Article ROYAL ARCH. ENGLISH CONSTITUTION, ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch. English Constitution,
invite tbe several chapters working in tho dominion , under the banners of foreign chapters , to respectively appoint delegates to meet a committee from Grand Chapter , at some central point , within a few months date , to seriously consider this matter with a view to the adoption of a remedy for our present' double jurisdiction , ' either by the erection , of Grand Chapters for each , ' Nova Scotia' and 'New Brunswick , ' or by the erection of a Grand Chapter for the 'Maritime Provinces ; ' or htbe merging
y of all chapters in Canada working under foreign authority , upon , mutually satisfactory terms and conditions , under the banner of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons ot Canada . "I may here enumerate the several Royal Arch Chapters in the Province , viz .: — " New Brunswick Royal Arch Chapter , No . 10 , Register of Canada .
"St . Mark ' s Chapter , No . 518 , St . Andrew's , Register of England . " Garleton Royal Arch Chapter , No . 4 , St . John , Register of Scotland . " Fredericton Royal Arch Chapter , No . 77 , Fredericfen , Register of Scotland . " Union Royal Arch Chapter , No . 84 , Carleton , Register of Scotland . " Corinthian Royal Arch Chapter , No . 85 , Hampton , Register
of Scotland . "Afount Leban in Royal Arch C liapter , No . 101 , Chatham , Register of Scotland . " St . Stephen Royal Arch Chapter , No . — , Stephen , Register of Scotland . " During the past week I granted authority to New Brunswick Chapter , No . 10 , to join , under the direction of Excellent Principal Z . Companion David R . Alunro , the Grand Lodge , and
take part in the ceremonies consequent upon laying tho cornerstone of the Alasonic Hall , Carleton , with Alasonic honours . The demonstration took place on Friday , the 30 th July , under the most auspicious circumstances . The Grand Alaster , AI . AA . Bro . B . L . Peters , was supported by the Grand Lodge , Blue Lodges , New Brunswick Chapter , No . 10 , and the St . John and the Union de Alolay Encapments of the city . "Alost respectfully submitted .
" ROBEET AIARSUAEIJ , " Supt . for the Province of New- Brunswick . " From the list of officers published in the report of proceedings , we learn that V . E . Companion D . R . Alunro , of this city , has been appointed Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Canada , and R . E . Companion Robert Marshall , Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Alasonry for the Province of New Brunswick , under the same authority .
Knights Templar.
CANADA . The following are the officers elected and appointed at the annual Grand Conclave of the United Orders of the Temple and Hospitallers of St . John of Jerusalem , for Canada , under the Supreme Jurisdiction , of England and Wales , for the year A . D . 1870 : — V . E . Fratres Lt , Col . AV . J . B . AIcLeod Moore , Grand Prior for the Dominion ; Thomas Douglas Harrington , Dcp . Grand
Prior ; Samuel B . Harman , Grand Sub . Prior and Prov . Grand Commander for Ontario and Quebec . E . Fratres Robert Aiarshall , Past Prov . Grand Alaster ; Howard E . Swales , John Kerr and Alexander Kirkpatrick , to be Past Dep . Grand Commanders . Fratei- lieu , . fames A . Preston , Grand P . ielate . E . Fratres Edwin Goodman , Grand First Capt . C . C . ; Hem-y " Robortson , Grand Second Capt ,, C . C ; A . E . Frater Thos . B . Harris , Grand Chancellor . Fratres Thomas AVhite , jun ., Grand
Alee Chancellor ; AValter J . Lindsay , Grand Reg . ; John H . Graham , Grand TITUS . ; David R . Alunro , Grand Chamberlain ; Robert Ramsay , Gvand Hospitaller ; J . Kirkpatrick Kerr , Grand Expert ; Augustus T . Houel , Grand 1 st Standard Beiirr ; II . A . Baxter , Grand 2 nd Standard Bearer ; Ponton , Grand Almoner ; David Gillies , Grand 1 st Aide-de-Camp ; R . Barrow , "Grand 2 nd Aido-de-Camp ; Charles Storer , Grand Dir . of Cers . .-V . II . Spencer ( -frond Capt . of Lines ; Thomas F . AlcAIullen
, , Grand 1 st Herald ; William Bathgate , Grand 2 nd Herald ; John McDonough , Grand Sword Bearer ; AVilliam Wilkinson , Grand Equerry . The next assembly will be held at the City of Quebac , on the second AVednesday in August , 1870 .
