Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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interest to the lodge having been disposed of , and a gentleman named for initiation at the next meeting , tiie lodge was closed in ancient form . DURHAM . HARTIEPOOL . — SI . mien ' s Lodge ( No . 531 ) . —Tbe Masonic Halloccupied bthis lod has been undergoing certain
re-, y ge , pairs ancl renovations , such as painting , paperlianging , and laying down matting in the lodge-room , anterooms , & c , which was very much needed . The decorations , which are simple and chaste , ^ yet display considerable taste , and above all are strictly Masonic ; at the same time great attention has been paid to the comfort and convenience of the brethren . On Thursday , 16 th inst ,, a postponed meeting of the regular lodge was held , when
there were present—Bros . D . Moore , W . M . ; James Groves , I . P . M . ; A . Nathan , S . W . ; W . J . Siveriglit , J . W . ; L . JI . Hill , S . D . ; W . Stoclcill , J . D . ; S . Armstrong , P . M ., Treas . ; Stonier J ^ eigb , Sec . ; Emra Holmes , M . C . ; J . J . Armstrong , I . G . ; Mowbray , Tyler ; Vcrrill , Irvine , Austin , Sale , Magiimess , Tose , Watt , Forbes , Taylor , Windi-oss ; and visitors , Bros . G . KirkWM 11 BHarpleySWFnrrar and Birnie
, . ; . . , .., , Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( 764 ) . The lodge was opened in clue form with solemn prayer , and tlie minutes of tlie two preceding lodges read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened to the second degree , ancl Bros . Taylor , Tose , and Forbes , being candidates for the third degree , were examined as to their proficiency in the former , which proving satisfactory , they retired , and the lodge was opened to the third degree . " The three candidates
were then severally introduced and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M ., assisted by the immediate P . M ., who gave the usual illustration of the tracing board , and explained the working tools . The lodge was resumed by the W . M . successively in tbe second ancl first degrees , and a brother was proposed by the W . M . as a joining member . The lodge was finall y closed in love and harmony , when tbe brethren retired for a short time to refreshment .
SE & u ____ i . —FaiDceU Lodge ( No . 661 . )—On Monday , the 13 th inst ., the installation of Bro . John Richardson , as W . M ., was performed with the usual solemnity , at tlie lodge-room , Seabam Harbour , by Bro . B . Levy , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . The following brethren were appointed officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . R . Candlish , P . M . ; II . B . Wright , S . W . ; T . G . Shaw , J . IV . ; W . Atkinson , Treas . ; S . J . Ditchfleld , Sec ; M . Reed S . D . ; J . Cruwfurc ! J . D . J . ServiceIGWLawsTler
, ; , .. ; . , y . After the ceremony of installation , and the appointment of officers hud been gone through , the pleasing duty of presenting to Bro . James Ayre , one of the Past Masters of the lodge , a life governorship of the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , was performed by Bro . J . Crossby , Prov . S . G . W . The Fav .-cett lodge have conferred tbis appropriate ancl substantial mark of favour on Bro . Ayre as a token in consideration of the
valuable services he lias rendered the lodge from the time of its commencement . After the business of the lodge was concluded , the members dined together at Bro . Taylor's , Lord Seaham Inn .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL--On Friday , the 17 th inst ., a meeting of the brethren of tliis province was held at the Temple , 22 , Hopestreet , for the purpose of presenting to Bro . James Hamer , Provincial Grand Treasurer , a portrait of himself as a testimony of the esteem and regard in which lie is held by them . Bro . C . J . BanisterP . G . S . B . of England presidedand in feeling terms
, , alluded to the untiring zeal , disinterested devotion , and active services in the cause of Freemasonry of Bro . Hamer . Whenever there was a lodge to be founded , a question of Masonic jurisprudence to be arranged , a lecture required , a widow or orphan to be provided for , or a charitable object to be supported , in any part of the province , Bro . Hamer was at the post of duty , executing those talents with which God has blessed him , both to His
glory and tho welfare of bis fellow creatures . Whether by affording instruction , correction , relief , or reproof , his hand is always guided by justice , and his heart expanded by benevolence . In short , he ( Bro . Banister ) felt his own inability to do justice to his feelings on this occasion , hut trusted to the iacfc of the brethren having determined to mark their sense of Bro . Hamer ' s virtues , by presenting him with tho beautiful painting that _ now adorns tlie walls of tliis room . Bro . Banister , in continuation , saicl , in the name of the subscribers I now present to you , Bro . Hamer , this portrait , believing that you will regard
