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Reg . and Prov . G . S , D ., Oxfordshire , the AA . M . elect ; Edward J . Morris , Prov . G . J . D . ; P . N . Rowland , Prov . G . Sup . Works ; F . D . Michael , Prov . G . Dir . Cers . ; AVilliam Cox , P . Prov . G , Organist ; P . Donaldson , Prov . G . Steward ; Dr . A . 1 ) . AA astfield . Prov . G . Organist ; John Davies , Chaplain , No . 288 ; J . D . T . llewellyn ; AVilliam Eclmoncl , AVilliam Gilbertson , AV . 11 . Powell , Jas . Richardson , AA . E . Chalinder , II . 11 . Prichard , J . Felton , R . F . Gillett , D . Jenkins , D . longdon , AV . Grainger , J . Kerr , J . Foley ,
D . Smith . T . A . Richards , T . J . Evans , Saunders , Collier , Jacob , M'Evan , Jones , & c . The lodge-rooms at the AValnut Tree Hotel , where the future meetings of the brethren will take place , being inadequate to tbe requirements of the occasion , the lodge was held in the spacious National Schools , ivhich the A'icar of the parish , the Rev . D . Evans , hacl kindly placed at the disposal of the Managing Committee for the use of the brothron . The ai-rangements were most lete in every particularand gave the greatest
comp , satisfaction . The furniture , ornaments , and paraphernalia are neat ancl tasteful , and have been provided with much care ancl judgment by Bro . Spencer , of Great Queen-street , London . Tho authority to preside and consecrate the lodge was committed by the R . AV . Prov . G . M . to Bro . Michael , Prov . G . D . C . and P . M . of No . 288 , who accordingly took the chair , and opened the lodge at three p . m . in ancient form . The petition and warrant or charter of constitution from the Grand Lodge of Englandwere first read
, , and tbe brethren afterwards signified their approval of the AV . M . and officers therein nominated ancl appointed . Tbe solemn and impressive ceremonies of consecration ancl dedication were then proceeded with , conducted'by the veteran Bro . Michael , assisted by Bro . John D . Davies , Chaplain , No . 2 SS . At the conclusion of the ceremony , Bro . Michael delivered an address suitable to the occasion ; after whichBro . Talbot was presented to the lodge in the usual manner by Bro . Edward J . Morris , Prov . G . J . D . and P . M ., 288 , ancl P . H .
Rowland , Prov . G . Sup . AVorks , andP . M . No . 472 . The ancient charges were then read by Bro . Chalinder , to which the AV . M . elect having declared his adherence , he was regularly presented to a board of installed Past Masters , and having taken the obligation , was formally inducted to the chair . Having been proclaimed and saluted with the usual-honours , the AV . M . proceeded to invest his officers in the following order : —Bros . P . H . Rowland , P . M . ; W . LI . Powell , S . AV . and Treasurer ; Geo . Newman , J . AV .,- AA ' . E . Chalinder , Secretary ; R . P . Gillett , S . D . ; D . Jenkins , J . D . ; D . Longdon , I . G . ; Geo . Barnes , Tyler ; and John Jones , Steward .