Masonic Festivities.
MASONIC CONGEST AND BALLOn Tuesday , the 7 fch inst ., an amateur concert and ball in connection with the Freemasons' Lodge of Perseverance 371 , Maryporf ., and under the patronage of LordKenlis , the Provincial Grand Alaster offche lodges of Cumberland and Westmoreland , was held in the
Music Hall of the Athenasum , Mavyport . The arrangements for the entertainment , the nest proceeds of which , it was announced , would be devoted to charity , were under the direction of a committee consisting of Bros . TV " . AV . Wood , P . M ., P . Prov . fi § i 5 * P . Hetherington , P . M . ; Jos . Lucock , P . M ., P . Pro £% : S . ; W . G . AVallis , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D . ; H . Carr , P . M ., P . Prov . G . P .,
and Bro . P . de Egglesfiele Collin was appointed honorary secretary and treasurer to the committee . The large room was very tastefully decorated for the occasion with a number of paintings , engravings , busts , flags , and banners—several of the latter bearing Masonic devices . There was a very fashionable audience present , the whole of the front seats were well filled , bub the most of
the back seats were entirely empty . Amongst the ladies and gentlemen present in the room we noticed : —Bro . AV . TV . Wood , Bro . P . de Egglesficld Collin , Bro . T . Mandle and Mrs . Mandle , Bro . Green and Miss Green , Bro . Lawson and Miss Belmore , Bro . Hugh Carr and Miss Carr , 'Bro , J . Tickle and Mrs . Tickle , Bro . John Adair , Bro . J : Tyson and Mrs . Tj-son , Bro . Graham , Bro . Wailis and Mrs . AVallis , and Bro . Armstrong . Mavyport ; Bro . Beeby and Mrs . Beeby , Birkby ; Bro . J . Lucock and
Mrs . Lucock , Broughton Moor ; Mr . P . W- Nicholson and Mrs . Nicholson , Broughton ; Mr . P . Collin , Mrs . Collin , and the Misses Collin , Mr . and Mrs . Ligbfcfoot , Mr . TV . Bobinson , Mr . M . Wilson and Mrs . Wilson , Mrs . and Master Hewetsou , Miss Newby , Miss Addison , Miss Edith Harrison , and Miss Hiig-ginson , Mr . Matgham , Dr . Tosh , Mr . Wilson Harrison , Mrs . Christian , Misa
Johnston , the Misses Hetherington , M . C . B . Huthwaite , and Miss Fanny Wood , Maryporfc ; Mr . and Miss Robinson , Stockmoor ; Mrs . Ostie and Mr . TV . Osfcie , jun ., Birkby ; Mrs . and Miss Clarke , Bankond ; the Misses Walker , Oastlehill ; Mr . Louis Walker and Aliss Barbara Walker , Allonby ; Miss Paisley , Broughton ; Air . Ganan , Workington ; Miss NicholsonFlimby : Mr . J . Ritson ,
, Ellenbank ; and Mr . Hall , Crosscavmonby . The vocalists engaged for the occasion were four in number , and consisted of Messrs . Richardson , Bell , and Sinkinson , members of the Penrith Glee and Madrigal Society , and Bro . Dr . Jones , of Aspatria . Bro . Rowlands , of Penrith , the organist at Brougham Chapel , presided at the piano ; and the band for tiie ball was under the direction of
Messrs , J . and TV . B . Graham , of Mavyport , assisted by Messrs . Scott , Casson , Barber , and Thompson . The only professional musician engaged in the concert , with the exception of the members of the band , was Mr . TVales , of Cockcrmouth- After the concert the room was cleared , and dancing commenced , and was kept up Avith spirit until the following morning .
