Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk . The toast of the evening was the health of Bro . Kendall , which was drunk with the greatest enthusiasm , and three times three . The following is tbe inscription to be presented to Bro . F . R . Kendall . It is very beautifully written and illuminated , and is a specimen of penmanship worthy of the lithographic department of the Bombay Education Society ' s Presswhere it lias been
, written under the superintendence of our worthy Bro . John Firth . — "Lodge Truth ( No . 944 ) , presented to Bro . Franklin Richardson Rendall , in token of the high esteem in which he is held by the Members of this lodge . " " Bro . F . K . Kendall was admitted a joining member of Lodge of Truth on the 6 th February , 1 SC 5 . ' in January , 1 SG 6 , he was
made Senior Warden . As a private member of the lodge and as its S . W ., be lias earned the esteem and respect of all its members , by his urbane manners , his moral worth , and his truly Masonic conduct at all times , and particularly by the great zeal and ability with which he has managed the affairs of the lodge during the past eight months , when , owing fco the absence of the Worshipful Master from Bombay , he has been S . W . in
charge . To the great regret of all the members of the lodge , he is now about to depart from among us fco occupy an important post in Melbourne ; and while we heartily congratulate him on his appointment , and pray that every blessing may attend hiin whereover ho may go , we cannot refrain from expressing our sincere regret at the loss of one so worthy of our fraternal regards . ( Signed ) J . P . CORNPOETH , W . M .
J . Dixoir , J . W . J . J . FARNHAJt , Treas . C . CLIPTO -N , Sec . Freemasons' Hall , 3 rd November , 1 S 6 G , LODGE EMULATION' ( NO . 1100 ) . —At a meeting of the lodge convened by circular , and held afc the Feeemasons' Hull , Baboola Tank-road , on Thursday , October 18 th , 1 S 6 G . Present : Bros . H . H . Avron , W . M . ; J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; S . Trenn , S . W . ; E . H . DuBois , J . W . ; F . Potter , Sec . ; W . H . McCann , Treas . ; G . Gordon , as S . D . ; W . Stephens , J . D . ; H . James , as Dir . of
Cers . ; P . M . Lisle Evans , as I . G . ; C . Iv- Burden , lyler , and many members and visitors . The lodge being duly tyled was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on September 20 th , and also of the emergent meeting held on October 6 th , were read and confirmed . Ballot was then taken for Mr . T . E . Cochrane , Superintendent of Works on the B . B . and C . I . Railway , proposed by Bro . W . G . Bourne , seconded by Bro . C . Beard ; also for T . K . MacElway , Bombay
Police , proposed by Bro . T . Mills , seconded by Bro . W . C . Barnes , which was declared clear in each case . Ballot was likewise taken for the following brethren as joining members : — E . A Heron , Lodge Concord , proposed by Bro . W . Stephens , soconded by Bro . F . Potter ; G . B . Gladding , Star of India , proposed by the W . M ., seconded by Bro . E . II . DuBois , and was also declared clear in each case . Bros . R . M . Dixon and J . Washer were examined as E . A . ' s which proved satisfactory . Messrs . T .
E . Cochrane and T . K . MncElwaine being in attendance , and having been properly prepared , were admitted in due form and solemnly initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The E . A . ' s being desired to leave the lodge , the W . M . explained that as the third degree must be worked that evening in consequence of Bro . Stevens being about to leave Bombay , and to give the second degree would occupy too much time , be
w-ould defer giving the second degree that evening provided the brethren eligible to take it assented . Bros . R . M . Dixon and J . Washer , who had passed their examination as E . A . 's having assented thereto , retired from tho lodge . The lodge was duly opened in tbe second degree . Bro . Stevens was called before tbe pedestal and passed a satisfactory examination as F . C-, and was entrusted aud passed out for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree . Bro . Stevens being properly
prepared was admitted in due form , and solemnly raised to tbe sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was successively lowered to the first degree , when Bros . T . E . Cochrane and T . K . Mac Elwaine were admitted and placed in the proper position . The usual charge was then delivered to them by the W . M . Tbe Secretary laid Bro . G . Bounds' resignation , as Inner Guard , before the lodge , which was accepted . The W . M . brought to the notice of the lodge his desire to establish a library in connection with Lodge Emulation , but he was not prepared that evening to go into the scheme , he wished simply to express his
desire that the brethren mi ght think over it , and be able tofully discuss the matter at its next regular meeting . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in peaceand harmony at five minutes past nine . LODGE EMULATION ( NO . 1100 ) . —At a meeting of thelodge afc Freemasons * Hall , Baboola Tank Road , on Thursday r November 15 th 1 S 66 there were present : Bros . H . H . AvronW-M .
