Article : PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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: Provincial.
son , J . W . ; Davis , See ., & c . Bro . AVeare , W . M ., No . 348 , Visitor . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Henry Peake Green as a candidate for initiation , who was unanimously elected , but was prevented attending by severe indisposition . This being the period for electing a AV . M . for the ensuing year , a ballot took place , whicli
resulted in the unanimous election to that office of Bro . Thomas Sheppard , S . AV ., who thanked the brethren , for the honour they had conferred upon him . Bro . Brewin stated that as the present was his last lodge as AV . M ., he ivould take the opportunity of thanking his officers for their services during his year of office . The AV . M ., In the name of Bro . Lieut .-Col . Turner , and the officers of the Leicestershire Regiment of Volunteer Rifles , conveyed their thanks to the brethren of the two local lodges for their kindness in
granting the use of the Masonic Hall for the banquet recently given by the Rifle Corps to the officers of the Leicestershire Militia and Yeomanry Cavalry , In so doing they had , on this occasion , departed from the arrangement restricting the use of the hall solely to Masonic purposes , and which had relieved the corps from the difficulty in which they were placed in obtaining suitable accommodation After some business of a routine character , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MIDDLESEX . HOUNSLOW . —Dalhousie Lodge ( No . 1167 ) . —If the weather is allowed to exercise any influence on a new enterprise , this lodge had a fair start on AVednesday , the 15 th of May , when , after months of winter , the sun shone out in full splendour and imparted its warmth and vigour to a goodly assembly of brethren , who , at 3 p . m ., met
at the Red Lion Hotel , in the ancient town of Hounslow , to assist iii the consecration . The ceremony was confided to the V . AV . Bro . Dr . George Harcourt , D . Prov . G . M . of Surrey , and P . G . D . C . ; the V . W . Bro . John Hervey , P . G . D ., acting , as D . G . M . ; Rev . Bro . J . G . AVood , P . Prov . G . Chap . Oxon , as Chaplain ; Bro . Jeremiah How , Prov . G . D . C , Herts , being Dir . of Cers . Bro . Harcourt appointed Bro . Devereux , P . M . No . 1073 , and Bro . Spencer , P . M . No . 329 to fill the AVardens' chairs—above thirty brethren being
, present , amongst whom were Bro . J . Greenwood , Prov . G . Sec , Surrey ; Bro . F . Adlard , P . Prov . G . D . C , Essex ; Bro . AV . AVatson , P . G . St . ; Bro . Gillespie , P . M . No . 3 ; Bro . Newsom , P . M . No . 3 ; Bro . Willmott , P . M . No . 57 ; Bro . Fraser , AV . M ., and Bro . Coulcher , P . M ., No . 1055 ; Bro . Best , AV . M . No . 1006 ; Bro . Osborne , W . M . No . 1082 . The lodge having been constituted , Bro . James Josiah Harveythe AV . M . named in the warrantwas installed
, , and he appointed ancl invested the officers : •—Bro . Gilbard , S . AV . ; Bro . Willett , J . AV . ; Bro . Farrant , Treas ; Bro . Stacev , Sec . ; Bro . Frost , S . D . ; Bro . Hocknell , I . G . ; Bro . Beckett , Tyler . The following gentlemen were then initiated : —Messrs . Peter JVXaclure , George Brodie Clark , George Cave , and Timothy Lewis , the last-named being the landlord of the hotel . The ceremony of consecration , which had been delayed for the arrival of the musical brethren , viz .,
Bros . Dyson , AATiitehouse , Tolley , and Marriott , members of the choir of St . George ' s Chapel , AAlndsor , was then proceeded with , and the pieces selected were not only most appropriate , lint most efficiently sung—it surpassed anything we ever heard on like occasions . The lodge-room appears well adapted for its purpose , although not spacious enough for the opening meeting . AU business being ended , and the lodge closed , at seven o ' clock the members of the lodge and their numerous visitors assembled at the banquet . On the
removal of the cloth , Non nobis was most efficiently given ; the healths of her Majesty and the Grand Master were honoured . The AV . M . then said , in proposing the next toast of Earl de Grey and the other Grand Officers , it would give them all pleasure , as it included that of their honoured guest Dr . Harcourt , to whom had been entrusted the authority to open their lodge . With the toast he also connected the Rev . Bro . AA ' ood , who had assisted in the ceremonial of the day . r
Bros . Harcourt and AAood responded , and the latter referred to the fact of the numerous accessions to the Order of the members of his profession , a circumstance alike beneficial to the clergy and laity , as , by mixing more in society , the prejudices of each were effaced , ancl hy a better knowledge of each other there was a greater amount of mutual satisfaction . To the health of the visitors , Bro . Gillespie repliednoticing the Masonic of ancl
, career Bro . Hervey , paying a due meed of praise on his attainments . The health of the ' AV . M . was proposed by Bro . Harcourt , and Bro . Hervey replied in brief terms , expressing his pleasure at the successful opening of the lodge . Some other complimentary toasts followed , and the brethren departed .
