Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Mems.
The Supreme Grand Council of France have just conferred upou our distinguished Bro . Hyde Clarke the rank of Sovereign Grand Inspector-General of 33 ° , and the appointment was duly proclaimed at the last meeting of the Grand Central Lodge . At the meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , on Wednesday last , Bro . John Uclall , P . G . D ., in the chair , twenty petitioners were relieved with various sums , amounting in the aggregate to £ 244 .
The Boys' School.
By an accidental omission of the close of our report in our number of the llth inst ., we failed to state the result of the collection at the dinner , which amounted to £ 4 , 500—the largest ever made for any of the Masonic charities , and which has only heen excelled in one or two instances by other charities , and then only for large and important hospitals . By this collection the votes of the Boys' School will be much
increased ; and we again solicit the assistance of the'brethren in endeavouring to secure the election of two boys who have already gone to poll seven times without success , evidently from the want of some brother taking up their cause . The following are the cases as extracted from the balloting paper issued at the last election : —
CRABTREE , BENJAMIN TOWNSHEND . Born 6 th March , 1853 . His mother , Mrs . Alice Crabtree , is the widow of the late Samuel Crabtree , who met with his death , 3 rd Jan ., 1861 , from an accident , while following his occupation of a huMer , at the Victoria Railway Station , Pimlico , leaving five children , three of whom are entirely dependent upon the widow for support .
AVILSON , ROBERT CHRISTOPHER . Born 5 th October , 1852 . I-Iis father , Bro . Joseph Wilson , aged 58 , was formerly a chemist and druggist , of Kendal , but is now in poor circumstances , suffering from a diseased knee joint of 32 years' standing , accompanied with popliteal aneurism . Has a wife and six children , three of whom depend upon him for support . In the seven ballots already taken , Crabtree has polled 143
votes , and Wilson 72 , whilst something more than 500 each will be required to ensure success . We , therefore , urgently call upon the brethren who have not pledged their votes to any particular candidates to forward us their balloting papers ; and we remind them that the balloting papers for any of our charities will be acceptable , as they can all be used to ensure the return of these friendless hoys .
We subjoin a conclusion to the report of the llth , and which was accidentally omitted : — After the toast of the evening had been drunk , Bro . BINCKES presented two boys to receive the prizes at his Grace ' s hands . In doing so he said he was discharging a duty which was to him a pleasure . One of the boysThomas Jesse
, Weaver , was the best boy of the year . He had taken no less than six prizes at the last school examination ; he was first in the English class , first in the French class , and he bore away many other distinctions ; he had been found proficient in the various branches of study ; he had displayed uniformly most meritorious conduct , and had become entitled not only to those
prizes which were granted by the Institution , but had earned for himself the proud distinction of 'bearing away the gold and silver medals , which would be presented him by the Chairman . That distinction alone carried with it the possession of the prize of five guineas annually ; ancl , without making invidious
The Boys' School.
comparisons , he ( the Secretary ) did not think any boy ever stood in a prouder position than Thomas Jesse Weaver now did to receive at his Grace ' s bands those rewards . He next presented William Hobbs Adams , who had been elected hy his schoolfellows —and had received fifty-eight votes out of sixty-seven—as the boy they most esteemed , to receive the prize of £ 5 given by
Bro . Cox , of Canonbury Lodge , aud called the " Canonbury Prize . " The CHAIEMAH presented the different prizes , and as either candidate received them he was most cordially cheered . An admirable chorus was then sung by the whole school . Bro . BINCKES then read the list of subscriptions , amounting
in the whole to about £ 4 , 500 . The following toasts were afterwards given : — "The Vice-Presidents , Trustees , General Committee , House Committee and Auditors of Accounts , " responded to by Bro . Hopwood ; " The Royal Freemasons' Girls' School , and the Benevolent Annuity Funds , " responded to by Bro . Patten ; " The Ladies , "
and " The Board of Stewards , " Bros . Stevens aud May returning thanks . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , supported by Bros / Donald King and Wallworth , Madame Parepa , Misses Arabella Smyth and Julia Elton .
