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Lod ge was then opened to a P . M . degree . Bro . Newell was then admitted and installed AV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was very impressively and ably . performed by the esteemed and venerable P . M ., Bro . Hamer , X'rov . G . Treas . of AVest Lancashire in full , after which the ? P . M . ' s degree was closed clown to the third degree , when all Master Masons were admitted .
_ Bro . Newell was then declared AV . M . of 1035 for the first ¦ -time . The lodge was then closed down to the second degree by Bro . Newell , AV . M . The fellow Crafts present were then admitted , and Bro , -Newell was then declared W . M . of 1035 for the second timo . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the entered apprentices present were admittedand Bro . Newell
, was declared AV . M . of 1035 for the third time . The working tools in each degree were ably explained by Bro . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . of AA ' est Lancashire . The AA ' . M . then proceeded to invest the officers for the ensuing -year , when the following brethren were invested : Bros . Suttcliffe , P . M ; Boyers , J . AA' . ; Warbrick , Sec ; F . Jones , J . D . ; AVilliamsS . AA . WinstanleyTreasDraperSDCawer
, ; , . ; , .. ; , / I . G .: Lovelady and Birnie as Stewards . Bro . Davis was then appointed T yler for the ensuing year . Bro . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . of AVest Lancashire , very ably addressed the brethren present upon their duties one to another .
Bro . Foggard proposed and Bro . Suttcliffe , I .-P . M ., seconded , . and was carried unanimously , that the best thanks of this lodge be given to Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . of AVest Lancashire , and be recorded in the minutes of the lodge for the kindness , affability , and courtesy on all occasions when required ; also for tlie manner the ceremony and installation had been proceeded with and completedand also for the able manner iu which the
, ¦ various officers had been charged with the responsibilities attached to their various offices The lod ge was then called from labour to refreshment , when the brethren sat down ( fifty-nine in number ) to a banquet . The AV . M . was supported on his left by Bros . Suttcliffe , I . P . M . ; Foyard , P . M . 113 G ; Jobbs , AV . M . 594 ; and on his right by Bros . Rev . Dunkley , P . Prov . G . Chap , of AVest Lancashire ;
Heyes , P . M . 1035 and 594 ; Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . of West Lancashire ; ancl Bunting , W . M . 673 ; and after partaking of an excellent dinner , the cloth was then drawn , and the AV . M . proposed ,: The health of Her Majesty the Queen , " enlarging apon her domestic virtues as a mother , and also as a queen and ruler , which was duly honoured . The various Masonic toasts were dul ivendrankhonoured
y g , , , and responded to . The toast of the evening to the AV . M . being duly given ancl responded to by the brethren . 'The AV . M ., rising to respond , said that he thanked the brethren cr the kind manner in whicli his health had been responded to , and said that , seeing the honourable and onerous position he
had been placed in , that he would endeavour to discharge those -dulies lefficiently , not only with honour to himself , but with . credit to the lodge of 1035 ; and that by punctual attendance to his duties , with the assistance and co-operation of his officers , . -the lodge would be kept at that standard of character it had hitherto borne in West Lancashire , and trusted that when his . ¦ year of office terminated , that the lodge would be second to none in AA ' est Lancashireancl that he would hand the chair
, down to his successor pure and unsullied as he had received it . "The next toast was " The P . M ., " which was drank and responded to by Bro . Suttcliffe . The next toast was "The P . M . 's of 1035 , " coupling with it ithe names of Bros . Foggard P . M ., and Heyes , P . M ., which was drank with a bumper ancl carried with Masonic honours . Bro . FoggardP . M . saidiu lingthat the AVMhad
, , , repy , .. -eulogised his services to 1035 ; but he felt in rendering any assistance that the lodge required , he was only doing a duty . He would continue to feel the greatest pleasure in forwarding the interests of 1035 , and that by working together with that brotherly feeling whicli at all times should characterise true and . accepted Masons we should all be bound together , and work for ithe general good of the lodge .
