Article : PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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: Provincial.
The D . Prov . G . M . then requested the Master , Officers , and Members of each lodge in the province to respond to the calling over of the name and number of the lodge , and also to signify their presence by rising , and to remain standing until the whole list was called over , when the visiting brethren were also requested fco record their presence by the name and number of the lodge to which each belonged . The Prov . G . Sec . next called overin
, the reverse order , the names of those present , when the Prov . G . M ., having requested them to be seated as their names were called , the lodge was restored to ifcs previous condition , and the D . Prov . G . M . having directed the Prov . G . Sec . aud Stewards to attend the Right AA ' orshipful Brother , fche Earl De Grey and Ripon , Prov . G . M . elect ., and to escort him and introduce him in proper formwith all the honoursa procession was formedand
, , , as his Lordship entered the lodge , a Grand Installation March ( from the "Prophete" ) was played by the Prov . G . Organist . The Prov . G . Sec . having introduced the Earl De Grey and Ripon , and officially placed the distinguished visitors in their proper positions , the D . Prov . G . M . directed that the Patent of the Most Worshipful the Grand Master , appointing a successor to the late very esteemed AA ' orshipful Brother the Earl of Mexboroughto be
, read , which , having been done , the ceremony of installing the Prov . G . M . was proceeded with and performed in an admirable manner by tbe AVorshipful Brother Fearnley . The installation having been completed , an appropriate ode , with organ accompaniment , was most effectively given . It was composed by Bro . Spark , the bass solo hy Bro . Garner being a piece of admirable vocal execution .
The Right Hon . the Earl DE GREY and RIPON then addressed the brethren , expressing his thanks for the reception which had been given to him , and stated how highly he , as a Yorkshireman , felt the honour which the most AA ' orshipful the Grand Master had been pleased to confer , by requesting him to undertake the important duties of Prov . G . M . of the AA'est Riding of Yorkshire ; and he pledged himself to strive fco fche utmost of his ability to perform the duties of that high and distinguished office , and he
he expressed a hope that whilst under his charge , the province would not suffer in the slightest degree ; but on the contrary , no exertion on his part should be wanting to maintain the dignity of the office , and to promote fche extension and well-being of the Order throughout AV est Yorkshire . His numerous public duties absorbed so much of his time , that he feared he would have to rely upon his esteemed friend , Dr . Fearnley , who , he had the pleasure of informing the brethrenhad kindly consented to continue fco
per-, form the duties of D . Prov . G . M . ; he had , therefore , great pleasure in appointing him to thafc office . The address of the Prov . G . M ., which was brief , and much to the purpose , was warmly applauded , and the appointment of Bro . Fearnley appeared to give general satisfaction . The ceremony of presenting Bro . Fearnley , and of reading the patent , was gone through , and the usual salutes were given , under the direction of the Prov . G . D . C . The following are ,
we believe , the Prov . Grand Officers elect for South Yorkshire -. — The Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D . Prov . S . G . W . ; Joseph Bradley , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Hon . and Rev . P . Y . Saville , M . A ., and the Rev . T . B . Ferris , Prov . G . Chaplains ; AA . W . Dixon , Prov . G . Treasurer ; T . Robinson , Prov . G . Registrar ; R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . Secretary ; AV . ^ Scott , M . D ., Prov . G . S . D . ; Joseph Mellor , Prov . J . G . D . ; Thomas Perkington , Prov . G . Superintendent of AA'orks ; Charles Patei-son , Prov . G . D . C ; W . AVhite , jun ., Prov . G . A . D . C . ; AA ' . Rothwell , Prov . G . S . B . ; AV . Spark , Prov . G . Organist ; B . C . Bennett ,
Prov . G . Pursuivant ; J . G . Berry , A . Prov . G . Pursuivant . The lodges represented on the occasion included all in the province , and there were , in addition , visiting brethren from all parts of the country . The number present at the installation was about 1200— a larger number than has assisted at any similar ceremony on any previous occasion in the provinces . Among the visitors was the Marquis of Hartington , Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire . The installation was directed by Bro . John Symondsthe Asst . G .
, Dir . of Cers . of the Grand Lodge of England . The following is a list of the brethren present at the installation : —Bros . The Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D ., Prov . G . S . AV . ; W . H . Baines , Bentley Shaw , L . Bramley , Rev . A . F . A . AVoodford , M . A ., John Lee , D . Salmond , J . AV . H . P . ichardson—all P . Prov . S . G . \ A ardens ; Joseph Batley , Prov . J . G . AV . ; R . H . Goldthorp , W . W . Widdop , Jas . Franklin , AV . Gath , H . Farrer , F . Lumb , J . T .
