Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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responded to by Bro . J . Richardson ( ex-Mayor ) , P . M . and Dir . Cers . ; "The Immediarc P . M ., Bro . Manners , " responded to by Bro . Manners , P . M . ; "Bro . Richardson , the Father of the Lodge , " responded to by Bro . J . Richardson , P . M . ; " The AV . Bro . AVilliam Martin , Prov , G . S . B ., the Immediate P-M . of the Cleveland Lodge ;" responded to by the W . Bro . Martin ; " The Press , with the Health of Bro . George Markham Tweddell , " proposed by tbo W . Bro . AA Uliain Martin , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B ., ancl responded to by Bro .
George Markham Tweddell , who urged upon tho brethren the necessity of rendering better support to the Masonic press : he considered the loss which Bro . AVarren had sustained with THE FEEEMASONS MAGAZINE was a disgrace to the Craft ; "The A . W . Bro . Peacock , " proposed by Bro . Hanclysides , P . J . Prov . S . AV ., and responded to by the V . AV . Bro . John Shields Peacock , Prov . G . R . The evening was spent with that harmony which ever distinguishes true Masonry . Songs were sung by Bros . Marwood , Townsancl
, others , ancl the brethren separatee ! at a reasonable hour . May other lodges follow the worthy example of the North York Lodge in providing for themselves a neat ancl commodious Masonic Hall . HULL . —Humber Lodge ( No . 65 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge ( warrant dated 1756 ) was held on December 2 Stb , St . John the Evangelist ' s Day , 1860 , at Freemasons' Hall , Osborne-street . Bro . John Coatsworth , S . AV ., 1860 , and who was elected W . M . at the last meetingwas dulinstalled in the chair bthe A . AV . Bro .
, y y J . Coltman Smith , P . Prov . G . Reg . The newly-installed Master then appointed his various officers , including Bros . J . Green , S . W . ; G . AAllson , J . AV . ; the Rev . G . 0 . Brown , M . A ., Chaplain , & c . P . M . Bro . Dr . Hay delivered an excellent charge , which was much approved by the brethren present . A otes of thanks were given to Bros . Smith and Hay . In the evening a sumptuous banquet was provided at Bro . Glover ' s , the London Hotel , when about fifty brethren , including eleven PastMastevs and the AV . M . of the Minerva ,
311 , were present . The cloth being drawn , Bro . Coatsworth , the AV . M ., proposed the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts , including "The M . AV . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , " "The R . AV . D . G . M . the Marquis of Dalhousie , " " The S . G . W ., Lord Londesborough , " ancl ¦ " The R . AV ., Bro . George Marwood , " both the latter being members ofthe Humbev , 65 , and which drew an able response on behalf of Bro . Marwood , from Bro . Dr . Bell , P . M . —Bro . R . GLOVEE , P . M ., then proposed " The AV . M . and newly-appointed Officers , " and congratulated Bro . Coatsworth , the AV . M ., on his attaining so high a position in Masonry in so short a period , within four years of his initiation ,
and hoped that other brethren would emulate the perseverance , expertnesss , and zeal of tbe present W . M ., that Masonic honours might in like manner be conferred upon them . —The AA . M ., in responding , thanked the brethren for the confidence placed in him , ancl assured them that Masonry was to him a pleasant and improving study , and one ivhich woulcl amply repay the highest intellect ancl the most diligent investigation . Tbe longer he continued in the Craft the more was he delighted with its beauties ancl moral
tendencies . The deeper he searched , the more sublime ancl valuable the truths in that fountain of science ; ancl though coinparatively but a young Mason , yet hitherto he hacl found that which no other institution contained , the wisdom ancl philanthropy of the ancients embodied with the investigation ancl high culture of the moderns . Freemasonry had his best wishes and most hearty assistance , and during his year of office it should have his prompt attention and most energetic efforts .
