Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 4 →
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was always ready with his best advice and a delightful song . Bro . Choblmm was useful and kind as ever . Bro . Weeden , the father of the lodge , was respected by all . The WJM . then gave Bro . Coombes a P . M . ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription" Presented by the brethren of the Royal Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) to Bro . Wm . Coombes , P . M ., in testimony of their high appreciation of the great zeal , ability , and courtesy displayed by him during the year lie presided as Worshipful Master . 1865 "—
Wishing that he might always wear , and look upon it as a token of their respect ancl esteem . Bro . Coombes , I . P . M ., had tried to do his best since he had been connected with the lodge . It was very gratifying to him to receive that mark of theij . approbation ancl esteem , and although he bad then passed the chair be should not lessen his zeal in the cause . Bro . Newall , P . M ., could not help contrasting the lodge as it was when he first knew it and at the present time . He believed it was
planted in a good soil , and brought forth fruit abundantly . He was sure that if brethren tried to make a Master comfortable he would , in return , endeavour to do the same with them , ancl in his own case he knew the value of such reciprocity of good offices . The more bo met them the more he liked them , and that caused him to feel a warm attachment to the lodge for which he had exerted himself to the utmost , ancl not for self-interested motives , but for the good of the lodge . Bros .
Carter ancl Cliobham each followed with thanks , ancl Bro . Weeden said he was proud to have been called the father of the lodgo . He had been a Mason thirty-four years , ancl was still a member of that , his mother , lodge . lie was glad to have lived so long to see its prosperity , ancl hoped to share it for some years to come . The health of the officers followed , which was replied to seriatim . To the memory of Bro . Theodore Claisen , drank in solemn silence . The Treasurer and Secretary , tbe latter being presented with a Bible by the loclge , and sundry other toasts , speeches , ancl songs . After all of which the loclge was finally closed and the meeting adjourned .
SURREY . REIGATE . —Surrey Lod . e ( No . 416 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of Saturday , the 18 th inst ., when there wove present—Bros . C . J . Smith , W . M . ; Lainson , S . W . ; Sargnnt , J . W . ; J . Llewellyn Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; Lees , Sisson , Holman , and Carruthers , P . M . 's ; Thompson , S . D . ; Foot , J . D . ; Last , I . G . ;
Ke . sey , Dir . of Cers . ; Hart , Sec . ; Morrison , Treas . ; Bev . J . C . Wyater , Chaplain . Visitors—Wood , 90 ; Newman and Wren , ancl other brethren of the lodge . The duties , after the usual confirmation of the minutes , were to ballot for three joining members , Bros . Hon . Monson , Rev . Hough , ancl Capt Ker . To ballot for Mr . J . Watuey , Mr . A . G . Hall , and Dr . Chessall , for initiation . The ballot having been taken and proved satisfactorythe gentlemen named in tho summonses
, were elected as joining members ancl for initiation . The W . M . then passed Bros . Pym ancl Down to the degree of F . C , and afterwards in his usual impressive manner duly initiated Messrs . Watney , Hall , and Chessall , into Masonry . The Masonic work to be clone was certainly more than usual in this county lodge , ancl we cannot but congratulate the W . M . on the flourishing state of Masonry in the Surrey Lodge , a larger number of brethren being presentand for his untiring
, efforts and energies to promote Masonry ancl Masonic feeling in the province . The brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Steed , when tbe usual Masonic toasts were given , and the brethren separated at an early hour having , spent a profitable and pleasant evening .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCARBOROUGH . —Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —On Wednesday , the loth inst ., the usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place under the superintendence of Bro . W . B . Stewart , W . M ., assisted by Past Masters William Bean , James F . Spun-, W . F . Rooke , H . C . Martin , Sec ; John W . Woodall , Treas . ; H . A . Williamson , S . W . ; J . Hargreaves , J . W . ; William
