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tion of a W . M . was duly administered . He afterwards was saluted in ancient form by the brethren in the several degrees , and greeted with the usual honours . Tho W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers , viz .: —Bros . J . 15 . Can- ( Banker ) , S . W . ; J . Procter , J . W . ; J . Pullen , S . D . ; John Smalley , J . D . ; E . Sourbutfc , Sec ; T . Whittaker , I . G . ; James Smith , Tyler . Business being concluded , tho brethren adjourned from labour to refreshmentand sat down to a homeland okl-English
, y country dinner , which , considering the journey of many of the -brethren , and the pure , brisk , frosty atmosphere , it is needless to remark was highly acceptable . The remainder of the evening was spent in a cbeprful and harmonious manner . The W . M . ¦ gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were responded to in an enthusias'ic manner . Bro . Thomas gave the health of the W . M ., which was briefly responded to . Bro . C . Tilad
py proposed " Prosperity to the Lodge , " in an eloquent address , in which he passed in review the many excellent Masons who bad been members of tbe lodge , particularly naming the Rev . John Preston , L-D ., late head master of tbe Grammar School , Whally , the late Rev . John Hushley , and others , and concluded by wishing the little rural lodge every prosperity . The W . M . responded . Bros . BaronBirkettAbbottand Towersmembers
, , , , of tbe Blackburn Madrigal Union and Orpheus Club gave some beautiful glees and songs , which were highly applauded . Other songs and speeches followed , and the lodge closed at 10 . 15 p . m . In great harmony . All separated greatly pleased with this Masonic gathering of their rural lodge .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL—Lodge of Sincerity { No . 292 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Temple , Hopeetreet , on Mondoy , the 14 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . elect ( Bro . E . Whitnall ) having been presented to the Installing Master Bro . Robert Wylie to
receive the benefit of installation , and a board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . E . Whitnall was installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , for the ensuing ¦ year , the ceremony being most impressively performed by Bro , Robt . Wylie , P . M . On the re-admittance of tbe brethren to the lodge fche W . M . invested the following as officers : Bros . . BurtonS . W . ; McGeeJ . W . ; S . HessP . M . Treas . : H . W .
, , , , Eddis . See . ; Jones , S . D . ; Chudley , J . D . ; R . Wylie , jun ., and Bates , Stewards : John Fryer , P . M ., D . C . The visitors on this occasion included Bros . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . : Laidlaw , P . M ., P . G . S . ; Marsh , P . M ., P . G . S . ; McKeene , W . M . 216 ; J . Sutcliffe , W-M . 1 , 035 , and other brethren . After the banquet , which was provided by Bro . Ball , house steward , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were ivenand cordially received and
g , responded to . Bro . Bannister , P . G . S . B ., responded on behalf of the M . W . G . Master , thanking them for the kindness at all times shown towards him . "The Health of the W . M . " was given by Bro . li . Wyllie , I . P . M ., who said , having known the W . M . for a long time , be had always found everything to admire
-. n him , as his reciprocity and general bearing was that of a gentleman , and he was sure he would do justice to tbe post that was so unanimously voted to him , and which ho so richly deserved . The W . M . Bro . Whitnall rose , and in a speech of much feeling thanked the lodge for the kindness displayed towards him , and for the ready and hearty way in which he was received by the brethren . As they had so kindly selected him for their Master for tbe ensuing year , he would endeavour
to merit the trust reposed in him by doing what was just , and at the same time bis duty to every member of the lodge . Bro . Fryer , P . M ., enlisted the attention of tbe brethren to what he called the toast of the evening , "The Health of Bro . R . Wylie , P . M ., the Installing Master of the day , " who had the esteem of every member of the lodge , and all could bear testimony to the zeal and good wovkiag displayed hy him as tbe W . M . for two years . Bro . Wylie hadduring his Mastershidevoted
, p , himself to the duties of his office in cultivating the moral and social virtues , not only in letter , but in spirit . The members of the lodge had been improved by his labours , and had profited by his example . Bro . Fryer then proceeded as follows : We feel constrained to offer Bro . Wylie some small token of our regard . It was his pleasing duty to convey to him the hearty good wishes of his brethren , upon whose behalf he had now the
pleasure to present Bro . Wylie with a P . M . 's jewel , and also to bis wife a ease of dessert knives and forks . In continuation Bro . Fryer hoped , in common with his brethren , that Bro . Wylie may long be in the enjoyment of health to wear his
jewel , and that it may be an heir-loom to his family for many generations . The toast was responded to with Masonic honours Bro . P . M . Wylie , in very feeling and appropriate terms , thanked the brethren for the kindness they had conferred upon him , and trusted they would make an allowance for his inability to ade juately express himself in acknowledgment of the kindness of the brethien , as at the present time his mind and feelings were so much agitated . He sincerely thanked the brethren for
their unbounded kindness to his wife , and he also had to thank Bro . Fryer , P . M . for the very kind remarks and assistance for which he was indebted to that esteemed brother , when he , Bro . Wylie , was only but young iu Masonry . After again thanking the brethren for . the beautiful memento of that evening , Bro . Wylie resumed his seat , evidently much affected . The toast of the visitors was iven by the W . M . Bro . James
g McKeene , W . M . 21 ( 3 , returned thanks for the visitors , and said , on behalf of the visitors I must express how much I have been gratified with tbe proceedings of this day , and said he had visited lodges , but none he had visited came up to the good working of to-day , and very feelingly complimented the officers and brethren generally , and acknowledged the princely hospitality of the lodge . After which the lodge was closed .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Lsca Lodge ( No . 6 S 3 ) . —The ceremony of installing Pro . James Maddocks as the W . M . of this lodge took place afc the spacious Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , on Wednesday , the 16 th instant . Bro . John Middleton , P . M . 683 and 1 , 09 S , acted as installing officer , and there was a large gathering of the Craft . The following is a list of tbe appointments : —Bros . James MaddocksW . M . ; R . BondP . M . ; Thos .
