Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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* * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOK , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
TXIEES of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE EBEEitASOJNs' MAGAZINE , SO that a complete Register and Directory mny be compiled . THE M . W . G . AI . has granted a warrant for a new lodge to be
called ths Great -Northern Lodge ( No . 1 , 287 ) , to be held at the Great Northern Hotel , King's Cross . The consecration will take place early in January . Bro . Samuel Webb , P . M . 193 , is the W . M . designate . HAMILTON . —Bro . Kobert Nisbet , of Lodge Hamilton ( No 233 ) , has been appointed Senior Warden of the Provincial
Grand Lodge for the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire . THE Lodge of Science ( No . 437 ) , hitherto meeting at the Eed Lion Inn , Bourton , in the province of Dorset ; , is now removed , by the sanction of the proper authorities , to the town of Wincanton , in the province of Somerset . The meetings are to be held on the second Thursday iu each month , at the National Schoolroom .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITANJoiiDAJf LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . —This lodge , held at the Freemasons' Hall , met on Friday , the 17 th inst . There were present Bros . Shepherd , P . M ., as W . M ., in the absence of Bro . Martin , AOL ; Smith , S . W . ; P . Robinson , J . W . ; Lawrence , J . D . ; P . B . Davage , I . G . ; B- Spooner , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Sheen , P . M . ;
M . Arliss , P . M . ; R . Watts , P . M . ; J . Robinson , P . M . ; J . Dyer , P . M . ; B . J . Jeft ' ery , P . M . The business of the evening included the passing of Bro . Wm . Jas . Wetenhall , who answered in a most perfect manner the usual questions previously put to him by the W . M ., the ceremony of passing beiug worked by Bro . Shepherd , P . M . The election of W . M . then took place , when Bro . P . Smith , S . AV ., was duly elected W . M . Bro . Revatts was re-elected for the 13 th time Treasure ! , and the
audit was fixed for the meeting in January . Bro . Riley was re-elected Tyler . The business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to banquet , at which Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., presided ; after which the usual toasts , loyal and masonic , were introduced by the acting W . M . in the most appropriate style . The health of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., was given with marked feeling by all , after the eloquent observations from the chair . Bro . Milesa visitor from the Lodge of Confidence ,
, added very much to the pleasure of the evening by his excellent songs . Bro . Wetenhall , a Fellow Craft , also displayed great vocal power , and gave much promise of becoming an acquisition to the lodge aud to the Craft . Bro . F . Smith , the W . M . elect , who is a P . M . of a provincial lodge , spoke of his beiug honoured by the appointment to the office of W . M . in this his mother lodge , and promised to carry out the dvities to lihe satisfaction of
all . He resided in the country , but , notwithstanding it would cost him a day's journey , he would bo at his post , as heretofore . Bro . Spooner , ' the Secretary , was deservedly complimented by the W . M . for his efficiency . Bro . Robinson , P . M ., iu returning thanks for the toast to the Treasurer , Wine Steward , and Master of the Ceremonies , also observed in eulogistic terms on the satisfactory mamicr in which the duties of the secretary were carried out , as well as to the services of the Treasurer , Bro . Watts , P . M ., who for 13 years had husbanded the lodge funds , and faithfully applied them to charity whenever he found the
Craft Masonry.
lodge could permit him to do so—a course he always advocated . Bro . Peter Robinson , S . W ., returned thanks for the other officers , who he said were determined to uphold the reputation of the lodge by endeavouring to follow the footsteps of those brethren who had preceded them in office .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTXES . —Fleaides Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meetingwas called for 5 p . m ., at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , December lGth , soon after which hour the lodge was opened by Bro . John Heath , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Dr . Hopkins , acting as P . P . M . ; Cuming , S . AV . ; AVatson , P . M ., as J . W . ; Seccombe , Sec ; Fawleas S . D .: Dr . F . BamifS . V . ; J . Hainsas I . G . ;
, , Taylor , Org . There were also present , Bros . Bodley and Foot as visitors . Tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The acting I . P . M . read a letter he had received from the AV . AI . apologising for his absence under very pressing circumstances , and requesting Bro . J . Heath , and himself to supply his place between them . Bro . Nincr now entered and took his chair as J . W . A ballot was taken for Mr . T . E . D
yer as a candidate for initiation , which proved in his favour , after testimony as to eligibility had been given by several members . Tho lodge having been opened in the second degree hy Bro . J . Heath ; Bros . Elliott , Golden , aud AVoolridge , were examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , and the above-named Fellowcraftsmen were re-admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the
charge and lecture being necessarily postponed . The traditionary history was given by Bro . Heath , and the working tools explained by the J . W . The lodge was closed iu the 3 rd degree , and then resumed in tlle 1 st . The W . iVI . 's chair having been taken hy Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., Bro . H . Presswell , was admitted , examined as to his proficiency , and entrusted . The lodge was resumed in the 2 nd degree . While the candidate was being prepared , Bro . Dr . Hopkins explained to the brethren
the circumstances under which he again occupied the VV . M . 'scliair during the time that he was giving assistance in the ceremonies . On the re-admission of the candidate , he w » s duly passed to the degree of FellowerafWinra , the J . W . explaining the working tools . The lodge having been resumed in the 1 st degree , Mr . T . E . Dyer was admitted properly prepared , and duly initiated as an E . A . by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , the working tools being as before explained by Bro . Niner , and tbe chargegiven by Bro . J . Heath , who resumed the chair , conducted the remainder of the business , and finally closed the lodge at a quarter past nine .