Armitage , L . Knowles , L . Hicks , Jos . Peace—all P , Prov . J . G . Wardens ; Hon . and Rev . P . Y . Saville , M . A ., Rev . T . B . Farris , Prov . G . Chaplains ; Rev . H . de L . Willis , D . D ., P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; W . D . Dixon , Prov . G . Treas . ; T . Robinson , Prov . G . Regt ; T . R . Tatham , T . Eagland , Jno . Batley , T . Deane , T . S . Bradley , T . J . AVigley , AV . Perkin , P . Prov . G . Res ; s . ; R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec ; W . Scott , M . D ., Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Booth , J . Buckton , J . Royle , T . Robertshaw , K . Smith , M . M . de Bartolome , M . D ., T . Greenwood , R . Addymau , G . T . AVright , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; J .
Mellor , P . J . G . E . D . ; T . A . Haigh , J . Atkinson , D . Boscovitz , Jno . Crossley , A . Engelmann , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; T . Perkington , Prov . G . S . of AVorks ; J . Shires , AV . Cocking , J . O . Gill , W . Mawson , G . Clegg , Isaac Booth , P . Prov . S . of Works ; C . Patterson , Prov . G . D . C . ; J . Brooke , AV . S . Thornton , W . Hanson , J . Gill , J . Thomas , P . Prov . G . D . C ; W . AVhite , jun ., Prov . A . G . D . C . ; AV . RofchwellProv . G . S . B . ; E . FairburnG . Mitchell
, , , J . Kelley , J . Seed , C . Oldroyd , J . Atkinson , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; W . Spark , Prov . G . Organist ; AV . AVhite , J . Wood , G . Stuart , P . Prov . G , Organists- ; B . C . Bennett , Prov . G . Purst . ; T . AVood , J . Siddall , S . Clarke , J . S . Perkin , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; J . G . Berry , Asst . Prov . G . Purst . ; C . H . Taylor , John Pepper , Thomas Senior , AA . G . Dyson , T . Kendall , H . Inchbold , S . Scatcherd , Joss Brooke , R . Morris , Prov . G . Stewards . Amongst the visitors were the following officers
of the Order from other provinces : —L . Newall , Prov . S . G . W . of East Lancashire ; AV . Roberts , P . Prov . G . Purst . of East Lancashire ; P . O'Callaghan , G . M . L . of Ireland ; J . P . Bell , M . D ., Hull , P . Prov . J . G . W ., N . and E . Ridings ; J . Suteliffe , Hartlepool , AV . M . No . 1066 ; A . G . Eastwood , Todmorden , P . M . 363 ; AV . Smith , CD ., 25 , 27 , 38 , 536 , & c , Proprietor of the FREEMASONS MAOAZINE ; W . Cowling , John March , P . Prov . G . Ws . ;
E . AA . Hollou , Prov . G . Treasurer ; and twenty-five other members of the Prov . G . Lodge N . and E . Ridings ; N . Ormerod , Prov ; S . G . D ., E . Lancashire ; G . Marwood , D . P . G . M . of N . and B . Ridings ; S . Moseley , P . Prov . J . G . AV . N . and E . Ridings ; J . S . Peacock ; Prov . G . R ,, N . and E . Ridings ; C D . J . Clarke , No . 313 , p . Prov . G . S . D ., AVorcestershire ; R . N . Philipps , Esq ., J . P ., Broom Hall , Sheffield ; Major Edwards , M . P ., & c .
After the ceremony of installation a procession was formed , and the brethren proceeded to St . George's Church . The order observed by the procession was the placing of fche youngest ( the De : Grey and Ripon ) lodge , No . 1139 , first—each lodge having the youngest brethren in advance , the last initiated member carrying the lodge banner , the W . M . coming last , and the Provincial Grand Lodge being in rear of all . In this order some came out of the front door , and some oufc of a side door , and proceeded along Park-lane ,
Parksquare , and Park-street to the church . At the entrance the ranks opened , and the Provincial Grand Lodge passed up the avenue thus formed , and the others followed in order of seniority . An immense number of persons were present to witness the procession , attracted , no doubt , by the novelty of the spectacle , the beautiful habiliments , banners and other accompaniments ; the number of those forming the procession being augmented by numerous brethren who were unable to attend the meeting within the hall . The procession
arrived at the church shortly after two o ' clock . A special order of Masonic service was appointed for the occasion , including evening prayers with Tallis ' s choral " responses and organ accompaniments . The Rev . J . Bloomfield read the lessons . The anthem was Dr . S . S . AVesley's " Blessed be the God and Father . " The sermon was preached by the Hon . and Rev . P . Y . Saville , P . G . C . The Rev . gentleman took his text from 1 John , iii . 17 -. " Bufc
whoso hath this world ' s goods and seeth his brother have need , and shutfceth up his bowels from him , how dwellefch the love of God in him . " These words of holy writ would ( he said ) find an echo in the heart of every right-thinking person . Ifc had pleased the Giver of all Good not to divide the things of this world with an equal distribution ; but He had given to some a superabundant quantity , whilst others were destitute of the common necessaries of life . Doubtless many present had felt the force of the words "It is more blessed to give than to receive . "
Brotherly love had always been a characteristic of the Masonic body , and this feeling was not confined to their own members . AVhile they feared God and honoured the King they also loved the brotherhood . How many and various were the ills that flesh was heir to . " Man was born to trouble , as the sparks fly upwards ! " How noble were the institutions raised hy pious hands to alleviate these ills and fco soften these troubles . Schools were founded to instruct the rising generation—hospitals were built to restore health and
strength to those who would otherwise perish . He had to call their especial attention to the Infirmary in the town , an institution which was doing an incalculable amount of good to their afflicted brethren in the neighbourhood . No one who looked at the outward appearance of that building could think it worthy of such a flourishing town , whose population was increasing to so enormous an extent ; and those who examined more closely into the internal
arrangemehts would see how much better suited they might be made for the noble purposes for which it was intended . It was true this inconvenience was little felt , owing to the indefatigable exertions of all connected with the Infirmary . The medical staff was inferior fco none in the kingdom , aud their great professional skill was taxed fco the utmost to make up for the want of more suitable accommodation . He would not have alluded to this , did he not hope that the inconvenience might he rectified ; and when he thought of the liberality of the wealthy inhabitants of the town , he felt sanguine
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
: Provincial.
The D . Prov . G . M . then requested the Master , Officers , and Members of each lodge in the province to respond to the calling over of the name and number of the lodge , and also to signify their presence by rising , and to remain standing until the whole list was called over , when the visiting brethren were also requested fco record their presence by the name and number of the lodge to which each belonged . The Prov . G . Sec . next called overin
, the reverse order , the names of those present , when the Prov . G . M ., having requested them to be seated as their names were called , the lodge was restored to ifcs previous condition , and the D . Prov . G . M . having directed the Prov . G . Sec . aud Stewards to attend the Right AA ' orshipful Brother , fche Earl De Grey and Ripon , Prov . G . M . elect ., and to escort him and introduce him in proper formwith all the honoursa procession was formedand
, , , as his Lordship entered the lodge , a Grand Installation March ( from the "Prophete" ) was played by the Prov . G . Organist . The Prov . G . Sec . having introduced the Earl De Grey and Ripon , and officially placed the distinguished visitors in their proper positions , the D . Prov . G . M . directed that the Patent of the Most Worshipful the Grand Master , appointing a successor to the late very esteemed AA ' orshipful Brother the Earl of Mexboroughto be
, read , which , having been done , the ceremony of installing the Prov . G . M . was proceeded with and performed in an admirable manner by tbe AVorshipful Brother Fearnley . The installation having been completed , an appropriate ode , with organ accompaniment , was most effectively given . It was composed by Bro . Spark , the bass solo hy Bro . Garner being a piece of admirable vocal execution .
