Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Spun-, P . M . ; H . C . Martin , P . M ., lion . sec . ; Henry A . Williamson , as S . W . ; William Peacock , as J . W . ; Dr . Armitage , S . D . ; A ^ erity , J . D . ; D . Fletcher , I . G . ; J . Sanders and Ash , Tylers , and about twenty-five other brethren , amongst whom was Bro . Sahnond , of the Apollo Lodge , Oxford . The lodge was opened in the evening at 6 . 30 . The minutes were read and
confirmed . Mr . William Jackson , M . D ., was duly ballotted for , elected , and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was then opened in the higher degrees , when Bro . Henry Appleby Williamson , the W . M . elect , was installed in the chair of K . S ., and proceeded to invest bis officors for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . Harcourt Johnstone , S . W . ; William Peacock , J . XV . ; Major J . W . Woodall , Treas . ; Rev . D- L . Alexander ,
Chap . ; H . C . 3 Iarfcin , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; R . H . Peacock-, S . D . ; John Raper , J . D . ; J . Harrison , Org . ; D . Fletcher , I . G . ; James Sanders , Tyler . After the lodge had been reduced , and the newly-installed Master saluted by tbe brethren in the three degrees , the lodge was closed in harmony and with prayer , and stood adjourned until tbe next evening , when a Master Masons ' Lodge was held for the purpose of raising Bros . Stevenson and Pioberts to tbe sublime degree of M . M . 's , which was done accordingly , after which the lodge was closed in harmony at nine o ' clock p . m .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE Tovra , DEVOOTOM- . —St . Aubyn Chapter ( No 954 ) . —A regular quarterly convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , the 21 st inst . Present : The Ex . Comps . Chappie , P . Prov . S . P . Soj . as Z . ; Spry , Prov . G . D . C , H . ; and Bird , J . The minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , and a ballot was taken for a candidate , which proved
unanimous , the candidate was unavoidably absent , consequent !} - the -duties of working the ceremonies of the degree were not performed , and the Treasurer's report , in the absence of that officer , was not forthcoming . Propositions of four candidates for exaltation at the quarterly meeting in April were received , and the chapter was closed with the accustomed solemnities . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) .
HULL—Minerva Chapter ( No . 250 ) . —The monthly meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday evening , the 17 th instant . Present—Comps . B . Jacobs , Z . ; M . C . Peck , II . ; Walter Reynolds , J . ; J . N . Scherling , Scribe E . ; R . Goddard , Scribe N . ; John Brooke , Prin . Soj . ; W . K . Brown , Ass . Soj .: George Hardy , Sword Bearer ; W . Johnson and J . Norton , Janitors ; S . Moselr , P . Z . : J . F . Holden , P . Z . ; C . Copeland , W . Scott ,
C . F . Smitkson , J . C . Armitage , C . Pool , F . Jackson , and W . D . Keyworth ; Visitor Comp . J " . Walker , Humber Chapter 57 , Hull . The minutes of the last regular chapter having been read and confirmed , tbe ballot-box was prepared for Bro . Christopher Sykes , M . P ., W . M . Sykes Lodge 1 , 040 , Hull , and Bro . L . W . Longstaff , Kingston Lodge 1 , 010 , Hull , both of whom were unanimously accepted . Bro . Longstaff being present , was
then admitted and regularly exalted to this degree by tbe M . E . J ., the 3 I . E . H . giving the signs , and explanation of tho apron , sash , and jewel . The M . E . J , then gave the lecture on the sacred pedestal and the historical lecture . The M . E . Z . then announced that he understood that the G . S . of W . of the Province , Comp- J . P . Bell , intended holding a Provincial Grand Chapter during the month of February . He therefore moved that he be invited to hold the meeting in this chapter , which
was seconded by the Scribe E ., and agreed to . Two brethren were then proposed for ballot at the next meeting , and tho chapter wr . s closed in ancient form .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . H ATT . ~ . —Comubian Lodge ( No . S 7 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . Crotche ' s Hotel , on Wednesday , the I 6 fch Jann . irv , afc six p . m . There was a capital muster of the brethren . Bro . William Harvey . W . M .. in the chair , supported by Bros . W . J . Easterbrooke , S . W . ; John Coombe , J . W- ; John ? . Smith , Sec , & c . The minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Frank Harvey having been
elected to fill the chair for the second year . Part of the usual installation ceremony was dispensed with . The W . M . having assumel the chair , the officers were appointed by him as follows : Bros . William James Hughan , G . O ., & c " , I . P . M . ; Dr . James Mnda-e , S . W . ; J . H . Bnrrall , J . W . ; William Crotch , M . O . ; Frauds II . Pool , S . O . ; George J . Eustice , J . O- ; Martin