STAFFORDSHIRE . WOLVERHAMPTON . —St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —This lodge re-assembled on Thursday , the 2 nd instant , at 7 o'clock , prompt .
The AA . M ., Bro . Edwin J . Haseler , presided , assisted by his proper officers , and countenanced by several visiting brethren . The business consisted in passing Bro . Haseler , jun ., to the second degree , and of raising Bro . G . Pratt to the sublime degree of M . M ., which respective ceremonies were performed in a most meritorious manner by the AV . M . whoin additiongave in a correct manner fche lecture
, , , in the second degree . A correspondence , with reference to the vote of condolence by the lodge , to Col . Vernon , Prov . G . M ., Staffordshire , on the death of his father , Bro . General Vernon , C . B ., was read and ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . After some other business had been disposed of the lodge was closed in form with solemn prayer , and adjourned until the first Thursday ui the ensuing month .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . INSTALLATION OE THE MOST WORSHIPFUL BRO . TUB EARL DE GREY AND RIPON AS PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . [ FR 03 I OUR OWN REPORTER . ] As our readers will remember , the towns of AA akeiieM , Huddersfieldand Leeds contended for the honour of receiving and
in-, stalling the Provincial Grand Master ; but Leeds , from the superior accommodation its splendid Town Hall afforded , was eventually selected . The result proved a great success in the attendance ofbrethren from the various lodges in Yorkshire , as , without exception , every working lodge in the province was represented upon the occasion ; and although we observed several banners remained in the great hall after the procession had departed for St . George's Church , we
presume that it arose from the inability to muster , in sufficient numbers , to form a respectable appearance in the procession , as compared with the very numerous attendance of the brethren ranged under some of the banners belonging to the lodges within the province . AA e have seen the Hall upon various festive occasions , as when Her Majesty opened the Hall in person , as also during the
meetings of the British Association , as well as at the musical and other festivals which have from time to time been held within it , but upon no occasion has the Hall appeared to such great advantage as on Wednesday last , when the body of the Hall , and the space usually devoted to the orchestra , were rilled with brethren who had attended—many of them from a very considerable distance—to assist at the ceremony of installing the Provincial Grand Master for AVest Yorkshire .
At a quarter past 10 , at which time very few of the brethren had arrived , the following selection of music was commenced ; Bro . Sparks , Prov . G . O ., presiding at the organ . 1 . Quartet , Chorus . — " Kyrie Eleison , " and " Gloria , " 12 th Mass Mozart . 2 . Grand Selection from " II Trovatore " ... Verdi . 3 . Overture— "Occasional" Handel .
, 4 . Chorus , — " Lift up your heads " Handel . 5 . Overture , — "Zampa" Herald . 6 . Grand March , — "Athaliu" Mendelssohn . 7 . Introduction to " Norma " Bellini . 8 . Overture , — " Era Diavolo " Auber .
Bros . E . AV . Shaw and J . B . Heales , who had undertaken the duties of Honorary Secretaries for the occasion , as well as Bro . R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec , were indefatigable in their exertions to promote the comfort of those who attended ; and in this they were ably seconded by the following brethren , who acted as Stewards , — Bros . AVoodford , Eagland , Pepper , Leeming , Freeman , Batley , Perkin , Dixon , Bucton , Patterson , White , Perkington , Bennett , Berry , InchbohlAddymanDawsonKaytc .
, , , , About half-past 10 o'clock , the whole of the Officers of the Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) , Huddersfield , having arrived , the lodge was opened in due form , and the Provincial and P . Prov . Grand Officers , as they arrived , proceeded to a room set apart for their use , and wherein they awaited the arrival of the Earl De Grey and Ripon . The Right AA orshipful Bro . the Earl De Grey having arrived , accompanied by the A ery AVorshipful Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire , the
Marquis of Hartington , the Provincial Grand Lodge was formed , and they proceeded in a body to the Hall , ivhere the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened iu ample form , the D . Prov . G . M ., Dr . George Fearnley , performing the duties of the Chair . He then proceeded to address the Lodge , informing them of the order of the proceedings , and called upon the various Prov . Graud Officers , present and past , to answer to their various names as they called The
were over . Secretary having recorded the attendance , the minutes of the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lod ° -e were read ; hut their confirmation was postponed until the uett regular meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
: Provincial.