The AV . M ., after having gracefully expressed bis acknowledgments for tbe cordial feeling manifested on his elevation to the chair , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . J . D . Michael for the admirable manner in which he had gone through the ceremonies of consecration and installation , which was seconded by Bro . Powell , S . AV ., ancl carried with acclamation . A vote of thanks was also unanimously awarded to the Rev . D . Evans , Vicar of Aberavon , for his kindness in granting the use of the
schoolrooms for the occasion . The usual routine business being disposed of , tbe lodge was closed in solemn form , according to ancient custom . The brethren subsequently re-assembled in an adjoining apartment , where upwards of fifty sat down to partake of an excellent repast , excellently served by Bro . Jones , the host of the Walnut Tree . The chair was taken by Bro . Talbot , the AV . M ., the vice-chair being filled by Bro . AV . LI . Powell , S . AV ., and Jas . G . Hall , P . Prov . G . J . AV ., ancl P . M . No . 288 , as J . AV . After the removal of the cloth ,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the AV . M ., and heartily responded to by the brethren . In giving " The Health of the Prov . Grancl Master , " the AV . M . expressed the regret which was generally felt at the absence of the R . AA . brother , ancl alluding to the esteem and respect in ivhich he was held in the province , cited it as the best proof that the office of Prov . G . M . was administered to the satisfaction of every brother in the district . The toast was received with much cordiality , and drunk
with full honour . "The Health of the Prov . Grand Officers " was next given , the AV . M . connecting the toast with the name of the oldest and most respected brother in the principality , Bro . Michael , who responded to the toast with much feeling . —Bro . MOGGBIDGE , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., then proposed , amid much applause , " The Health of the newly-installed Master , Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbot , " ancl rapidly sketching the growth ancl progress of Masonry in South AVales , gave expression forcibl y to the feelings of
satisfaction generall y entertained in the district , at the establishment of a new lodge and the appointment of Bro . Talbot as first Master . He bore pleasing testimony to the zeal and assiduit y of Bro . Talbot as the most satisfactory evidence that , under his charge , the Afau Lodge woulcl flourish and become one of the most important in the district . The toast was received with tbe greatest enthusiasm . In replying , the AV . M . thanked tbe brethren warmly anil earnestl y for the support given him , ancl admitting his love for the cause , trusted that they would have no reason to regret his elevation to the chair of the lodge , a position he wns much gratified to hold , the more so as he felt so assured of the good feeling of the brethren towards
him . The next toast ivas that of " The Indefatigable Lodge , No . 2 SS , Swansea . " The AA . M . gracefully alluding to the assistance afforded by many of its members to the Afau Lodge , took occasion to refer to the pre-eminent position of this lodge in the principality . —Bro . WILJLIAII COX , the W . M . replied to the toast in a humorous speech , placing the services of No . 288 at the disposition of her younger sister at all times . —The AA ' . M . then proposed "The Cambrian lodge , No . 472 , Neath ; " ancl in doing so referred to the fact , that it was
to this lodge that the existence of the Afau lodge was mainly attributable , the officers ancl members having signed the petition of recommendation , and on every occasion given cordial ancl brotherly assistance . The toast was warmly received and responded to by Bro . P . Donaldson , Prov . G . S . ancl AA . M . elect . —In proposing " The Health of the recently initiated Members of the Afau lodge , " the AA . M . took the opportunity of stating the pleasure it afforded him to see so many highly respectable persons willing and anxious to
be admitted among the brethren , ancl associated the toast with the name of Bro . H . 11 . Pritchard , who responded to it with much feeling and earnestness . —A arious other toasts followed , interspersed with some excellent singing , ancl the evening ' s proceedings were brought to a close about eleven o ' clock , when the brethren separated , well pleased with their entertainment . Bro . Dr . A . AVastfield , Prov . G . Organist { Mus . Doc ) , presidedatthe pianoforte with his usual ability , and also contributed to the harmony of the evening vocallyas diet
, also several brethren of the Swansea and Neath lodges—Bros . Richards , Foley , Rowland , and others . Too much praise cannot be given to the Committee of Management for the general perfection of the arrangements . Every attention was paid to the comfort of visiting brethren , ancl to the general convenience of all . The new lodge has thus well and pleasantly started on its mission—that of Brotherly love , Relief , and Truth—and we heartily wish it every success .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . MiDDHSBOBOUGn-ON-TEES . —North York Lodge ( No . 876 ) . — The interesting ceremony of consecrating the elegant hall erected by and for the use of this lodge was impressively performed by George Marwood , Esq ., D . Prov . G . M ., on Thursday last , the 17 th inst ., the Rev . R . Bradley officiating as chaplain . The attendance of brethren from neighbouring lodges was numerous , including
