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The Week.
Corps Legislatif to be made public . Summaries of the debates will be drawn up by Government officials and supplied to the press , which the journals must print entire or not at all . General Turr lias returned to Turin from his visit to Garibaldi at Caprera . The general presented to the daughter of Garibaldi the New Year's gift sent her by ^ A'ictor Emmanuel , ami to the general himself the " star " sent bim by the thousand companions who disembarked
with him at Marsala . In his reply Garibaldi said he should count upon them when Italy should carry to Hungary tbe aid of her arms , as he had sworn upon the grave of the gallant Hungarians who died for Italy , that the Italians , as was their duty , woulcl replace tbem . This is all that General Turr bas yet communicated to the public respecting his visit to Caprera . Tl' . e remainder of tiie French fleet left the waters of Gaeta on Friday . On the evening- of Saturday the truce between Victor Emmanuel and Francis
II . expired . On the morning of the 19 th ( we are informed by the Paris Moniteur ) the Piedmontese General announced to tbo defenders of Gaeta the conclusion of the armistice , at the same time offering conditions of surrender . These conditions were rejected , ancl on Monday the bombardment of the fortress was resumed . The Russian and Prussian ministers have quitted Gaeta for Rome ; the Nuncio of the Holy See , ancl the Ministers of AustriaSpainSaxonyBavariaancl Portugalhowever
, , , , , , remain . These latter , the Moniteur remarks , must have been aware of the intention of Francis II . to continue his resistance . The garrison of Gaeta was the first to resume -hostilities on the expiration of the truce . On the morning of the 22 nd their batteries opened a heavy fire on the Sardinians . Tbo Sardinian batteries promptly replied , and soon silenced those of the fortress . At noon the Sardinian fleet placed itself in line , and up to the evening the fire of the besiegers had not slackened . Baron Poerio , to whom
Prince Carignan entrusted tbe formation of a new ministry or council of lieutenancy for Naples , bas accomplished his task . The Neapolitans are highly pleased with the appointment of Poerio , and have great confidence in the new Government . The reactionary party in Italy , impressed with the conviction that the time in which they can effectually strike any blow for their cause is now very limited , are making desperate efforts , and pouring troops into the Abruzzi . The Sardinian Government , on the other hand , determined to crush the insurgents , are pushing forward large reinforcements , and have already succeeded in suppressing the movements inthe districts around Ascoli , and , i t is asserted , bave defeated
the bands that took Tagliacozzo . A column of 2000 Sardinians had disembarked at CivitaNova , and were marching on the province of Teramo . Numerous arrests have also been made in tbe city of Naples , and many Royalist officers dismissed . The Austrian Government has at length come to the resolution of checking the proceedings of the Hungarian Comitats . In a dispatch of tbe Emperor to the Stathoklcr of Buda , it is announced that the elections to the committees of all political refugees are null ancl void ,
that severe punishment will be inflicted on all who refuse to pay the taxes , that a vote of the Diet can alone bring about any change in existing tribunals or codes , and that the practical establishment of the institutions under the constitution of ISIS is prohibited . Severe measures are threatened against all who act in contravention of these injunctions . The Imperial ordinances for the convention of the HungarianDict have been issued ; tbe day fixed for themeeting is the 2 nd of April , at Buda . The municipalities of Prague bave
adopted a petition requesting the responsibility of Ministers and the early assembling of the Imperial Diet . The Austrian Government have issued a decree for a new Five 2 > er Cent , loan of thirty million florins , at the price of 88 , with the object , as expressed in the decree , of anticipating the taxes . The Danish Government are pushing on their warlike preparations . A decree has been issued calling out 0700 sailors , and tbe frigate Sjoellan / l bas been recalled from the West Indies . The
people are as determined as the Government to resist the demands of Germany , ancl are getting up petitions to the King not to abandon the Danish nationality in the duchy af Schleswig . Tbe resolution of the German Diet calling on Denmark to declare herself within six weeks relative to the fulfilment of the conditions proposed by the Diet of I 860 , and threatening her , in case of noncompliance , with federal execution , will no doubt add to the \ of ancl leThe Governmentin continua
exasperation King peop . , - tion of their warlike preparations , have ordered tbe equipment of ' a steam squadron of 22 vessels , and a reserve force of 890 sailors to assemble on the 1 st of March . AMEWCA . —The advices from New York to the 10 th inst . show no signs of reconciliation between the contending states . President Buchanan ' s promised message to Congress is said to throw the responsibility on that body , to whom he suggests the Missouri
compromise . At the same time we are informed that Mr . Seward , the avowed enemy to all compromise , bas accepted the post of Premier under Mr . luieoln . Mr . Thompson , the Secretary of the Interior , had resigned . To the seceding states we have now to add
The Week.