son , J . W . ; Davis , See ., & c . Bro . AVeare , W . M ., No . 348 , Visitor . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Henry Peake Green as a candidate for initiation , who was unanimously elected , but was prevented attending by severe indisposition . This being the period for electing a AV . M . for the ensuing year , a ballot took place , whicli
resulted in the unanimous election to that office of Bro . Thomas Sheppard , S . AV ., who thanked the brethren , for the honour they had conferred upon him . Bro . Brewin stated that as the present was his last lodge as AV . M ., he ivould take the opportunity of thanking his officers for their services during his year of office . The AV . M ., In the name of Bro . Lieut .-Col . Turner , and the officers of the Leicestershire Regiment of Volunteer Rifles , conveyed their thanks to the brethren of the two local lodges for their kindness in
granting the use of the Masonic Hall for the banquet recently given by the Rifle Corps to the officers of the Leicestershire Militia and Yeomanry Cavalry , In so doing they had , on this occasion , departed from the arrangement restricting the use of the hall solely to Masonic purposes , and which had relieved the corps from the difficulty in which they were placed in obtaining suitable accommodation After some business of a routine character , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MIDDLESEX . HOUNSLOW . —Dalhousie Lodge ( No . 1167 ) . —If the weather is allowed to exercise any influence on a new enterprise , this lodge had a fair start on AVednesday , the 15 th of May , when , after months of winter , the sun shone out in full splendour and imparted its warmth and vigour to a goodly assembly of brethren , who , at 3 p . m ., met
at the Red Lion Hotel , in the ancient town of Hounslow , to assist iii the consecration . The ceremony was confided to the V . AV . Bro . Dr . George Harcourt , D . Prov . G . M . of Surrey , and P . G . D . C . ; the V . W . Bro . John Hervey , P . G . D ., acting , as D . G . M . ; Rev . Bro . J . G . AVood , P . Prov . G . Chap . Oxon , as Chaplain ; Bro . Jeremiah How , Prov . G . D . C , Herts , being Dir . of Cers . Bro . Harcourt appointed Bro . Devereux , P . M . No . 1073 , and Bro . Spencer , P . M . No . 329 to fill the AVardens' chairs—above thirty brethren being
, present , amongst whom were Bro . J . Greenwood , Prov . G . Sec , Surrey ; Bro . F . Adlard , P . Prov . G . D . C , Essex ; Bro . AV . AVatson , P . G . St . ; Bro . Gillespie , P . M . No . 3 ; Bro . Newsom , P . M . No . 3 ; Bro . Willmott , P . M . No . 57 ; Bro . Fraser , AV . M ., and Bro . Coulcher , P . M ., No . 1055 ; Bro . Best , AV . M . No . 1006 ; Bro . Osborne , W . M . No . 1082 . The lodge having been constituted , Bro . James Josiah Harveythe AV . M . named in the warrantwas installed
, , and he appointed ancl invested the officers : •—Bro . Gilbard , S . AV . ; Bro . Willett , J . AV . ; Bro . Farrant , Treas ; Bro . Stacev , Sec . ; Bro . Frost , S . D . ; Bro . Hocknell , I . G . ; Bro . Beckett , Tyler . The following gentlemen were then initiated : —Messrs . Peter JVXaclure , George Brodie Clark , George Cave , and Timothy Lewis , the last-named being the landlord of the hotel . The ceremony of consecration , which had been delayed for the arrival of the musical brethren , viz .,
Bros . Dyson , AATiitehouse , Tolley , and Marriott , members of the choir of St . George ' s Chapel , AAlndsor , was then proceeded with , and the pieces selected were not only most appropriate , lint most efficiently sung—it surpassed anything we ever heard on like occasions . The lodge-room appears well adapted for its purpose , although not spacious enough for the opening meeting . AU business being ended , and the lodge closed , at seven o ' clock the members of the lodge and their numerous visitors assembled at the banquet . On the
removal of the cloth , Non nobis was most efficiently given ; the healths of her Majesty and the Grand Master were honoured . The AV . M . then said , in proposing the next toast of Earl de Grey and the other Grand Officers , it would give them all pleasure , as it included that of their honoured guest Dr . Harcourt , to whom had been entrusted the authority to open their lodge . With the toast he also connected the Rev . Bro . AA ' ood , who had assisted in the ceremonial of the day . r
Bros . Harcourt and AAood responded , and the latter referred to the fact of the numerous accessions to the Order of the members of his profession , a circumstance alike beneficial to the clergy and laity , as , by mixing more in society , the prejudices of each were effaced , ancl hy a better knowledge of each other there was a greater amount of mutual satisfaction . To the health of the visitors , Bro . Gillespie repliednoticing the Masonic of ancl
, career Bro . Hervey , paying a due meed of praise on his attainments . The health of the ' AV . M . was proposed by Bro . Harcourt , and Bro . Hervey replied in brief terms , expressing his pleasure at the successful opening of the lodge . Some other complimentary toasts followed , and the brethren departed .