, , Williams , S . W . ; W . J . Bnssell , J . W . ; Rev . Samuel Fox , Chap . ; Henry Mullock , Treas . ; J . Middleton , Sec . ; H . J . Groves , Org . ; R . J . Chambers , S . D . ; William Parfitt , J . D . ; A . H . Tapson , I . G . ; R . Stallard and G . Harries , Stewards ; William McFee , Tyler . After the installation Bro . R . Laybourne , P . M . and Prov . G . W ., in tbe name of the lodge , presented to Bro . Middleton a purse of sovereigns , as a slight token of regard and a
mark of the high estimation in which the brethren hold his services to Freemasonry . Ifc is nofc too much to say that the present prosperity of the lsca Lodge is principally owing to the exertions of Bro . Middleton and his constant devotion to its interests . The proceedings having beeii conducted and the lodge closed in due form , the brethren , afc five o'clockadiourned to the Westgate Hotelwhere Host Bro .
, , Hallen had prepared a banquet , which was served up in a style of excellence rarely equalled , and which gave unbounded satisfaction . The W . M . took the chair , supported in the vice-chair by the S . W . The company numbered between thirty and forty . Amongst those present we noticed Bros . E . Laybourne , J . Middleton , J . Laybourne , P . M . ' s ; Rev . Samuel Fox , Chap . ; B , Thomas , W . M . 471 ; H . Hellyer , I . P . M . 471 ; R . B . Evans ,
P . M . 471 , and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John Griffiths , P . M . 471 ; R . J . Cathcart , P . M . ; W . Pickford , P . M . 4-71 , Prov . G . Treas . ; H . J . Groves , A . H . Tapson , I . G . ; T . Roberts , J . W . 611 ; H . Vinson ; James Gwatkin , 610 ; W . Parfit , G . P . Passadoro ; K . H . Chambers , H . Mullock ; W . J . Bnssell , J . W . ; J . S . Stone . 471 ; M . 0 . Scott ; Ii . Stallard , Steward ; W . Cantle , J . Partridge , Lewis Rogers , 'W . G . Jones , George Harries , William JonesAc . After tho repast a list of toasts was gone through
, and the W . Master and brethren delivered very excellent speeches , and sang some capital songs . The W . Master proposed " The Queen and Craft , " " The Bishop and Clergy , and the ministers of all denominations , " ( acknowledged by the Rev . S . Fox ) , " The Most Worshipful Grand Master the Earl of Zetland , and tho Grand . Lodge of England . " " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers" ( acknowled by Brother Captain-Commandant
Cathcart whose name was associated with the volunteers ) . " 'the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of Monmouthshire , Brother John E . W . Rolls . " " The Very Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Monmouthshire , Brother Colonel Charles Lyne , aud the Provincial Grand Officers" ( acknowledged by Bro . Pickford , Prov . G . Treas . ) . Bro . R . Laybourne proposed " The health of the Worshipful
Master of Lodge GS 3 , " in complimentary and fraternal terms , to which Bro . Maddocks suitably responded . By the President , "The Immediate Past Master , Brother Bond , and the other Past Masters" ( acknowledged by Bro . J Laybourne ) . In giving " The Health of the Installing Master , " " the W . M . alluded to the valuable services of Bro . Middleton , and the toast was enthusiastically received . The succeeding toasts were " Officers
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
tion of a W . M . was duly administered . He afterwards was saluted in ancient form by the brethren in the several degrees , and greeted with the usual honours . Tho W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers , viz .: —Bros . J . 15 . Can- ( Banker ) , S . W . ; J . Procter , J . W . ; J . Pullen , S . D . ; John Smalley , J . D . ; E . Sourbutfc , Sec ; T . Whittaker , I . G . ; James Smith , Tyler . Business being concluded , tho brethren adjourned from labour to refreshmentand sat down to a homeland okl-English
, y country dinner , which , considering the journey of many of the -brethren , and the pure , brisk , frosty atmosphere , it is needless to remark was highly acceptable . The remainder of the evening was spent in a cbeprful and harmonious manner . The W . M . ¦ gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were responded to in an enthusias'ic manner . Bro . Thomas gave the health of the W . M ., which was briefly responded to . Bro . C . Tilad
py proposed " Prosperity to the Lodge , " in an eloquent address , in which he passed in review the many excellent Masons who bad been members of tbe lodge , particularly naming the Rev . John Preston , L-D ., late head master of tbe Grammar School , Whally , the late Rev . John Hushley , and others , and concluded by wishing the little rural lodge every prosperity . The W . M . responded . Bros . BaronBirkettAbbottand Towersmembers
, , , , of tbe Blackburn Madrigal Union and Orpheus Club gave some beautiful glees and songs , which were highly applauded . Other songs and speeches followed , and the lodge closed at 10 . 15 p . m . In great harmony . All separated greatly pleased with this Masonic gathering of their rural lodge .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL—Lodge of Sincerity { No . 292 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Temple , Hopeetreet , on Mondoy , the 14 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . elect ( Bro . E . Whitnall ) having been presented to the Installing Master Bro . Robert Wylie to
