Article : PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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: Provincial.
that it was only for the want to be made known , and for a beginning to be made , for a proper building to be erected on a suitable site . He called upon his Masonic brethren to make the beginning that day . He did not ask them to give largely , but to give " not grudgingly and of necessity , " remembering that " God loveth a cheerful giver . " Let them make their subscription—be it large or be it small—a nucleus for that purpose ; and he trusted the time was not far distant when a Masonic procession , similar to that thoy
had witnessed that day , might wend their steps , headed by their Prov . G . Master , to the most suitable site that could be found , to assist hi laying the foundation stone of an Infirmary , erected with all the modern improvements , capable of alleviating the distresses of its inmates , and of affording free scope to the skill of the medical officers who exerted themselves so zealously and iiiclefatigably in this labour of love . —After tbe sermon a collection was made iu aid of the funds of the Leeds General Infirmary , which amounted to £ 56 .
After the service at St . George's Church , the procession was re-formed and returned to the Victoria Hall in the same order as before . About 650 sat down to dinner in the crypt under the groat hall , the Earl De Grey and Ripon presiding . He was supported on his left by the Marquis of Hartington and numerous other eminent brethrenand a very full attendance of Present and Past Prov . G .
, Officers . The banquet was not confined to members of the fraternity , ancl there were several tables placed in tho recesses occupied by ladies . The usual routine , toasts were given , but of course without Masonic honours ; aud Miss Eleanor AValker , Miss Crossland , Bro . Garner , and other vocalists , accompanied by Bro . Spark and others , added to the enjoyment of the occasion . There were glees , solos , choruses , & c , admirably executed . AVe observed
Bro . James Kitson , the Mayor of Leeds ( who has been recently initiated with several other men of equally eminent stamp in the county ) , as well as the Mayor of Bradford and other municipal and civic officers . The toasts were ably responded to by those to whom in each case the duty was entrusted . The Prov . G . M ., in his speech , when returning thanks , remarked the necessity for exercising caution in making allusions to the Craft in the presence of the bright intelligence of the beautiful additions to the present
festive occasion ; for only drop a word , ancl the curiosity for which thoy are so universally credited would be excited ; and he warned his brethren that when they ascended to the " realms above "he meant the ball-room—or perhaps ifc might be deferred so long until they reached their homes ; but he assured them that , sooner or later , any such incautiously dropped expression would be most perseveringly , although , no doubt , also most endearingly , inquired
about , and an explanation sought ; ifc , therefore , behoved them to be particularly cautious upon this occasion , and under all circumstances . His Lordship's very interesting and amusing speech was listened to with the greatest attention , and applauded by none more thoroughly than hy the ladies . A variety of loyal and Masonic toasts were given , which pressure on our columns compels us to defer till our next issue .
At 9 o'clock , the great Hall having been prepared for the purpose , a grand ball took place , at which , we understand , there were between 2000 and 3000 persons present . DEWSBURY . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 1129 ) . —This lodge held an emergency meeting iu the lodge- room , Saw Inn , Batley Can-, ou Monclay , the 13 th inst ., to make the necessary arrangements for attending tlie installation of the B . AA . G . M . of 'Vest Yorkshirethe
, Right Hon . Earl do Grey and Ripon . Owing to the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . Edward Chadwick , P . M ., presided . The business being concluded , the loclge was closed , after which the brethren adjourned to the festive board , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and received with thafc good feeling whicli we trust will ever remain a peculiar characteristic of Freemasonry .
BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was holden on the 20 th inst . ; present , J . Lamb , AV . M . ; J . Gaunt , S . AV . ; A . Hunter , J . AV ; IE . C Tatley , S . D . ; J . Pickard , J . D . ; G . Beauland , Treas . ; H . Butterworth , Sec . pro tem . ; and Past Masters AV . Gath , P . Prov . G . AV . ; Dr . Taylor , Prov . G . S . ; J . T . Robinson , Chas . Lees , J . Thompson , and other brethren , with several visitors . The minutes of the last regular lodge and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . Bro . Isaac AVrightMayor of Bradford
, , was elected a joining menber . Bro . E . C . Townsend , of St . Botolph's Lodge ( No . 858 ) , was elected a joining member . Bro . AA m . Bottomlcy was raised to the third degree by P . M . AA m . Gath . Bro , E . C . Pearson was passed to the second degree by the AV . M . After various arrangements had been made in connection with fche installation of the Prov . Grand Master , the brethren retired to their usual substantial repast , and spent an agreeable evening .
Knights Templar.
PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE OE KENT . Provincial Grand Conclave was opened at the Masonic Hall , AA ' oolwich , by the V . E . Prov . G . Commander , Dr . Hinxman , on Friday , May 17 th , at 5 J- p . m ., in ancient form and solemn prayer . The minutes of the last I ' rov . Grand Conclave were read and confirmed .
The circular of convocation being read , the Treasurer's accounts were audited and found correct . Sir Knt . TAYLOR was then unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Treasurer . The V . E . PROV . G . COMMANDER having consulted with his D . Prov . Sir Knt . Col . Clerk , and declared his intention of retaining certain officers in their stations , appointed the following Sir Knts . to
office : —Wm . Smith , CD ., Prov . G . 2 nd Capt . ; P . Laird , Chancellor and Registrar ; Schwarzkopf , Chamberlain ; Capt . G . Arbuthnot Hospitaller ; Col . Tulloh , Expert ; Hewitt , Almoner ; Malins ' Standard-bearer ; Hassall , Capt . of Lines ; M . Cooke , Organist - Piatt , Banner-bearer . Letters were then read from Sir Knts . Smith and Scott , regretting their unavoidable absence . It was proposed by the D . Prov . G . Commander , Col . CLERK , and seconded by Sir Knt . Capt . KING , that the by-laws of the Provincial Grand Conclave be printed , and that Sir Knt . Smith be requested to carry out this resolution . The collection of alms terminated the business .
The Prov . Grand Conclave was closed in due form and solemn prayer at 7 p . m ., and the Sir Knts . sat clown to banquet , —after which , the cloth being removed , the following toasts were given , with honours— " Her Majesty the Queen , the daughter of a Knt . Templar , " the V . E . Prov . G . C . expressing the hope , which he was sure would be reciprocated by all present , thafc Her Majesty mio-ht speedily recover from the shock she had received b y the decease of her dearllamented motherthe Duchess of Kent .
y , On rising to give the next toast , Sir Knt . Dr . Hinxman felt that he lahoured under some difficulty , as it was the first time that he had the honour of giving the health of one who had ' been long known to them , and who , the longer he was known , the higher he rose in their estimation , he referred to their late D . G . M ., Sir Knt . Stuart . In his late capacit y he was never forgotten by the Kemcys Tynte Encampmentancl the Kntsof Kent
, . , for he lived in their hearts ; but he repeated this was the first time he ^ had tho honour ( ancl he trusted by many , many times , it would ' not be the last ) of proposing the health of Sir Knt . Stuart in his new position of M . E . S . U . M . He was sure that his elevation to thafc oiiice was hailed with rejoicing by many Sir Knts . in the Province of Kent , as an earnest of the increased prosperity of the Order . Dr . Hinxman concluded by saying thafc , since he had the honour of Sir KntStuart
. ' s private friendship , he had become acquainted with many more of the excellencies and virtues of that Sir Knt . 's character , than he had hithero had an opportunity of doino-. Ke hacl therefore , the most heartfelt pleasure in calling upon theni to drink with full Knightly honours "The Health of their H . E . S . G . M .- " long might he be spared to rule over tbem . The next toast that the V . E . G . PROV . COMMANDER had to propose
was the health of another Sir Knt . of whose qualities he could also speak personally . He had only to name Sir Knt . Col . A ernon , D . G . M . and Prov . G . Commander for Staffordshire . He was beloved by the Sir Knts . of his own and the neighbouring Provinces , and now , as Deputy Grand Master , they would in his official capacity have tho opportunity of becoming better acquainted with his talents and amiability of character . So ivould those virtues be estimated as clearly by the Order at large as b y the Knts . of his own Province .
Col . CLERK , D . Prov . G . M . ., G . Reg ., \ . P . G . Sub-Prior , next rose to propose " The Health of their Very Eminent Prov . Grand Commander , " a Sir Knt . to whom , he said , the Province of Kent was indebted for' the prosperity which Knight Templarism had attained amongst them .