STAFFORDSHIRE . WOLVERHAMPTON . —St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —This lodge re-assembled on Thursday , the 2 nd instant , at 7 o'clock , prompt .
The AA . M ., Bro . Edwin J . Haseler , presided , assisted by his proper officers , and countenanced by several visiting brethren . The business consisted in passing Bro . Haseler , jun ., to the second degree , and of raising Bro . G . Pratt to the sublime degree of M . M ., which respective ceremonies were performed in a most meritorious manner by the AV . M . whoin additiongave in a correct manner fche lecture
, , , in the second degree . A correspondence , with reference to the vote of condolence by the lodge , to Col . Vernon , Prov . G . M ., Staffordshire , on the death of his father , Bro . General Vernon , C . B ., was read and ordered to be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . After some other business had been disposed of the lodge was closed in form with solemn prayer , and adjourned until the first Thursday ui the ensuing month .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . INSTALLATION OE THE MOST WORSHIPFUL BRO . TUB EARL DE GREY AND RIPON AS PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . [ FR 03 I OUR OWN REPORTER . ] As our readers will remember , the towns of AA akeiieM , Huddersfieldand Leeds contended for the honour of receiving and
in-, stalling the Provincial Grand Master ; but Leeds , from the superior accommodation its splendid Town Hall afforded , was eventually selected . The result proved a great success in the attendance ofbrethren from the various lodges in Yorkshire , as , without exception , every working lodge in the province was represented upon the occasion ; and although we observed several banners remained in the great hall after the procession had departed for St . George's Church , we
presume that it arose from the inability to muster , in sufficient numbers , to form a respectable appearance in the procession , as compared with the very numerous attendance of the brethren ranged under some of the banners belonging to the lodges within the province . AA e have seen the Hall upon various festive occasions , as when Her Majesty opened the Hall in person , as also during the
meetings of the British Association , as well as at the musical and other festivals which have from time to time been held within it , but upon no occasion has the Hall appeared to such great advantage as on Wednesday last , when the body of the Hall , and the space usually devoted to the orchestra , were rilled with brethren who had attended—many of them from a very considerable distance—to assist at the ceremony of installing the Provincial Grand Master for AVest Yorkshire .
At a quarter past 10 , at which time very few of the brethren had arrived , the following selection of music was commenced ; Bro . Sparks , Prov . G . O ., presiding at the organ . 1 . Quartet , Chorus . — " Kyrie Eleison , " and " Gloria , " 12 th Mass Mozart . 2 . Grand Selection from " II Trovatore " ... Verdi . 3 . Overture— "Occasional" Handel .
, 4 . Chorus , — " Lift up your heads " Handel . 5 . Overture , — "Zampa" Herald . 6 . Grand March , — "Athaliu" Mendelssohn . 7 . Introduction to " Norma " Bellini . 8 . Overture , — " Era Diavolo " Auber .
Bros . E . AV . Shaw and J . B . Heales , who had undertaken the duties of Honorary Secretaries for the occasion , as well as Bro . R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec , were indefatigable in their exertions to promote the comfort of those who attended ; and in this they were ably seconded by the following brethren , who acted as Stewards , — Bros . AVoodford , Eagland , Pepper , Leeming , Freeman , Batley , Perkin , Dixon , Bucton , Patterson , White , Perkington , Bennett , Berry , InchbohlAddymanDawsonKaytc .
, , , , About half-past 10 o'clock , the whole of the Officers of the Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) , Huddersfield , having arrived , the lodge was opened in due form , and the Provincial and P . Prov . Grand Officers , as they arrived , proceeded to a room set apart for their use , and wherein they awaited the arrival of the Earl De Grey and Ripon . The Right AA orshipful Bro . the Earl De Grey having arrived , accompanied by the A ery AVorshipful Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire , the
Marquis of Hartington , the Provincial Grand Lodge was formed , and they proceeded in a body to the Hall , ivhere the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened iu ample form , the D . Prov . G . M ., Dr . George Fearnley , performing the duties of the Chair . He then proceeded to address the Lodge , informing them of the order of the proceedings , and called upon the various Prov . Graud Officers , present and past , to answer to their various names as they called The
were over . Secretary having recorded the attendance , the minutes of the last meeting of the Provincial Grand Lod ° -e were read ; hut their confirmation was postponed until the uett regular meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge .