Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
installations , and who had rendered them m such an able proficient , talented , and impressive manner , which must and was pleasing to all who had been present . They all felt obliged to him for doing so , and tendered him their best and warmest thanks . Comp . S . Noble , P . Z ., also reiterated all the M . E . Z . had said , and supposed , like a dutiful child , Comp . F . AA alters , P . Z ., had come to his parent chapter , as nearly twelve years ago he had been exalted iu that room they were then meeting
in , and expressed a hope that he would often times come amongst them , and regretted they had unintentionally , in press of business , neglected giving him a vote of thanks , which he ¦ could assure ___ v _ i would he done the next time they met , cmd it would also be entered on the chapter minute book . Com ]) . G . Edgington , P . Z ., in a similar strain , expressed the satisfaction they all felt in seeing him-amongst then- , once more . Comp .
P . AA alters , P . Z ., in a suitable speech , expressed his thanks for the warm , kind , and fraternal reception he had met with , and assured them whenever he could render them any help with the work , he would be delighted to do so . He regretted his inability to stay any longer , and as that was the fourth night he had been in Masonry that week , and had two more nights to follow , he , with regret , must wish them ail good night , ancl a happy new year . He then left . The usual happy evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . ST . MARK ' S LODGE ( NO . 24 ) . —The regula , meeting of this well-established Mark lodge was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Monday , the 6 th inst . Bro . R . AA " . Little , W . M .. presided , and there were present Bros . AA ' . Turner , S . AA " . ; H . C . Levander , J . AV . ; H . P . Allender , M . O . ; 'I ' . Wescombe , S . O . and Treas . ; P . AA alters , G . P ., P . M ., Sec ; J . McKiernan ;
H . Parker , Org ., ancl others . The visitors were Bros . A . D . loewenstark , P . G . S ., P . M ., and Treas . 22 , P . M . and Treas . 86 ; H . Massey , J . O . 22 . The minutes of the preceding meeting ¦ were read and unanimously confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . J . Farnham , AV . M . Sir'ius Lodge , as a joining member , And it was declared to be unanimous in favour of his admission . Apologies were received from the numerous candidates , excusing
and regretting their non-attendance which precluded them from being advanced . This being the election night for officers of tbe lodge for the ensuing year , the by-laws were rend out aloud . The ballot for AA . M . was unanimous in favour Bro . \ A . Turner , G . S ., S . AV ., occupying that honourable post . The ballot for Treasurer resulted in the unanimous re-election of Bro . T . Wescombe . A show of hands resulted in the unanimous
reelection of Bro . AV . J . Laing as the Tyler for the ensuing year . It was proposed , seconded , and carried -nem con ., that a three guinea Past Master ' s jewel be presented from the lodge funds to Bro . R . AV . Little as a testimony of respect and gratitude for the able , efficient , and talented manner in which he had performed his duties as the AA' . M . of the lodge during his year of office . Bro . R . AV . Little , AV . M ., returned thanks in an
appropriate speech for this mark of their approbation . One brother was proposed for advancement at the next lodge meeting . An audit committee was elected and appointed . Business being . ended , the lodge was duly closed until Monday , May 4 th .
Masonic Festivities.
SHEFFIELD . MASONIC BALL . Ihis annual gathering took place on the 10 th instant , in the Cutlers' Hall , and , if passible , passed Ou with even more success than has attended any of its predecessors . This is saying much , for the balls which have been
given under the auspices of the Masonic brethren , there have always been such exceedingly pleasant reunions as to make their recurrence a thing to be looked for aud desired . The arrangements of the committee too , have generally been carried out with such spirit and liberality as to leave scarcely anything to be desired , and those who had the management of this ball admirably sustained the reputation the Masonic balls have obtained in that town and district .
Masonic Festivities.
There were about oOO persons present , including several gentlemen holding high position in the Masonic Order , some o ^ whom were strangers to the brethren here , except by repute , and the ball was honoured by the distinguished presence of the Earl and Countess FitzwiUiam , Viscount and Viscountess Milton , Ladies Alice aud Mary FitzwiUiam , Mr . and Lady B . Doyno . With
the party from Wentworth were Mr . Cecil Foljambe and another gentleman . Earl FitzwiUiam wore the usual emblem of a Knight of the Garter . The band , ivhich was a very excellent one , was under the direction of Mr . C . Harvey , and amongst its members were several of the principal performers in Mr . Halle ' s well-known and niagnificient band at Manchester .