The A . E . Sir Knt . Dr . HINXMAN returned thanks , assuring them , that any success wliich had attended his exertions he owed to the valuable and unwearied asssistance of Col . Clerk ; he , therefore , could not deck himself with borrowed plumes ; he , however , thanked them for their kind reception of his name , assuring them that they should always command his best services . The V . E . Prov . G . COMMANDER again rose and said that he was
quite sure that the next toast would be most cordially received , and without further preface proposed "The Health of Col . Clerk , " whom he had the honour Declaiming as his D . Prov . G . Commander of the Kentish Sir Knts . ; further occupation of their time was unn ecessary , as he was known to be at once most highly re-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
: Provincial.
that it was only for the want to be made known , and for a beginning to be made , for a proper building to be erected on a suitable site . He called upon his Masonic brethren to make the beginning that day . He did not ask them to give largely , but to give " not grudgingly and of necessity , " remembering that " God loveth a cheerful giver . " Let them make their subscription—be it large or be it small—a nucleus for that purpose ; and he trusted the time was not far distant when a Masonic procession , similar to that thoy
had witnessed that day , might wend their steps , headed by their Prov . G . Master , to the most suitable site that could be found , to assist hi laying the foundation stone of an Infirmary , erected with all the modern improvements , capable of alleviating the distresses of its inmates , and of affording free scope to the skill of the medical officers who exerted themselves so zealously and iiiclefatigably in this labour of love . —After tbe sermon a collection was made iu aid of the funds of the Leeds General Infirmary , which amounted to £ 56 .
After the service at St . George's Church , the procession was re-formed and returned to the Victoria Hall in the same order as before . About 650 sat down to dinner in the crypt under the groat hall , the Earl De Grey and Ripon presiding . He was supported on his left by the Marquis of Hartington and numerous other eminent brethrenand a very full attendance of Present and Past Prov . G .
, Officers . The banquet was not confined to members of the fraternity , ancl there were several tables placed in tho recesses occupied by ladies . The usual routine , toasts were given , but of course without Masonic honours ; aud Miss Eleanor AValker , Miss Crossland , Bro . Garner , and other vocalists , accompanied by Bro . Spark and others , added to the enjoyment of the occasion . There were glees , solos , choruses , & c , admirably executed . AVe observed
Bro . James Kitson , the Mayor of Leeds ( who has been recently initiated with several other men of equally eminent stamp in the county ) , as well as the Mayor of Bradford and other municipal and civic officers . The toasts were ably responded to by those to whom in each case the duty was entrusted . The Prov . G . M ., in his speech , when returning thanks , remarked the necessity for exercising caution in making allusions to the Craft in the presence of the bright intelligence of the beautiful additions to the present
festive occasion ; for only drop a word , ancl the curiosity for which thoy are so universally credited would be excited ; and he warned his brethren that when they ascended to the " realms above "he meant the ball-room—or perhaps ifc might be deferred so long until they reached their homes ; but he assured them that , sooner or later , any such incautiously dropped expression would be most perseveringly , although , no doubt , also most endearingly , inquired
about , and an explanation sought ; ifc , therefore , behoved them to be particularly cautious upon this occasion , and under all circumstances . His Lordship's very interesting and amusing speech was listened to with the greatest attention , and applauded by none more thoroughly than hy the ladies . A variety of loyal and Masonic toasts were given , which pressure on our columns compels us to defer till our next issue .
At 9 o'clock , the great Hall having been prepared for the purpose , a grand ball took place , at which , we understand , there were between 2000 and 3000 persons present . DEWSBURY . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 1129 ) . —This lodge held an emergency meeting iu the lodge- room , Saw Inn , Batley Can-, ou Monclay , the 13 th inst ., to make the necessary arrangements for attending tlie installation of the B . AA . G . M . of 'Vest Yorkshirethe
, Right Hon . Earl do Grey and Ripon . Owing to the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . Edward Chadwick , P . M ., presided . The business being concluded , the loclge was closed , after which the brethren adjourned to the festive board , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and received with thafc good feeling whicli we trust will ever remain a peculiar characteristic of Freemasonry .
BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was holden on the 20 th inst . ; present , J . Lamb , AV . M . ; J . Gaunt , S . AV . ; A . Hunter , J . AV ; IE . C Tatley , S . D . ; J . Pickard , J . D . ; G . Beauland , Treas . ; H . Butterworth , Sec . pro tem . ; and Past Masters AV . Gath , P . Prov . G . AV . ; Dr . Taylor , Prov . G . S . ; J . T . Robinson , Chas . Lees , J . Thompson , and other brethren , with several visitors . The minutes of the last regular lodge and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . Bro . Isaac AVrightMayor of Bradford
, , was elected a joining menber . Bro . E . C . Townsend , of St . Botolph's Lodge ( No . 858 ) , was elected a joining member . Bro . AA m . Bottomlcy was raised to the third degree by P . M . AA m . Gath . Bro , E . C . Pearson was passed to the second degree by the AV . M . After various arrangements had been made in connection with fche installation of the Prov . Grand Master , the brethren retired to their usual substantial repast , and spent an agreeable evening .
Knights Templar.
PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE OE KENT . Provincial Grand Conclave was opened at the Masonic Hall , AA ' oolwich , by the V . E . Prov . G . Commander , Dr . Hinxman , on Friday , May 17 th , at 5 J- p . m ., in ancient form and solemn prayer . The minutes of the last I ' rov . Grand Conclave were read and confirmed .
The circular of convocation being read , the Treasurer's accounts were audited and found correct . Sir Knt . TAYLOR was then unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Treasurer . The V . E . PROV . G . COMMANDER having consulted with his D . Prov . Sir Knt . Col . Clerk , and declared his intention of retaining certain officers in their stations , appointed the following Sir Knts . to
office : —Wm . Smith , CD ., Prov . G . 2 nd Capt . ; P . Laird , Chancellor and Registrar ; Schwarzkopf , Chamberlain ; Capt . G . Arbuthnot Hospitaller ; Col . Tulloh , Expert ; Hewitt , Almoner ; Malins ' Standard-bearer ; Hassall , Capt . of Lines ; M . Cooke , Organist - Piatt , Banner-bearer . Letters were then read from Sir Knts . Smith and Scott , regretting their unavoidable absence . It was proposed by the D . Prov . G . Commander , Col . CLERK , and seconded by Sir Knt . Capt . KING , that the by-laws of the Provincial Grand Conclave be printed , and that Sir Knt . Smith be requested to carry out this resolution . The collection of alms terminated the business .
The Prov . Grand Conclave was closed in due form and solemn prayer at 7 p . m ., and the Sir Knts . sat clown to banquet , —after which , the cloth being removed , the following toasts were given , with honours— " Her Majesty the Queen , the daughter of a Knt . Templar , " the V . E . Prov . G . C . expressing the hope , which he was sure would be reciprocated by all present , thafc Her Majesty mio-ht speedily recover from the shock she had received b y the decease of her dearllamented motherthe Duchess of Kent .
y , On rising to give the next toast , Sir Knt . Dr . Hinxman felt that he lahoured under some difficulty , as it was the first time that he had the honour of giving the health of one who had ' been long known to them , and who , the longer he was known , the higher he rose in their estimation , he referred to their late D . G . M ., Sir Knt . Stuart . In his late capacit y he was never forgotten by the Kemcys Tynte Encampmentancl the Kntsof Kent
, . , for he lived in their hearts ; but he repeated this was the first time he ^ had tho honour ( ancl he trusted by many , many times , it would ' not be the last ) of proposing the health of Sir Knt . Stuart in his new position of M . E . S . U . M . He was sure that his elevation to thafc oiiice was hailed with rejoicing by many Sir Knts . in the Province of Kent , as an earnest of the increased prosperity of the Order . Dr . Hinxman concluded by saying thafc , since he had the honour of Sir KntStuart
. ' s private friendship , he had become acquainted with many more of the excellencies and virtues of that Sir Knt . 's character , than he had hithero had an opportunity of doino-. Ke hacl therefore , the most heartfelt pleasure in calling upon theni to drink with full Knightly honours "The Health of their H . E . S . G . M .- " long might he be spared to rule over tbem . The next toast that the V . E . G . PROV . COMMANDER had to propose
was the health of another Sir Knt . of whose qualities he could also speak personally . He had only to name Sir Knt . Col . A ernon , D . G . M . and Prov . G . Commander for Staffordshire . He was beloved by the Sir Knts . of his own and the neighbouring Provinces , and now , as Deputy Grand Master , they would in his official capacity have tho opportunity of becoming better acquainted with his talents and amiability of character . So ivould those virtues be estimated as clearly by the Order at large as b y the Knts . of his own Province .
Col . CLERK , D . Prov . G . M . ., G . Reg ., \ . P . G . Sub-Prior , next rose to propose " The Health of their Very Eminent Prov . Grand Commander , " a Sir Knt . to whom , he said , the Province of Kent was indebted for' the prosperity which Knight Templarism had attained amongst them .
The A . E . Sir Knt . Dr . HINXMAN returned thanks , assuring them , that any success wliich had attended his exertions he owed to the valuable and unwearied asssistance of Col . Clerk ; he , therefore , could not deck himself with borrowed plumes ; he , however , thanked them for their kind reception of his name , assuring them that they should always command his best services . The V . E . Prov . G . COMMANDER again rose and said that he was
quite sure that the next toast would be most cordially received , and without further preface proposed "The Health of Col . Clerk , " whom he had the honour Declaiming as his D . Prov . G . Commander of the Kentish Sir Knts . ; further occupation of their time was unn ecessary , as he was known to be at once most highly re-