among others , the following Past and Present Masters : —George Marwood , J . H . Handysides , ancl AVm . Martin , Cleveland lodge , 795 ; Stokesley , George Reade , lion lodge , Whitby ( ancl first AV . M . of the North York lodge ) , AAln . Best and A . C . Knowles , Tees lodge , 749 , Stockton-on-Tees ,- James Groves , St . Helen's lodge , 77-1 , Hartlepool ; and John Dobson , Industry lodge , Gateshead ( architect ofthe building ) . There was also a full muster of the Past- Masters of the North York lodge , viz .: —J . A . Manners
( the retiring AV . M . ) , J . P . Horniing , J . Richardson , Henry Thonipsou , John S . Peacock , T . Robinson , ancl F . Atkinson . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the AV . M . Bro . Manners , in a few appropriate -remarks , referred to the important services rendered to the North York lodge during the past year by Bro . J . S . Peacock , and , iu the name of the members , presented him with a complete set of Prov . G . Registrar ' s clothing , accompanied by an address beautifully written on vellum , and splendidly illuminated ancl embellished with Masonic designs . The address was read in an effective manner Bro . F . Atkinson , P . M ., ancl acknowledged in suitable terms
by Bro . Peacock . The ceremony of installation of Bro . AVilliam Doughty was then proceeded with ( the board of Masters consisting of seventeen members ) , ancl the following officers were invested with the badges of their office : —Bros . J . A . Manners , P . M . ; M . G . Collingwood , S . W . ; Jas . Ingram , jun ., J . AV . ; Rev . R . Bradley , chaplain ; Henry Thompson , P . M ., Treasurer ; Isaac Booth , Secretary ; John Storey , S . D . ; J . B . AVilkinson , J . D . ; J . Richardson , P . M ., Dir . Cers . ; R . Coates , I . G . ; It , Chambers , Tyler ; Penny ancl
Rayner , Stewards ; Bro . E . D'Oyley Bailey , Tees lodge , Stockton , presided at the organ during the ceremony of installation . The lodge being duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the Station Hotel , whore an excellent banquet was provided by tbe worthy host , Bro . Charles AVatson . Grace was said by Bro . the Rev . A . K . Macsorley , P . M ., and , after the cloth ivas drawn , the following toasts wore given , all with Masonic honours : — "The Queen and the Craft ; " "Tbe Earl of Zetland , M . AV . G . M . of England , and
G . M . of the Province ; " "The Marquis of Dalhousie , B . AV . D . G . M . of England ; " "The R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., " replied to by the R . AV . Bro . George Marwood , who stated that he always hacl pleasure in working for a lodge where the members would work for themselves , and such an one was the North York lodge ; "The W . M . ofthe North York lodge , " proposed by the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., ancl responded to b y ' Bro . AVilliam Doughty , AV . M . ; "The A isiting Brethren , ' '' responded to by Bro . J . II . Handyside , P . M ., P . J . Prov . S . AA ., and AV . M . ofthe Cleveland lodge ; "Prosperity to the North York lodge , " proposed by the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reg . and Prov . G . S , D ., Oxfordshire , the AA . M . elect ; Edward J . Morris , Prov . G . J . D . ; P . N . Rowland , Prov . G . Sup . Works ; F . D . Michael , Prov . G . Dir . Cers . ; AVilliam Cox , P . Prov . G , Organist ; P . Donaldson , Prov . G . Steward ; Dr . A . 1 ) . AA astfield . Prov . G . Organist ; John Davies , Chaplain , No . 288 ; J . D . T . llewellyn ; AVilliam Eclmoncl , AVilliam Gilbertson , AV . 11 . Powell , Jas . Richardson , AA . E . Chalinder , II . 11 . Prichard , J . Felton , R . F . Gillett , D . Jenkins , D . longdon , AV . Grainger , J . Kerr , J . Foley ,
D . Smith . T . A . Richards , T . J . Evans , Saunders , Collier , Jacob , M'Evan , Jones , & c . The lodge-rooms at the AValnut Tree Hotel , where the future meetings of the brethren will take place , being inadequate to tbe requirements of the occasion , the lodge was held in the spacious National Schools , ivhich the A'icar of the parish , the Rev . D . Evans , hacl kindly placed at the disposal of the Managing Committee for the use of the brothron . The ai-rangements were most lete in every particularand gave the greatest
comp , satisfaction . The furniture , ornaments , and paraphernalia are neat ancl tasteful , and have been provided with much care ancl judgment by Bro . Spencer , of Great Queen-street , London . Tho authority to preside and consecrate the lodge was committed by the R . AV . Prov . G . M . to Bro . Michael , Prov . G . D . C . and P . M . of No . 288 , who accordingly took the chair , and opened the lodge at three p . m . in ancient form . The petition and warrant or charter of constitution from the Grand Lodge of Englandwere first read
, , and tbe brethren afterwards signified their approval of the AV . M . and officers therein nominated ancl appointed . Tbe solemn and impressive ceremonies of consecration ancl dedication were then proceeded with , conducted'by the veteran Bro . Michael , assisted by Bro . John D . Davies , Chaplain , No . 2 SS . At the conclusion of the ceremony , Bro . Michael delivered an address suitable to the occasion ; after whichBro . Talbot was presented to the lodge in the usual manner by Bro . Edward J . Morris , Prov . G . J . D . and P . M ., 288 , ancl P . H .