it , not so much for its merits as a work of art , but as a memento of the kind love and esteem of your brethren , and may you long be spared with us to assist anil instruct us in our labours here below ; and when you are summoned from tliis sublunary abode may you be admitted to the Grand Lodge above , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . Bro . Hamer , in reply , said that he felt deeply grateful to Bro . Banister for his kind eulogiumand to the brethren for this
, manifestation of their good-will and esteem . He could not deny that be was passionately devoted to Masonry ; and havingleisure to attend to its duties , it at all times afforded him great pleasure to instruct ancl improve the brethren in the inferior degrees wherever and whenever he could . With respect to the picture , it was bis intention to present it to the Provincial Grand Loclge , which he hoped would meet with the approval of the brethren , inasmuch as it was subscribed for by the province ,
and as a portrait of him in his official capacity as Prov . G . Treasurer ; moreover , he having no family to bequeath it to ( as Masons ) , lie thought it would be better preserved , and the brethren pleased to nee it where it now was placed . The presiding officer proposed that the thanks of the brethren be accorded to Bro . John Pepper , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., who had borne the heat and burden of the clay as Secretary and Treasurer to the committee , for to him must be given the palm of
conducting to a successful issue the proceedings ol the day . He had had the whole of the arrangements on his own shoulders , and thus they well knew that whatever he did was sure to be done well . Bro . Pepper , in responding , observed that he had long noticed Bro . Hamer's abilities , and his willingness at all times to make a sacrifice on the altar of Freemasonry—that the province had profited by his example ancl had been improved by his labours , ancl that a debt of gratitude was due to him . The artist selected was Mr . W . Daniels of this town , and as a work of art and a likeness is not to be surpassed .
MIDDLESEX . UxuiilDGE . —Eoyal Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at Bro . Lines , the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge . There were present-Bros . Coombes , W . M . ; Charles Herring , S . W . ; Chegwidden , J . W . ; Hickes , J . D . ; Newall , Carter , Watson , Chobbam , and Weeclon , P . M . ' s ; with Bros . Besant , Gedge , Codner , Line , Butler , Glaisher , Glastin , Jordan , Mills , Colton , Hoffman ,.
Wirtzf ' old , Exdll , and many others . The visitors were— -Bros . Worthington , 517 ; Sharman , 180 ; Simpson , P . M . 180 ; T . Allen , 733 , & c The report of the Audit Committee showed a balance of more than twenty-five pounds to the credit of the lodge . The business consisted of four raisings , installation , ancl two initiations . The raisings were performed by Bro . Coombes with bis accustomed skill . Bro . Newall , P . AI ., and S . G . D . of Hertsbeing ablinstalledBro . Charles Herringin
, y , , a board of twelve Installed Masters , and tbe new W . M ., most creditably initiated the candidates . The officers appointed were—Bros . Chegwidden , S . W . ; Claisen , J . W . ; Coombes , I . P . M ., Treas . ; Guwthrop , Sec ; Wirzfeld , S . D . ; Besant , J . D . ; Glaisher , I . G . ; and Drew , Tyler . The lodge was then called off and the brethren proceeded to discuss one of Bro . Lines *
famous banquets . After tho cloth had been cleared , the W . M . very tersely gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . He next proposed that of the visiting brethren , which was responded to individually . Bro . Coombes , I . P . M ., saicl . they coulcl all judge from tho way the new W . M . had clone his work , as well as from his previous connection with the lodge , bow he would carry out the duties of his high office . For himself he could say that Bro . Herring , as bis S . W ., bad given him great
satisfaction , and he ( Bro . Coombes ) was equally sure that in the new role of W . M . he would give equal satisfaction to the lodge . The W . M . 's health was then given and warmly received . The new W . M . had to thank them all for their kindness . He believed he had attended punctually , tried to do his work creditably , ancl in consequence had succeeded to the chair , for which he was grateful , and would strive to do his duty in it . He then gave the health of the initiatesBros . Smith and Hrab for
, ga , which they each briefly responded . The next toast was that of the P . M . ' s of tbe lodge , the W . M . incidentally remarking that Bro . Coombes had endeavoured to make them all comfortable during his term of office . Bro . Newall had not only made them comfortable , but the success of the lodge was mainly owing to his zealous endeavours ou its behalf . He had also installed the W . M . that day , ancl added another to them all . Bro . G . T . Carter
