Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
be examined on that day . At th < 3 Thames Police Court several seamen were charged with mutinous conduct iu that they refused to fulfil their agreement by proceeding to sea in the ship Magnificent , whose destination is Melbourne . Two of the prisoners decided upon returning to the vessel , but the others were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment . Mary Bibby was tried at tbe Manchester assizes , for the
murder of her child . The prisoner some time ago put the child in a box , which she carried to the Victoria Station , and handed to a guard , stating that she bad taken a ticket for Preston . The box was placed in the luggage van and carried on to Preston , bufc as no one claimed ifc there , ifc was sent up to London , where it was-opened . The body thus brought to
light , was examined by medical men , and the appearance seemed to justify that the child had been pressed into the box alive and suffocated . It came out , however , that Bibby was in the habit of giving the child doses of laudanum to " keep it quiet , " and it was urged that having administered a larger dose than the infant could bear , she sought to conceal the
result of her carelessness by disposing of the body in the manner we have stated . This view seems to have been adopted by the jury , who returned a verdict of manslaughter . Bibby was sentenced to fifteen months' hard labour . On Saturday , William Ambler , an attorney , and Charles Bradbury , his clerk , were convicted of conspiring under false pretences to obtain a sum
¦ of money from the wife of a man named Mitchell . The prisoners were each sentenced to four months' imprisonment . William Hamilton was sentenced to death for the murder of Taylor Tilley , landlord of the Globe Inn , Birchin-lane , Manchester . Atkinson , the Spen pitman , has been executed at Durham for the murder of'his wife . His crime was attended with circumstances of almost unexampled atrocity , ancl his death was about
as dreadful as a murderer's could possibly be . When tbe bolt was drawn the rope broke close by tbe noose , and the convict fell a distance of about fifteen feet . It was supposed by the ¦ on-lookers that the fall must have proved fatal to him ; but a new rope was at once attached to the beam , ancl in about twenty minutes Atkinson reappeared on the scaffold , "
apparently none the worse for tbis terrible fall . " The bolt was again drawn , and the sentence of death was executed . A man murdered his wife at Newcastle on Saturday . His name is Fox . The couple seem to have lived very unhappily together , chiefly in consequence of their intemperance . They had many and serious quarrels , and one of these on Saturday culminated
in Fox striking his wife dead with a heavy pan . He is in custody . An unusual attempt to take forcible possession of property occurred the other day in the neighbourhood of Leeds . A man persuaded himself that he was heir at law to some house property which was in possession of two brothers , got a few rough fellows to back him , who forced their way into the
house in question , violently ejected the inmates , and proceeded to regale on the provisions they found there . The astonished and ejected inmates procured legal aid , ancl became the assailants in their turn , speedily regaining possession of their property . It ought to be added that , while the usurpers held possession of the premises , valuable property within their reach was
afterwards found to be uninjured . On Sunday afternoon a fire of considerable magnitude broke out on the north quary of the East India Docks . An enormous amount of property was destroyed . The fire is attributed to spontaneous combustion . A gale , which visited us on Satuday , Sunday , and Monday , proved very destructive at various points . As usual , the Tyne
and the harbours on that part of the north coast have had their full proportion of wrecks and loss of life . So high up the River Thames as Blackwall some laden coal barges , to the
number of about sixty , which were anchored in the river waiting to be taken to various wharves above bridge , laboured much , and finally went down at their moorings . The lock-out in the iron trade still continues . Two firms , however , in the neighbourhood of the town of Wolverhampton , have again opened their works . The men , anticipating a long struggle , are , it is said ,
organising an emigration ! movement on a large scale . A circular memorandum has been issued by the Post-office authorities in reference to the wages of sorters , stampers , and carriers . Ifc contains a table of the pay of the different classes which the Postmaster-General wishes to be understood as forming a permanent arrangement . Further , the men are
reminded that the wages do not represent all the benefits which they derive , for that all have medical advice gratis , the carriers a suit of uniform , a fortnight ' s holiday every year , and constant work in fixed localities . A meeting of trades ' delegates was held on Wednesday at the Sussex Hotel , Bouverie-street , to consider the lock-out in the iron trade . Mr . G .