DURHAM . DURHAM . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 12 J 1 ) . —On Tuesday evening , the 7 th inst ., a regular meeting of this lodge was held in the New Freemasons' Hall . The lodge was opened at seven o'clock by the W . M . Bro . A . Eowlandson , assisted by the usual officers . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . AV . Stoker , P . M . ; W . Briguall , P M . ; W . R . Fitzgerald , P . AI . ; W .
A . Malcolm , P . M . ; T . Jones , P . AL ; G . Cauuev , MM . P . AL , No . 1 , 121 ; W . Briguall , jun ., AV . M . No . 1 . 271 ; W . A . Blackett , J . Young , E . Hefl ' erman , J . Gray , W . Coxon , J . J . G . Strong , E . Stone , & c , & c . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Bros . G . P . Ileid and W . C . Allan were passed to the second degree , and subsequently Bro . J . II . Turner was raised . After these ceremonies were concluded , the election for W . AL , Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing year w-as
proceeded with , the following being the result , viz . : For W . M Bro . W . C . Blackett , 3 S votes ; A . Itowhindsen , AV . M . 8 vutcs and J . Young , 2 votes . The W . M . declared Bro . Blackett to be duly elected , and the result was hailed with every manifestation of satisfaction . For Treasurer and Tyler Bros . J . Ruine and J . Carter were respectively elected . Two propositions for initiation and one for joining having been made , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall where the remainder of the evening was spent .
CHESTEH-IE-STKEEI . —Earl of Durham Lodge ( No . 1 , 274 ) .. — On AVednesday evening , the 8 th inst ., a regular meeting of this lodge was held under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W Briguall jun ., assisted by Bros . E . Linton , P . AI . ; S . AV . T Robson , JAV . ; A . Harkness , Sec ; J . Gray , S . D . ; J . Arebbold " J . D .: AV . Coxon , I . G . Amongst those present were : Bros . W
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
* * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOK , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
TXIEES of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE EBEEitASOJNs' MAGAZINE , SO that a complete Register and Directory mny be compiled . THE M . W . G . AI . has granted a warrant for a new lodge to be
called ths Great -Northern Lodge ( No . 1 , 287 ) , to be held at the Great Northern Hotel , King's Cross . The consecration will take place early in January . Bro . Samuel Webb , P . M . 193 , is the W . M . designate . HAMILTON . —Bro . Kobert Nisbet , of Lodge Hamilton ( No 233 ) , has been appointed Senior Warden of the Provincial
Grand Lodge for the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire . THE Lodge of Science ( No . 437 ) , hitherto meeting at the Eed Lion Inn , Bourton , in the province of Dorset ; , is now removed , by the sanction of the proper authorities , to the town of Wincanton , in the province of Somerset . The meetings are to be held on the second Thursday iu each month , at the National Schoolroom .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITANJoiiDAJf LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . —This lodge , held at the Freemasons' Hall , met on Friday , the 17 th inst . There were present Bros . Shepherd , P . M ., as W . M ., in the absence of Bro . Martin , AOL ; Smith , S . W . ; P . Robinson , J . W . ; Lawrence , J . D . ; P . B . Davage , I . G . ; B- Spooner , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Sheen , P . M . ;
M . Arliss , P . M . ; R . Watts , P . M . ; J . Robinson , P . M . ; J . Dyer , P . M . ; B . J . Jeft ' ery , P . M . The business of the evening included the passing of Bro . Wm . Jas . Wetenhall , who answered in a most perfect manner the usual questions previously put to him by the W . M ., the ceremony of passing beiug worked by Bro . Shepherd , P . M . The election of W . M . then took place , when Bro . P . Smith , S . AV ., was duly elected W . M . Bro . Revatts was re-elected for the 13 th time Treasure ! , and the
audit was fixed for the meeting in January . Bro . Riley was re-elected Tyler . The business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to banquet , at which Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., presided ; after which the usual toasts , loyal and masonic , were introduced by the acting W . M . in the most appropriate style . The health of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., was given with marked feeling by all , after the eloquent observations from the chair . Bro . Milesa visitor from the Lodge of Confidence ,
, added very much to the pleasure of the evening by his excellent songs . Bro . Wetenhall , a Fellow Craft , also displayed great vocal power , and gave much promise of becoming an acquisition to the lodge aud to the Craft . Bro . F . Smith , the W . M . elect , who is a P . M . of a provincial lodge , spoke of his beiug honoured by the appointment to the office of W . M . in this his mother lodge , and promised to carry out the dvities to lihe satisfaction of
all . He resided in the country , but , notwithstanding it would cost him a day's journey , he would bo at his post , as heretofore . Bro . Spooner , ' the Secretary , was deservedly complimented by the W . M . for his efficiency . Bro . Robinson , P . M ., iu returning thanks for the toast to the Treasurer , Wine Steward , and Master of the Ceremonies , also observed in eulogistic terms on the satisfactory mamicr in which the duties of the secretary were carried out , as well as to the services of the Treasurer , Bro . Watts , P . M ., who for 13 years had husbanded the lodge funds , and faithfully applied them to charity whenever he found the
Craft Masonry.
lodge could permit him to do so—a course he always advocated . Bro . Peter Robinson , S . W ., returned thanks for the other officers , who he said were determined to uphold the reputation of the lodge by endeavouring to follow the footsteps of those brethren who had preceded them in office .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTXES . —Fleaides Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meetingwas called for 5 p . m ., at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , December lGth , soon after which hour the lodge was opened by Bro . John Heath , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Dr . Hopkins , acting as P . P . M . ; Cuming , S . AV . ; AVatson , P . M ., as J . W . ; Seccombe , Sec ; Fawleas S . D .: Dr . F . BamifS . V . ; J . Hainsas I . G . ;
, , Taylor , Org . There were also present , Bros . Bodley and Foot as visitors . Tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The acting I . P . M . read a letter he had received from the AV . AI . apologising for his absence under very pressing circumstances , and requesting Bro . J . Heath , and himself to supply his place between them . Bro . Nincr now entered and took his chair as J . W . A ballot was taken for Mr . T . E . D
yer as a candidate for initiation , which proved in his favour , after testimony as to eligibility had been given by several members . Tho lodge having been opened in the second degree hy Bro . J . Heath ; Bros . Elliott , Golden , aud AVoolridge , were examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , and the above-named Fellowcraftsmen were re-admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the
charge and lecture being necessarily postponed . The traditionary history was given by Bro . Heath , and the working tools explained by the J . W . The lodge was closed iu the 3 rd degree , and then resumed in tlle 1 st . The W . iVI . 's chair having been taken hy Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., Bro . H . Presswell , was admitted , examined as to his proficiency , and entrusted . The lodge was resumed in the 2 nd degree . While the candidate was being prepared , Bro . Dr . Hopkins explained to the brethren
the circumstances under which he again occupied the VV . M . 'scliair during the time that he was giving assistance in the ceremonies . On the re-admission of the candidate , he w » s duly passed to the degree of FellowerafWinra , the J . W . explaining the working tools . The lodge having been resumed in the 1 st degree , Mr . T . E . Dyer was admitted properly prepared , and duly initiated as an E . A . by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , the working tools being as before explained by Bro . Niner , and tbe chargegiven by Bro . J . Heath , who resumed the chair , conducted the remainder of the business , and finally closed the lodge at a quarter past nine .
DURHAM . DURHAM . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 12 J 1 ) . —On Tuesday evening , the 7 th inst ., a regular meeting of this lodge was held in the New Freemasons' Hall . The lodge was opened at seven o'clock by the W . M . Bro . A . Eowlandson , assisted by the usual officers . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . AV . Stoker , P . M . ; W . Briguall , P M . ; W . R . Fitzgerald , P . AI . ; W .
A . Malcolm , P . M . ; T . Jones , P . AL ; G . Cauuev , MM . P . AL , No . 1 , 121 ; W . Briguall , jun ., AV . M . No . 1 . 271 ; W . A . Blackett , J . Young , E . Hefl ' erman , J . Gray , W . Coxon , J . J . G . Strong , E . Stone , & c , & c . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Bros . G . P . Ileid and W . C . Allan were passed to the second degree , and subsequently Bro . J . II . Turner was raised . After these ceremonies were concluded , the election for W . AL , Treasurer and Tyler for the ensuing year w-as
proceeded with , the following being the result , viz . : For W . M Bro . W . C . Blackett , 3 S votes ; A . Itowhindsen , AV . M . 8 vutcs and J . Young , 2 votes . The W . M . declared Bro . Blackett to be duly elected , and the result was hailed with every manifestation of satisfaction . For Treasurer and Tyler Bros . J . Ruine and J . Carter were respectively elected . Two propositions for initiation and one for joining having been made , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall where the remainder of the evening was spent .
CHESTEH-IE-STKEEI . —Earl of Durham Lodge ( No . 1 , 274 ) .. — On AVednesday evening , the 8 th inst ., a regular meeting of this lodge was held under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W Briguall jun ., assisted by Bros . E . Linton , P . AI . ; S . AV . T Robson , JAV . ; A . Harkness , Sec ; J . Gray , S . D . ; J . Arebbold " J . D .: AV . Coxon , I . G . Amongst those present were : Bros . W