Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS OF CONSTANTINOPLE. Page 1 of 1 Article TURKEY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Chester . The sermon being preached by Bro . the Rev . W . M . Heath , Prov . G . Chap . On the return from church resolutions were agreed to for the appointment of a Provincial Committee in aid of the Masonic Charities , and for discontinuing the procession to and attendance at church at the annual meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge . The Prov . G . M . then called upon the officers for the past year to resign their collars , and appointed and invested the following
officers for the year ensuing : — Bro . G . R . Crickmay , P . M . 170 ... Prov . G . S . W . „ T . C . W . Saunders , P . M . 417 „ G . J . W . „ The Rev . H . Pix , 622 „ G . Chap . „ W . J . Hill , AV . M . 1 , 037 „ G . Reg . „ T . Coombs , WM . 417 „ G . Sec . „ J . New , W . M . 472 „ G . S . D .
„ W . Chick , J . W . 417 „ G . J . D . „ D . Collett , AV . M . 170 „ G . Supt , of AVorks . „ J . Maunders , P . M . 170 „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . J . Webb , 707 „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ G . F . Chick , J . AV . 707 „ G . Sword Bearer . „ C . H . Crickmay , 170 „ G . Purst . Prov . G . Stewards .
Bros . W . Bryant , 170 Bros . C . Parsons , 417 „ E . Dunn , 170 „ E . C . Gundry , 707 „ S . Yearsley , 170 „ E . A . H . Castleman , 707 „ J . S . Drew , 3 S 7 „ H . Patten , 1 , 037 Prov . G . Standard Bearers . Bro . C . Jesty , 170 | Bro . R . Cox , 1037-Bro . J . Lovelace , 417 , Prov . G . Tyler . The usual complimentary votes were accorded and the Provincial Grand lodge was closed at a quarter past four p . m .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CRYSTAD PAIACE CHAPTER ( NO . 742 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on the 16 th inst ., the ceremonies of exaltation and installationbcingrendered most ably aud efficiently by Conip . AV . Watson , P . Z . Comp . AV . Stewart was elected H . ; Comp . Posse was installed as J . Comp . Downes , Z . elect , waa unavoidably prevented attending , and sent an apology for his
absence . There was a goodly muster uf visiting companions . After the closing of the chapter the companions adjourned to the banquet , which was of a very recherche description . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and as usual most heartily received . NORTHUMBERLAND . PEOVIXCIAL GRAND ROYAI Anon CHAM-EE .
A special meeting of this Royal Arch Chapter was held at the Masonic hall , Newgate-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne , on Friday , the 10 th inst ., for the purpose of consecrating a new chapter to be nominated St . Peters Chapter ( No . 481 ) . It was opened in due form at three o ' clock by the Prov . G . Superintendent , the Rev . Edward C . Ogle , supported by the following officers and comrjanions : —
Comp . E . D . Davis , P . Z as H . „ B . J . Thompson , P . Z as . T . „ H . Hotham , P . Z as E . „ J . S . Challoner , P . Z as N . „ A . Clapham , P . Z as P . S . „ Cockcroft , P . Z asA . S . „ H . G . Anson , P . Z as A . S .
There were also present Comps . Punston , H . G . Ludwig , R . Smaile , T . Robinson , J . G . Tullock , P . Z's ; J . Jensen , J . Kelly , T . Smith , J . Little , P .. Richardson , C . Jackson , T . B . Winter , J . H . Thompson , T . Woodruff ; B . Smaile , and others . The warrant granted by the Supreme Grand Chapter having been read , the Prov . G . Superintendent proceeded with the consecration , assisted by his officers , which beautiful and most impressive ceremony was performed with all the solemnit y
befittinothe occasion , and in a manner most characteristic of the true Masonic spirit with which the worthy and much respected Prov . G . Superintendent is endowed . The three principals of the new chapter having been installed
Royal Arch.
in their several chairs , viz ., B . J . Thompson , Z . ; J . Hopper , H . ; H . G . Ludwig , J . ; the chapter was prorogued for ordinary business until duly summoned by circular .
Knights Of Constantinople.
CORNWALL . TRUEO . — Fortitude Council ( No . 3 ) . — A meeting of this council was held on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Sir Knt . W . J . Hughan , Sov ., in the chair , who was supported by the Sir Knts . C . A ., M . A ., and the other officers and several members . The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved . A large number of candidates were
received for this beautiful Christian rite to be elevated at the next meeting , and , after the transaction of other important business , Sir Knt . Thomas Chirgwin , Master of Finances , was proposed as the 111 . Sov . for the year ensuing , amid the plaudits of the Sir Knts . The council was then closed with solemn prayer by the Rev . Prelate , and adjourned until October .