Louisiana ancl Mississippi . At Charleston the Star of the West , with re-iiif ' orcenieiits for Major Anderson , had been fired into by the South Carolinians . AVhen the sloop of war Rrook / yn arrives at Charleston , it is supposed that a serious encounter will take place . By the North American , which left Portland , Maine , on the 12 th , we learn that to the seceding states are now to be added Alabama and Florida . Virginia was preparing to adopt a similar
course . The secessionists had taken possession of several of the forts in Louisiana , and the federal troops had abandoned most ofthe forts in Pensacola . The New York state hacl offered the whole state force for the general Government . The excitement in Charleston was said to have abated in consequence of pacific news from A * v ashington , but of this ive have no confirmation in the news now to hand . INDIA . —AVe have intelligence by the overland mail from Bombay
to the 27 th December . The native traders , after six weeks' suspension , had resumed their dealings . The collection ofthe incometax had commenced , and so far bad proceeded quietly . The Mysore grant of half a million of money to a descendant of Tippoo Saib bas met with strong opposition on all sides , and in tho Legislative Council had excited great indignation .
To Correspondents.
A P . M ., Jersey , sends us the following : — 1 . —A Deputy Prov . Grand Master leaves the Province to which he belongs and goes to reside in England . At the next- Annual Provincial Meeting for the appointment of Officers , the Prov . Grand Master is called upon to name another Deputy in his place . He declines to do so at the time , but promises soon to fill up the vacancy , though ultimately he neglects to do so .
After an absence ol a year and a half , during which period he has had no establishment or place of residence in the province , the former Deputy Prov . Grand Master determines again to take up his abode within it , ancl returns . Does lie , as a matter of course , resume bis position in the office ? [ If ihe office has never been , formally declared vacant , the
brother in question is still the D . Prov . CM . } . 2 . —The AV . M . of a lodge does not succeed in obtaining a meeting of its members during bis year of office on tbe issue of the usual summonses . Under the provision that he acts " until a successor shall have been duly elected and installed in bis stead , " he continues in office a second year , without a new election , and
still does not hold a lodge from the same cause , three months before the expiration of which , ivhen a meeting ought to bave been held to choose a successor , he happens to be from home . The meetings ofthe lodge being held quarterly , at the expiration of bis second year of Mastership , he calls the members together to appoint a new W . M . Is ho empowered to do so under tbe
j provision already named ? ' [ Certainly , lie must retain the office until a successor be appointed . The brethren of the lodge had letter look io it lo sec that lliey are not called upon to show cause why the lodge should not be expunged from the roll . The W . M ., on-good cause shown , might probably obtain a dispensation for holding his office beyond ihe two
yearsj . IS . —Is it lawful for a Provincial Grand Master summarily to mflict ; ' ne upon any member of his province without summoning the alleged offender before lnm , and giving him an opportunity of explaining his conduct ? [ Xo . Suck a course is opposed alike to Masonic law and ¦ iuHieel
Bro . W . F . BUNTING , St . John's , New Brunswick , is thanked . 1 ! . R . —Apply at the Office . AV . M . —AVe know of no remedy against members declaring their intention to black-ball all candidates for admission into a lodge excepting to get rid of them at the earliest possible period . P . ADELAIDE . —AVe cannot describe signs—no matter nhat the decree—in print .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Corps Legislatif to be made public . Summaries of the debates will be drawn up by Government officials and supplied to the press , which the journals must print entire or not at all . General Turr lias returned to Turin from his visit to Garibaldi at Caprera . The general presented to the daughter of Garibaldi the New Year's gift sent her by ^ A'ictor Emmanuel , ami to the general himself the " star " sent bim by the thousand companions who disembarked
with him at Marsala . In his reply Garibaldi said he should count upon them when Italy should carry to Hungary tbe aid of her arms , as he had sworn upon the grave of the gallant Hungarians who died for Italy , that the Italians , as was their duty , woulcl replace tbem . This is all that General Turr bas yet communicated to the public respecting his visit to Caprera . Tl' . e remainder of tiie French fleet left the waters of Gaeta on Friday . On the evening- of Saturday the truce between Victor Emmanuel and Francis