He assured the brethren that he and his officers would do their utmost to promote tiie well-being of the lodge , ancl thus prove that their confidence was not misplaced . He esteemed it a very great honour to preside over them and occupy the chair of so largo and prosperous , wealthy and influential a lodge , congratulating the brethren on the unanimity ancl concoid whicli prevailed amongst them , hoping to leave that chair to his successor with credit and honour to himself , and with satisfaction to the brethren , when his
year of office expired . —P . M . Bro . SMITH then proposed " Tho immediate P . M ., Bro . Glover , ancl the Retiring Officers , " and eulogised Bro . Glover for his services during the two years of his Mastership . —The AV . M . then proposed " The Health of the Installing Master , P . M . Bro . Smith , " ancl referred to his eminent services , not merely in the Humber Lodgo , but also in the province . — P . M . SMITH suitably responded , assuring the brethren that his best efforts would ever be given either to them ov to the province
whenever required . —P . M . Bro . CEOET proposed "Prosperity , Unanimity , ancl Perpetuity to the Humber Lodge , " and in so doing , referred to funds already accumulated , to the large number of members , and to the steady increase and success which had attended them hitherto . —P . M . Bro . Hay , P . M . Seaton , and Bro . Lucas , AV . M . ofthe Minerva , also delivered able speeches on the occasion , and the evening was spent in a hearty ancl truly Masonic manner . Bro . II . Deval , Mus . Doc , ancl organist of the lodge , presided over the musical part of the evening in his usual skilful ancl masterly style , and the brethren separated , highly delighted with the 101 th anniversary of the Humber Warrant .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . OBSERVANCE ENCAMPMENT . —The second meeting of the season of this ancient encampment was held at the Thatched House Tavern , St . James-street , on Thursday , 17 th January , at half-past five p . m ., in the absence of the E . G ., Sir Knt . Rangle . The encampment was opened hy the P . E . C ., Sir Knt . AV . J . Smith , who , after the minutes of tbe former meeting were read and confirmed ,
proceeded to install Sir Knt . Dr . Hinxman as Eminent Comr . of the Encampment for the ensuing twelve months . The ceremony in full was not gone through , Sir Knt . Hinxman being not only a P . E . C ., but Prov . G . Comr . for Kent . A ballot was then taken for Comp . Andrew AValls , of Chapter No . 5 , whicli being unanimous in his favour , he was introduced and installed by Sir Knt . Dr . Hinxman , P . E . C . Sir Knt . law , E . G ., having kindly , at the request of the encampment , drawn up mementos of regret at the loss this
encampment hacl sustained by the decease of Su- Knts . Col . Charles Kemeys Tynte , M . E . D . S . G . M ., as also of Sir Knt . J . Masson , G . C , the same were ordered to be entered * on the minutes . ( The Sir Knts . were in full mourning , the banners , & c , being dressedwith crape , and having a black crape rosette at each corner—the mourning to be worn for two more meetings . ) The Eminent Comr . then appointed Sir Knts . Spratt , 1 st Captain ; Tulloch , M . D ., 2 nd Captain ; Rickards , Expert ; Stephens , 1 st Herald and . Hospr . ; Ranger , Prelate ; AValls , 2 nd Herald . George Smith was re-appointed Equerry .