The Right Hon . the Earl DE GREY and RIPON then addressed the brethren , expressing his thanks for the reception which had been given to him , and stated how highly he , as a Yorkshireman , felt the honour which the most AA ' orshipful the Grand Master had been pleased to confer , by requesting him to undertake the important duties of Prov . G . M . of the AA'est Riding of Yorkshire ; and he pledged himself to strive fco fche utmost of his ability to perform the duties of that high and distinguished office , and he
he expressed a hope that whilst under his charge , the province would not suffer in the slightest degree ; but on the contrary , no exertion on his part should be wanting to maintain the dignity of the office , and to promote fche extension and well-being of the Order throughout AV est Yorkshire . His numerous public duties absorbed so much of his time , that he feared he would have to rely upon his esteemed friend , Dr . Fearnley , who , he had the pleasure of informing the brethrenhad kindly consented to continue fco
per-, form the duties of D . Prov . G . M . ; he had , therefore , great pleasure in appointing him to thafc office . The address of the Prov . G . M ., which was brief , and much to the purpose , was warmly applauded , and the appointment of Bro . Fearnley appeared to give general satisfaction . The ceremony of presenting Bro . Fearnley , and of reading the patent , was gone through , and the usual salutes were given , under the direction of the Prov . G . D . C . The following are ,
we believe , the Prov . Grand Officers elect for South Yorkshire -. — The Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D . Prov . S . G . W . ; Joseph Bradley , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Hon . and Rev . P . Y . Saville , M . A ., and the Rev . T . B . Ferris , Prov . G . Chaplains ; AA . W . Dixon , Prov . G . Treasurer ; T . Robinson , Prov . G . Registrar ; R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . Secretary ; AV . ^ Scott , M . D ., Prov . G . S . D . ; Joseph Mellor , Prov . J . G . D . ; Thomas Perkington , Prov . G . Superintendent of AA'orks ; Charles Patei-son , Prov . G . D . C ; W . AVhite , jun ., Prov . G . A . D . C . ; AA ' . Rothwell , Prov . G . S . B . ; AV . Spark , Prov . G . Organist ; B . C . Bennett ,
Prov . G . Pursuivant ; J . G . Berry , A . Prov . G . Pursuivant . The lodges represented on the occasion included all in the province , and there were , in addition , visiting brethren from all parts of the country . The number present at the installation was about 1200— a larger number than has assisted at any similar ceremony on any previous occasion in the provinces . Among the visitors was the Marquis of Hartington , Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire . The installation was directed by Bro . John Symondsthe Asst . G .
, Dir . of Cers . of the Grand Lodge of England . The following is a list of the brethren present at the installation : —Bros . The Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D ., Prov . G . S . AV . ; W . H . Baines , Bentley Shaw , L . Bramley , Rev . A . F . A . AVoodford , M . A ., John Lee , D . Salmond , J . AV . H . P . ichardson—all P . Prov . S . G . \ A ardens ; Joseph Batley , Prov . J . G . AV . ; R . H . Goldthorp , W . W . Widdop , Jas . Franklin , AV . Gath , H . Farrer , F . Lumb , J . T .
Armitage , L . Knowles , L . Hicks , Jos . Peace—all P , Prov . J . G . Wardens ; Hon . and Rev . P . Y . Saville , M . A ., Rev . T . B . Farris , Prov . G . Chaplains ; Rev . H . de L . Willis , D . D ., P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; W . D . Dixon , Prov . G . Treas . ; T . Robinson , Prov . G . Regt ; T . R . Tatham , T . Eagland , Jno . Batley , T . Deane , T . S . Bradley , T . J . AVigley , AV . Perkin , P . Prov . G . Res ; s . ; R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec ; W . Scott , M . D ., Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Booth , J . Buckton , J . Royle , T . Robertshaw , K . Smith , M . M . de Bartolome , M . D ., T . Greenwood , R . Addymau , G . T . AVright , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; J .
