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Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
The ballot was then proceeded with , ancl resulted as follows : — MAXES ELECTED . Votes . Age . Annuity . 1 . Spark , James , Bishop Wearmonth ... 11 , 217 69 £ 20 2 . Avery , William , Plymouth 9417 64 20 3 . Martin , James , Worsly , Lancashire 8388 81 30 4 . Blackburn , William , Dewsbury 7633 82 30
5 . Squire , James , Appleby 7322 77 25 6 . Hovle , Henry , Bury , Lancashire ... 7317 74 25 7 . Butterfleld , D ., Leeds 6508 70 25 8 . Heathcote , Matthew , Lancashire ... 5952 58 25 9 . Lacy , Jonas , Rochdale 5937 70 25 10 . Eauffman , Karl , London 5561 70 25 11 . Goodenough , Charles , London 4846 65 25 12 . Pafcerson , AVffliam , London 4460 79 25
SOT ELECTED . Vcfes . 13 . Bnrch , Thomas 4154 14 . Brindle , James 3781 15 . Boutledae , Thomas 3606 16 . Beckett , * " J . H 3374 17 . Stratton , W . H 3050 18 . Morris , W . 18 G 7
19 . McKennv , M 473 20 . Maxwell , " H 387 21 . Wherry , James 125 22 . Cockcraft , J 89 23 . Hinde , Chris 84 24 . Morley , J 75 25 . Knight , H 73
WIDOWS ELECTED . Votes . Age . Annuity . 1 . Wood , Thirza , Margate 6114 58 £ 20 2 . Bowles , Charlotte , Colchester 4580 59 20 3 . Davenport , Eliz ., London 3250 66 20 4 . Weymouth , Sarah , London 3208 03 20 5 . Goulty , Charlotte , London 2335 63 20 G . Yule , Jane , Longtown 2250 80 25 7 . Cook , Eliz ., London 2186 62 20 8 . Paradice , Eliza A ., Devizes 1948 64 20
SOT ELECTED . Votes . 9 . Piper , Eliz 1074 1 . 0 . Pierce , Isabella 1330 11 . Yearts , Alice 1081 12 . Broadfoot , Ann 852 13 . Berry , Eliz 490 14 auf
. Gan , Charlotte 313 15 . Cresswell , Mary 312 16 . Hudswell , Eliz ' . ' , ' . ' . ' .. ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . 33 17 . Dixon , Sarah ' , ' . 17
MES . WEYMOUTH . Bro . > toi GEO . WAJIEE > ' has to return his sincere thanks to those brethren who kindly aided him in placing Mrs . Weymouth so high on the poll as to make her fourth on the list of annuitants elected . After the list of votes published last week , Bro . Warren received from Votes . Bi'O . Atkinson , P ., Middlesbro' 8 " " Jones , J ., London 48 " Header , , T ., London , 8 " Weare , W . M . 348 8
It was the large support Bro . Warren received in the room , however , that mainly placed Mrs . Weymouth in her high position , and which , m the excitement of the election , he kept no n exact record of . He , however , begs publicl y to thank Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B ., from whom he received about 400 votes ; Bro . Aldrich , P . M ., 196 " 00 Bro . Emmens , P . M . 201 , 150 , and about 700 men's votes ; ' Bro ! w ^' - /' ' * '' U 4 " ' - Le Vea " G . P . S . B ., 80 ; Bro . Evans , P . G . S . B ., GO ; Bro . Hinxman , Bro . Stebbings , Bro . Nelson , and others , for their kind assistance . Tlie result of the polling was as follows : —
• r , , , „ Votes . Brought forward 704 Polled through Bro . Warren ..................... 2296 By other parties 208 Total 3208 Bro . Warren has received the following letter , which he publishes , the thanks being equally due to those brethren who supported him : —
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
9 , St . Martin's , Leicester . SIE , —I see , by the Era newspaper , that I have been elected as an annuitant ; if such is the case , I feel that it is entirely owing to your kindness in taking up my case , as I am sure you have exerted yourself very much indeed , or I should not have had such a great increase in votes . I can never be sufficiently grateful for your kindness , and desire to return you my very best thanks for your
great kindness , ivhich , I assure you , will never be forgotten by Your obedient servant , SARAH WEYJIOUTH . In conclusion , we have only to express our regret that Mrs . Piper , who has also been a candidate for 7 years , and who is 75 years of age , has been again unsuccessful—a result ivhich we did not look to , seeing the large number of votes she carried forward—1303 . The slightest exertion from the Essex brethren would have secured her election .
LODGE OE FELICITX ( NO . 66 ) . —The annual Installation Festival of this long-established loclge ivas held on Monclay , May 20 , at the London Tavern . The lodge was opened by Bro . David Ullmann , AV . M ., ancl Bro . Seligmami was passed to the second degree . Bro . John Watkins , P . M ., then assumed the chair , ancl Bro . James Morris , P . M ., W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Eobert Kynaston , P . M ., for installation , and duly inducted into the chair . The W . M . then appointed and invested as officers for the year ensuing— -Bro .
D . TJllmann , P . M . ; Bro . J . Hubbuck , S . W . j Bro . Arthur Finch , J . W . ; Bro . J . Watkins , P . M ., Sec ; Bro . A . Goddard , S . D . j Bro . C . J . Hogg , J . D . ; Bro . Law , I . G . ; Bro . W . B . Graham , P . M . The Treasurer , and Bro . F . Johnson , the Tyler , were also invested . The Treasurer ' s report of the finances was most satisfactory ; and of the Charity fund a good balance was in hand . A poor and distressed Mason who applied for assistance was relieved . The lodge was
closed in love and harmony , and the brethren , including several visitors , adjourned to the banquet room , and , after the cloth was removed , the W . M . ' gave the usual toasts to the Queen and the Grand Master , and then in due course the Deputy G . M . and the rest of the officers , referring to the Earl of Dalhousie deeming it necessary to retire through ill health , and the high promise of Earl tie Grey , whom all the Craft considered to be the right man in the right place . With the toast he connected the Grand Steward of the lodge , Bro . Hubbuck . That worthy brother , in acknowledgment , expressed his intention to attend to the duties of the office to which
the loclge had elected him . Bro . Ullmarm said it fell to his lot to propose the toast of the evening . The admirable manner in which Bro . Morris had discharged the duties of the chair a few years back , and the attention he gave to the business of the lodge on all occasions , was considered by tlie members to be best rewarded by again electing him to preside over them . Nothing could give him ( Bro . Ullmann ) greater pleasure ; and he was sure the same feeling pervaded the breasts of every onethan to wish health and
happi-, ness to tho W . M . The W . M . saicl it was with no ordinary degree of pleasure that he received their kindness . It was six years since he was first placed in the chair , and he could assure the brethren that , from his first entrance into Masonry , but more particularly since that time , he had endeavoured to advance the interests of the Order , and promote the prosperity of the Loclge of Felicity . He trusted the good wishes towards him would be realised , and his
year of office would be advantageous to the lodge . The health of the Past Master was acknowledged by Bro . Kynaston , and that of the visitors by Bro . E . W . Davis . The W . M * saicl they usually toasted the officers in a body ; but it would be ungrateful did he not especially refer to the attention and care of the Treasurer and Secretary . The toast was acknowledged by Bro . Graham . Bro . Finch was also thanked for the attention he paid to the brethren at the Grand Festival , and the other officers for the promise they gave of efficiency in their several duties . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a most felicitous meeting .
PANMTTEE LODGE ( NO . 1017 ) . —This thriving loclge held the first meeting of the season on Saturday , the 18 th of May , at the Pembury Tavern , Upper Clapton . Bro . Robert Clark , the W . M ., presided , and raised to thethirddegree Bro . Seaward . Anewmemberwas proposed for admission at the nextlodge . The routinebusiness was disposed of , and the lodge closed . At six o ' clock the members and visitors gathered around the W . M . at the banquet ; among the visitors present ivere Bro . Mclntyre , S . G . W . ; BIT . A . Pratt , W . M . No . 22 ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
The ballot was then proceeded with , ancl resulted as follows : — MAXES ELECTED . Votes . Age . Annuity . 1 . Spark , James , Bishop Wearmonth ... 11 , 217 69 £ 20 2 . Avery , William , Plymouth 9417 64 20 3 . Martin , James , Worsly , Lancashire 8388 81 30 4 . Blackburn , William , Dewsbury 7633 82 30
5 . Squire , James , Appleby 7322 77 25 6 . Hovle , Henry , Bury , Lancashire ... 7317 74 25 7 . Butterfleld , D ., Leeds 6508 70 25 8 . Heathcote , Matthew , Lancashire ... 5952 58 25 9 . Lacy , Jonas , Rochdale 5937 70 25 10 . Eauffman , Karl , London 5561 70 25 11 . Goodenough , Charles , London 4846 65 25 12 . Pafcerson , AVffliam , London 4460 79 25
SOT ELECTED . Vcfes . 13 . Bnrch , Thomas 4154 14 . Brindle , James 3781 15 . Boutledae , Thomas 3606 16 . Beckett , * " J . H 3374 17 . Stratton , W . H 3050 18 . Morris , W . 18 G 7
19 . McKennv , M 473 20 . Maxwell , " H 387 21 . Wherry , James 125 22 . Cockcraft , J 89 23 . Hinde , Chris 84 24 . Morley , J 75 25 . Knight , H 73
WIDOWS ELECTED . Votes . Age . Annuity . 1 . Wood , Thirza , Margate 6114 58 £ 20 2 . Bowles , Charlotte , Colchester 4580 59 20 3 . Davenport , Eliz ., London 3250 66 20 4 . Weymouth , Sarah , London 3208 03 20 5 . Goulty , Charlotte , London 2335 63 20 G . Yule , Jane , Longtown 2250 80 25 7 . Cook , Eliz ., London 2186 62 20 8 . Paradice , Eliza A ., Devizes 1948 64 20
SOT ELECTED . Votes . 9 . Piper , Eliz 1074 1 . 0 . Pierce , Isabella 1330 11 . Yearts , Alice 1081 12 . Broadfoot , Ann 852 13 . Berry , Eliz 490 14 auf
. Gan , Charlotte 313 15 . Cresswell , Mary 312 16 . Hudswell , Eliz ' . ' , ' . ' . ' .. ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . 33 17 . Dixon , Sarah ' , ' . 17
MES . WEYMOUTH . Bro . > toi GEO . WAJIEE > ' has to return his sincere thanks to those brethren who kindly aided him in placing Mrs . Weymouth so high on the poll as to make her fourth on the list of annuitants elected . After the list of votes published last week , Bro . Warren received from Votes . Bi'O . Atkinson , P ., Middlesbro' 8 " " Jones , J ., London 48 " Header , , T ., London , 8 " Weare , W . M . 348 8
It was the large support Bro . Warren received in the room , however , that mainly placed Mrs . Weymouth in her high position , and which , m the excitement of the election , he kept no n exact record of . He , however , begs publicl y to thank Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B ., from whom he received about 400 votes ; Bro . Aldrich , P . M ., 196 " 00 Bro . Emmens , P . M . 201 , 150 , and about 700 men's votes ; ' Bro ! w ^' - /' ' * '' U 4 " ' - Le Vea " G . P . S . B ., 80 ; Bro . Evans , P . G . S . B ., GO ; Bro . Hinxman , Bro . Stebbings , Bro . Nelson , and others , for their kind assistance . Tlie result of the polling was as follows : —
• r , , , „ Votes . Brought forward 704 Polled through Bro . Warren ..................... 2296 By other parties 208 Total 3208 Bro . Warren has received the following letter , which he publishes , the thanks being equally due to those brethren who supported him : —
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
9 , St . Martin's , Leicester . SIE , —I see , by the Era newspaper , that I have been elected as an annuitant ; if such is the case , I feel that it is entirely owing to your kindness in taking up my case , as I am sure you have exerted yourself very much indeed , or I should not have had such a great increase in votes . I can never be sufficiently grateful for your kindness , and desire to return you my very best thanks for your
great kindness , ivhich , I assure you , will never be forgotten by Your obedient servant , SARAH WEYJIOUTH . In conclusion , we have only to express our regret that Mrs . Piper , who has also been a candidate for 7 years , and who is 75 years of age , has been again unsuccessful—a result ivhich we did not look to , seeing the large number of votes she carried forward—1303 . The slightest exertion from the Essex brethren would have secured her election .