Bro . Heyes , P . M ., very ably replied to the toast , and stated that he felt proud to be amongst his brethren at the social table , and from the manner in which the installation ceremony had been performed , he must say , and truly so , that he " never -saw it done more efficiently , although he had been a Mason for
the last nineteen years , and that from the knowledge he possessed of the working of the officers who had that day been appointed , he felt sure they would work together , and be equal to any lodge in the division of AVest Lancashire . The next toast was " The Officers of Lodge 1035 , " which was most enthusiastically drunk . The Rev . Bro . H . AVilliams ,, S . AV ., replied and said that he hoped thatb attention to the duties assigned to them
, y proper , they would continue to merit the approbation of the brethren . The brethren , after spending a very agreeable evening , which had been enlivened by songs and recitations , were then called from refreshment to labour , in resuming which the lodge was closed in time , form , and with solemn prayer .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . TREDEGAE . —St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 1098 . ) The installation of Bro . Samuel G . Homfr . iy as W . M . of this lodge was performed on the Oth inst . by Bro . John Middleton , P . G . J . AA ., Monmouth , and P . Prov . G . S . of Lincoln , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Henry Bridges , D . Prov , G . M ., Somersetand P . G . S . B . of England .
, The lodge was opened at the Temperance Hall , where the following appointments were made : Bros . S . G . Homfray , W . M . ; RobertBond , I . P . M . ; B . S . Fisher , S . AV . ; Charles Homfray ,. ! . AA . ; Rev . AA . M . Jenkins , Chap . ; C . E . Sloper , Treas . ; AV . Campbell , Sec ; B . Davis , S . D . ; E . Phillips , J . D . ; E . Horlick , D . C ; John Lewis , D . AV . ; B . E . Griffiths , Organist ; H . Butterfield , I . G . ; H . Fowler and Lionel Gravenor , Stewards ; J . Don Levy ,
Tyler . The lodge' having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel , where the banquet was served up in the large room by Bro . Host Spencer . Bro . S . G . Homfray , the AV . M ., presided , supported by the AVardens in the vice chairs . Between seventy and eighty brethren sat down , amongst whom were Bros . J . Maund , P . M . 818 , P . G . S . AV ; J .
Middleton , P . M . 293 , 633 , and 1098 , and P . G . J . AV . ; Rev . Samuel Fox , P . G . Chap . ; AV . Pickford , P . M . 471 , ancl P . G . T . ; R . B . Evans , P . M . and P . Prov . D . C . ; R . Bond , P . M . 683 and 109 S , and P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; John Griffiths , P . M ., and P . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Charles H . Oliver , AV . M 471 . After the cloth was removed the following toasts were given : " The Queen and the Craft . " The W . M . also coupled with it
the name of the Crown Prince of Prussia , who is a Maso n " Tlie M . AV . the G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , and the Grand Lodge of England . " The AV . M . expressed his resret at the absence of Bro . Bridges , who had promised to attend to perform the installation ceremonv .
The AA ' . M ., in giving the health of the R . AA . the P . G . M , Bro . Rolls , and the Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire , wished the speedy restoration of Bro . Rolls to his usual health . Bro . Maund , in responding , gave the welcome intelligence which he had received from the sou of the P . G . M . on the previous evening , vis ., that the health of Bro . Rolls had recently improved . Bro . AA ' atersin verv complimentary termsgave "The health
, , of the AV . M . 1098 , Bro . S . G . Homfray . " Bro . Homfray returned thanks . He certainly felt proud of being elected Master of the lodge of his native town . It was a post to which he had aspired ever since his initiation into Masonry . He assured them that no exertion on his part should he wanted to promote the welfare of tlie lodge . He should apply himself assiduously to the discharge of the responsible
duties which devolved upon him . By the AV . M ., "The health of the installing Master , Bro . Middleton . who . in the absence of Bro . Bridges had so ably performed the ceremony . The toast was appropriately acknowledged by Bro . Middleton . By Bro . Rev . Samuel Fox , "The I . P . M ., Bro . Bond , " Bro . Bond acknowledged the compliment . As one of the
founders of the lodge , he naturally felt proud of its present prosperous condition . He might mention that although it had only been established two years it nun _ bered forty members . By Bro . Maund , ' ' The lodges of the Province , " coupling with the toast the name of St . George . s Lodge . " The toast was acknowled by l _ ros . Homfray , AA . M . Tredegar , Pierce , P . M ., Abergavenny , Thomas Williams , AV . M . elect ot " the Isca Lodge , and C . H . Oliver , AV . M ., Silurian Lodge . Bro . J . Middleton proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " coupling with the toast the health of Bros . Liddell , Dr . Tydd , and Hamp-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lod ge was then opened to a P . M . degree . Bro . Newell was then admitted and installed AV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was very impressively and ably . performed by the esteemed and venerable P . M ., Bro . Hamer , X'rov . G . Treas . of AVest Lancashire in full , after which the ? P . M . ' s degree was closed clown to the third degree , when all Master Masons were admitted .