DERBYSHIRE . BEZBER . —Beaureper Lodge , ( No . 787 ) . —On Thursday , the 9 th inst ., the Beaureper Lodge ( No . 787 ) , held at Bro . Watson's , the New Inn , Belper , was consecrated by Bro . H . C . Okeover , D . Prov . G . M ., of Derbyshire , assisted by several of the Prov . G . Officers . The arrangements were all that could be desired , and the interesting was beautifulland
impresceremony very y sively performed , during which Bro . B . Mandale , Prov . G . C , delivered an excellent oration on the general tenets of Freemasonry . Bro . E . Birch , of the Derwent Lodge ( No . 884 ) , ably presided at the harmonium , and the vocal parts of the musical arrangements were well rendered by several resident and visiting brethren . Bro . Butel , P . Prov . S . G . W ., officiated as Dir . of Cers . There was a large attendance of brethren , amongst whom , John
were Bros . C . R . Colvile , P . Prov . D . G . M . of Derbyshire ; Gamble , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Thomas Cox , P . S . G . W ., and P . M . 253 ; S . Collinson , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Crossley , P . M . 253 ; S . D . Waddy , 96 ; I . Bowmer , P . M . 881 ; Joseph Stone , W . M . 884 ; J . North , 884 ; J . W . Lee 884 ; B . Street , 884 ; J . Kinder , J . W . 884 ; G . C . Hall , W . M . 1028 ; Thomas Horsley , S . W . 1028 ; W . Wilson , J . W . 1023 ; aud the
following brethren of the Beaureper Lodge : —S . Pratt , W . M . ; S . Stone , S . W . ; J . Pym , Sec ; H . Topham , J . D . ; J . Pegg , I . G . ; B . D . Cooke , W . Webster , W . E . Sowray , W . Horsley , W . Haslatu , H . Burns , J . Stockall , W . Adsetts , G . J . Smith , W . G . Moran , W . C . Haslam , W . M . Ingle , W . Watson , & c , & c . After the ceremony about forty of the brethren sat down to a sumptuous repastunder tbe presidency of Bro . S . PrattW . M .
, , The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , Bro . Waddy ( barrister of the Midland and Northern Circuit ) responding in a most eloquent speech on behalf of tlie visitors . The enjoyment of the evening was greatly augmented by the vocal harmony of several of the brethren . The catering of Bro . Watson , as usual , gave great satisfaction .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWK , DEVONPOM . ' . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 16 th inst . A ballot was taken for three candidates for initiation , and also for two joining members . The lodge was then passed to the second degree , and the brethren initiated at the last regular lodge were introduced and received the degree of F . C . tiie
No candidates for the third degree being present , lodge resumed to tbe first degree , and the gentlemen who were balloted for were then introduced and admitted into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Some important matters of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
The Supreme Grand Council of France have just conferred upou our distinguished Bro . Hyde Clarke the rank of Sovereign Grand Inspector-General of 33 ° , and the appointment was duly proclaimed at the last meeting of the Grand Central Lodge . At the meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , on Wednesday last , Bro . John Uclall , P . G . D ., in the chair , twenty petitioners were relieved with various sums , amounting in the aggregate to £ 244 .
The Boys' School.
By an accidental omission of the close of our report in our number of the llth inst ., we failed to state the result of the collection at the dinner , which amounted to £ 4 , 500—the largest ever made for any of the Masonic charities , and which has only heen excelled in one or two instances by other charities , and then only for large and important hospitals . By this collection the votes of the Boys' School will be much
increased ; and we again solicit the assistance of the'brethren in endeavouring to secure the election of two boys who have already gone to poll seven times without success , evidently from the want of some brother taking up their cause . The following are the cases as extracted from the balloting paper issued at the last election : —
CRABTREE , BENJAMIN TOWNSHEND . Born 6 th March , 1853 . His mother , Mrs . Alice Crabtree , is the widow of the late Samuel Crabtree , who met with his death , 3 rd Jan ., 1861 , from an accident , while following his occupation of a huMer , at the Victoria Railway Station , Pimlico , leaving five children , three of whom are entirely dependent upon the widow for support .
AVILSON , ROBERT CHRISTOPHER . Born 5 th October , 1852 . I-Iis father , Bro . Joseph Wilson , aged 58 , was formerly a chemist and druggist , of Kendal , but is now in poor circumstances , suffering from a diseased knee joint of 32 years' standing , accompanied with popliteal aneurism . Has a wife and six children , three of whom depend upon him for support . In the seven ballots already taken , Crabtree has polled 143
votes , and Wilson 72 , whilst something more than 500 each will be required to ensure success . We , therefore , urgently call upon the brethren who have not pledged their votes to any particular candidates to forward us their balloting papers ; and we remind them that the balloting papers for any of our charities will be acceptable , as they can all be used to ensure the return of these friendless hoys .