Dancing commenced about 10 o'Olock ; and the company sat down , shortly after midnight , to a supper provided by Mr . Bland of the Brunswick Hotel . We may mention that in the afternoon a Eose Croix Chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , on which occasion , owing to the absence of the Eev . P . Browne , M . W . S ., Bro . W . White , P . M . W . S ., acted as the M . W . S . Several
distinguished guests were present , amongst whom were Bros . Lieut .-Co ! . Haworth , Deputy-Lieutenant and J . P ., Malton ; and B . Shaw , Pliiddersfield , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire .
CARMARTHEN . MASONIC B . VXQUET . The annual banquet of tlie Carmarthen brethren was held at the Old Ivy Bush Hotel , on Monday , the 30 th ult . The chair was occupied by the new W . M ., Bro . W . Davies , and the vice by the S . W ., Bro . A . B . G . Brooke .
Besides the two gentlemen mentioned , the following officers were elected : Bros . J . W . Thomas , as J . W . ; T . Protheroe , S . D . ; B . Davies , J . D . ; Wm . Evans , J . G . ; W . A . Thomas , S . S . ; and T . W . A . Thompson , J . S . During the evening Bro- W . Davies was duly installed W . M .
The British , Irish , and Colonial Masonic Calendar for the Year 1868 ; containing Lists of Lodges , E . A . Chapters , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , Canada , and the other Colonies ; with an Epitome of Continental and American Grand Lodges . Edited b y Bros . J . D . PORTEUS , 18 ° , and JAMES STEVENSON . Glasgow : W . Porteus . 1868 .
WE have noticed this Almanack in previous years as one of the most useful Masonic publications , and in drawing now the attention of our readers to its tenth issue , it gives us much pleasure to remark that , under its new and able management , extensive improvements have been introduced . Besides various useful additions made under the head of general information , we find that the
lists of British and Foreign Lodges , as well as the " Masonic Memorabilia , " have been thoroughly revised , and , in the compilers' own words , " weeded of all nonhistorical items , and enriched by the addition of several more important and historical notes . " The Masonic data relating to the United Kingdom , occupying 157 closely-printed pages , are thus made as exhaustive as
possible , and , by a judicious alphabetical arrangement , the reference is greatly facilitated . The information respecting foreign countries aud tho British colonies has also been considerably improved and extended . Under the heads of France , Netherlands , and Italy some interesting tabulated statistics have been introduced , showing the number of Masonic bodies of
various rites belonging to the province of each Grand Lodge , and with regard to France especially , the number of lodges working in each of the eight principal towns is given in full . The administrative effects which the political events of 1866 have wrought upon the con-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
installations , and who had rendered them m such an able proficient , talented , and impressive manner , which must and was pleasing to all who had been present . They all felt obliged to him for doing so , and tendered him their best and warmest thanks . Comp . S . Noble , P . Z ., also reiterated all the M . E . Z . had said , and supposed , like a dutiful child , Comp . F . AA alters , P . Z ., had come to his parent chapter , as nearly twelve years ago he had been exalted iu that room they were then meeting
in , and expressed a hope that he would often times come amongst them , and regretted they had unintentionally , in press of business , neglected giving him a vote of thanks , which he ¦ could assure ___ v _ i would he done the next time they met , cmd it would also be entered on the chapter minute book . Com ]) . G . Edgington , P . Z ., in a similar strain , expressed the satisfaction they all felt in seeing him-amongst then- , once more . Comp .
P . AA alters , P . Z ., in a suitable speech , expressed his thanks for the warm , kind , and fraternal reception he had met with , and assured them whenever he could render them any help with the work , he would be delighted to do so . He regretted his inability to stay any longer , and as that was the fourth night he had been in Masonry that week , and had two more nights to follow , he , with regret , must wish them ail good night , ancl a happy new year . He then left . The usual happy evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . ST . MARK ' S LODGE ( NO . 24 ) . —The regula , meeting of this well-established Mark lodge was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Monday , the 6 th inst . Bro . R . AA " . Little , W . M .. presided , and there were present Bros . AA ' . Turner , S . AA " . ; H . C . Levander , J . AV . ; H . P . Allender , M . O . ; 'I ' . Wescombe , S . O . and Treas . ; P . AA alters , G . P ., P . M ., Sec ; J . McKiernan ;
H . Parker , Org ., ancl others . The visitors were Bros . A . D . loewenstark , P . G . S ., P . M ., and Treas . 22 , P . M . and Treas . 86 ; H . Massey , J . O . 22 . The minutes of the preceding meeting ¦ were read and unanimously confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . J . J . Farnham , AV . M . Sir'ius Lodge , as a joining member , And it was declared to be unanimous in favour of his admission . Apologies were received from the numerous candidates , excusing
and regretting their non-attendance which precluded them from being advanced . This being the election night for officers of tbe lodge for the ensuing year , the by-laws were rend out aloud . The ballot for AA . M . was unanimous in favour Bro . \ A . Turner , G . S ., S . AV ., occupying that honourable post . The ballot for Treasurer resulted in the unanimous re-election of Bro . T . Wescombe . A show of hands resulted in the unanimous
reelection of Bro . AV . J . Laing as the Tyler for the ensuing year . It was proposed , seconded , and carried -nem con ., that a three guinea Past Master ' s jewel be presented from the lodge funds to Bro . R . AV . Little as a testimony of respect and gratitude for the able , efficient , and talented manner in which he had performed his duties as the AA' . M . of the lodge during his year of office . Bro . R . AV . Little , AV . M ., returned thanks in an
appropriate speech for this mark of their approbation . One brother was proposed for advancement at the next lodge meeting . An audit committee was elected and appointed . Business being . ended , the lodge was duly closed until Monday , May 4 th .