Mellor , P . J . G . E . D . ; T . A . Haigh , J . Atkinson , D . Boscovitz , Jno . Crossley , A . Engelmann , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; T . Perkington , Prov . G . S . of AVorks ; J . Shires , AV . Cocking , J . O . Gill , W . Mawson , G . Clegg , Isaac Booth , P . Prov . S . of Works ; C . Patterson , Prov . G . D . C . ; J . Brooke , AV . S . Thornton , W . Hanson , J . Gill , J . Thomas , P . Prov . G . D . C ; W . AVhite , jun ., Prov . A . G . D . C . ; AV . RofchwellProv . G . S . B . ; E . FairburnG . Mitchell
, , , J . Kelley , J . Seed , C . Oldroyd , J . Atkinson , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; W . Spark , Prov . G . Organist ; AV . AVhite , J . Wood , G . Stuart , P . Prov . G , Organists- ; B . C . Bennett , Prov . G . Purst . ; T . AVood , J . Siddall , S . Clarke , J . S . Perkin , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; J . G . Berry , Asst . Prov . G . Purst . ; C . H . Taylor , John Pepper , Thomas Senior , AA . G . Dyson , T . Kendall , H . Inchbold , S . Scatcherd , Joss Brooke , R . Morris , Prov . G . Stewards . Amongst the visitors were the following officers
of the Order from other provinces : —L . Newall , Prov . S . G . W . of East Lancashire ; AV . Roberts , P . Prov . G . Purst . of East Lancashire ; P . O'Callaghan , G . M . L . of Ireland ; J . P . Bell , M . D ., Hull , P . Prov . J . G . W ., N . and E . Ridings ; J . Suteliffe , Hartlepool , AV . M . No . 1066 ; A . G . Eastwood , Todmorden , P . M . 363 ; AV . Smith , CD ., 25 , 27 , 38 , 536 , & c , Proprietor of the FREEMASONS MAOAZINE ; W . Cowling , John March , P . Prov . G . Ws . ;
E . AA . Hollou , Prov . G . Treasurer ; and twenty-five other members of the Prov . G . Lodge N . and E . Ridings ; N . Ormerod , Prov ; S . G . D ., E . Lancashire ; G . Marwood , D . P . G . M . of N . and B . Ridings ; S . Moseley , P . Prov . J . G . AV . N . and E . Ridings ; J . S . Peacock ; Prov . G . R ,, N . and E . Ridings ; C D . J . Clarke , No . 313 , p . Prov . G . S . D ., AVorcestershire ; R . N . Philipps , Esq ., J . P ., Broom Hall , Sheffield ; Major Edwards , M . P ., & c .
After the ceremony of installation a procession was formed , and the brethren proceeded to St . George's Church . The order observed by the procession was the placing of fche youngest ( the De : Grey and Ripon ) lodge , No . 1139 , first—each lodge having the youngest brethren in advance , the last initiated member carrying the lodge banner , the W . M . coming last , and the Provincial Grand Lodge being in rear of all . In this order some came out of the front door , and some oufc of a side door , and proceeded along Park-lane ,
Parksquare , and Park-street to the church . At the entrance the ranks opened , and the Provincial Grand Lodge passed up the avenue thus formed , and the others followed in order of seniority . An immense number of persons were present to witness the procession , attracted , no doubt , by the novelty of the spectacle , the beautiful habiliments , banners and other accompaniments ; the number of those forming the procession being augmented by numerous brethren who were unable to attend the meeting within the hall . The procession
arrived at the church shortly after two o ' clock . A special order of Masonic service was appointed for the occasion , including evening prayers with Tallis ' s choral " responses and organ accompaniments . The Rev . J . Bloomfield read the lessons . The anthem was Dr . S . S . AVesley's " Blessed be the God and Father . " The sermon was preached by the Hon . and Rev . P . Y . Saville , P . G . C . The Rev . gentleman took his text from 1 John , iii . 17 -. " Bufc
whoso hath this world ' s goods and seeth his brother have need , and shutfceth up his bowels from him , how dwellefch the love of God in him . " These words of holy writ would ( he said ) find an echo in the heart of every right-thinking person . Ifc had pleased the Giver of all Good not to divide the things of this world with an equal distribution ; but He had given to some a superabundant quantity , whilst others were destitute of the common necessaries of life . Doubtless many present had felt the force of the words "It is more blessed to give than to receive . "
Brotherly love had always been a characteristic of the Masonic body , and this feeling was not confined to their own members . AVhile they feared God and honoured the King they also loved the brotherhood . How many and various were the ills that flesh was heir to . " Man was born to trouble , as the sparks fly upwards ! " How noble were the institutions raised hy pious hands to alleviate these ills and fco soften these troubles . Schools were founded to instruct the rising generation—hospitals were built to restore health and
strength to those who would otherwise perish . He had to call their especial attention to the Infirmary in the town , an institution which was doing an incalculable amount of good to their afflicted brethren in the neighbourhood . No one who looked at the outward appearance of that building could think it worthy of such a flourishing town , whose population was increasing to so enormous an extent ; and those who examined more closely into the internal
arrangemehts would see how much better suited they might be made for the noble purposes for which it was intended . It was true this inconvenience was little felt , owing to the indefatigable exertions of all connected with the Infirmary . The medical staff was inferior fco none in the kingdom , aud their great professional skill was taxed fco the utmost to make up for the want of more suitable accommodation . He would not have alluded to this , did he not hope that the inconvenience might he rectified ; and when he thought of the liberality of the wealthy inhabitants of the town , he felt sanguine