left were Bros . Past Masters Jenkin Thomas , P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , 1845 ; J . Evans , 1847 ; Isaac AVatts , 1 S 4 S ; J . Ferries , 1849 ; J . B . Gover , 1859 ; J . Dupre , I 860 ; F . P . Holmes , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , 1 SG 1 ; J . S . Phillips , 1 SG 3 ; J . J . Humbly , 1 SG 5 ; J . Head , 1866 : and G . G . Nicholls , 1867 . The benedictions were rendered by the Rev . J . W . St . Aubyn , who graced the chair of the lodge by taking the office of
Chaplain during its occupation by Bro . Williams , the AV . M . On the removal of the cloth , Her Majesty ' s gracious name was given , as the patroness of the Masonic Charities , and the Anthem followed in fraternal and faithful earnestness . The name of the M . AA . the G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , came next , and the R . AV ., the D . Prov . G . Master , who is a Grand Officer , responded . Then followed the name of the Rev . ancl RWthe PGMof the
.. ... province , John Huyshe , MA ., P . G . C . There need be but ono manifestation among Masons upon the mention of this excellent anil venerated brother , whose recovery from late severe indisposition was a joy to all who had the privileged happiness of his notice . The AV . Bros . Radford , Taity , and S . Latimer responded on behalf of the sister lodges , and their addresses were attentivel receivedTbe name of the WBAVilliamsMaster
y . .. , , was given by tlie R . AV . L . P . Metham , Esq ., D . Prov . G . M ., and the AV . brother suitabl y acknowledged the high honour in the favoured compliment paid him . TheJP . M ., G . 'C . Nicholls , was next noticed , ancl such was the lodge's esteem for this truly deserving brother that , in addition to the free outlay which had marked it during his year of office , it could not allow him
to vacate , the chair without the present of a life Governorship . The Past Masters and other officers followed in fraternal succession , to whom were allowed due time for very happy responses . The R . AV . the D . Prov . G . M . embraced the occasion _ to expatiate on the advantages of the several Masonic charities , ancl particularly on the one in whicli lie now felt direct interest baccepting the stewardshiat the end of the current month .
y p This respected brother spoke nt some length in his usual energetic style , audfreely acknowleclgeclthe support that had attended his appeal to the several lodges which he had visited , and by the members of which he had been received with the utmost Masonic courtesy . He hoped to witness the lodges in the province subscribers to all the charities . He knew how far they had latelbeen called and how faithfully they had
y upon , answered every call ; and he could fairly anticipate the future by a remembrance of the past . Bro . Hambly , P . M ., as if fearful that the guests might fancy the craftsmen of his lodge deficient in material to their means , for the necessary charitable ornamentation of the Temple ,, considered much had been clone during the present and past and more than he expectedfrom the indirect calls
years , , many upon its treasury . A preference had of late been shown towardsthe Annuity . In an old lodge like St . John ' s , there could not but arise a call for the support- of aged members , and there were two or three who merited all that could possibly be done for ' them . Life-membership had leaned towards this branch of the Masonic charities . The winter of nature is severe ; the winter
of life more so . The first will be succeeded by its spring , summer ,, and autumn ; but the second has no budding , green , or yellow leaf . AU left it is the sear and withered , and this for a very brief period—until its dust shall mingle with its parent dust , and the spirit pass to her higher resting . The Girls aud Boys' Schools , however , are of the greatest importance . The education therein afforded was , from its sound moral basis , acknowledged . It brought the creature nearer to the Creatorancl
prepared-, him for closer contact . It was of vital consideration , and would receive the support it merited . With such exalted Craftsmen in the " labour of love , " as those who dignify our province , the best results must follow ; and from the active part , taken by Bro . Phillips , P . M ., in behalf of a child , the offspring of a recently departed and esteemed brother , in thc prime of life , the hope arises of such consideration becoming sufficient
and speedy . ' There was much pleasantness during the evening . The return of thanks on the part of tho ladies was reserved for a bachelor . Why this is made usual there is no time to inquire ; but perhaps it may be to stimulate some dormant excellence in these hesitating brethren , ancl calculated to make them happier . The task- was , however ,, fraternally met , and favourably
accomplished . For the very good , dinner , dessert , and wine , much praise was due . The excellent host , who is one of the more skilful workers in the higher degrees of the Order , was shorn of his laurels , or so supposed , by the AA . B . Gover , who declared that the female conspicuously appeared in all that had pleased during the feast ; ancl he was , therefore , disposed to think the " Qui meruit " the ladhostessThishoweverhappened to
y . , , be the opinion of the lady ' s cheerful partner himself , who lost nothing in the shape of expected praise , for lie readily acknowledged that it was to her , ancl her active female assistants , all the honour belonged ; and thus he happily united tho wellknown motto with the additional words , " Palmam ferat . " So pleased were all the brethren , that , if another similar evening were soon to follow , there would not be found one to regret it .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) KIEKDAIE . —Prince of Wales Lodge ( No . 1035 . ) Installation of Bro . J . F . " Nemell , W . M . elect . This lodge was opened , on the 31 st ult ., at 2 . 30 . p m . by the-AA . M ., Bro . Siittclift ' e , and that portion of the minutes referring to the AV . M . were read and confirmed .
The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when tho AV . M ., Bro . Suttcliil ' e , vacated the chair to Bro . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . of AVest Lancashire , who proceeded to instal Bro / Newell AV . M . elect . The lodge was then opened iu the third degree , when all the brethren under the rank of P . M . were desired to retire . The