Peacock , S . D . ; S . Gibson , J . D . ; R . H . Peacock , I . G . ; D . Ash , Tyler . Fifteen other members of tbis lodge were present ; also Bro . Thorne , of Lodge No . 94 , Sunderland , and Bro . Croft , of Lodge No . 123 , Richmond . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes having been read ancl confirmed , one brother was proposed a joining member . Two gentlemen were proposed candidates for the mysteries of Freemasonry . The
lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Baillie , Heselton , and Fleet , passed a very satisfactory examination , after which the lodge was opened in the [ third degree , and Bros . Baillie , Heselton , ancl Fleet , were separately raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge was then closed in the several degrees with prayer . The brethren afterwards regaled themselves . The usual Masonic toasts ( including the Secretary's toast ) were given , and the brethren parted in good fellowship .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HUM . —Ancient York Conclave of Redemption . —This conclave was opened in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , on Friday , the 17 th inst , by the E . C . Sir Knt . Walter Reynolds , assisted by Sir Knts . M . C . Peck , 1 st Capt . ; J . F . Holden , as 2 nd Capt . ; Thos . Walton , as Prelate ; J . N . Scherlin , Expert ; F . Jackson , tof LinesThere were also present Sir Knts . C . Wells
Cap . . , J . H . Peart , Thos . Dale , & c . The conclave having been opened in due form , tlie minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Comp . R , V . Allison , of tbe Old Globe Chapter , Scarbi-o' , who was unanimously accepted , and who , being in attendance , was admitted and installed a Sir Knt . of the Order by the E . C . This being the meeting for the election of E . C . for the ensuing year , tbe E . C . called when Sir Knt
upon the Sir Knts . present to make their choice , . Gilbert Wilkinson , 2 nd Capt ., was unanimously elected . Sir Knt . Holden then moved a vote of thanks to the retiring B . C ., which was carried by acclamation . One candidate for installalation in this beautiful degree having been proposed , tbe conclave was closed in due form , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to the banquet hall , and spent the remainder of tbe evening in harmony .
LODGE OE SORROW . —The late Bro . J . . 1 . J . Gourgas was made a Mason early in the present century , in L'Union Francaiso Lodge ( No . 71 ) , of this city , and has long been borne on its roll as an honorary member . His sudden death prevented the brethren from rendering to his remains the public honours clue to one who has so long wrought in our quarries , and they propose to supply the omission , so far as can be done , by a Loclge of Sorrow . —New York Despatch .
New Zealand.
TARANAKI . LAYING THE FOUNDATION PILE OE THE FREEMASONS' HAEE . St . John ' s Day , 1864 , was a busy day with the Freemasons of the Mount Egmont Loclge ( No . 670 , E . C . ) According to ancient usage , the brethren met at high noon at the lodge-room , Devonstreet , on Tuesday , the 27 th Dec . ( the anniversary of St . John the Evangelist ) to instal the W . M . for the ensuing year , and
to transact the usual annual business . At 11 . 30 there was a large attendance of the brethren at the opening of the lodge . The usual Board of Past "Masters having been constituted , Bro . W . Carrington ( who had been elected to the W . M . ' s chair for the ensuing year ) was installed in the usual manner , Bro . Black , P . M ., being installing Master . The W . M . then appointed bis officers , who were invested with their collars ancl jewels bBroBlackancl appropriate addresses delivered by
y . , him to each , viz ., Bros . F . L . Webster , S . W . ; H . W . Brewer , J . W . ; Lang , Sec . ; Hammerton , S . D . ; Aavonson , J . D . ; Skinner , I . G . ; ancl Howell , Tyler . Bro . Knight , having heen elected Treasurer by the lodge , was also re-invested with the Treasurer ' s collar and jewel . At the termination of the business , ^ the brethren formed in procession , and , preceded by the band of the 70 th Regiment , playing the " Entered Apprentice ' s Song "
arranged as a march—which had heen kindly allowed to take a part in the clay ' s festivities by Col . Mulock—attended Divine Service at St , Mary ' s Church , where their Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . II . H . Brown , preached an excellent sermon from the 5 th verse of the 22 nd chapter of the Revelations"And there shall be no night there ; and they need no