receive the benefit of installation , and a board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . E . Whitnall was installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , for the ensuing ¦ year , the ceremony being most impressively performed by Bro , Robt . Wylie , P . M . On the re-admittance of tbe brethren to the lodge fche W . M . invested the following as officers : Bros . . BurtonS . W . ; McGeeJ . W . ; S . HessP . M . Treas . : H . W .
, , , , Eddis . See . ; Jones , S . D . ; Chudley , J . D . ; R . Wylie , jun ., and Bates , Stewards : John Fryer , P . M ., D . C . The visitors on this occasion included Bros . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . : Laidlaw , P . M ., P . G . S . ; Marsh , P . M ., P . G . S . ; McKeene , W . M . 216 ; J . Sutcliffe , W-M . 1 , 035 , and other brethren . After the banquet , which was provided by Bro . Ball , house steward , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were ivenand cordially received and
g , responded to . Bro . Bannister , P . G . S . B ., responded on behalf of the M . W . G . Master , thanking them for the kindness at all times shown towards him . "The Health of the W . M . " was given by Bro . li . Wyllie , I . P . M ., who said , having known the W . M . for a long time , be had always found everything to admire
-. n him , as his reciprocity and general bearing was that of a gentleman , and he was sure he would do justice to tbe post that was so unanimously voted to him , and which ho so richly deserved . The W . M . Bro . Whitnall rose , and in a speech of much feeling thanked the lodge for the kindness displayed towards him , and for the ready and hearty way in which he was received by the brethren . As they had so kindly selected him for their Master for tbe ensuing year , he would endeavour
to merit the trust reposed in him by doing what was just , and at the same time bis duty to every member of the lodge . Bro . Fryer , P . M ., enlisted the attention of tbe brethren to what he called the toast of the evening , "The Health of Bro . R . Wylie , P . M ., the Installing Master of the day , " who had the esteem of every member of the lodge , and all could bear testimony to the zeal and good wovkiag displayed hy him as tbe W . M . for two years . Bro . Wylie hadduring his Mastershidevoted
, p , himself to the duties of his office in cultivating the moral and social virtues , not only in letter , but in spirit . The members of the lodge had been improved by his labours , and had profited by his example . Bro . Fryer then proceeded as follows : We feel constrained to offer Bro . Wylie some small token of our regard . It was his pleasing duty to convey to him the hearty good wishes of his brethren , upon whose behalf he had now the
pleasure to present Bro . Wylie with a P . M . 's jewel , and also to bis wife a ease of dessert knives and forks . In continuation Bro . Fryer hoped , in common with his brethren , that Bro . Wylie may long be in the enjoyment of health to wear his
jewel , and that it may be an heir-loom to his family for many generations . The toast was responded to with Masonic honours Bro . P . M . Wylie , in very feeling and appropriate terms , thanked the brethren for the kindness they had conferred upon him , and trusted they would make an allowance for his inability to ade juately express himself in acknowledgment of the kindness of the brethien , as at the present time his mind and feelings were so much agitated . He sincerely thanked the brethren for
their unbounded kindness to his wife , and he also had to thank Bro . Fryer , P . M . for the very kind remarks and assistance for which he was indebted to that esteemed brother , when he , Bro . Wylie , was only but young iu Masonry . After again thanking the brethren for . the beautiful memento of that evening , Bro . Wylie resumed his seat , evidently much affected . The toast of the visitors was iven by the W . M . Bro . James
g McKeene , W . M . 21 ( 3 , returned thanks for the visitors , and said , on behalf of the visitors I must express how much I have been gratified with tbe proceedings of this day , and said he had visited lodges , but none he had visited came up to the good working of to-day , and very feelingly complimented the officers and brethren generally , and acknowledged the princely hospitality of the lodge . After which the lodge was closed .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Lsca Lodge ( No . 6 S 3 ) . —The ceremony of installing Pro . James Maddocks as the W . M . of this lodge took place afc the spacious Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , on Wednesday , the 16 th instant . Bro . John Middleton , P . M . 683 and 1 , 09 S , acted as installing officer , and there was a large gathering of the Craft . The following is a list of tbe appointments : —Bros . James MaddocksW . M . ; R . BondP . M . ; Thos .