AVOOEWICU . — Kemeys Tynte Encampment . — The Sir Knts . belonging to the above encampment held a meeting at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam-street , AVoolivich , onFriday , the 18 th inst ., under the presidency of Sir Knt . Colonel Clerk , E . C . The other Knts . present were the V . E . Sir Knt . Dr . Hinxman , Prov . G . M . for Kent ; Sir Knt . Figg , 1 st Capt . ; Sir Knt . Shuttlewortb , & . Vice-Chancellor , 2 nd . Capt . ; Sir Knt . Laird , Expert ; Sir Knt . AV- Smith , C . F .,
Registrar ; Sir Knt . Matthew Cooke , Capt . of Lines ; Sir Kni . AV . Piatt , andSir Knt . James Burton , of theAVatford Encampment , who was a visitor on that occasion . The business of the evening was the admission into the order , and installation , of Comp . Sehwartzkopft , which was performed with all that nicety and perfection for which Colonel Clerk is so well known . The members and then : banners were placed in mourning for tbe decease of the late G . M . Colonel Kemeys Tynte . After the encampment had been closed
the Sir Knts . proceeded to refresh themselves by supping together at the Freemasons' Tavern , Woolwich , and spent an evening such as few societies can boast , and where the charm of mutual information and kindly fellowship is the rule . All were highly pleased with each other , and the Sir Knts . separated at a reasonable hour .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CHAPTER OE HOPE ( No . 21-8 ) . —The companions of this chapter met at tbe Globe . Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , on Thursday , January 17 th , when tho W . M . of the Pythagorian Lodge was balloted for and approved ; but owing to tho installation of the Principal , his exaltation was postponed Until next meeting . Comp . Dr . Ryder was presented as the Z . elect to Companion D . S . Potts ,
and was duly installed ; Comp . Noble , as II . ; Comp . Hogg , J . ; the ceremonies of installing being performed with great care and ability . Comp . Penny was invested asP . S . ; Comp . Simmons , P . G . S ., ancl P . Z . as S . E ., and Comp . Roughton , S . N . The comps . afterwards adjourned to tbe banquet , and a pleasant evening was spent in reciprocating tbe best feeling of fraternity . The chapter has lately had an addition in the presentation of new banners , and altogether the furniture is of a very superior character .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . SiiEi'i'iELD . — Chapter of Paradise ( No . 162 ) . —The companions of the above chapter met at the Music Hall , on Monday , 21 st inst ., when Bro . E . J . Makin was exalted by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . Bartolomo . Comp . AVm . AVhite , jun ., said that one of the companions had in his possession the warrant of the Chapter of Loyalt
y ( No . 373 ) , ivhich had been in abeyance for some years . He therefore proposcdjthat steps be at once taken for resuscitating that chapter , and nine companions immediately announced their intention of becoming subscribing members for the purpose of getting it into working order . The chapter was then closed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
responded to by Bro . J . Richardson ( ex-Mayor ) , P . M . and Dir . Cers . ; "The Immediarc P . M ., Bro . Manners , " responded to by Bro . Manners , P . M . ; "Bro . Richardson , the Father of the Lodge , " responded to by Bro . J . Richardson , P . M . ; " The AV . Bro . AVilliam Martin , Prov , G . S . B ., the Immediate P-M . of the Cleveland Lodge ;" responded to by the W . Bro . Martin ; " The Press , with the Health of Bro . George Markham Tweddell , " proposed by tbo W . Bro . AA Uliain Martin , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B ., ancl responded to by Bro .
George Markham Tweddell , who urged upon tho brethren the necessity of rendering better support to the Masonic press : he considered the loss which Bro . AVarren had sustained with THE FEEEMASONS MAGAZINE was a disgrace to the Craft ; "The A . W . Bro . Peacock , " proposed by Bro . Hanclysides , P . J . Prov . S . AV ., and responded to by the V . AV . Bro . John Shields Peacock , Prov . G . R . The evening was spent with that harmony which ever distinguishes true Masonry . Songs were sung by Bros . Marwood , Townsancl
, others , ancl the brethren separatee ! at a reasonable hour . May other lodges follow the worthy example of the North York Lodge in providing for themselves a neat ancl commodious Masonic Hall . HULL . —Humber Lodge ( No . 65 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge ( warrant dated 1756 ) was held on December 2 Stb , St . John the Evangelist ' s Day , 1860 , at Freemasons' Hall , Osborne-street . Bro . John Coatsworth , S . AV ., 1860 , and who was elected W . M . at the last meetingwas dulinstalled in the chair bthe A . AV . Bro .