Rowland , Prov . G . Sup . AVorks , andP . M . No . 472 . The ancient charges were then read by Bro . Chalinder , to which the AV . M . elect having declared his adherence , he was regularly presented to a board of installed Past Masters , and having taken the obligation , was formally inducted to the chair . Having been proclaimed and saluted with the usual-honours , the AV . M . proceeded to invest his officers in the following order : —Bros . P . H . Rowland , P . M . ; W . LI . Powell , S . AV . and Treasurer ; Geo . Newman , J . AV .,- AA ' . E . Chalinder , Secretary ; R . P . Gillett , S . D . ; D . Jenkins , J . D . ; D . Longdon , I . G . ; Geo . Barnes , Tyler ; and John Jones , Steward .
The AV . M ., after having gracefully expressed bis acknowledgments for tbe cordial feeling manifested on his elevation to the chair , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . J . D . Michael for the admirable manner in which he had gone through the ceremonies of consecration and installation , which was seconded by Bro . Powell , S . AV ., ancl carried with acclamation . A vote of thanks was also unanimously awarded to the Rev . D . Evans , Vicar of Aberavon , for his kindness in granting the use of the
schoolrooms for the occasion . The usual routine business being disposed of , tbe lodge was closed in solemn form , according to ancient custom . The brethren subsequently re-assembled in an adjoining apartment , where upwards of fifty sat down to partake of an excellent repast , excellently served by Bro . Jones , the host of the Walnut Tree . The chair was taken by Bro . Talbot , the AV . M ., the vice-chair being filled by Bro . AV . LI . Powell , S . AV ., and Jas . G . Hall , P . Prov . G . J . AV ., ancl P . M . No . 288 , as J . AV . After the removal of the cloth ,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the AV . M ., and heartily responded to by the brethren . In giving " The Health of the Prov . Grancl Master , " the AV . M . expressed the regret which was generally felt at the absence of the R . AA . brother , ancl alluding to the esteem and respect in ivhich he was held in the province , cited it as the best proof that the office of Prov . G . M . was administered to the satisfaction of every brother in the district . The toast was received with much cordiality , and drunk
with full honour . "The Health of the Prov . Grand Officers " was next given , the AV . M . connecting the toast with the name of the oldest and most respected brother in the principality , Bro . Michael , who responded to the toast with much feeling . —Bro . MOGGBIDGE , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., then proposed , amid much applause , " The Health of the newly-installed Master , Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbot , " ancl rapidly sketching the growth ancl progress of Masonry in South AVales , gave expression forcibl y to the feelings of
satisfaction generall y entertained in the district , at the establishment of a new lodge and the appointment of Bro . Talbot as first Master . He bore pleasing testimony to the zeal and assiduit y of Bro . Talbot as the most satisfactory evidence that , under his charge , the Afau Lodge woulcl flourish and become one of the most important in the district . The toast was received with tbe greatest enthusiasm . In replying , the AV . M . thanked tbe brethren warmly anil earnestl y for the support given him , ancl admitting his love for the cause , trusted that they would have no reason to regret his elevation to the chair of the lodge , a position he wns much gratified to hold , the more so as he felt so assured of the good feeling of the brethren towards
him . The next toast ivas that of " The Indefatigable Lodge , No . 2 SS , Swansea . " The AA . M . gracefully alluding to the assistance afforded by many of its members to the Afau Lodge , took occasion to refer to the pre-eminent position of this lodge in the principality . —Bro . WILJLIAII COX , the W . M . replied to the toast in a humorous speech , placing the services of No . 288 at the disposition of her younger sister at all times . —The AA ' . M . then proposed "The Cambrian lodge , No . 472 , Neath ; " ancl in doing so referred to the fact , that it was
to this lodge that the existence of the Afau lodge was mainly attributable , the officers ancl members having signed the petition of recommendation , and on every occasion given cordial ancl brotherly assistance . The toast was warmly received and responded to by Bro . P . Donaldson , Prov . G . S . ancl AA . M . elect . —In proposing " The Health of the recently initiated Members of the Afau lodge , " the AA . M . took the opportunity of stating the pleasure it afforded him to see so many highly respectable persons willing and anxious to