We subjoin a conclusion to the report of the llth , and which was accidentally omitted : — After the toast of the evening had been drunk , Bro . BINCKES presented two boys to receive the prizes at his Grace ' s hands . In doing so he said he was discharging a duty which was to him a pleasure . One of the boysThomas Jesse
, Weaver , was the best boy of the year . He had taken no less than six prizes at the last school examination ; he was first in the English class , first in the French class , and he bore away many other distinctions ; he had been found proficient in the various branches of study ; he had displayed uniformly most meritorious conduct , and had become entitled not only to those
prizes which were granted by the Institution , but had earned for himself the proud distinction of 'bearing away the gold and silver medals , which would be presented him by the Chairman . That distinction alone carried with it the possession of the prize of five guineas annually ; ancl , without making invidious
The Boys' School.
comparisons , he ( the Secretary ) did not think any boy ever stood in a prouder position than Thomas Jesse Weaver now did to receive at his Grace ' s bands those rewards . He next presented William Hobbs Adams , who had been elected hy his schoolfellows —and had received fifty-eight votes out of sixty-seven—as the boy they most esteemed , to receive the prize of £ 5 given by
Bro . Cox , of Canonbury Lodge , aud called the " Canonbury Prize . " The CHAIEMAH presented the different prizes , and as either candidate received them he was most cordially cheered . An admirable chorus was then sung by the whole school . Bro . BINCKES then read the list of subscriptions , amounting
in the whole to about £ 4 , 500 . The following toasts were afterwards given : — "The Vice-Presidents , Trustees , General Committee , House Committee and Auditors of Accounts , " responded to by Bro . Hopwood ; " The Royal Freemasons' Girls' School , and the Benevolent Annuity Funds , " responded to by Bro . Patten ; " The Ladies , "
and " The Board of Stewards , " Bros . Stevens aud May returning thanks . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , supported by Bros / Donald King and Wallworth , Madame Parepa , Misses Arabella Smyth and Julia Elton .
DERBYSHIRE . BEZBER . —Beaureper Lodge , ( No . 787 ) . —On Thursday , the 9 th inst ., the Beaureper Lodge ( No . 787 ) , held at Bro . Watson's , the New Inn , Belper , was consecrated by Bro . H . C . Okeover , D . Prov . G . M ., of Derbyshire , assisted by several of the Prov . G . Officers . The arrangements were all that could be desired , and the interesting was beautifulland
impresceremony very y sively performed , during which Bro . B . Mandale , Prov . G . C , delivered an excellent oration on the general tenets of Freemasonry . Bro . E . Birch , of the Derwent Lodge ( No . 884 ) , ably presided at the harmonium , and the vocal parts of the musical arrangements were well rendered by several resident and visiting brethren . Bro . Butel , P . Prov . S . G . W ., officiated as Dir . of Cers . There was a large attendance of brethren , amongst whom , John
were Bros . C . R . Colvile , P . Prov . D . G . M . of Derbyshire ; Gamble , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Thomas Cox , P . S . G . W ., and P . M . 253 ; S . Collinson , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Crossley , P . M . 253 ; S . D . Waddy , 96 ; I . Bowmer , P . M . 881 ; Joseph Stone , W . M . 884 ; J . North , 884 ; J . W . Lee 884 ; B . Street , 884 ; J . Kinder , J . W . 884 ; G . C . Hall , W . M . 1028 ; Thomas Horsley , S . W . 1028 ; W . Wilson , J . W . 1023 ; aud the
following brethren of the Beaureper Lodge : —S . Pratt , W . M . ; S . Stone , S . W . ; J . Pym , Sec ; H . Topham , J . D . ; J . Pegg , I . G . ; B . D . Cooke , W . Webster , W . E . Sowray , W . Horsley , W . Haslatu , H . Burns , J . Stockall , W . Adsetts , G . J . Smith , W . G . Moran , W . C . Haslam , W . M . Ingle , W . Watson , & c , & c . After the ceremony about forty of the brethren sat down to a sumptuous repastunder tbe presidency of Bro . S . PrattW . M .
, , The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , Bro . Waddy ( barrister of the Midland and Northern Circuit ) responding in a most eloquent speech on behalf of tlie visitors . The enjoyment of the evening was greatly augmented by the vocal harmony of several of the brethren . The catering of Bro . Watson , as usual , gave great satisfaction .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWK , DEVONPOM . ' . —Lodge St . Aubyn ( No . 954 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 16 th inst . A ballot was taken for three candidates for initiation , and also for two joining members . The lodge was then passed to the second degree , and the brethren initiated at the last regular lodge were introduced and received the degree of F . C . tiie
No candidates for the third degree being present , lodge resumed to tbe first degree , and the gentlemen who were balloted for were then introduced and admitted into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Some important matters of