LODGE OE FELICITX ( NO . 66 ) . —The annual Installation Festival of this long-established loclge ivas held on Monclay , May 20 , at the London Tavern . The lodge was opened by Bro . David Ullmann , AV . M ., ancl Bro . Seligmami was passed to the second degree . Bro . John Watkins , P . M ., then assumed the chair , ancl Bro . James Morris , P . M ., W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Eobert Kynaston , P . M ., for installation , and duly inducted into the chair . The W . M . then appointed and invested as officers for the year ensuing— -Bro .
D . TJllmann , P . M . ; Bro . J . Hubbuck , S . W . j Bro . Arthur Finch , J . W . ; Bro . J . Watkins , P . M ., Sec ; Bro . A . Goddard , S . D . j Bro . C . J . Hogg , J . D . ; Bro . Law , I . G . ; Bro . W . B . Graham , P . M . The Treasurer , and Bro . F . Johnson , the Tyler , were also invested . The Treasurer ' s report of the finances was most satisfactory ; and of the Charity fund a good balance was in hand . A poor and distressed Mason who applied for assistance was relieved . The lodge was
closed in love and harmony , and the brethren , including several visitors , adjourned to the banquet room , and , after the cloth was removed , the W . M . ' gave the usual toasts to the Queen and the Grand Master , and then in due course the Deputy G . M . and the rest of the officers , referring to the Earl of Dalhousie deeming it necessary to retire through ill health , and the high promise of Earl tie Grey , whom all the Craft considered to be the right man in the right place . With the toast he connected the Grand Steward of the lodge , Bro . Hubbuck . That worthy brother , in acknowledgment , expressed his intention to attend to the duties of the office to which
the loclge had elected him . Bro . Ullmarm said it fell to his lot to propose the toast of the evening . The admirable manner in which Bro . Morris had discharged the duties of the chair a few years back , and the attention he gave to the business of the lodge on all occasions , was considered by tlie members to be best rewarded by again electing him to preside over them . Nothing could give him ( Bro . Ullmann ) greater pleasure ; and he was sure the same feeling pervaded the breasts of every onethan to wish health and
happi-, ness to tho W . M . The W . M . saicl it was with no ordinary degree of pleasure that he received their kindness . It was six years since he was first placed in the chair , and he could assure the brethren that , from his first entrance into Masonry , but more particularly since that time , he had endeavoured to advance the interests of the Order , and promote the prosperity of the Loclge of Felicity . He trusted the good wishes towards him would be realised , and his
year of office would be advantageous to the lodge . The health of the Past Master was acknowledged by Bro . Kynaston , and that of the visitors by Bro . E . W . Davis . The W . M * saicl they usually toasted the officers in a body ; but it would be ungrateful did he not especially refer to the attention and care of the Treasurer and Secretary . The toast was acknowledged by Bro . Graham . Bro . Finch was also thanked for the attention he paid to the brethren at the Grand Festival , and the other officers for the promise they gave of efficiency in their several duties . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a most felicitous meeting .
PANMTTEE LODGE ( NO . 1017 ) . —This thriving loclge held the first meeting of the season on Saturday , the 18 th of May , at the Pembury Tavern , Upper Clapton . Bro . Robert Clark , the W . M ., presided , and raised to thethirddegree Bro . Seaward . Anewmemberwas proposed for admission at the nextlodge . The routinebusiness was disposed of , and the lodge closed . At six o ' clock the members and visitors gathered around the W . M . at the banquet ; among the visitors present ivere Bro . Mclntyre , S . G . W . ; BIT . A . Pratt , W . M . No . 22 ;