be admitted among the brethren , ancl associated the toast with the name of Bro . H . 11 . Pritchard , who responded to it with much feeling and earnestness . —A arious other toasts followed , interspersed with some excellent singing , ancl the evening ' s proceedings were brought to a close about eleven o ' clock , when the brethren separated , well pleased with their entertainment . Bro . Dr . A . AVastfield , Prov . G . Organist { Mus . Doc ) , presidedatthe pianoforte with his usual ability , and also contributed to the harmony of the evening vocallyas diet
, also several brethren of the Swansea and Neath lodges—Bros . Richards , Foley , Rowland , and others . Too much praise cannot be given to the Committee of Management for the general perfection of the arrangements . Every attention was paid to the comfort of visiting brethren , ancl to the general convenience of all . The new lodge has thus well and pleasantly started on its mission—that of Brotherly love , Relief , and Truth—and we heartily wish it every success .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . MiDDHSBOBOUGn-ON-TEES . —North York Lodge ( No . 876 ) . — The interesting ceremony of consecrating the elegant hall erected by and for the use of this lodge was impressively performed by George Marwood , Esq ., D . Prov . G . M ., on Thursday last , the 17 th inst ., the Rev . R . Bradley officiating as chaplain . The attendance of brethren from neighbouring lodges was numerous , including
among others , the following Past and Present Masters : —George Marwood , J . H . Handysides , ancl AVm . Martin , Cleveland lodge , 795 ; Stokesley , George Reade , lion lodge , Whitby ( ancl first AV . M . of the North York lodge ) , AAln . Best and A . C . Knowles , Tees lodge , 749 , Stockton-on-Tees ,- James Groves , St . Helen's lodge , 77-1 , Hartlepool ; and John Dobson , Industry lodge , Gateshead ( architect ofthe building ) . There was also a full muster of the Past- Masters of the North York lodge , viz .: —J . A . Manners
( the retiring AV . M . ) , J . P . Horniing , J . Richardson , Henry Thonipsou , John S . Peacock , T . Robinson , ancl F . Atkinson . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the AV . M . Bro . Manners , in a few appropriate -remarks , referred to the important services rendered to the North York lodge during the past year by Bro . J . S . Peacock , and , iu the name of the members , presented him with a complete set of Prov . G . Registrar ' s clothing , accompanied by an address beautifully written on vellum , and splendidly illuminated ancl embellished with Masonic designs . The address was read in an effective manner Bro . F . Atkinson , P . M ., ancl acknowledged in suitable terms
by Bro . Peacock . The ceremony of installation of Bro . AVilliam Doughty was then proceeded with ( the board of Masters consisting of seventeen members ) , ancl the following officers were invested with the badges of their office : —Bros . J . A . Manners , P . M . ; M . G . Collingwood , S . W . ; Jas . Ingram , jun ., J . AV . ; Rev . R . Bradley , chaplain ; Henry Thompson , P . M ., Treasurer ; Isaac Booth , Secretary ; John Storey , S . D . ; J . B . AVilkinson , J . D . ; J . Richardson , P . M ., Dir . Cers . ; R . Coates , I . G . ; It , Chambers , Tyler ; Penny ancl
Rayner , Stewards ; Bro . E . D'Oyley Bailey , Tees lodge , Stockton , presided at the organ during the ceremony of installation . The lodge being duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the Station Hotel , whore an excellent banquet was provided by tbe worthy host , Bro . Charles AVatson . Grace was said by Bro . the Rev . A . K . Macsorley , P . M ., and , after the cloth ivas drawn , the following toasts wore given , all with Masonic honours : — "The Queen and the Craft ; " "Tbe Earl of Zetland , M . AV . G . M . of England , and
G . M . of the Province ; " "The Marquis of Dalhousie , B . AV . D . G . M . of England ; " "The R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., " replied to by the R . AV . Bro . George Marwood , who stated that he always hacl pleasure in working for a lodge where the members would work for themselves , and such an one was the North York lodge ; "The W . M . ofthe North York lodge , " proposed by the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., ancl responded to b y ' Bro . AVilliam Doughty , AV . M . ; "The A isiting Brethren , ' '' responded to by Bro . J . II . Handyside , P . M ., P . J . Prov . S . AA ., and AV . M . ofthe Cleveland lodge ; "Prosperity to the North York lodge , " proposed by the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., and