We have received "The History of Freemasonry , from its Origin down to the Present Day , " by J . G . Tindel , editor of the German Masonic journal , "Die Bauhiitte , " honorary member of Mother Kilwinning , Minerva Lodge , Hull , and of several German , French , and Italian lodges . Second edition , revised , and a preface written by Bro . David Murray Lyon , Ayr , Grand Steward , Scotland ; Honourable Co . Member of the "Union of German . Freemason ; author of " The History of Mother Kilwinning . " London : Asher and Go . 1869 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch. English Constitution,
invite tbe several chapters working in tho dominion , under the banners of foreign chapters , to respectively appoint delegates to meet a committee from Grand Chapter , at some central point , within a few months date , to seriously consider this matter with a view to the adoption of a remedy for our present' double jurisdiction , ' either by the erection , of Grand Chapters for each , ' Nova Scotia' and 'New Brunswick , ' or by the erection of a Grand Chapter for the 'Maritime Provinces ; ' or htbe merging
y of all chapters in Canada working under foreign authority , upon , mutually satisfactory terms and conditions , under the banner of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons ot Canada . "I may here enumerate the several Royal Arch Chapters in the Province , viz .: — " New Brunswick Royal Arch Chapter , No . 10 , Register of Canada .
"St . Mark ' s Chapter , No . 518 , St . Andrew's , Register of England . " Garleton Royal Arch Chapter , No . 4 , St . John , Register of Scotland . " Fredericton Royal Arch Chapter , No . 77 , Fredericfen , Register of Scotland . " Union Royal Arch Chapter , No . 84 , Carleton , Register of Scotland . " Corinthian Royal Arch Chapter , No . 85 , Hampton , Register
of Scotland . "Afount Leban in Royal Arch C liapter , No . 101 , Chatham , Register of Scotland . " St . Stephen Royal Arch Chapter , No . — , Stephen , Register of Scotland . " During the past week I granted authority to New Brunswick Chapter , No . 10 , to join , under the direction of Excellent Principal Z . Companion David R . Alunro , the Grand Lodge , and
take part in the ceremonies consequent upon laying tho cornerstone of the Alasonic Hall , Carleton , with Alasonic honours . The demonstration took place on Friday , the 30 th July , under the most auspicious circumstances . The Grand Alaster , AI . AA . Bro . B . L . Peters , was supported by the Grand Lodge , Blue Lodges , New Brunswick Chapter , No . 10 , and the St . John and the Union de Alolay Encapments of the city . "Alost respectfully submitted .
" ROBEET AIARSUAEIJ , " Supt . for the Province of New- Brunswick . " From the list of officers published in the report of proceedings , we learn that V . E . Companion D . R . Alunro , of this city , has been appointed Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Canada , and R . E . Companion Robert Marshall , Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Alasonry for the Province of New Brunswick , under the same authority .
Knights Templar.
CANADA . The following are the officers elected and appointed at the annual Grand Conclave of the United Orders of the Temple and Hospitallers of St . John of Jerusalem , for Canada , under the Supreme Jurisdiction , of England and Wales , for the year A . D . 1870 : — V . E . Fratres Lt , Col . AV . J . B . AIcLeod Moore , Grand Prior for the Dominion ; Thomas Douglas Harrington , Dcp . Grand
Prior ; Samuel B . Harman , Grand Sub . Prior and Prov . Grand Commander for Ontario and Quebec . E . Fratres Robert Aiarshall , Past Prov . Grand Alaster ; Howard E . Swales , John Kerr and Alexander Kirkpatrick , to be Past Dep . Grand Commanders . Fratei- lieu , . fames A . Preston , Grand P . ielate . E . Fratres Edwin Goodman , Grand First Capt . C . C . ; Hem-y " Robortson , Grand Second Capt ,, C . C ; A . E . Frater Thos . B . Harris , Grand Chancellor . Fratres Thomas AVhite , jun ., Grand
Alee Chancellor ; AValter J . Lindsay , Grand Reg . ; John H . Graham , Grand TITUS . ; David R . Alunro , Grand Chamberlain ; Robert Ramsay , Gvand Hospitaller ; J . Kirkpatrick Kerr , Grand Expert ; Augustus T . Houel , Grand 1 st Standard Beiirr ; II . A . Baxter , Grand 2 nd Standard Bearer ; Ponton , Grand Almoner ; David Gillies , Grand 1 st Aide-de-Camp ; R . Barrow , "Grand 2 nd Aido-de-Camp ; Charles Storer , Grand Dir . of Cers . .-V . II . Spencer ( -frond Capt . of Lines ; Thomas F . AlcAIullen
, , Grand 1 st Herald ; William Bathgate , Grand 2 nd Herald ; John McDonough , Grand Sword Bearer ; AVilliam Wilkinson , Grand Equerry . The next assembly will be held at the City of Quebac , on the second AVednesday in August , 1870 .