II . expired . On the morning of the 19 th ( we are informed by the Paris Moniteur ) the Piedmontese General announced to tbo defenders of Gaeta the conclusion of the armistice , at the same time offering conditions of surrender . These conditions were rejected , ancl on Monday the bombardment of the fortress was resumed . The Russian and Prussian ministers have quitted Gaeta for Rome ; the Nuncio of the Holy See , ancl the Ministers of AustriaSpainSaxonyBavariaancl Portugalhowever
, , , , , , remain . These latter , the Moniteur remarks , must have been aware of the intention of Francis II . to continue his resistance . The garrison of Gaeta was the first to resume -hostilities on the expiration of the truce . On the morning of the 22 nd their batteries opened a heavy fire on the Sardinians . Tbo Sardinian batteries promptly replied , and soon silenced those of the fortress . At noon the Sardinian fleet placed itself in line , and up to the evening the fire of the besiegers had not slackened . Baron Poerio , to whom
Prince Carignan entrusted tbe formation of a new ministry or council of lieutenancy for Naples , bas accomplished his task . The Neapolitans are highly pleased with the appointment of Poerio , and have great confidence in the new Government . The reactionary party in Italy , impressed with the conviction that the time in which they can effectually strike any blow for their cause is now very limited , are making desperate efforts , and pouring troops into the Abruzzi . The Sardinian Government , on the other hand , determined to crush the insurgents , are pushing forward large reinforcements , and have already succeeded in suppressing the movements inthe districts around Ascoli , and , i t is asserted , bave defeated
the bands that took Tagliacozzo . A column of 2000 Sardinians had disembarked at CivitaNova , and were marching on the province of Teramo . Numerous arrests have also been made in tbe city of Naples , and many Royalist officers dismissed . The Austrian Government has at length come to the resolution of checking the proceedings of the Hungarian Comitats . In a dispatch of tbe Emperor to the Stathoklcr of Buda , it is announced that the elections to the committees of all political refugees are null ancl void ,
that severe punishment will be inflicted on all who refuse to pay the taxes , that a vote of the Diet can alone bring about any change in existing tribunals or codes , and that the practical establishment of the institutions under the constitution of ISIS is prohibited . Severe measures are threatened against all who act in contravention of these injunctions . The Imperial ordinances for the convention of the HungarianDict have been issued ; tbe day fixed for themeeting is the 2 nd of April , at Buda . The municipalities of Prague bave
adopted a petition requesting the responsibility of Ministers and the early assembling of the Imperial Diet . The Austrian Government have issued a decree for a new Five 2 > er Cent , loan of thirty million florins , at the price of 88 , with the object , as expressed in the decree , of anticipating the taxes . The Danish Government are pushing on their warlike preparations . A decree has been issued calling out 0700 sailors , and tbe frigate Sjoellan / l bas been recalled from the West Indies . The
people are as determined as the Government to resist the demands of Germany , ancl are getting up petitions to the King not to abandon the Danish nationality in the duchy af Schleswig . Tbe resolution of the German Diet calling on Denmark to declare herself within six weeks relative to the fulfilment of the conditions proposed by the Diet of I 860 , and threatening her , in case of noncompliance , with federal execution , will no doubt add to the \ of ancl leThe Governmentin continua
exasperation King peop . , - tion of their warlike preparations , have ordered tbe equipment of ' a steam squadron of 22 vessels , and a reserve force of 890 sailors to assemble on the 1 st of March . AMEWCA . —The advices from New York to the 10 th inst . show no signs of reconciliation between the contending states . President Buchanan ' s promised message to Congress is said to throw the responsibility on that body , to whom he suggests the Missouri
compromise . At the same time we are informed that Mr . Seward , the avowed enemy to all compromise , bas accepted the post of Premier under Mr . luieoln . Mr . Thompson , the Secretary of the Interior , had resigned . To the seceding states we have now to add
The Week.
