Article NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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North Wales And Shropshire.
SCOTLAND . MIDDLE AVARD OF LANARKSHIRE . MEETING OP PROVINCIAL GRAJTD L ODGE . That Freemasonry is flourishing in this great seat of Metallurgical industry was apparent to us when attendingou the
, 14 th inst ., at Coatbndge , the quarterly communication of this Provincial Grand Lodge , held in the Masonic Hall belonging to the St . James' Old Markland Lodge , No . 177 . The brethren , in spite of the inclemency of the weather , assembled in strong numbers , the snug little hall of 177 being almost inconveniently full . In the absence of the Prov . G . M . ( the R . \ A . Bro . James Murray , M . P . ) , the R . AA . Bro . Major Barbor , Depute
Prov . G . M ., officiated as acting Prov . G . M ., supported by Bro . Captain Colt , of Gartsherrie , R . W . M . of 177 , the several Prov . Grand Office-bearers , and many brethren of distinction in this province , which has very aptly been termed the "Staffordshire of Scotland . " The business generally , including the installation of the Prov . Grand office-bearers , very ably performed by the acting Prov .
G . M ., partook much of the routine character that distinguishes our local "Masonic parliaments ; " there was , however , on the present occasion , one exception , an agreeable incident which it affords us much pleasure to record , namely , the restitution to his full Masonic privileges of a very old P . M . of the lodge , St . James' Old Markland , 177—a brother who is known as the " Father of the Lodge . " It behoves us not , we consider , here to enter into the particulars of the occurrence which gave rise to this restitution ; suffice it to say , the subject was
fully ventilated at the meeting , and was handled by the acting Prov . G . M . in the true spirit of Masonic charity and justice to both parties . With the view of arriving at the expressed wish of a majority of the members of the lodge , the matter was referred to a committee ; appointed jointly by the brother referred to , and the brother , also a P . M . ancl highly esteemed member of the same lodge , to whom the alleged offence had been givento decide whetherunder the circumstancesthe
, , , former brother was entitled to forfeit his Masonic privileges ; the result of the proceedings of the committee was . —as above stated—that the former brother was considered entitled to be restored to his Masonic privileges as a full member of the lodge . After tho proceedings of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo woro concluded , s . mooting of tho Lodge St . James ' , Old Monkland ,
¦ was held , and was visited by a deputation f 1 om tho Provincial Grand Lodgo . Tho chair of K . S . was occupied by tho present popular R . W . M ., Bro . Captain Colt , of Gartsherrie , supported by Bro . Hugh Symington , of Coatbridge , tho captain ' s immediate and highly-esteemed predecessor . In tho course of tho proceedings , tho result of tho committee ' s deliberations , as just stated , was communicated to tho lodge , and received by the brethren assembled right heartily ; and upon tho brother referred to
entering tho lodgo ho was congratulated most cordially , and received tho right band of good fellowship No true Mason present , and witnessing this incident , could but endorse those appropriate linos by tho Psalmist , sang in some lodges during one of our most impressive ceremonials ;
" Behold , how good a thing it is , Ancl how becoming well , Together such as brethren are , In unity to dwell !" Wo cannot conclude this brief notico without remarking that it says much for tho high estimation in which the Order is held in this important mining and manufacturing district of Scotland , that though known in popular parlance as tho " black " country
, tho Masonic sun hero shines with effulgence , shedding its benign influences and "light" on all around to great advantage . Many of the leading landed proprietors , coal and iron masters , manufacturers , and others holding important positions in connection with tho public works of the district , aro either office-bearers of the lodges in the several towns in the province , or otherwise take inactive part in all appertaining to the good of Freemasonry in general , and in this province in particular .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' LODGE OP FELLOWSHIP ( No . 84 ) . —Tho Sth inst . being the 2 nd AVednesday in the month , was the regular night for tho
Channel Islands.
holding of this lodge . Tho lodgo was opened in the 1 st degree shortly after seven o ' clock , when tho following members wore present : —Bros . Gallienne , D . Prov . G . M . ; AV . H . Mortice , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . J . B . Gardner , S . AV . ; J . S . Glencross , J . AV . ; T . Millington , S . D . ; P . L . M . Nieollo , as J . D . ; J . H . Parker , I . G . ; Sarchet . Sec ; and Manger , Tyler ; AV . H . Muretz , AV . H . Smithard , P . M . ; J . B . P . Lucas , Thomas Abott , Cohen , W . Churchouso , P . M . ; Thomas Stainor , John Tnrton , AV . H .