Dunn , Chap . ; John Pearce Smith , Treas . and Sec ; John Coombe , Re ? , of Marks ; William W . MiUlrew , S . D . ; James Pool , J . D . ; W . Hollow , I . G . ; Nicholas J . West , Dir . of Cers . ; F . W . Pool , Org . ; William Puddy , Tyler . Bro . William James Hughan , P . M . " 78 , 94 , and G . O-, by desire of the W . M ., gave an extempore address on the position of the Mark Degree in England , and its importance in the York Rite of Masonry . The facts of the recognition of the Mark Degree by the Grand
Lodge of Scotland , and the rapid progress of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters in England , were taken as significant of a growing regard for Mark Masonry , and significant of the power of truth , which outlives all unfair treatment , and iu the end obtains the victory . Thanks for the address , and the usual questions being asked , concluded the business of the lodge , when the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was
provided by Bro . William Crotci . The banquet was excellent and abundantly confirmed the good opinions we have formed of the hotel and its worthy proprietor . The W . M . and the members were much gratified at the success of the first year of its existence as a Mark Lodge , and really their pleasure was well founded , for some twenty had been advanced , and the W . M . and officers had spared no pains to make it worthy of the order . The spirit of unanimity evinced was most cheering , and augurs well for the future .
DURHAM . WEST HAETLEPOOD . —Eclectic Lodge ( No . 39 ) . —We have this week to record the pleasing fact of the resuscitation of the Eclectic Lodge No . 39 E . C ., the first aud as yet the only one in the county of Durham . This lodge was established at Hartlepool in the early part of the year 1859 , principally through the exertions of a deceased brother and
correspondent of this MAGAZINE , Bro . T . B . Tate . Bro . John Barker , P . G . Warden , constituted the lodge , and a brother at that time well known in the north of England for fche ability of his working , was installed the first Master . Starting under these favourable auspices , and with a moderate accession of members , it appeared to have within it all the elements of success . Unfortunately , in little more than a year it met a serious loss in
the death of Bro . Tate , who was drowned while bathing , several of tbe principal officers left the town , and that interest not being taken in the degree by tho neighbouring Craft Lodges that was anticipated , it kept up a feeble existence for three years , and afc last fell entirely in abeyance . In January last an effort was quietly made to revive the lodge at Hartlepool , and the G . Sec , Bro . F . Binekes , was written to on the subject .
These efforts , however , did not meet with that response which would warrant any great exertion being made , and it was not until November that the project was entertained of transferring the lodge to West Hartlepool , where there is a most numerous
and strong Craft Lodge , that there appeared any probability of its successful resuscitation . The first meeting was held in the Freemasons' Hall , West Hartlepool , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., when the brethren were favoured with the presence of the Very Worshipful Bro . Frederick Binekes , G . Sec , who throughout has taken the kindest interest in the affair , and has rendered his powerful assistance . The lodge was opened in duo form at two p . m . by the W . M . Bro . George Moore 2 I . D . A ballot
, , was then taken for eleven candidates for advancement , and for three joining members : Bros . Rev . J . Milner , SLA ., Rector of Elton : Rev . H . B . Tristram , M . A ., Master of Gi-eatham Hospital , P . M . Minden Lodge No . 49 , ( I . C . ); and H . Grey Faber , Stockton . Ten of the candidates being present were introduced , and all advanced in due form by the V . W . G . Sec , after which he proceeded to install as W . M . for the ensuing
year Bro- Dr . Moore , the second and last elected Master of the Lodge . The W . M . then invested the following as officers : Bros . Simpson Armstrong , S . W . ; W . W . Brunton , J . W .: W . Stonier Leigh , M . O . ; R , B . Harpley , S . O . ; E . Hudson ( the first J . W . of the lodge ) , J . O , ; Rev . James Milner , M . A ., Chap . ; M . Rickiiison , Treas . ; George Kirk , Reg . ; J . W . Cameron , Sec . ; S . Gourley , M . D ., S . D . ; Emra Holmes , J . D . ; George Carter , I . G . ; John Miller , Steward ; James Mowbray , Tyler . Eighteen Mark Masons sat down to the banquet afterwards at the Royal Hotel , and the fact that not one found any fault with the fare
