Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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The New Grand Officers.
at that time in a flourishing condition . Brother Savage , as we have already stated , is a Royal Arch Mason , having been exalted in the Royal York Chapter , No . 7 , on the 24 th of January , 1837 , by the then acting Principals , Comps . Philipe , Bulmer , ancl S . B . Wilson ; and after serving some of the subordinate offices , was elected J . in
1841 ; H . in 1842 ; and M . E . Z . in 1843 . He continues a subscribing member to the present time , and it is somewhat remarkable , that during this lengthened period he has never once been absent from a regular convocation of the Chapter . He was for nearly ten years a member of the Domatic Chapter , No . 206 ; was elected M . E . Z . in 1844 , and presented with an appropriate P . Z . jewel . For nearly
thirty years no new Chapter warrant had been granted in the London district ; but in 1843 , the then most numerous London Lodge , Robert Burns , No . 25 , having one hundred members , petitioned the Grand Chapter for a warrant of constitution , ancl after one or two ineffectual attempts , it was carried in Grand Chapter by a large majority , Brother Savage warmladvocating its grantancl in February 1844
y ; , , the new Grand Chapter was consecrated at a large ancl brilliant meeting , by Comp . Ramsbottam , the Grand J . of the Supreme Grand Chapter , assisted in the other chairs by Comps . W . H . White and John Savage ; and the latter has continued a subscribing member from that time to the present , having been called to fill the chair of M . E . Z . in 1849 , and afterwards voted the elegant P . Z . jewel , peculiar to this
Chapter , and granted to it by special dispensation . Brother Savage has been a constant and cordial supporter of Lodges of Instruction , ancl was a member of most of those in existence at the time of his introduction to the Order . He joined the Emulation Loclge of Improvement in the spring of 1836 , then as now under the presidency and able guidance of Brother S . B . Wilson , the successor of the lamented
Peter Gilkes . Bro . Savage undertook the office of Honorary Secretary , which he filled ivith great zeal ancl close attention for three years ; ancl was presented with a handsome ' ^ Secretary ' s jewel in token of the high esteem in which he was held by the brethren . For many years afterwards he continued a constant attendant , though of late his visits have been very few in consequence of the pressure of other
engage-ments , but he has long been justly considered a good working Mason , having received his instruction and learned all the ceremonies and lecturesin Craft Masonry , from his es teemed friend , Brother S . B . Wilson , P . J . G . D . In 1844 Brother Savage consecrated the Chapter of Perseverance , No . 674 , Newcastle-under-Lyne , ancl since that period has consecrated many other Chapters , amongst which may be named the
St . Wulstan ' s , No . 349 , Worcester ; the Essex , No . 343 , Chelmsford ; the Vernon , No . 786 , Walsall ; the Enoch , No . 11 , London ; the Shakspeare , No . 356 , Warwick ; the Howe , No . 857 , Birmingham ; the Belvidere , No . 741 , Maidstone , & c , & c . His installations in Craft Masonry are too numerous to be referred to , but it maybe stated that he installed the R , W . Lord Leigh , as Prov . Grand Master for Warwickshire , Brother Savage having deeply studied the principles
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The New Grand Officers.
at that time in a flourishing condition . Brother Savage , as we have already stated , is a Royal Arch Mason , having been exalted in the Royal York Chapter , No . 7 , on the 24 th of January , 1837 , by the then acting Principals , Comps . Philipe , Bulmer , ancl S . B . Wilson ; and after serving some of the subordinate offices , was elected J . in
1841 ; H . in 1842 ; and M . E . Z . in 1843 . He continues a subscribing member to the present time , and it is somewhat remarkable , that during this lengthened period he has never once been absent from a regular convocation of the Chapter . He was for nearly ten years a member of the Domatic Chapter , No . 206 ; was elected M . E . Z . in 1844 , and presented with an appropriate P . Z . jewel . For nearly
thirty years no new Chapter warrant had been granted in the London district ; but in 1843 , the then most numerous London Lodge , Robert Burns , No . 25 , having one hundred members , petitioned the Grand Chapter for a warrant of constitution , ancl after one or two ineffectual attempts , it was carried in Grand Chapter by a large majority , Brother Savage warmladvocating its grantancl in February 1844
y ; , , the new Grand Chapter was consecrated at a large ancl brilliant meeting , by Comp . Ramsbottam , the Grand J . of the Supreme Grand Chapter , assisted in the other chairs by Comps . W . H . White and John Savage ; and the latter has continued a subscribing member from that time to the present , having been called to fill the chair of M . E . Z . in 1849 , and afterwards voted the elegant P . Z . jewel , peculiar to this
Chapter , and granted to it by special dispensation . Brother Savage has been a constant and cordial supporter of Lodges of Instruction , ancl was a member of most of those in existence at the time of his introduction to the Order . He joined the Emulation Loclge of Improvement in the spring of 1836 , then as now under the presidency and able guidance of Brother S . B . Wilson , the successor of the lamented
Peter Gilkes . Bro . Savage undertook the office of Honorary Secretary , which he filled ivith great zeal ancl close attention for three years ; ancl was presented with a handsome ' ^ Secretary ' s jewel in token of the high esteem in which he was held by the brethren . For many years afterwards he continued a constant attendant , though of late his visits have been very few in consequence of the pressure of other
engage-ments , but he has long been justly considered a good working Mason , having received his instruction and learned all the ceremonies and lecturesin Craft Masonry , from his es teemed friend , Brother S . B . Wilson , P . J . G . D . In 1844 Brother Savage consecrated the Chapter of Perseverance , No . 674 , Newcastle-under-Lyne , ancl since that period has consecrated many other Chapters , amongst which may be named the
St . Wulstan ' s , No . 349 , Worcester ; the Essex , No . 343 , Chelmsford ; the Vernon , No . 786 , Walsall ; the Enoch , No . 11 , London ; the Shakspeare , No . 356 , Warwick ; the Howe , No . 857 , Birmingham ; the Belvidere , No . 741 , Maidstone , & c , & c . His installations in Craft Masonry are too numerous to be referred to , but it maybe stated that he installed the R , W . Lord Leigh , as Prov . Grand Master for Warwickshire , Brother Savage having deeply studied the principles