Stickland , P . M . ; Carleton , J . H . Guilbert , P . M . ; AA " . A . Willcocks , P . M . ; E . AA . Hutchinson , P . M . ancl Treas . ; tho Grand Secretary , and G . Sparrow , P . M . Visitors : Bros . T . Churchouse , late 28 !) ; G . H . Smythson , AV . M . 168 , ancl T . A . Horner , 862 . Tho business mentioned in the summonses was tho passing to the 2 nd degree of Bros . Lo Maitre and Lucas . Bro . Le Maitre , however , was scarcely expected to be present , as it was known to bo doubtful . whether his professional duties afloat would allow of his being in the island at tho time . Tho minutes of the preceding lodgo woro read and confirmed . Bro . Lucas was examined in the usual .
manner as to his proficiency in tho science of Freemasonry , ancl having answered tho questions put to him in a very satisfactorymanner , was entrusted and loft the lodgo for preparation . On his roaclmittanco ( tho lodge having in tho meantime boon oponod in tho 2 nd degree ) , Bro . Lucas was duly passed to the dogroo of P . O . Tho now W . M . went through tho ceremony in a most creditable and correct manner , much to tho gratification of aU ' present , and by many of whom ho was complimented on the
composed aud excellent way in which he officiated on his first occasion of presiding over tho lodge . The lecture on tho tracingboard was delivered to Bro . Lucas by tho D . P . G . M . Bro . T . Churchouse , lato 2 S 9 , with his accustomed kindness presided at the harmonium . Tho Treasurer read his annual statement of accounts , from which it appeared that the lodge was in a flourishing condition , both as to its finances and the number of members . A donation of two sovereigns was voted to a brother in need 1
residing in England , who at ono time frequently visited Germany , was known and respected here , and who was initiated into Freemasonry in Doylos Lodge . An annual subscription of £ 1 was voted to tho Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , tho same sumto tho like Institution for Girls , and £ 2 to the Royal Masonic-Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and thoir AYidows . Bro-Major Fielden who has just acquired by purchase tho adjacent Island of Herm , so famous for its granite quarries and its shell beach , was proposed as a joining member by tho D . Prov . G . M .,. and seconded by Bro . Smithard , P . M . The lodgo was now closed in duo form in tho 2 nd degree , and then in tho first , when the brethren retired to the refreshment room .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CIIAPTEK OF HOPE ( NO . 206 ) . —Installation Meeting . —Theregular convocation of this old chapter was holden on Thursday , the Oth inst ., at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . The chapter was opened by Comps . G . Edgington , M . E . Z . ; J . C . Peckham , H . ; F . AValters , P . Z ., as J . ; and there were present , Comps . S . Noble , P . Z ., Treas . ; Hogg , P . Z ., S . E . ; J . AV . Halsey , M . E . Z . 507 ; A . D . LoewenstarkH . 185 . The
companions-, were then admitted . The minutes of the previous meeting weae read and unanimously confirmed . The by-laws , as revised , were agreed to be referred back to the committee appointed to alter them . Comp . H . A . Collington took his chair as J . Comp . F . AA / alters , P . Z . 73 , Mount Lebanon Chapter , was then invited to do all the three installations of the Principals . Accordinglya board of Installed Principals was duly formed . Comp . J . C .
Peckham was installed M . E . Z .,- H . A . Collington , H . ; and J . Hesler , J . The board of Installed Principals was then closed . Comp . W . Noak was appointed , robed , and invested with the collar and jewel of his office of S . N . Comp . Hogg , S . E . ( reinvested ); S . Noble , P . Z ., Treas . ( re-invested for the fifteenth time ) . Comp . J . H . H . Doughney , P . S ., who appointed Comps .. A . H . Tattershall , Ist A . S . ; T . Perridge , 2 nd A . S . ; Johnson ,. P . Z . Janitor ( re-invested ) . The Installing Principal gave a
, suitable address to each officer as he robed and invested them .. One brother was proposed for exaltation at the next chapter meeting . The convocation was duly closed , and the usual good banquet followed . At the close of the banquet the M . E . Z . requested the companions to charge their glasses bumpers with champagne , for he had a toast to bring under their notice , which was "Tlie Health of their Visiting Companion F . AValters , P . Z ., " who had so kindly consented to do the ceremonies of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
North Wales And Shropshire.