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Spun-, P . M . ; H . C . Martin , P . M ., lion . sec . ; Henry A . Williamson , as S . W . ; William Peacock , as J . W . ; Dr . Armitage , S . D . ; A ^ erity , J . D . ; D . Fletcher , I . G . ; J . Sanders and Ash , Tylers , and about twenty-five other brethren , amongst whom was Bro . Sahnond , of the Apollo Lodge , Oxford . The lodge was opened in the evening at 6 . 30 . The minutes were read and
confirmed . Mr . William Jackson , M . D ., was duly ballotted for , elected , and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was then opened in the higher degrees , when Bro . Henry Appleby Williamson , the W . M . elect , was installed in the chair of K . S ., and proceeded to invest bis officors for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . Harcourt Johnstone , S . W . ; William Peacock , J . XV . ; Major J . W . Woodall , Treas . ; Rev . D- L . Alexander ,
Chap . ; H . C . 3 Iarfcin , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; R . H . Peacock-, S . D . ; John Raper , J . D . ; J . Harrison , Org . ; D . Fletcher , I . G . ; James Sanders , Tyler . After the lodge had been reduced , and the newly-installed Master saluted by tbe brethren in the three degrees , the lodge was closed in harmony and with prayer , and stood adjourned until tbe next evening , when a Master Masons ' Lodge was held for the purpose of raising Bros . Stevenson and Pioberts to tbe sublime degree of M . M . 's , which was done accordingly , after which the lodge was closed in harmony at nine o ' clock p . m .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE Tovra , DEVOOTOM- . —St . Aubyn Chapter ( No 954 ) . —A regular quarterly convocation of this chapter was held on Monday , the 21 st inst . Present : The Ex . Comps . Chappie , P . Prov . S . P . Soj . as Z . ; Spry , Prov . G . D . C , H . ; and Bird , J . The minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , and a ballot was taken for a candidate , which proved
unanimous , the candidate was unavoidably absent , consequent !} - the -duties of working the ceremonies of the degree were not performed , and the Treasurer's report , in the absence of that officer , was not forthcoming . Propositions of four candidates for exaltation at the quarterly meeting in April were received , and the chapter was closed with the accustomed solemnities . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) .
HULL—Minerva Chapter ( No . 250 ) . —The monthly meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday evening , the 17 th instant . Present—Comps . B . Jacobs , Z . ; M . C . Peck , II . ; Walter Reynolds , J . ; J . N . Scherling , Scribe E . ; R . Goddard , Scribe N . ; John Brooke , Prin . Soj . ; W . K . Brown , Ass . Soj .: George Hardy , Sword Bearer ; W . Johnson and J . Norton , Janitors ; S . Moselr , P . Z . : J . F . Holden , P . Z . ; C . Copeland , W . Scott ,
C . F . Smitkson , J . C . Armitage , C . Pool , F . Jackson , and W . D . Keyworth ; Visitor Comp . J " . Walker , Humber Chapter 57 , Hull . The minutes of the last regular chapter having been read and confirmed , tbe ballot-box was prepared for Bro . Christopher Sykes , M . P ., W . M . Sykes Lodge 1 , 040 , Hull , and Bro . L . W . Longstaff , Kingston Lodge 1 , 010 , Hull , both of whom were unanimously accepted . Bro . Longstaff being present , was
then admitted and regularly exalted to this degree by tbe M . E . J ., the 3 I . E . H . giving the signs , and explanation of tho apron , sash , and jewel . The M . E . J , then gave the lecture on the sacred pedestal and the historical lecture . The M . E . Z . then announced that he understood that the G . S . of W . of the Province , Comp- J . P . Bell , intended holding a Provincial Grand Chapter during the month of February . He therefore moved that he be invited to hold the meeting in this chapter , which
was seconded by the Scribe E ., and agreed to . Two brethren were then proposed for ballot at the next meeting , and tho chapter wr . s closed in ancient form .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . H ATT . ~ . —Comubian Lodge ( No . S 7 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . Crotche ' s Hotel , on Wednesday , the I 6 fch Jann . irv , afc six p . m . There was a capital muster of the brethren . Bro . William Harvey . W . M .. in the chair , supported by Bros . W . J . Easterbrooke , S . W . ; John Coombe , J . W- ; John ? . Smith , Sec , & c . The minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Frank Harvey having been
elected to fill the chair for the second year . Part of the usual installation ceremony was dispensed with . The W . M . having assumel the chair , the officers were appointed by him as follows : Bros . William James Hughan , G . O ., & c " , I . P . M . ; Dr . James Mnda-e , S . W . ; J . H . Bnrrall , J . W . ; William Crotch , M . O . ; Frauds II . Pool , S . O . ; George J . Eustice , J . O- ; Martin