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
interest to the lodge having been disposed of , and a gentleman named for initiation at the next meeting , tiie lodge was closed in ancient form . DURHAM . HARTIEPOOL . — SI . mien ' s Lodge ( No . 531 ) . —Tbe Masonic Halloccupied bthis lod has been undergoing certain
re-, y ge , pairs ancl renovations , such as painting , paperlianging , and laying down matting in the lodge-room , anterooms , & c , which was very much needed . The decorations , which are simple and chaste , ^ yet display considerable taste , and above all are strictly Masonic ; at the same time great attention has been paid to the comfort and convenience of the brethren . On Thursday , 16 th inst ,, a postponed meeting of the regular lodge was held , when
there were present—Bros . D . Moore , W . M . ; James Groves , I . P . M . ; A . Nathan , S . W . ; W . J . Siveriglit , J . W . ; L . JI . Hill , S . D . ; W . Stoclcill , J . D . ; S . Armstrong , P . M ., Treas . ; Stonier J ^ eigb , Sec . ; Emra Holmes , M . C . ; J . J . Armstrong , I . G . ; Mowbray , Tyler ; Vcrrill , Irvine , Austin , Sale , Magiimess , Tose , Watt , Forbes , Taylor , Windi-oss ; and visitors , Bros . G . KirkWM 11 BHarpleySWFnrrar and Birnie
, . ; . . , .., , Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( 764 ) . The lodge was opened in clue form with solemn prayer , and tlie minutes of tlie two preceding lodges read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened to the second degree , ancl Bros . Taylor , Tose , and Forbes , being candidates for the third degree , were examined as to their proficiency in the former , which proving satisfactory , they retired , and the lodge was opened to the third degree . " The three candidates
were then severally introduced and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the W . M ., assisted by the immediate P . M ., who gave the usual illustration of the tracing board , and explained the working tools . The lodge was resumed by the W . M . successively in tbe second ancl first degrees , and a brother was proposed by the W . M . as a joining member . The lodge was finall y closed in love and harmony , when tbe brethren retired for a short time to refreshment .
SE & u ____ i . —FaiDceU Lodge ( No . 661 . )—On Monday , the 13 th inst ., the installation of Bro . John Richardson , as W . M ., was performed with the usual solemnity , at tlie lodge-room , Seabam Harbour , by Bro . B . Levy , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . The following brethren were appointed officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . R . Candlish , P . M . ; II . B . Wright , S . W . ; T . G . Shaw , J . IV . ; W . Atkinson , Treas . ; S . J . Ditchfleld , Sec ; M . Reed S . D . ; J . Cruwfurc ! J . D . J . ServiceIGWLawsTler
, ; , .. ; . , y . After the ceremony of installation , and the appointment of officers hud been gone through , the pleasing duty of presenting to Bro . James Ayre , one of the Past Masters of the lodge , a life governorship of the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , was performed by Bro . J . Crossby , Prov . S . G . W . The Fav .-cett lodge have conferred tbis appropriate ancl substantial mark of favour on Bro . Ayre as a token in consideration of the
valuable services he lias rendered the lodge from the time of its commencement . After the business of the lodge was concluded , the members dined together at Bro . Taylor's , Lord Seaham Inn .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL--On Friday , the 17 th inst ., a meeting of the brethren of tliis province was held at the Temple , 22 , Hopestreet , for the purpose of presenting to Bro . James Hamer , Provincial Grand Treasurer , a portrait of himself as a testimony of the esteem and regard in which lie is held by them . Bro . C . J . BanisterP . G . S . B . of England presidedand in feeling terms
, , alluded to the untiring zeal , disinterested devotion , and active services in the cause of Freemasonry of Bro . Hamer . Whenever there was a lodge to be founded , a question of Masonic jurisprudence to be arranged , a lecture required , a widow or orphan to be provided for , or a charitable object to be supported , in any part of the province , Bro . Hamer was at the post of duty , executing those talents with which God has blessed him , both to His
glory and tho welfare of bis fellow creatures . Whether by affording instruction , correction , relief , or reproof , his hand is always guided by justice , and his heart expanded by benevolence . In short , he ( Bro . Banister ) felt his own inability to do justice to his feelings on this occasion , hut trusted to the iacfc of the brethren having determined to mark their sense of Bro . Hamer ' s virtues , by presenting him with tho beautiful painting that _ now adorns tlie walls of tliis room . Bro . Banister , in continuation , saicl , in the name of the subscribers I now present to you , Bro . Hamer , this portrait , believing that you will regard