, y y J . Coltman Smith , P . Prov . G . Reg . The newly-installed Master then appointed his various officers , including Bros . J . Green , S . W . ; G . AAllson , J . AV . ; the Rev . G . 0 . Brown , M . A ., Chaplain , & c . P . M . Bro . Dr . Hay delivered an excellent charge , which was much approved by the brethren present . A otes of thanks were given to Bros . Smith and Hay . In the evening a sumptuous banquet was provided at Bro . Glover ' s , the London Hotel , when about fifty brethren , including eleven PastMastevs and the AV . M . of the Minerva ,
311 , were present . The cloth being drawn , Bro . Coatsworth , the AV . M ., proposed the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts , including "The M . AV . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , " "The R . AV . D . G . M . the Marquis of Dalhousie , " " The S . G . W ., Lord Londesborough , " ancl ¦ " The R . AV ., Bro . George Marwood , " both the latter being members ofthe Humbev , 65 , and which drew an able response on behalf of Bro . Marwood , from Bro . Dr . Bell , P . M . —Bro . R . GLOVEE , P . M ., then proposed " The AV . M . and newly-appointed Officers , " and congratulated Bro . Coatsworth , the AV . M ., on his attaining so high a position in Masonry in so short a period , within four years of his initiation ,
and hoped that other brethren would emulate the perseverance , expertnesss , and zeal of tbe present W . M ., that Masonic honours might in like manner be conferred upon them . —The AA . M ., in responding , thanked the brethren for the confidence placed in him , ancl assured them that Masonry was to him a pleasant and improving study , and one ivhich woulcl amply repay the highest intellect ancl the most diligent investigation . Tbe longer he continued in the Craft the more was he delighted with its beauties ancl moral
tendencies . The deeper he searched , the more sublime ancl valuable the truths in that fountain of science ; ancl though coinparatively but a young Mason , yet hitherto he hacl found that which no other institution contained , the wisdom ancl philanthropy of the ancients embodied with the investigation ancl high culture of the moderns . Freemasonry had his best wishes and most hearty assistance , and during his year of office it should have his prompt attention and most energetic efforts .
He assured the brethren that he and his officers would do their utmost to promote tiie well-being of the lodge , ancl thus prove that their confidence was not misplaced . He esteemed it a very great honour to preside over them and occupy the chair of so largo and prosperous , wealthy and influential a lodge , congratulating the brethren on the unanimity ancl concoid whicli prevailed amongst them , hoping to leave that chair to his successor with credit and honour to himself , and with satisfaction to the brethren , when his
year of office expired . —P . M . Bro . SMITH then proposed " Tho immediate P . M ., Bro . Glover , ancl the Retiring Officers , " and eulogised Bro . Glover for his services during the two years of his Mastership . —The AV . M . then proposed " The Health of the Installing Master , P . M . Bro . Smith , " ancl referred to his eminent services , not merely in the Humber Lodgo , but also in the province . — P . M . SMITH suitably responded , assuring the brethren that his best efforts would ever be given either to them ov to the province
whenever required . —P . M . Bro . CEOET proposed "Prosperity , Unanimity , ancl Perpetuity to the Humber Lodge , " and in so doing , referred to funds already accumulated , to the large number of members , and to the steady increase and success which had attended them hitherto . —P . M . Bro . Hay , P . M . Seaton , and Bro . Lucas , AV . M . ofthe Minerva , also delivered able speeches on the occasion , and the evening was spent in a hearty ancl truly Masonic manner . Bro . II . Deval , Mus . Doc , ancl organist of the lodge , presided over the musical part of the evening in his usual skilful ancl masterly style , and the brethren separated , highly delighted with the 101 th anniversary of the Humber Warrant .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . OBSERVANCE ENCAMPMENT . —The second meeting of the season of this ancient encampment was held at the Thatched House Tavern , St . James-street , on Thursday , 17 th January , at half-past five p . m ., in the absence of the E . G ., Sir Knt . Rangle . The encampment was opened hy the P . E . C ., Sir Knt . AV . J . Smith , who , after the minutes of tbe former meeting were read and confirmed ,
proceeded to install Sir Knt . Dr . Hinxman as Eminent Comr . of the Encampment for the ensuing twelve months . The ceremony in full was not gone through , Sir Knt . Hinxman being not only a P . E . C ., but Prov . G . Comr . for Kent . A ballot was then taken for Comp . Andrew AValls , of Chapter No . 5 , whicli being unanimous in his favour , he was introduced and installed by Sir Knt . Dr . Hinxman , P . E . C . Sir Knt . law , E . G ., having kindly , at the request of the encampment , drawn up mementos of regret at the loss this
encampment hacl sustained by the decease of Su- Knts . Col . Charles Kemeys Tynte , M . E . D . S . G . M ., as also of Sir Knt . J . Masson , G . C , the same were ordered to be entered * on the minutes . ( The Sir Knts . were in full mourning , the banners , & c , being dressedwith crape , and having a black crape rosette at each corner—the mourning to be worn for two more meetings . ) The Eminent Comr . then appointed Sir Knts . Spratt , 1 st Captain ; Tulloch , M . D ., 2 nd Captain ; Rickards , Expert ; Stephens , 1 st Herald and . Hospr . ; Ranger , Prelate ; AValls , 2 nd Herald . George Smith was re-appointed Equerry .
