Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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to carry out bis obligations ; and be hoped the officers and brethren would discharge their duty as faithfully as heinteneledtoperforin his own . The office he hacl undertaken was notalightone , andit was not until that moment that he had felt the importance of the duties he would have to perform ; still , they were incumbent on him , ancl it would be a high privilege for any man as a Mason to carry them out , and he hoped at the close of his year of office they woulcl have reason to say that he had faithfully performedhis duties . Heconcluded
by wishing to each and all , health , happiness , and prosperity . —The W . M . said , he had great pleasure in proposing " The Health of the Past Masters of tbe Lodge , " Bros . Jegells , Taylor , Turner , Baines , Diplock , and Harris . —Bros . Jegells , Taylor , ancl others , briefly acknowledged the compliment . —The AV . M . next gave " The Visiting Brethren , " for which Bro . the Rev . J . SIIABOE , W . M . of the Yarborough Lodge , in responding , said , he felt very grateful for the very kind manner in which they had been received on that as on
all former occasions , and felt assured that at the end of his year of office , the AV . M . having ably discharged his duties , would add another unit of wisdom to those who sat on the right-hand side of the chair . The W . M . gave " The Treasurer ancl Secretary of the Lodge , Bro . Baines , ancl Bro . Richard Baines . " —Bro . RAISES , in replying to the toast , saich ' that having now been entrusted with the funds of the lodge for the last twenty years was a proof that he hacl given tbem satisfaction , which was a great pleasure to him , and as long as he
continued to be their Treasurer , he hoped to merit their good opinion . —Bro . Richard BAINES said , for the fifteenth time he was honoured with the appointment of Hon . Secretary , and from the first it hacl been his object to enhance the interests of tbe United Mariners ' lodge , which was truely a happy band . The number of P . M . s hacl greatly increased , but he was happy to say that they were not less intellectual , enlightened , and social , than when they were few . Having referred to the satisfactory financial position of the lodge
, he thought that they might devote more attention to their charitable institutions , ivhich would redound to the honour of Freemasonry , by endeavouring more fully to carry out those tenets ancl principles which they p > rofessecl to practise . Many of their institutions demanded their fostering care ; but in looking into THEFBEEMASONS MA & AZINE he was most gratified to find that there were
no less than 81 Stewards for the festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . His honoured father had pleaded for that institution , which was for the support of the aged , ancl worthy of then- care . While , as regarded youth , they had the world before them , therefore , for the aged Masons they could not do too much . —The W . M . next gave " The Officers of the lodge , " ancl hoped they woulcl support him during his year of office , ancl be regular in their attendance . —Bro . HAEBISS . W . said it would be the desire of the
, , officers to exert themselves in the cause of Freemasonry by every means which might lie in their power . The Tyler's toast was then given , ancl brought a truly harmonious meeting to a close . PBUDEKT BEETHEEN LODOE ( No . 169 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday last , when Bro . Hooper was installed as W . M . by Bro . Blackburn , P . M ., assisted by Bros . AA atson , Boyd , Kirby , Hart , ancl other P . Ms . The " new Master appointed '
Bros . Graygoose as S . AV . ; Exall , J . W . ; Parkiss , S . D . ; Sharpe , J . D . ; Blackburn , P . M ., Sec . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , ancl a pleasant evening was passed , assisted by the musical exertions ofthe Bros . Hart , Exall , Graygoose , Mortimore Davis , and Miss Hart , the daughter of Bro . Ed . Hart , the Organist to the lodge . TEMPEEANCE IOBGE ( No . 198 ) . —The installation meeting of
this lodge took place on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., at the Plou" -h Tavern , Rotherhithe . Bro . Hollins , the AV . M ., presided ; ancl , after the minutes of the preceding lodge were confirmed , Bro . Sinclair was raised to the third degree . Bro . M . Roach was installed AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Anslow most ably went through the ceremony of installation . The new AV . M . appointed the following officers : —Bros . H . Newlan , S . AV . ; G . Brown , J . AV . ; S . AVhiteTreas . ; * J . TibbiesSecWSearle ' S . D . — Deveau
, , ; . , ; , J . D . ; J . Searle , I . G . ; and II . Holt , Tyler . The AV . M . then proceeded to initiate Mr . Nicholas AVingiield into Masonry , which ceremony was performed most satisfactorily . The brethren afterwards adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Holinan . Above thirty brethren were present , including tbe following visitors : —Bros . Anslow , Moore , Turnbull , AVarters , and Stahv . Some excellent songs were sung by the newly-initiated and other ¦ brothers , and the brethren separated , highly satisfied .
lon & E op FEHCITY ( NO . 6 G ) . —In a recent number we noticed the death of Bro . S . Staples , P . M ., and a member of this lodge for thirty-four years . In TIIE MAGAZINE for June , 1857 , we recorded the testimony borne to Bro . Staples' services as Treasurer to the lodge for twenty-five years , in a present from the members of an elegant silver claret jug , which bore an inscription alike creditable to tbe lodge , and honourable to its esteemed Treasurer . At the regular meeting held in November , it was resolved unanimously that a vote
of condolence be presented to the widow of the late Bro . Staples , the senior member ancl Past Master , as also Treasurer of the lodge , to convey to her the heartfelt regret individually and collectively felt by the lodge , and of the irreparable loss it hacl sustained in the death of her late husband , who served the office of Treasurer for twenty-nine years with fidelity , punctuality , ancl zeal ; and , as a Mason , was a faithful advocate and unflinching supporter of the principles of the Order . He was universally esteemed ancl beloved
by all the members , who looked up to him with brotherly love and attachment . May his spirit have been received into the mansions of bliss in the realms above by that bright morning star , whose rising brings peace ancl salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human race . This resolution was written on vellum , signed by the W . M . and Secretary , and presented to the bereaved lady , who , desirous that her late husband's memory should be preserved by his brethren , presented to the lodge a favourite goblet of Bro .
Staples' , on which are engraved several Masonic emblems . She also presented to Bro . AA atkins , the esteemed Sec , a set of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review and Magazine , elegantly bound . —At the meeting held on Monday , Jan . 21 , at the London Tavern , Bro . David "Oilman , AV . M ., Bro . Meyersteen was raised to the third degree . By an unanimous vote , the sum of £ 10 out of the charitable funds of the lodge was ordered to be given to tbe Lord Mayor in aid of the distressed poor . After the transaction of routine business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned
to the banquet . The AV . M . presided , ancl in course of the evenmg in giving the toast of the " D . G . M . ancl rest of the Grancl Officers , " referred especially to Bro . Finch , G . AV ., the Grancl Steward for the present year , a brother who by his attention and correct discharge of the duties of his office , was well fitted for the higher honours which would no doubt ere long be conferred upon him . — Bro . Finch having acknowledged the toast , Bro . Morris , after a few remarks on the courtesy ancl general kindness of demeanour that
distinguished the AV . M ., asked tbe brethren to dedicate a bumper to "The Health of the Presiding Oflicers of the lodge . "—Bro . Dllman having briefly acknowledged the compliment , proposed " The P . M . s of the Lodge . " This was responded to by Bros . Kynaston Morris , ancl Graham . —The AV . M . then , on the part ofthe lodge , gave a cordial greeting to " The Visitors , " Bro . Heal , of No . 167 ; Bro . Harle , of No . 4 . 44 , at Frankfort ; Bros . Scott , and How ; and the latter acknowledged the toast . —The AV . M . then said that it was his
pleasing duty to congratulate the lodge onits having elected to the office of Treasurer , one of the most esteemed members of the lodge ; and as the election of Bro . Graham was that evening confirmed , he aslced the brethren for them to show their approval of the choice in a glass to the health of Bro . Graham . —Bro . Graham said that he could not but be proud of having so onerous an office cast upon him , ancl he hopecl he should be found to be equal to bis predecessor in care of tbe funds of the lodge . After a recognition of the services of the [ Secretary ancl the Officers , the very agreeable meeting was closed .
DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , Jan . 11 , at Bro . Ireland's , the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane . Bro . George Moore , W . M ., presided ; Bro . Russen , S . AA' ' . ; Bro . AAllson , J . AV . ; Bro . II . Thompson , S . D . ; Bro . Osborne , J . D . ; ancl Bro . Meekham , I . G . The lodge was opened at 4 o ' clock , ancl Bro . Neeclham was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Bryant , Manton , and Moss were passed to tho degree of F . C . Mr , Joseph Cave , ofthe Marylebone Theatre , ancl Mr . Joseph Abbot , were
initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . Some other business of a routine character having been disposed of , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . After the cloth bad been drawn , and the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts disposed of , the W . M . gave " The Health of the Initiates , "for which Bro . Abbot returned thanks , expressing the great gratification he experienced in being admitted a member of their noble Order , and hoped by assiduity and attention to make himself efficient in
its duties . —The AV . M . next , gave " Their Alsiting Brethren , " for which Bro . If aylett , of No . 1082 , responded . Bro . Smith , P . M . and Treasurer said he had a toast to propose—viz ., " The Health of their AV . M ., " ancl he must say that he thought the brethren should be pleased that they hacl such a master to preside over them , for following up the feeling of the day , he was a decided supporter of the early closing movement . —The W . M . very briefly returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The AV . M . next gave
" The Health of the Past Masters of the Domatic Lodge , Bros . Smith , Carpenter , Garrod , Elmes , and Marshall . " —Bro . Carpenter responded , and said that the Past Masters of the lodge would always be at their post to afford information ; but he did not think their services would often be required . —Bro . Smith , P . M ., replied on behalf of Bro . Haydon , P . M ., who was absent , and trusted he would be well supported as their steward at the approaching' Festival for the benefit of Aged Freemasons . Some other toasts were given , and the evening was passed in harmony .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to carry out bis obligations ; and be hoped the officers and brethren would discharge their duty as faithfully as heinteneledtoperforin his own . The office he hacl undertaken was notalightone , andit was not until that moment that he had felt the importance of the duties he would have to perform ; still , they were incumbent on him , ancl it would be a high privilege for any man as a Mason to carry them out , and he hoped at the close of his year of office they woulcl have reason to say that he had faithfully performedhis duties . Heconcluded
by wishing to each and all , health , happiness , and prosperity . —The W . M . said , he had great pleasure in proposing " The Health of the Past Masters of tbe Lodge , " Bros . Jegells , Taylor , Turner , Baines , Diplock , and Harris . —Bros . Jegells , Taylor , ancl others , briefly acknowledged the compliment . —The AV . M . next gave " The Visiting Brethren , " for which Bro . the Rev . J . SIIABOE , W . M . of the Yarborough Lodge , in responding , said , he felt very grateful for the very kind manner in which they had been received on that as on
all former occasions , and felt assured that at the end of his year of office , the AV . M . having ably discharged his duties , would add another unit of wisdom to those who sat on the right-hand side of the chair . The W . M . gave " The Treasurer ancl Secretary of the Lodge , Bro . Baines , ancl Bro . Richard Baines . " —Bro . RAISES , in replying to the toast , saich ' that having now been entrusted with the funds of the lodge for the last twenty years was a proof that he hacl given tbem satisfaction , which was a great pleasure to him , and as long as he
continued to be their Treasurer , he hoped to merit their good opinion . —Bro . Richard BAINES said , for the fifteenth time he was honoured with the appointment of Hon . Secretary , and from the first it hacl been his object to enhance the interests of tbe United Mariners ' lodge , which was truely a happy band . The number of P . M . s hacl greatly increased , but he was happy to say that they were not less intellectual , enlightened , and social , than when they were few . Having referred to the satisfactory financial position of the lodge
, he thought that they might devote more attention to their charitable institutions , ivhich would redound to the honour of Freemasonry , by endeavouring more fully to carry out those tenets ancl principles which they p > rofessecl to practise . Many of their institutions demanded their fostering care ; but in looking into THEFBEEMASONS MA & AZINE he was most gratified to find that there were
no less than 81 Stewards for the festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . His honoured father had pleaded for that institution , which was for the support of the aged , ancl worthy of then- care . While , as regarded youth , they had the world before them , therefore , for the aged Masons they could not do too much . —The W . M . next gave " The Officers of the lodge , " ancl hoped they woulcl support him during his year of office , ancl be regular in their attendance . —Bro . HAEBISS . W . said it would be the desire of the
, , officers to exert themselves in the cause of Freemasonry by every means which might lie in their power . The Tyler's toast was then given , ancl brought a truly harmonious meeting to a close . PBUDEKT BEETHEEN LODOE ( No . 169 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday last , when Bro . Hooper was installed as W . M . by Bro . Blackburn , P . M ., assisted by Bros . AA atson , Boyd , Kirby , Hart , ancl other P . Ms . The " new Master appointed '
Bros . Graygoose as S . AV . ; Exall , J . W . ; Parkiss , S . D . ; Sharpe , J . D . ; Blackburn , P . M ., Sec . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , ancl a pleasant evening was passed , assisted by the musical exertions ofthe Bros . Hart , Exall , Graygoose , Mortimore Davis , and Miss Hart , the daughter of Bro . Ed . Hart , the Organist to the lodge . TEMPEEANCE IOBGE ( No . 198 ) . —The installation meeting of
this lodge took place on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., at the Plou" -h Tavern , Rotherhithe . Bro . Hollins , the AV . M ., presided ; ancl , after the minutes of the preceding lodge were confirmed , Bro . Sinclair was raised to the third degree . Bro . M . Roach was installed AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Anslow most ably went through the ceremony of installation . The new AV . M . appointed the following officers : —Bros . H . Newlan , S . AV . ; G . Brown , J . AV . ; S . AVhiteTreas . ; * J . TibbiesSecWSearle ' S . D . — Deveau
, , ; . , ; , J . D . ; J . Searle , I . G . ; and II . Holt , Tyler . The AV . M . then proceeded to initiate Mr . Nicholas AVingiield into Masonry , which ceremony was performed most satisfactorily . The brethren afterwards adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Holinan . Above thirty brethren were present , including tbe following visitors : —Bros . Anslow , Moore , Turnbull , AVarters , and Stahv . Some excellent songs were sung by the newly-initiated and other ¦ brothers , and the brethren separated , highly satisfied .
lon & E op FEHCITY ( NO . 6 G ) . —In a recent number we noticed the death of Bro . S . Staples , P . M ., and a member of this lodge for thirty-four years . In TIIE MAGAZINE for June , 1857 , we recorded the testimony borne to Bro . Staples' services as Treasurer to the lodge for twenty-five years , in a present from the members of an elegant silver claret jug , which bore an inscription alike creditable to tbe lodge , and honourable to its esteemed Treasurer . At the regular meeting held in November , it was resolved unanimously that a vote
of condolence be presented to the widow of the late Bro . Staples , the senior member ancl Past Master , as also Treasurer of the lodge , to convey to her the heartfelt regret individually and collectively felt by the lodge , and of the irreparable loss it hacl sustained in the death of her late husband , who served the office of Treasurer for twenty-nine years with fidelity , punctuality , ancl zeal ; and , as a Mason , was a faithful advocate and unflinching supporter of the principles of the Order . He was universally esteemed ancl beloved
by all the members , who looked up to him with brotherly love and attachment . May his spirit have been received into the mansions of bliss in the realms above by that bright morning star , whose rising brings peace ancl salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human race . This resolution was written on vellum , signed by the W . M . and Secretary , and presented to the bereaved lady , who , desirous that her late husband's memory should be preserved by his brethren , presented to the lodge a favourite goblet of Bro .
Staples' , on which are engraved several Masonic emblems . She also presented to Bro . AA atkins , the esteemed Sec , a set of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review and Magazine , elegantly bound . —At the meeting held on Monday , Jan . 21 , at the London Tavern , Bro . David "Oilman , AV . M ., Bro . Meyersteen was raised to the third degree . By an unanimous vote , the sum of £ 10 out of the charitable funds of the lodge was ordered to be given to tbe Lord Mayor in aid of the distressed poor . After the transaction of routine business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned
to the banquet . The AV . M . presided , ancl in course of the evenmg in giving the toast of the " D . G . M . ancl rest of the Grancl Officers , " referred especially to Bro . Finch , G . AV ., the Grancl Steward for the present year , a brother who by his attention and correct discharge of the duties of his office , was well fitted for the higher honours which would no doubt ere long be conferred upon him . — Bro . Finch having acknowledged the toast , Bro . Morris , after a few remarks on the courtesy ancl general kindness of demeanour that
distinguished the AV . M ., asked tbe brethren to dedicate a bumper to "The Health of the Presiding Oflicers of the lodge . "—Bro . Dllman having briefly acknowledged the compliment , proposed " The P . M . s of the Lodge . " This was responded to by Bros . Kynaston Morris , ancl Graham . —The AV . M . then , on the part ofthe lodge , gave a cordial greeting to " The Visitors , " Bro . Heal , of No . 167 ; Bro . Harle , of No . 4 . 44 , at Frankfort ; Bros . Scott , and How ; and the latter acknowledged the toast . —The AV . M . then said that it was his
pleasing duty to congratulate the lodge onits having elected to the office of Treasurer , one of the most esteemed members of the lodge ; and as the election of Bro . Graham was that evening confirmed , he aslced the brethren for them to show their approval of the choice in a glass to the health of Bro . Graham . —Bro . Graham said that he could not but be proud of having so onerous an office cast upon him , ancl he hopecl he should be found to be equal to bis predecessor in care of tbe funds of the lodge . After a recognition of the services of the [ Secretary ancl the Officers , the very agreeable meeting was closed .
DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , Jan . 11 , at Bro . Ireland's , the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane . Bro . George Moore , W . M ., presided ; Bro . Russen , S . AA' ' . ; Bro . AAllson , J . AV . ; Bro . II . Thompson , S . D . ; Bro . Osborne , J . D . ; ancl Bro . Meekham , I . G . The lodge was opened at 4 o ' clock , ancl Bro . Neeclham was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Bryant , Manton , and Moss were passed to tho degree of F . C . Mr , Joseph Cave , ofthe Marylebone Theatre , ancl Mr . Joseph Abbot , were
initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . Some other business of a routine character having been disposed of , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . After the cloth bad been drawn , and the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts disposed of , the W . M . gave " The Health of the Initiates , "for which Bro . Abbot returned thanks , expressing the great gratification he experienced in being admitted a member of their noble Order , and hoped by assiduity and attention to make himself efficient in
its duties . —The AV . M . next , gave " Their Alsiting Brethren , " for which Bro . If aylett , of No . 1082 , responded . Bro . Smith , P . M . and Treasurer said he had a toast to propose—viz ., " The Health of their AV . M ., " ancl he must say that he thought the brethren should be pleased that they hacl such a master to preside over them , for following up the feeling of the day , he was a decided supporter of the early closing movement . —The W . M . very briefly returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The AV . M . next gave
" The Health of the Past Masters of the Domatic Lodge , Bros . Smith , Carpenter , Garrod , Elmes , and Marshall . " —Bro . Carpenter responded , and said that the Past Masters of the lodge would always be at their post to afford information ; but he did not think their services would often be required . —Bro . Smith , P . M ., replied on behalf of Bro . Haydon , P . M ., who was absent , and trusted he would be well supported as their steward at the approaching' Festival for the benefit of Aged Freemasons . Some other toasts were given , and the evening was passed in harmony .