DISTRICT GRAND LODG-E OE TURKEY . A meeting was held at the Oriental Lodge Room , Pera , Constantinople , on the 2 nd August . In the absence of the-D . G . M . the Right Hon . Sir Henry L . Bulwer , the D . D . G . M . Bro . Hyde Clarke acted as D . G . M . Bro . W . W . Evans , acting D . D . G . M . Bro . A . Thompson , D . G . S . W . Bro . S . Scowlondi acting D . G . J . W . The District Grand Lodge having been opened in due form ,
the minutes of the last District Grand Lodge Avere read and signed by the acting D . G . M . The District Grand Sec . Bro . R . A . Carleton read the following statement of the District Grand Treas . Bro . J . P . Brown , who was unavoidably absent . " The D . G . Treas . has to report that he has not received the balance and accounts of the late D . G . Treas ., and that no lodge or D . G . Officer has tendered him fees . "The D . D . G . M . has received 300 piasters from the Homer
Lodge at Smyrna on account of fees and £ 2 10 s . for dipensations , and has paid SOO piastres for printing District Graud Lodge minutes besides disbursements for postages . " On the motion of the acting D . G . M ., seconded by Bro . Evans , it was resolved that the Treasurer's statement be received . Moved by Bro . G . M . Warren , seconded by Bro . Scoulondi . Resolved , That Bro . J . P . Brown be re-elected D . G . Treas . The acting D . G . M ., in calling attention to the Masonic zeal , displayed by Bro . C . A . Theodoridi , the D . G . S . B . alluded in terms of warm commendation to the services he had not only
rendered to his Lodge the Arete , but to tne district generally on the occasion of the late Girls' School festival in London , when their worthy brother appeared as the representative of his lodge , the first which had as yet been represented at either of the festivals , he had , therefore , much pleasure in moving that a special vote of thanks be given to Bro . C . A . Theodoridi , for the admirable and efficient manner in which be represented not only the Lodge Arete , but the district , at the recent festival
of the Girls's School , in London , and that the D . G . Secretary is requested to transmit a copy of this resoluion to the Arete " Lodge . The resolution was seconded by Bro . A . Thompson , and carried unanimously . Bro . C . A . Theodoridi briefly returned thanks in feeling terms . The Acting D . G . Master in referring to tho services rendered by the D . G . Secretary , said it was not necessary to do more than mention that he bad laboriously worked for them for four years ,,
in what [ manner they knew best , he had , therefore felt it his duty to move That the thanks of the District Grand Lodge be given to tho D . G . Secretary for the manner in Avhich he had discharged the duties of his office . The D . G . Secretary having acknowledged the vote of thanks in suitable term ? , the Acting D . G . M . then proceeded to appoint the following as D . G . Officers for the year 1866-7 , those absent being invested by proxy : — Bros . A . D . Pchinas / P . D . G . D ., P . M . Arete' Lodge , No . 1041 , Constantinople , D . S . G . Warden ; E . W . Tinney , P . D . G . Reg .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chester . The sermon being preached by Bro . the Rev . W . M . Heath , Prov . G . Chap . On the return from church resolutions were agreed to for the appointment of a Provincial Committee in aid of the Masonic Charities , and for discontinuing the procession to and attendance at church at the annual meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge . The Prov . G . M . then called upon the officers for the past year to resign their collars , and appointed and invested the following
officers for the year ensuing : — Bro . G . R . Crickmay , P . M . 170 ... Prov . G . S . W . „ T . C . W . Saunders , P . M . 417 „ G . J . W . „ The Rev . H . Pix , 622 „ G . Chap . „ W . J . Hill , AV . M . 1 , 037 „ G . Reg . „ T . Coombs , WM . 417 „ G . Sec . „ J . New , W . M . 472 „ G . S . D .
„ W . Chick , J . W . 417 „ G . J . D . „ D . Collett , AV . M . 170 „ G . Supt , of AVorks . „ J . Maunders , P . M . 170 „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . J . Webb , 707 „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ G . F . Chick , J . AV . 707 „ G . Sword Bearer . „ C . H . Crickmay , 170 „ G . Purst . Prov . G . Stewards .
Bros . W . Bryant , 170 Bros . C . Parsons , 417 „ E . Dunn , 170 „ E . C . Gundry , 707 „ S . Yearsley , 170 „ E . A . H . Castleman , 707 „ J . S . Drew , 3 S 7 „ H . Patten , 1 , 037 Prov . G . Standard Bearers . Bro . C . Jesty , 170 | Bro . R . Cox , 1037-Bro . J . Lovelace , 417 , Prov . G . Tyler . The usual complimentary votes were accorded and the Provincial Grand lodge was closed at a quarter past four p . m .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CRYSTAD PAIACE CHAPTER ( NO . 742 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on the 16 th inst ., the ceremonies of exaltation and installationbcingrendered most ably aud efficiently by Conip . AV . Watson , P . Z . Comp . AV . Stewart was elected H . ; Comp . Posse was installed as J . Comp . Downes , Z . elect , waa unavoidably prevented attending , and sent an apology for his
absence . There was a goodly muster uf visiting companions . After the closing of the chapter the companions adjourned to the banquet , which was of a very recherche description . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and as usual most heartily received . NORTHUMBERLAND . PEOVIXCIAL GRAND ROYAI Anon CHAM-EE .