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was always ready with his best advice and a delightful song . Bro . Choblmm was useful and kind as ever . Bro . Weeden , the father of the lodge , was respected by all . The WJM . then gave Bro . Coombes a P . M . ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription" Presented by the brethren of the Royal Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) to Bro . Wm . Coombes , P . M ., in testimony of their high appreciation of the great zeal , ability , and courtesy displayed by him during the year lie presided as Worshipful Master . 1865 "—
Wishing that he might always wear , and look upon it as a token of their respect ancl esteem . Bro . Coombes , I . P . M ., had tried to do his best since he had been connected with the lodge . It was very gratifying to him to receive that mark of theij . approbation ancl esteem , and although he bad then passed the chair be should not lessen his zeal in the cause . Bro . Newall , P . M ., could not help contrasting the lodge as it was when he first knew it and at the present time . He believed it was
planted in a good soil , and brought forth fruit abundantly . He was sure that if brethren tried to make a Master comfortable he would , in return , endeavour to do the same with them , ancl in his own case he knew the value of such reciprocity of good offices . The more bo met them the more he liked them , and that caused him to feel a warm attachment to the lodge for which he had exerted himself to the utmost , ancl not for self-interested motives , but for the good of the lodge . Bros .
Carter ancl Cliobham each followed with thanks , ancl Bro . Weeden said he was proud to have been called the father of the lodgo . He had been a Mason thirty-four years , ancl was still a member of that , his mother , lodge . lie was glad to have lived so long to see its prosperity , ancl hoped to share it for some years to come . The health of the officers followed , which was replied to seriatim . To the memory of Bro . Theodore Claisen , drank in solemn silence . The Treasurer and Secretary , tbe latter being presented with a Bible by the loclge , and sundry other toasts , speeches , ancl songs . After all of which the loclge was finally closed and the meeting adjourned .
SURREY . REIGATE . —Surrey Lod . e ( No . 416 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the evening of Saturday , the 18 th inst ., when there wove present—Bros . C . J . Smith , W . M . ; Lainson , S . W . ; Sargnnt , J . W . ; J . Llewellyn Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; Lees , Sisson , Holman , and Carruthers , P . M . 's ; Thompson , S . D . ; Foot , J . D . ; Last , I . G . ;
Ke . sey , Dir . of Cers . ; Hart , Sec . ; Morrison , Treas . ; Bev . J . C . Wyater , Chaplain . Visitors—Wood , 90 ; Newman and Wren , ancl other brethren of the lodge . The duties , after the usual confirmation of the minutes , were to ballot for three joining members , Bros . Hon . Monson , Rev . Hough , ancl Capt Ker . To ballot for Mr . J . Watuey , Mr . A . G . Hall , and Dr . Chessall , for initiation . The ballot having been taken and proved satisfactorythe gentlemen named in tho summonses
, were elected as joining members ancl for initiation . The W . M . then passed Bros . Pym ancl Down to the degree of F . C , and afterwards in his usual impressive manner duly initiated Messrs . Watney , Hall , and Chessall , into Masonry . The Masonic work to be clone was certainly more than usual in this county lodge , ancl we cannot but congratulate the W . M . on the flourishing state of Masonry in the Surrey Lodge , a larger number of brethren being presentand for his untiring
, efforts and energies to promote Masonry ancl Masonic feeling in the province . The brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Steed , when tbe usual Masonic toasts were given , and the brethren separated at an early hour having , spent a profitable and pleasant evening .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCARBOROUGH . —Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —On Wednesday , the loth inst ., the usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place under the superintendence of Bro . W . B . Stewart , W . M ., assisted by Past Masters William Bean , James F . Spun-, W . F . Rooke , H . C . Martin , Sec ; John W . Woodall , Treas . ; H . A . Williamson , S . W . ; J . Hargreaves , J . W . ; William