_ Bro . Newell was then declared AV . M . of 1035 for the first ¦ -time . The lodge was then closed down to the second degree by Bro . Newell , AV . M . The fellow Crafts present were then admitted , and Bro , -Newell was then declared W . M . of 1035 for the second timo . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the entered apprentices present were admittedand Bro . Newell
, was declared AV . M . of 1035 for the third time . The working tools in each degree were ably explained by Bro . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . of AA ' est Lancashire . The AA ' . M . then proceeded to invest the officers for the ensuing -year , when the following brethren were invested : Bros . Suttcliffe , P . M ; Boyers , J . AA' . ; Warbrick , Sec ; F . Jones , J . D . ; AVilliamsS . AA . WinstanleyTreasDraperSDCawer
, ; , . ; , .. ; , / I . G .: Lovelady and Birnie as Stewards . Bro . Davis was then appointed T yler for the ensuing year . Bro . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . of AVest Lancashire , very ably addressed the brethren present upon their duties one to another .
Bro . Foggard proposed and Bro . Suttcliffe , I .-P . M ., seconded , . and was carried unanimously , that the best thanks of this lodge be given to Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . of AVest Lancashire , and be recorded in the minutes of the lodge for the kindness , affability , and courtesy on all occasions when required ; also for tlie manner the ceremony and installation had been proceeded with and completedand also for the able manner iu which the
, ¦ various officers had been charged with the responsibilities attached to their various offices The lod ge was then called from labour to refreshment , when the brethren sat down ( fifty-nine in number ) to a banquet . The AV . M . was supported on his left by Bros . Suttcliffe , I . P . M . ; Foyard , P . M . 113 G ; Jobbs , AV . M . 594 ; and on his right by Bros . Rev . Dunkley , P . Prov . G . Chap , of AVest Lancashire ;
Heyes , P . M . 1035 and 594 ; Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . of West Lancashire ; ancl Bunting , W . M . 673 ; and after partaking of an excellent dinner , the cloth was then drawn , and the AV . M . proposed ,: The health of Her Majesty the Queen , " enlarging apon her domestic virtues as a mother , and also as a queen and ruler , which was duly honoured . The various Masonic toasts were dul ivendrankhonoured
y g , , , and responded to . The toast of the evening to the AV . M . being duly given ancl responded to by the brethren . 'The AV . M ., rising to respond , said that he thanked the brethren cr the kind manner in whicli his health had been responded to , and said that , seeing the honourable and onerous position he
had been placed in , that he would endeavour to discharge those -dulies lefficiently , not only with honour to himself , but with . credit to the lodge of 1035 ; and that by punctual attendance to his duties , with the assistance and co-operation of his officers , . -the lodge would be kept at that standard of character it had hitherto borne in West Lancashire , and trusted that when his . ¦ year of office terminated , that the lodge would be second to none in AA ' est Lancashireancl that he would hand the chair
, down to his successor pure and unsullied as he had received it . "The next toast was " The P . M ., " which was drank and responded to by Bro . Suttcliffe . The next toast was "The P . M . 's of 1035 , " coupling with it ithe names of Bros . Foggard P . M ., and Heyes , P . M ., which was drank with a bumper ancl carried with Masonic honours . Bro . FoggardP . M . saidiu lingthat the AVMhad
, , , repy , .. -eulogised his services to 1035 ; but he felt in rendering any assistance that the lodge required , he was only doing a duty . He would continue to feel the greatest pleasure in forwarding the interests of 1035 , and that by working together with that brotherly feeling whicli at all times should characterise true and . accepted Masons we should all be bound together , and work for ithe general good of the lodge .