it , not so much for its merits as a work of art , but as a memento of the kind love and esteem of your brethren , and may you long be spared with us to assist anil instruct us in our labours here below ; and when you are summoned from tliis sublunary abode may you be admitted to the Grand Lodge above , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . Bro . Hamer , in reply , said that he felt deeply grateful to Bro . Banister for his kind eulogiumand to the brethren for this
, manifestation of their good-will and esteem . He could not deny that be was passionately devoted to Masonry ; and havingleisure to attend to its duties , it at all times afforded him great pleasure to instruct ancl improve the brethren in the inferior degrees wherever and whenever he could . With respect to the picture , it was bis intention to present it to the Provincial Grand Loclge , which he hoped would meet with the approval of the brethren , inasmuch as it was subscribed for by the province ,
and as a portrait of him in his official capacity as Prov . G . Treasurer ; moreover , he having no family to bequeath it to ( as Masons ) , lie thought it would be better preserved , and the brethren pleased to nee it where it now was placed . The presiding officer proposed that the thanks of the brethren be accorded to Bro . John Pepper , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., who had borne the heat and burden of the clay as Secretary and Treasurer to the committee , for to him must be given the palm of
conducting to a successful issue the proceedings ol the day . He had had the whole of the arrangements on his own shoulders , and thus they well knew that whatever he did was sure to be done well . Bro . Pepper , in responding , observed that he had long noticed Bro . Hamer's abilities , and his willingness at all times to make a sacrifice on the altar of Freemasonry—that the province had profited by his example ancl had been improved by his labours , ancl that a debt of gratitude was due to him . The artist selected was Mr . W . Daniels of this town , and as a work of art and a likeness is not to be surpassed .
MIDDLESEX . UxuiilDGE . —Eoyal Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at Bro . Lines , the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge . There were present-Bros . Coombes , W . M . ; Charles Herring , S . W . ; Chegwidden , J . W . ; Hickes , J . D . ; Newall , Carter , Watson , Chobbam , and Weeclon , P . M . ' s ; with Bros . Besant , Gedge , Codner , Line , Butler , Glaisher , Glastin , Jordan , Mills , Colton , Hoffman ,.
Wirtzf ' old , Exdll , and many others . The visitors were— -Bros . Worthington , 517 ; Sharman , 180 ; Simpson , P . M . 180 ; T . Allen , 733 , & c The report of the Audit Committee showed a balance of more than twenty-five pounds to the credit of the lodge . The business consisted of four raisings , installation , ancl two initiations . The raisings were performed by Bro . Coombes with bis accustomed skill . Bro . Newall , P . AI ., and S . G . D . of Hertsbeing ablinstalledBro . Charles Herringin
, y , , a board of twelve Installed Masters , and tbe new W . M ., most creditably initiated the candidates . The officers appointed were—Bros . Chegwidden , S . W . ; Claisen , J . W . ; Coombes , I . P . M ., Treas . ; Guwthrop , Sec ; Wirzfeld , S . D . ; Besant , J . D . ; Glaisher , I . G . ; and Drew , Tyler . The lodge was then called off and the brethren proceeded to discuss one of Bro . Lines *
famous banquets . After tho cloth had been cleared , the W . M . very tersely gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . He next proposed that of the visiting brethren , which was responded to individually . Bro . Coombes , I . P . M ., saicl . they coulcl all judge from tho way the new W . M . had clone his work , as well as from his previous connection with the lodge , bow he would carry out the duties of his high office . For himself he could say that Bro . Herring , as bis S . W ., bad given him great
satisfaction , and he ( Bro . Coombes ) was equally sure that in the new role of W . M . he would give equal satisfaction to the lodge . The W . M . 's health was then given and warmly received . The new W . M . had to thank them all for their kindness . He believed he had attended punctually , tried to do his work creditably , ancl in consequence had succeeded to the chair , for which he was grateful , and would strive to do his duty in it . He then gave the health of the initiatesBros . Smith and Hrab for
, ga , which they each briefly responded . The next toast was that of the P . M . ' s of tbe lodge , the W . M . incidentally remarking that Bro . Coombes had endeavoured to make them all comfortable during his term of office . Bro . Newall had not only made them comfortable , but the success of the lodge was mainly owing to his zealous endeavours ou its behalf . He had also installed the W . M . that day , ancl added another to them all . Bro . G . T . Carter