Potter again presided . Deputations from North and South Staffordshire and from Gateshead were present . One of the speakers did not hesitate to recommend the North Staffordshire men to go in and thus end the loek-ont , submitting at the same time their case to arbitration . A resolution to this effect was carried , so that there is a prospect now of the lock-out
being terminated . It was stated that among others Lord Elcho and Lord Stanley had offered their services as arbitrators An inquest was held on Wednesday on the body of John Rattonbm-y , ayoung man , 19 years of age , who was knocked down by an omnibus on Holborn-hill and killed . A verdict of accidental death was returned . Ifc is surprising that a greater number of accidents do not occur in this dangerous
thoroughfare . An adjourned inquest on the body of Mr . George Drake , of Enfield , was held on AVednesday . The deceased was taken ill at the Gordon Hotel , ancl was removed thence by the police , who brought him before the magistrate at Bowstreet , by whom he was sent to tbe Strand Union as being insane . Dr . Rogers , of that institution found that he was not insane , but that he was really suffering from congestion of the
brain . He died shortly afterwards . There appeared to be some reason to believe that the police had not been very careful with Mr . Drake . The jury , however , returned a verdict that he died from natural causes . At the Lewes assizes a lady named Grant , the widow of an officer killed in Delhi during the Indian mutiny , was charged with Arson . Ifc was alleged that she had
set fire to a house in Brighton which she was just leaving . The case occupied a long time . The jury returned a verdict of not guilty , which was received with a hurst of applause . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The statement that M . de Sartiges had informed the Pope that tbe withdrawal of French troops from Rome was to commence forthwith , receives an
official contradiction in the columns of the Moniteur . The same authority says that his Holiness has expressed his purpose to set about forming tho nucleus of an army for the protection of his domains . The deputation from the French Senate on Monday presented to the Emperor the Address in reply to the Speech from the Throne . The Emperor expressed his
satisfaction that the acts of his Government were assented to and appreciated by the first body of the state , whose almost unanimous vote on the Address showed the union that existed between the Government and the deliberative assemblies . Tbe Government has communicated to the Parisian public the news of the surrender of Oajaca , Mexico , to Gen . Bazaine . 4 , 000 prisoners came at discretion into the hands of the French . Tho Consiitiitionnel of Saturday last published an article , to which some importance
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
be examined on that day . At th < 3 Thames Police Court several seamen were charged with mutinous conduct iu that they refused to fulfil their agreement by proceeding to sea in the ship Magnificent , whose destination is Melbourne . Two of the prisoners decided upon returning to the vessel , but the others were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment . Mary Bibby was tried at tbe Manchester assizes , for the
murder of her child . The prisoner some time ago put the child in a box , which she carried to the Victoria Station , and handed to a guard , stating that she bad taken a ticket for Preston . The box was placed in the luggage van and carried on to Preston , bufc as no one claimed ifc there , ifc was sent up to London , where it was-opened . The body thus brought to
light , was examined by medical men , and the appearance seemed to justify that the child had been pressed into the box alive and suffocated . It came out , however , that Bibby was in the habit of giving the child doses of laudanum to " keep it quiet , " and it was urged that having administered a larger dose than the infant could bear , she sought to conceal the
result of her carelessness by disposing of the body in the manner we have stated . This view seems to have been adopted by the jury , who returned a verdict of manslaughter . Bibby was sentenced to fifteen months' hard labour . On Saturday , William Ambler , an attorney , and Charles Bradbury , his clerk , were convicted of conspiring under false pretences to obtain a sum
¦ of money from the wife of a man named Mitchell . The prisoners were each sentenced to four months' imprisonment . William Hamilton was sentenced to death for the murder of Taylor Tilley , landlord of the Globe Inn , Birchin-lane , Manchester . Atkinson , the Spen pitman , has been executed at Durham for the murder of'his wife . His crime was attended with circumstances of almost unexampled atrocity , ancl his death was about
as dreadful as a murderer's could possibly be . When tbe bolt was drawn the rope broke close by tbe noose , and the convict fell a distance of about fifteen feet . It was supposed by the ¦ on-lookers that the fall must have proved fatal to him ; but a new rope was at once attached to the beam , ancl in about twenty minutes Atkinson reappeared on the scaffold , "
apparently none the worse for tbis terrible fall . " The bolt was again drawn , and the sentence of death was executed . A man murdered his wife at Newcastle on Saturday . His name is Fox . The couple seem to have lived very unhappily together , chiefly in consequence of their intemperance . They had many and serious quarrels , and one of these on Saturday culminated