A special meeting of this Royal Arch Chapter was held at the Masonic hall , Newgate-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne , on Friday , the 10 th inst ., for the purpose of consecrating a new chapter to be nominated St . Peters Chapter ( No . 481 ) . It was opened in due form at three o ' clock by the Prov . G . Superintendent , the Rev . Edward C . Ogle , supported by the following officers and comrjanions : —
Comp . E . D . Davis , P . Z as H . „ B . J . Thompson , P . Z as . T . „ H . Hotham , P . Z as E . „ J . S . Challoner , P . Z as N . „ A . Clapham , P . Z as P . S . „ Cockcroft , P . Z asA . S . „ H . G . Anson , P . Z as A . S .
There were also present Comps . Punston , H . G . Ludwig , R . Smaile , T . Robinson , J . G . Tullock , P . Z's ; J . Jensen , J . Kelly , T . Smith , J . Little , P .. Richardson , C . Jackson , T . B . Winter , J . H . Thompson , T . Woodruff ; B . Smaile , and others . The warrant granted by the Supreme Grand Chapter having been read , the Prov . G . Superintendent proceeded with the consecration , assisted by his officers , which beautiful and most impressive ceremony was performed with all the solemnit y
befittinothe occasion , and in a manner most characteristic of the true Masonic spirit with which the worthy and much respected Prov . G . Superintendent is endowed . The three principals of the new chapter having been installed
Royal Arch.
in their several chairs , viz ., B . J . Thompson , Z . ; J . Hopper , H . ; H . G . Ludwig , J . ; the chapter was prorogued for ordinary business until duly summoned by circular .
Knights Of Constantinople.
CORNWALL . TRUEO . — Fortitude Council ( No . 3 ) . — A meeting of this council was held on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Sir Knt . W . J . Hughan , Sov ., in the chair , who was supported by the Sir Knts . C . A ., M . A ., and the other officers and several members . The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved . A large number of candidates were
received for this beautiful Christian rite to be elevated at the next meeting , and , after the transaction of other important business , Sir Knt . Thomas Chirgwin , Master of Finances , was proposed as the 111 . Sov . for the year ensuing , amid the plaudits of the Sir Knts . The council was then closed with solemn prayer by the Rev . Prelate , and adjourned until October .
DISTRICT GRAND LODG-E OE TURKEY . A meeting was held at the Oriental Lodge Room , Pera , Constantinople , on the 2 nd August . In the absence of the-D . G . M . the Right Hon . Sir Henry L . Bulwer , the D . D . G . M . Bro . Hyde Clarke acted as D . G . M . Bro . W . W . Evans , acting D . D . G . M . Bro . A . Thompson , D . G . S . W . Bro . S . Scowlondi acting D . G . J . W . The District Grand Lodge having been opened in due form ,
the minutes of the last District Grand Lodge Avere read and signed by the acting D . G . M . The District Grand Sec . Bro . R . A . Carleton read the following statement of the District Grand Treas . Bro . J . P . Brown , who was unavoidably absent . " The D . G . Treas . has to report that he has not received the balance and accounts of the late D . G . Treas ., and that no lodge or D . G . Officer has tendered him fees . "The D . D . G . M . has received 300 piasters from the Homer
Lodge at Smyrna on account of fees and £ 2 10 s . for dipensations , and has paid SOO piastres for printing District Graud Lodge minutes besides disbursements for postages . " On the motion of the acting D . G . M ., seconded by Bro . Evans , it was resolved that the Treasurer's statement be received . Moved by Bro . G . M . Warren , seconded by Bro . Scoulondi . Resolved , That Bro . J . P . Brown be re-elected D . G . Treas . The acting D . G . M ., in calling attention to the Masonic zeal , displayed by Bro . C . A . Theodoridi , the D . G . S . B . alluded in terms of warm commendation to the services he had not only
rendered to his Lodge the Arete , but to tne district generally on the occasion of the late Girls' School festival in London , when their worthy brother appeared as the representative of his lodge , the first which had as yet been represented at either of the festivals , he had , therefore , much pleasure in moving that a special vote of thanks be given to Bro . C . A . Theodoridi , for the admirable and efficient manner in which be represented not only the Lodge Arete , but the district , at the recent festival
of the Girls's School , in London , and that the D . G . Secretary is requested to transmit a copy of this resoluion to the Arete " Lodge . The resolution was seconded by Bro . A . Thompson , and carried unanimously . Bro . C . A . Theodoridi briefly returned thanks in feeling terms . The Acting D . G . Master in referring to tho services rendered by the D . G . Secretary , said it was not necessary to do more than mention that he bad laboriously worked for them for four years ,,
in what [ manner they knew best , he had , therefore felt it his duty to move That the thanks of the District Grand Lodge be given to tho D . G . Secretary for the manner in Avhich he had discharged the duties of his office . The D . G . Secretary having acknowledged the vote of thanks in suitable term ? , the Acting D . G . M . then proceeded to appoint the following as D . G . Officers for the year 1866-7 , those absent being invested by proxy : — Bros . A . D . Pchinas / P . D . G . D ., P . M . Arete' Lodge , No . 1041 , Constantinople , D . S . G . Warden ; E . W . Tinney , P . D . G . Reg .