Louisiana ancl Mississippi . At Charleston the Star of the West , with re-iiif ' orcenieiits for Major Anderson , had been fired into by the South Carolinians . AVhen the sloop of war Rrook / yn arrives at Charleston , it is supposed that a serious encounter will take place . By the North American , which left Portland , Maine , on the 12 th , we learn that to the seceding states are now to be added Alabama and Florida . Virginia was preparing to adopt a similar
course . The secessionists had taken possession of several of the forts in Louisiana , and the federal troops had abandoned most ofthe forts in Pensacola . The New York state hacl offered the whole state force for the general Government . The excitement in Charleston was said to have abated in consequence of pacific news from A * v ashington , but of this ive have no confirmation in the news now to hand . INDIA . —AVe have intelligence by the overland mail from Bombay
to the 27 th December . The native traders , after six weeks' suspension , had resumed their dealings . The collection ofthe incometax had commenced , and so far bad proceeded quietly . The Mysore grant of half a million of money to a descendant of Tippoo Saib bas met with strong opposition on all sides , and in tho Legislative Council had excited great indignation .
To Correspondents.
A P . M ., Jersey , sends us the following : — 1 . —A Deputy Prov . Grand Master leaves the Province to which he belongs and goes to reside in England . At the next- Annual Provincial Meeting for the appointment of Officers , the Prov . Grand Master is called upon to name another Deputy in his place . He declines to do so at the time , but promises soon to fill up the vacancy , though ultimately he neglects to do so .
After an absence ol a year and a half , during which period he has had no establishment or place of residence in the province , the former Deputy Prov . Grand Master determines again to take up his abode within it , ancl returns . Does lie , as a matter of course , resume bis position in the office ? [ If ihe office has never been , formally declared vacant , the
brother in question is still the D . Prov . CM . } . 2 . —The AV . M . of a lodge does not succeed in obtaining a meeting of its members during bis year of office on tbe issue of the usual summonses . Under the provision that he acts " until a successor shall have been duly elected and installed in bis stead , " he continues in office a second year , without a new election , and
still does not hold a lodge from the same cause , three months before the expiration of which , ivhen a meeting ought to bave been held to choose a successor , he happens to be from home . The meetings ofthe lodge being held quarterly , at the expiration of bis second year of Mastership , he calls the members together to appoint a new W . M . Is ho empowered to do so under tbe
j provision already named ? ' [ Certainly , lie must retain the office until a successor be appointed . The brethren of the lodge had letter look io it lo sec that lliey are not called upon to show cause why the lodge should not be expunged from the roll . The W . M ., on-good cause shown , might probably obtain a dispensation for holding his office beyond ihe two
yearsj . IS . —Is it lawful for a Provincial Grand Master summarily to mflict ; ' ne upon any member of his province without summoning the alleged offender before lnm , and giving him an opportunity of explaining his conduct ? [ Xo . Suck a course is opposed alike to Masonic law and ¦ iuHieel
Bro . W . F . BUNTING , St . John's , New Brunswick , is thanked . 1 ! . R . —Apply at the Office . AV . M . —AVe know of no remedy against members declaring their intention to black-ball all candidates for admission into a lodge excepting to get rid of them at the earliest possible period . P . ADELAIDE . —AVe cannot describe signs—no matter nhat the decree—in print .