, , Williams , S . W . ; W . J . Bnssell , J . W . ; Rev . Samuel Fox , Chap . ; Henry Mullock , Treas . ; J . Middleton , Sec . ; H . J . Groves , Org . ; R . J . Chambers , S . D . ; William Parfitt , J . D . ; A . H . Tapson , I . G . ; R . Stallard and G . Harries , Stewards ; William McFee , Tyler . After the installation Bro . R . Laybourne , P . M . and Prov . G . W ., in tbe name of the lodge , presented to Bro . Middleton a purse of sovereigns , as a slight token of regard and a
mark of the high estimation in which the brethren hold his services to Freemasonry . Ifc is nofc too much to say that the present prosperity of the lsca Lodge is principally owing to the exertions of Bro . Middleton and his constant devotion to its interests . The proceedings having beeii conducted and the lodge closed in due form , the brethren , afc five o'clockadiourned to the Westgate Hotelwhere Host Bro .
, , Hallen had prepared a banquet , which was served up in a style of excellence rarely equalled , and which gave unbounded satisfaction . The W . M . took the chair , supported in the vice-chair by the S . W . The company numbered between thirty and forty . Amongst those present we noticed Bros . E . Laybourne , J . Middleton , J . Laybourne , P . M . ' s ; Rev . Samuel Fox , Chap . ; B , Thomas , W . M . 471 ; H . Hellyer , I . P . M . 471 ; R . B . Evans ,
P . M . 471 , and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John Griffiths , P . M . 471 ; R . J . Cathcart , P . M . ; W . Pickford , P . M . 4-71 , Prov . G . Treas . ; H . J . Groves , A . H . Tapson , I . G . ; T . Roberts , J . W . 611 ; H . Vinson ; James Gwatkin , 610 ; W . Parfit , G . P . Passadoro ; K . H . Chambers , H . Mullock ; W . J . Bnssell , J . W . ; J . S . Stone . 471 ; M . 0 . Scott ; Ii . Stallard , Steward ; W . Cantle , J . Partridge , Lewis Rogers , 'W . G . Jones , George Harries , William JonesAc . After tho repast a list of toasts was gone through
, and the W . Master and brethren delivered very excellent speeches , and sang some capital songs . The W . Master proposed " The Queen and Craft , " " The Bishop and Clergy , and the ministers of all denominations , " ( acknowledged by the Rev . S . Fox ) , " The Most Worshipful Grand Master the Earl of Zetland , and tho Grand . Lodge of England . " " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers" ( acknowled by Brother Captain-Commandant
Cathcart whose name was associated with the volunteers ) . " 'the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of Monmouthshire , Brother John E . W . Rolls . " " The Very Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Monmouthshire , Brother Colonel Charles Lyne , aud the Provincial Grand Officers" ( acknowledged by Bro . Pickford , Prov . G . Treas . ) . Bro . R . Laybourne proposed " The health of the Worshipful
Master of Lodge GS 3 , " in complimentary and fraternal terms , to which Bro . Maddocks suitably responded . By the President , "The Immediate Past Master , Brother Bond , and the other Past Masters" ( acknowledged by Bro . J Laybourne ) . In giving " The Health of the Installing Master , " " the W . M . alluded to the valuable services of Bro . Middleton , and the toast was enthusiastically received . The succeeding toasts were " Officers