Peacock , S . D . ; S . Gibson , J . D . ; R . H . Peacock , I . G . ; D . Ash , Tyler . Fifteen other members of tbis lodge were present ; also Bro . Thorne , of Lodge No . 94 , Sunderland , and Bro . Croft , of Lodge No . 123 , Richmond . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes having been read ancl confirmed , one brother was proposed a joining member . Two gentlemen were proposed candidates for the mysteries of Freemasonry . The
lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Baillie , Heselton , and Fleet , passed a very satisfactory examination , after which the lodge was opened in the [ third degree , and Bros . Baillie , Heselton , ancl Fleet , were separately raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge was then closed in the several degrees with prayer . The brethren afterwards regaled themselves . The usual Masonic toasts ( including the Secretary's toast ) were given , and the brethren parted in good fellowship .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HUM . —Ancient York Conclave of Redemption . —This conclave was opened in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , on Friday , the 17 th inst , by the E . C . Sir Knt . Walter Reynolds , assisted by Sir Knts . M . C . Peck , 1 st Capt . ; J . F . Holden , as 2 nd Capt . ; Thos . Walton , as Prelate ; J . N . Scherlin , Expert ; F . Jackson , tof LinesThere were also present Sir Knts . C . Wells
Cap . . , J . H . Peart , Thos . Dale , & c . The conclave having been opened in due form , tlie minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Comp . R , V . Allison , of tbe Old Globe Chapter , Scarbi-o' , who was unanimously accepted , and who , being in attendance , was admitted and installed a Sir Knt . of the Order by the E . C . This being the meeting for the election of E . C . for the ensuing year , tbe E . C . called when Sir Knt
upon the Sir Knts . present to make their choice , . Gilbert Wilkinson , 2 nd Capt ., was unanimously elected . Sir Knt . Holden then moved a vote of thanks to the retiring B . C ., which was carried by acclamation . One candidate for installalation in this beautiful degree having been proposed , tbe conclave was closed in due form , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to the banquet hall , and spent the remainder of tbe evening in harmony .
LODGE OE SORROW . —The late Bro . J . . 1 . J . Gourgas was made a Mason early in the present century , in L'Union Francaiso Lodge ( No . 71 ) , of this city , and has long been borne on its roll as an honorary member . His sudden death prevented the brethren from rendering to his remains the public honours clue to one who has so long wrought in our quarries , and they propose to supply the omission , so far as can be done , by a Loclge of Sorrow . —New York Despatch .
New Zealand.
TARANAKI . LAYING THE FOUNDATION PILE OE THE FREEMASONS' HAEE . St . John ' s Day , 1864 , was a busy day with the Freemasons of the Mount Egmont Loclge ( No . 670 , E . C . ) According to ancient usage , the brethren met at high noon at the lodge-room , Devonstreet , on Tuesday , the 27 th Dec . ( the anniversary of St . John the Evangelist ) to instal the W . M . for the ensuing year , and
to transact the usual annual business . At 11 . 30 there was a large attendance of the brethren at the opening of the lodge . The usual Board of Past "Masters having been constituted , Bro . W . Carrington ( who had been elected to the W . M . ' s chair for the ensuing year ) was installed in the usual manner , Bro . Black , P . M ., being installing Master . The W . M . then appointed bis officers , who were invested with their collars ancl jewels bBroBlackancl appropriate addresses delivered by
y . , him to each , viz ., Bros . F . L . Webster , S . W . ; H . W . Brewer , J . W . ; Lang , Sec . ; Hammerton , S . D . ; Aavonson , J . D . ; Skinner , I . G . ; ancl Howell , Tyler . Bro . Knight , having heen elected Treasurer by the lodge , was also re-invested with the Treasurer ' s collar and jewel . At the termination of the business , ^ the brethren formed in procession , and , preceded by the band of the 70 th Regiment , playing the " Entered Apprentice ' s Song "
arranged as a march—which had heen kindly allowed to take a part in the clay ' s festivities by Col . Mulock—attended Divine Service at St , Mary ' s Church , where their Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . II . H . Brown , preached an excellent sermon from the 5 th verse of the 22 nd chapter of the Revelations"And there shall be no night there ; and they need no