in Fox striking his wife dead with a heavy pan . He is in custody . An unusual attempt to take forcible possession of property occurred the other day in the neighbourhood of Leeds . A man persuaded himself that he was heir at law to some house property which was in possession of two brothers , got a few rough fellows to back him , who forced their way into the
house in question , violently ejected the inmates , and proceeded to regale on the provisions they found there . The astonished and ejected inmates procured legal aid , ancl became the assailants in their turn , speedily regaining possession of their property . It ought to be added that , while the usurpers held possession of the premises , valuable property within their reach was
afterwards found to be uninjured . On Sunday afternoon a fire of considerable magnitude broke out on the north quary of the East India Docks . An enormous amount of property was destroyed . The fire is attributed to spontaneous combustion . A gale , which visited us on Satuday , Sunday , and Monday , proved very destructive at various points . As usual , the Tyne
and the harbours on that part of the north coast have had their full proportion of wrecks and loss of life . So high up the River Thames as Blackwall some laden coal barges , to the
number of about sixty , which were anchored in the river waiting to be taken to various wharves above bridge , laboured much , and finally went down at their moorings . The lock-out in the iron trade still continues . Two firms , however , in the neighbourhood of the town of Wolverhampton , have again opened their works . The men , anticipating a long struggle , are , it is said ,
organising an emigration ! movement on a large scale . A circular memorandum has been issued by the Post-office authorities in reference to the wages of sorters , stampers , and carriers . Ifc contains a table of the pay of the different classes which the Postmaster-General wishes to be understood as forming a permanent arrangement . Further , the men are
reminded that the wages do not represent all the benefits which they derive , for that all have medical advice gratis , the carriers a suit of uniform , a fortnight ' s holiday every year , and constant work in fixed localities . A meeting of trades ' delegates was held on Wednesday at the Sussex Hotel , Bouverie-street , to consider the lock-out in the iron trade . Mr . G .
Potter again presided . Deputations from North and South Staffordshire and from Gateshead were present . One of the speakers did not hesitate to recommend the North Staffordshire men to go in and thus end the loek-ont , submitting at the same time their case to arbitration . A resolution to this effect was carried , so that there is a prospect now of the lock-out
being terminated . It was stated that among others Lord Elcho and Lord Stanley had offered their services as arbitrators An inquest was held on Wednesday on the body of John Rattonbm-y , ayoung man , 19 years of age , who was knocked down by an omnibus on Holborn-hill and killed . A verdict of accidental death was returned . Ifc is surprising that a greater number of accidents do not occur in this dangerous
thoroughfare . An adjourned inquest on the body of Mr . George Drake , of Enfield , was held on AVednesday . The deceased was taken ill at the Gordon Hotel , ancl was removed thence by the police , who brought him before the magistrate at Bowstreet , by whom he was sent to tbe Strand Union as being insane . Dr . Rogers , of that institution found that he was not insane , but that he was really suffering from congestion of the
brain . He died shortly afterwards . There appeared to be some reason to believe that the police had not been very careful with Mr . Drake . The jury , however , returned a verdict that he died from natural causes . At the Lewes assizes a lady named Grant , the widow of an officer killed in Delhi during the Indian mutiny , was charged with Arson . Ifc was alleged that she had
set fire to a house in Brighton which she was just leaving . The case occupied a long time . The jury returned a verdict of not guilty , which was received with a hurst of applause . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The statement that M . de Sartiges had informed the Pope that tbe withdrawal of French troops from Rome was to commence forthwith , receives an
official contradiction in the columns of the Moniteur . The same authority says that his Holiness has expressed his purpose to set about forming tho nucleus of an army for the protection of his domains . The deputation from the French Senate on Monday presented to the Emperor the Address in reply to the Speech from the Throne . The Emperor expressed his
satisfaction that the acts of his Government were assented to and appreciated by the first body of the state , whose almost unanimous vote on the Address showed the union that existed between the Government and the deliberative assemblies . Tbe Government has communicated to the Parisian public the news of the surrender of Oajaca , Mexico , to Gen . Bazaine . 4 , 000 prisoners came at discretion into the hands of the French . Tho Consiitiitionnel of Saturday last published an article , to which some importance