SCOTLAND . MIDDLE AVARD OF LANARKSHIRE . MEETING OP PROVINCIAL GRAJTD L ODGE . That Freemasonry is flourishing in this great seat of Metallurgical industry was apparent to us when attendingou the
, 14 th inst ., at Coatbndge , the quarterly communication of this Provincial Grand Lodge , held in the Masonic Hall belonging to the St . James' Old Markland Lodge , No . 177 . The brethren , in spite of the inclemency of the weather , assembled in strong numbers , the snug little hall of 177 being almost inconveniently full . In the absence of the Prov . G . M . ( the R . \ A . Bro . James Murray , M . P . ) , the R . AA . Bro . Major Barbor , Depute
Prov . G . M ., officiated as acting Prov . G . M ., supported by Bro . Captain Colt , of Gartsherrie , R . W . M . of 177 , the several Prov . Grand Office-bearers , and many brethren of distinction in this province , which has very aptly been termed the "Staffordshire of Scotland . " The business generally , including the installation of the Prov . Grand office-bearers , very ably performed by the acting Prov .
G . M ., partook much of the routine character that distinguishes our local "Masonic parliaments ; " there was , however , on the present occasion , one exception , an agreeable incident which it affords us much pleasure to record , namely , the restitution to his full Masonic privileges of a very old P . M . of the lodge , St . James' Old Markland , 177—a brother who is known as the " Father of the Lodge . " It behoves us not , we consider , here to enter into the particulars of the occurrence which gave rise to this restitution ; suffice it to say , the subject was
fully ventilated at the meeting , and was handled by the acting Prov . G . M . in the true spirit of Masonic charity and justice to both parties . With the view of arriving at the expressed wish of a majority of the members of the lodge , the matter was referred to a committee ; appointed jointly by the brother referred to , and the brother , also a P . M . ancl highly esteemed member of the same lodge , to whom the alleged offence had been givento decide whetherunder the circumstancesthe
, , , former brother was entitled to forfeit his Masonic privileges ; the result of the proceedings of the committee was . —as above stated—that the former brother was considered entitled to be restored to his Masonic privileges as a full member of the lodge . After tho proceedings of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo woro concluded , s . mooting of tho Lodge St . James ' , Old Monkland ,
¦ was held , and was visited by a deputation f 1 om tho Provincial Grand Lodgo . Tho chair of K . S . was occupied by tho present popular R . W . M ., Bro . Captain Colt , of Gartsherrie , supported by Bro . Hugh Symington , of Coatbridge , tho captain ' s immediate and highly-esteemed predecessor . In tho course of tho proceedings , tho result of tho committee ' s deliberations , as just stated , was communicated to tho lodge , and received by the brethren assembled right heartily ; and upon tho brother referred to
entering tho lodgo ho was congratulated most cordially , and received tho right band of good fellowship No true Mason present , and witnessing this incident , could but endorse those appropriate linos by tho Psalmist , sang in some lodges during one of our most impressive ceremonials ;
" Behold , how good a thing it is , Ancl how becoming well , Together such as brethren are , In unity to dwell !" Wo cannot conclude this brief notico without remarking that it says much for tho high estimation in which the Order is held in this important mining and manufacturing district of Scotland , that though known in popular parlance as tho " black " country
, tho Masonic sun hero shines with effulgence , shedding its benign influences and "light" on all around to great advantage . Many of the leading landed proprietors , coal and iron masters , manufacturers , and others holding important positions in connection with tho public works of the district , aro either office-bearers of the lodges in the several towns in the province , or otherwise take inactive part in all appertaining to the good of Freemasonry in general , and in this province in particular .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' LODGE OP FELLOWSHIP ( No . 84 ) . —Tho Sth inst . being the 2 nd AVednesday in the month , was the regular night for tho
Channel Islands.
holding of this lodge . Tho lodgo was opened in the 1 st degree shortly after seven o ' clock , when tho following members wore present : —Bros . Gallienne , D . Prov . G . M . ; AV . H . Mortice , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . J . B . Gardner , S . AV . ; J . S . Glencross , J . AV . ; T . Millington , S . D . ; P . L . M . Nieollo , as J . D . ; J . H . Parker , I . G . ; Sarchet . Sec ; and Manger , Tyler ; AV . H . Muretz , AV . H . Smithard , P . M . ; J . B . P . Lucas , Thomas Abott , Cohen , W . Churchouso , P . M . ; Thomas Stainor , John Tnrton , AV . H .