Masonic Festivities.
SHEFFIELD . MASONIC BALL . Ihis annual gathering took place on the 10 th instant , in the Cutlers' Hall , and , if passible , passed Ou with even more success than has attended any of its predecessors . This is saying much , for the balls which have been
given under the auspices of the Masonic brethren , there have always been such exceedingly pleasant reunions as to make their recurrence a thing to be looked for aud desired . The arrangements of the committee too , have generally been carried out with such spirit and liberality as to leave scarcely anything to be desired , and those who had the management of this ball admirably sustained the reputation the Masonic balls have obtained in that town and district .
Masonic Festivities.
There were about oOO persons present , including several gentlemen holding high position in the Masonic Order , some o ^ whom were strangers to the brethren here , except by repute , and the ball was honoured by the distinguished presence of the Earl and Countess FitzwiUiam , Viscount and Viscountess Milton , Ladies Alice aud Mary FitzwiUiam , Mr . and Lady B . Doyno . With
the party from Wentworth were Mr . Cecil Foljambe and another gentleman . Earl FitzwiUiam wore the usual emblem of a Knight of the Garter . The band , ivhich was a very excellent one , was under the direction of Mr . C . Harvey , and amongst its members were several of the principal performers in Mr . Halle ' s well-known and niagnificient band at Manchester .
Dancing commenced about 10 o'Olock ; and the company sat down , shortly after midnight , to a supper provided by Mr . Bland of the Brunswick Hotel . We may mention that in the afternoon a Eose Croix Chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , on which occasion , owing to the absence of the Eev . P . Browne , M . W . S ., Bro . W . White , P . M . W . S ., acted as the M . W . S . Several
distinguished guests were present , amongst whom were Bros . Lieut .-Co ! . Haworth , Deputy-Lieutenant and J . P ., Malton ; and B . Shaw , Pliiddersfield , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire .
CARMARTHEN . MASONIC B . VXQUET . The annual banquet of tlie Carmarthen brethren was held at the Old Ivy Bush Hotel , on Monday , the 30 th ult . The chair was occupied by the new W . M ., Bro . W . Davies , and the vice by the S . W ., Bro . A . B . G . Brooke .
Besides the two gentlemen mentioned , the following officers were elected : Bros . J . W . Thomas , as J . W . ; T . Protheroe , S . D . ; B . Davies , J . D . ; Wm . Evans , J . G . ; W . A . Thomas , S . S . ; and T . W . A . Thompson , J . S . During the evening Bro- W . Davies was duly installed W . M .
The British , Irish , and Colonial Masonic Calendar for the Year 1868 ; containing Lists of Lodges , E . A . Chapters , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , Canada , and the other Colonies ; with an Epitome of Continental and American Grand Lodges . Edited b y Bros . J . D . PORTEUS , 18 ° , and JAMES STEVENSON . Glasgow : W . Porteus . 1868 .
WE have noticed this Almanack in previous years as one of the most useful Masonic publications , and in drawing now the attention of our readers to its tenth issue , it gives us much pleasure to remark that , under its new and able management , extensive improvements have been introduced . Besides various useful additions made under the head of general information , we find that the
lists of British and Foreign Lodges , as well as the " Masonic Memorabilia , " have been thoroughly revised , and , in the compilers' own words , " weeded of all nonhistorical items , and enriched by the addition of several more important and historical notes . " The Masonic data relating to the United Kingdom , occupying 157 closely-printed pages , are thus made as exhaustive as
possible , and , by a judicious alphabetical arrangement , the reference is greatly facilitated . The information respecting foreign countries aud tho British colonies has also been considerably improved and extended . Under the heads of France , Netherlands , and Italy some interesting tabulated statistics have been introduced , showing the number of Masonic bodies of
various rites belonging to the province of each Grand Lodge , and with regard to France especially , the number of lodges working in each of the eight principal towns is given in full . The administrative effects which the political events of 1866 have wrought upon the con-