AVOOEWICU . — Kemeys Tynte Encampment . — The Sir Knts . belonging to the above encampment held a meeting at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam-street , AVoolivich , onFriday , the 18 th inst ., under the presidency of Sir Knt . Colonel Clerk , E . C . The other Knts . present were the V . E . Sir Knt . Dr . Hinxman , Prov . G . M . for Kent ; Sir Knt . Figg , 1 st Capt . ; Sir Knt . Shuttlewortb , & . Vice-Chancellor , 2 nd . Capt . ; Sir Knt . Laird , Expert ; Sir Knt . AV- Smith , C . F .,
Registrar ; Sir Knt . Matthew Cooke , Capt . of Lines ; Sir Kni . AV . Piatt , andSir Knt . James Burton , of theAVatford Encampment , who was a visitor on that occasion . The business of the evening was the admission into the order , and installation , of Comp . Sehwartzkopft , which was performed with all that nicety and perfection for which Colonel Clerk is so well known . The members and then : banners were placed in mourning for tbe decease of the late G . M . Colonel Kemeys Tynte . After the encampment had been closed
the Sir Knts . proceeded to refresh themselves by supping together at the Freemasons' Tavern , Woolwich , and spent an evening such as few societies can boast , and where the charm of mutual information and kindly fellowship is the rule . All were highly pleased with each other , and the Sir Knts . separated at a reasonable hour .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . CHAPTER OE HOPE ( No . 21-8 ) . —The companions of this chapter met at tbe Globe . Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , on Thursday , January 17 th , when tho W . M . of the Pythagorian Lodge was balloted for and approved ; but owing to tho installation of the Principal , his exaltation was postponed Until next meeting . Comp . Dr . Ryder was presented as the Z . elect to Companion D . S . Potts ,
and was duly installed ; Comp . Noble , as II . ; Comp . Hogg , J . ; the ceremonies of installing being performed with great care and ability . Comp . Penny was invested asP . S . ; Comp . Simmons , P . G . S ., ancl P . Z . as S . E ., and Comp . Roughton , S . N . The comps . afterwards adjourned to tbe banquet , and a pleasant evening was spent in reciprocating tbe best feeling of fraternity . The chapter has lately had an addition in the presentation of new banners , and altogether the furniture is of a very superior character .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . SiiEi'i'iELD . — Chapter of Paradise ( No . 162 ) . —The companions of the above chapter met at the Music Hall , on Monday , 21 st inst ., when Bro . E . J . Makin was exalted by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . Bartolomo . Comp . AVm . AVhite , jun ., said that one of the companions had in his possession the warrant of the Chapter of Loyalt
y ( No . 373 ) , ivhich had been in abeyance for some years . He therefore proposcdjthat steps be at once taken for resuscitating that chapter , and nine companions immediately announced their intention of becoming subscribing members for the purpose of getting it into working order . The chapter was then closed .