Bro . Heyes , P . M ., very ably replied to the toast , and stated that he felt proud to be amongst his brethren at the social table , and from the manner in which the installation ceremony had been performed , he must say , and truly so , that he " never -saw it done more efficiently , although he had been a Mason for
the last nineteen years , and that from the knowledge he possessed of the working of the officers who had that day been appointed , he felt sure they would work together , and be equal to any lodge in the division of AVest Lancashire . The next toast was " The Officers of Lodge 1035 , " which was most enthusiastically drunk . The Rev . Bro . H . AVilliams ,, S . AV ., replied and said that he hoped thatb attention to the duties assigned to them
, y proper , they would continue to merit the approbation of the brethren . The brethren , after spending a very agreeable evening , which had been enlivened by songs and recitations , were then called from refreshment to labour , in resuming which the lodge was closed in time , form , and with solemn prayer .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . TREDEGAE . —St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 1098 . ) The installation of Bro . Samuel G . Homfr . iy as W . M . of this lodge was performed on the Oth inst . by Bro . John Middleton , P . G . J . AA ., Monmouth , and P . Prov . G . S . of Lincoln , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Henry Bridges , D . Prov , G . M ., Somersetand P . G . S . B . of England .
, The lodge was opened at the Temperance Hall , where the following appointments were made : Bros . S . G . Homfray , W . M . ; RobertBond , I . P . M . ; B . S . Fisher , S . AV . ; Charles Homfray ,. ! . AA . ; Rev . AA . M . Jenkins , Chap . ; C . E . Sloper , Treas . ; AV . Campbell , Sec ; B . Davis , S . D . ; E . Phillips , J . D . ; E . Horlick , D . C ; John Lewis , D . AV . ; B . E . Griffiths , Organist ; H . Butterfield , I . G . ; H . Fowler and Lionel Gravenor , Stewards ; J . Don Levy ,
Tyler . The lodge' having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel , where the banquet was served up in the large room by Bro . Host Spencer . Bro . S . G . Homfray , the AV . M ., presided , supported by the AVardens in the vice chairs . Between seventy and eighty brethren sat down , amongst whom were Bros . J . Maund , P . M . 818 , P . G . S . AV ; J .
Middleton , P . M . 293 , 633 , and 1098 , and P . G . J . AV . ; Rev . Samuel Fox , P . G . Chap . ; AV . Pickford , P . M . 471 , ancl P . G . T . ; R . B . Evans , P . M . and P . Prov . D . C . ; R . Bond , P . M . 683 and 109 S , and P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; John Griffiths , P . M ., and P . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Charles H . Oliver , AV . M 471 . After the cloth was removed the following toasts were given : " The Queen and the Craft . " The W . M . also coupled with it
the name of the Crown Prince of Prussia , who is a Maso n " Tlie M . AV . the G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , and the Grand Lodge of England . " The AV . M . expressed his resret at the absence of Bro . Bridges , who had promised to attend to perform the installation ceremonv .
The AA ' . M ., in giving the health of the R . AA . the P . G . M , Bro . Rolls , and the Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire , wished the speedy restoration of Bro . Rolls to his usual health . Bro . Maund , in responding , gave the welcome intelligence which he had received from the sou of the P . G . M . on the previous evening , vis ., that the health of Bro . Rolls had recently improved . Bro . AA ' atersin verv complimentary termsgave "The health
, , of the AV . M . 1098 , Bro . S . G . Homfray . " Bro . Homfray returned thanks . He certainly felt proud of being elected Master of the lodge of his native town . It was a post to which he had aspired ever since his initiation into Masonry . He assured them that no exertion on his part should he wanted to promote the welfare of tlie lodge . He should apply himself assiduously to the discharge of the responsible
duties which devolved upon him . By the AV . M ., "The health of the installing Master , Bro . Middleton . who . in the absence of Bro . Bridges had so ably performed the ceremony . The toast was appropriately acknowledged by Bro . Middleton . By Bro . Rev . Samuel Fox , "The I . P . M ., Bro . Bond , " Bro . Bond acknowledged the compliment . As one of the
founders of the lodge , he naturally felt proud of its present prosperous condition . He might mention that although it had only been established two years it nun _ bered forty members . By Bro . Maund , ' ' The lodges of the Province , " coupling with the toast the name of St . George . s Lodge . " The toast was acknowled by l _ ros . Homfray , AA . M . Tredegar , Pierce , P . M ., Abergavenny , Thomas Williams , AV . M . elect ot " the Isca Lodge , and C . H . Oliver , AV . M ., Silurian Lodge . Bro . J . Middleton proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " coupling with the toast the health of Bros . Liddell , Dr . Tydd , and Hamp-