Stickland , P . M . ; Carleton , J . H . Guilbert , P . M . ; AA " . A . Willcocks , P . M . ; E . AA . Hutchinson , P . M . ancl Treas . ; tho Grand Secretary , and G . Sparrow , P . M . Visitors : Bros . T . Churchouse , late 28 !) ; G . H . Smythson , AV . M . 168 , ancl T . A . Horner , 862 . Tho business mentioned in the summonses was tho passing to the 2 nd degree of Bros . Lo Maitre and Lucas . Bro . Le Maitre , however , was scarcely expected to be present , as it was known to bo doubtful . whether his professional duties afloat would allow of his being in the island at tho time . Tho minutes of the preceding lodgo woro read and confirmed . Bro . Lucas was examined in the usual .
manner as to his proficiency in tho science of Freemasonry , ancl having answered tho questions put to him in a very satisfactorymanner , was entrusted and loft the lodgo for preparation . On his roaclmittanco ( tho lodge having in tho meantime boon oponod in tho 2 nd degree ) , Bro . Lucas was duly passed to the dogroo of P . O . Tho now W . M . went through tho ceremony in a most creditable and correct manner , much to tho gratification of aU ' present , and by many of whom ho was complimented on the
composed aud excellent way in which he officiated on his first occasion of presiding over tho lodge . The lecture on tho tracingboard was delivered to Bro . Lucas by tho D . P . G . M . Bro . T . Churchouse , lato 2 S 9 , with his accustomed kindness presided at the harmonium . Tho Treasurer read his annual statement of accounts , from which it appeared that the lodge was in a flourishing condition , both as to its finances and the number of members . A donation of two sovereigns was voted to a brother in need 1
residing in England , who at ono time frequently visited Germany , was known and respected here , and who was initiated into Freemasonry in Doylos Lodge . An annual subscription of £ 1 was voted to tho Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , tho same sumto tho like Institution for Girls , and £ 2 to the Royal Masonic-Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and thoir AYidows . Bro-Major Fielden who has just acquired by purchase tho adjacent Island of Herm , so famous for its granite quarries and its shell beach , was proposed as a joining member by tho D . Prov . G . M .,. and seconded by Bro . Smithard , P . M . The lodgo was now closed in duo form in tho 2 nd degree , and then in tho first , when the brethren retired to the refreshment room .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CIIAPTEK OF HOPE ( NO . 206 ) . —Installation Meeting . —Theregular convocation of this old chapter was holden on Thursday , the Oth inst ., at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . The chapter was opened by Comps . G . Edgington , M . E . Z . ; J . C . Peckham , H . ; F . AValters , P . Z ., as J . ; and there were present , Comps . S . Noble , P . Z ., Treas . ; Hogg , P . Z ., S . E . ; J . AV . Halsey , M . E . Z . 507 ; A . D . LoewenstarkH . 185 . The
companions-, were then admitted . The minutes of the previous meeting weae read and unanimously confirmed . The by-laws , as revised , were agreed to be referred back to the committee appointed to alter them . Comp . H . A . Collington took his chair as J . Comp . F . AA / alters , P . Z . 73 , Mount Lebanon Chapter , was then invited to do all the three installations of the Principals . Accordinglya board of Installed Principals was duly formed . Comp . J . C .
Peckham was installed M . E . Z .,- H . A . Collington , H . ; and J . Hesler , J . The board of Installed Principals was then closed . Comp . W . Noak was appointed , robed , and invested with the collar and jewel of his office of S . N . Comp . Hogg , S . E . ( reinvested ); S . Noble , P . Z ., Treas . ( re-invested for the fifteenth time ) . Comp . J . H . H . Doughney , P . S ., who appointed Comps .. A . H . Tattershall , Ist A . S . ; T . Perridge , 2 nd A . S . ; Johnson ,. P . Z . Janitor ( re-invested ) . The Installing Principal gave a
, suitable address to each officer as he robed and invested them .. One brother was proposed for exaltation at the next chapter meeting . The convocation was duly closed , and the usual good banquet followed . At the close of the banquet the M . E . Z . requested the companions to charge their glasses bumpers with champagne , for he had a toast to bring under their notice , which was "Tlie Health of their Visiting Companion F . AValters , P . Z ., " who had so kindly consented to do the ceremonies of