Masonic Festivities.
MASONIC CONGEST AND BALLOn Tuesday , the 7 fch inst ., an amateur concert and ball in connection with the Freemasons' Lodge of Perseverance 371 , Maryporf ., and under the patronage of LordKenlis , the Provincial Grand Alaster offche lodges of Cumberland and Westmoreland , was held in the
Music Hall of the Athenasum , Mavyport . The arrangements for the entertainment , the nest proceeds of which , it was announced , would be devoted to charity , were under the direction of a committee consisting of Bros . TV " . AV . Wood , P . M ., P . Prov . fi § i 5 * P . Hetherington , P . M . ; Jos . Lucock , P . M ., P . Pro £% : S . ; W . G . AVallis , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D . ; H . Carr , P . M ., P . Prov . G . P .,
and Bro . P . de Egglesfiele Collin was appointed honorary secretary and treasurer to the committee . The large room was very tastefully decorated for the occasion with a number of paintings , engravings , busts , flags , and banners—several of the latter bearing Masonic devices . There was a very fashionable audience present , the whole of the front seats were well filled , bub the most of
the back seats were entirely empty . Amongst the ladies and gentlemen present in the room we noticed : —Bro . AV . TV . Wood , Bro . P . de Egglesficld Collin , Bro . T . Mandle and Mrs . Mandle , Bro . Green and Miss Green , Bro . Lawson and Miss Belmore , Bro . Hugh Carr and Miss Carr , 'Bro , J . Tickle and Mrs . Tickle , Bro . John Adair , Bro . J : Tyson and Mrs . Tj-son , Bro . Graham , Bro . Wailis and Mrs . AVallis , and Bro . Armstrong . Mavyport ; Bro . Beeby and Mrs . Beeby , Birkby ; Bro . J . Lucock and
Mrs . Lucock , Broughton Moor ; Mr . P . W- Nicholson and Mrs . Nicholson , Broughton ; Mr . P . Collin , Mrs . Collin , and the Misses Collin , Mr . and Mrs . Ligbfcfoot , Mr . TV . Bobinson , Mr . M . Wilson and Mrs . Wilson , Mrs . and Master Hewetsou , Miss Newby , Miss Addison , Miss Edith Harrison , and Miss Hiig-ginson , Mr . Matgham , Dr . Tosh , Mr . Wilson Harrison , Mrs . Christian , Misa
Johnston , the Misses Hetherington , M . C . B . Huthwaite , and Miss Fanny Wood , Maryporfc ; Mr . and Miss Robinson , Stockmoor ; Mrs . Ostie and Mr . TV . Osfcie , jun ., Birkby ; Mrs . and Miss Clarke , Bankond ; the Misses Walker , Oastlehill ; Mr . Louis Walker and Aliss Barbara Walker , Allonby ; Miss Paisley , Broughton ; Air . Ganan , Workington ; Miss NicholsonFlimby : Mr . J . Ritson ,
, Ellenbank ; and Mr . Hall , Crosscavmonby . The vocalists engaged for the occasion were four in number , and consisted of Messrs . Richardson , Bell , and Sinkinson , members of the Penrith Glee and Madrigal Society , and Bro . Dr . Jones , of Aspatria . Bro . Rowlands , of Penrith , the organist at Brougham Chapel , presided at the piano ; and the band for tiie ball was under the direction of
Messrs , J . and TV . B . Graham , of Mavyport , assisted by Messrs . Scott , Casson , Barber , and Thompson . The only professional musician engaged in the concert , with the exception of the members of the band , was Mr . TVales , of Cockcrmouth- After the concert the room was cleared , and dancing commenced , and was kept up Avith spirit until the following morning .
We have received "The History of Freemasonry , from its Origin down to the Present Day , " by J . G . Tindel , editor of the German Masonic journal , "Die Bauhiitte , " honorary member of Mother Kilwinning , Minerva Lodge , Hull , and of several German , French , and Italian lodges . Second edition , revised , and a preface written by Bro . David Murray Lyon , Ayr , Grand Steward , Scotland ; Honourable Co . Member of the "Union of German . Freemason ; author of " The History of Mother Kilwinning . " London : Asher and Go . 1869 .