Dunn , Chap . ; John Pearce Smith , Treas . and Sec ; John Coombe , Re ? , of Marks ; William W . MiUlrew , S . D . ; James Pool , J . D . ; W . Hollow , I . G . ; Nicholas J . West , Dir . of Cers . ; F . W . Pool , Org . ; William Puddy , Tyler . Bro . William James Hughan , P . M . " 78 , 94 , and G . O-, by desire of the W . M ., gave an extempore address on the position of the Mark Degree in England , and its importance in the York Rite of Masonry . The facts of the recognition of the Mark Degree by the Grand
Lodge of Scotland , and the rapid progress of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters in England , were taken as significant of a growing regard for Mark Masonry , and significant of the power of truth , which outlives all unfair treatment , and iu the end obtains the victory . Thanks for the address , and the usual questions being asked , concluded the business of the lodge , when the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was
provided by Bro . William Crotci . The banquet was excellent and abundantly confirmed the good opinions we have formed of the hotel and its worthy proprietor . The W . M . and the members were much gratified at the success of the first year of its existence as a Mark Lodge , and really their pleasure was well founded , for some twenty had been advanced , and the W . M . and officers had spared no pains to make it worthy of the order . The spirit of unanimity evinced was most cheering , and augurs well for the future .
DURHAM . WEST HAETLEPOOD . —Eclectic Lodge ( No . 39 ) . —We have this week to record the pleasing fact of the resuscitation of the Eclectic Lodge No . 39 E . C ., the first aud as yet the only one in the county of Durham . This lodge was established at Hartlepool in the early part of the year 1859 , principally through the exertions of a deceased brother and
correspondent of this MAGAZINE , Bro . T . B . Tate . Bro . John Barker , P . G . Warden , constituted the lodge , and a brother at that time well known in the north of England for fche ability of his working , was installed the first Master . Starting under these favourable auspices , and with a moderate accession of members , it appeared to have within it all the elements of success . Unfortunately , in little more than a year it met a serious loss in
the death of Bro . Tate , who was drowned while bathing , several of tbe principal officers left the town , and that interest not being taken in the degree by tho neighbouring Craft Lodges that was anticipated , it kept up a feeble existence for three years , and afc last fell entirely in abeyance . In January last an effort was quietly made to revive the lodge at Hartlepool , and the G . Sec , Bro . F . Binekes , was written to on the subject .
These efforts , however , did not meet with that response which would warrant any great exertion being made , and it was not until November that the project was entertained of transferring the lodge to West Hartlepool , where there is a most numerous
and strong Craft Lodge , that there appeared any probability of its successful resuscitation . The first meeting was held in the Freemasons' Hall , West Hartlepool , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., when the brethren were favoured with the presence of the Very Worshipful Bro . Frederick Binekes , G . Sec , who throughout has taken the kindest interest in the affair , and has rendered his powerful assistance . The lodge was opened in duo form at two p . m . by the W . M . Bro . George Moore 2 I . D . A ballot
, , was then taken for eleven candidates for advancement , and for three joining members : Bros . Rev . J . Milner , SLA ., Rector of Elton : Rev . H . B . Tristram , M . A ., Master of Gi-eatham Hospital , P . M . Minden Lodge No . 49 , ( I . C . ); and H . Grey Faber , Stockton . Ten of the candidates being present were introduced , and all advanced in due form by the V . W . G . Sec , after which he proceeded to install as W . M . for the ensuing
year Bro- Dr . Moore , the second and last elected Master of the Lodge . The W . M . then invested the following as officers : Bros . Simpson Armstrong , S . W . ; W . W . Brunton , J . W .: W . Stonier Leigh , M . O . ; R , B . Harpley , S . O . ; E . Hudson ( the first J . W . of the lodge ) , J . O , ; Rev . James Milner , M . A ., Chap . ; M . Rickiiison , Treas . ; George Kirk , Reg . ; J . W . Cameron , Sec . ; S . Gourley , M . D ., S . D . ; Emra Holmes , J . D . ; George Carter , I . G . ; John Miller , Steward ; James Mowbray , Tyler . Eighteen Mark Masons sat down to the banquet afterwards at the Royal Hotel , and the fact that not one found any fault with the fare