, , , ; S . Trenn , S . W . ; G . W . Bourne , J . W . ; T . G . Aers , Sec ; - W .. H . McCann , Treas . ; H . Dwyer , S . D . ; W . Stephens , J . D . ; J . Dwyer ,. Dir . of Cers . ; W . G . Barnes , I . G .,- C . E . Burden , Tyler , and a large gathering of members and visitors . The lodge being duly tyled was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the proceedings of the ordinary meeting held on October ISth , 1 S 66 , were read and confirmedand signed bthe W . M- The minutes
, y of the P . O . were also read and the brethren assented' thereto . Ballot was then taken for Bro . J . P . Cornforth , W . M . No . 944 , as honorary member , proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . S . W . The election was unanimous . Ballot was then taken for Mr . Thomas Drewett , Locomotive Foreman B . B .. and C . I , Railway , proposed by Bro . F . Potter , and seconded by Bro . C . Beard ; also for Mr . Vernon Edmund Russell Ardagb , M . D .,
residing at Aurungabad , proposed by Bro . J . Dwyer , and seconded by the W . M ., and was declared clear in each case .. Ballot was also taken for Bro . James Webb , of Lodge Bahnaine ( No . 86 S ) , proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . S . W .,, as joining member , and lie was duly elected . Bros . R . M " . Dixon , J . Washer , J . Cochran , T . Iv . MacElwaine , and F . A . Burgoyne were then called before the pedestal , and examined as E . A . 's which proved satisfactory . Mr . Thomas Drewett
being present and duly prepared , was then admitted aud solemnly initiated into the first degree , and retired . All E . A . ' s having left the lodge , Bros . R . M . Dixon , J . Washer J , Cochrane , T . K . MacElwaine , and F . A . Burgoyne were again called before the pedestal , entrusted , and passed oufrfor rjrennration . The lodge was then opened in the second ' degree . Bros . R . M . Dixon , J . Washer , J . Cochrane , T . K .
MacElwain , and F . A . Burgoyne having been properly prepared , were admitted in due form , and passed to the second or F . C .. degree . The lodge was then lowered to the first degree , and . the newly-initiated brother having been admitted , was placed
in the proper position , and the usual impressive charge was delivered to him by the W . M . The W . M . brought to the noticeof the lodge the resignation of Bro . F . Potter , Sec , and requested that ifc bo accepted , which was accordingly done , and-Bro . T . G- Aers was appointed Sec . till the close of the current year . The W . M . called the attention of the lodge to the libraryquestion , but there being no time to moot tho same , proposed , and the S . W . secondedthat a committee composed of
Bros-, E . IT . Warren , W . G . Bourne , and W . Colclough , do meet the W . M . to draw up a prospectus to be laid before tho next meeting for the forming of a library , which was carried . Reference was made by the W . M . to a letter from the D . G . M ., and Bro . J . J . Farnham proposed , and the W . M . seconded , "that tbe members of tbe lodge do fully coincide with the views expressed in the letter received from the D . G . M ., and in the extract from the
letter of the G . Sec , and that they will continue to do all in their power to carry out those views , as they have hitherto done . " The proposition was carried unanimously , and the Sec . directed to reply accordingly . The proceedings of the Grand Lodge afc a quarterly communication held at Freemasons ' Hall , London , on 5 th September , 1 S 66 , were recorded . The W . M . then brought to the notice of the lodge an appeal made
by the Diocesan Board for pecuniary assistance , and after briefly commenting upon the excellence of the institution , proposed , and Bro . G . W . Bourne seconded , that Us . 15 per month be paid from the charity funds of the lodge to the Diocesan Board . The resolution was carried unanimously The followiug names were then proposed as candidates for initiation : —Mr . John DoddPilotproposed bBro . G . G . Giffertseconded bBro
, , y , y . 1 ) . S . Irvine ; Mr . Stephen Wooden , preventive officer , proposed by Bro . R . P . Brunton , seconded by the W . M . The undermentioned brother was proposed as a joining member : . —Bro . Henry Broad , of Lodge Courage with Humanity ,. No . 392 , Calcutta ; proposed by Bro . W . T . Lewis , seconded by Bro . W . G . Bourne . There being no other business before thelodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 20 p . m .
COLABA . —Lodge Perseverance ( No . 351 S . C . ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on the 15 th November . Present—Bros . R . L . King , W . M . ; J . Jamieson , as P . M . ; H . Moreland , as D . M . ; T . H . Irvine , as S . W . ; J . Bedford , J . W . ; H . Prescotfc , Sec .,- S . C . Woods , as D . of M .: J .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk . The toast of the evening was the health of Bro . Kendall , which was drunk with the greatest enthusiasm , and three times three . The following is tbe inscription to be presented to Bro . F . R . Kendall . It is very beautifully written and illuminated , and is a specimen of penmanship worthy of the lithographic department of the Bombay Education Society ' s Presswhere it lias been
, written under the superintendence of our worthy Bro . John Firth . — "Lodge Truth ( No . 944 ) , presented to Bro . Franklin Richardson Rendall , in token of the high esteem in which he is held by the Members of this lodge . " " Bro . F . K . Kendall was admitted a joining member of Lodge of Truth on the 6 th February , 1 SC 5 . ' in January , 1 SG 6 , he was
made Senior Warden . As a private member of the lodge and as its S . W ., be lias earned the esteem and respect of all its members , by his urbane manners , his moral worth , and his truly Masonic conduct at all times , and particularly by the great zeal and ability with which he has managed the affairs of the lodge during the past eight months , when , owing fco the absence of the Worshipful Master from Bombay , he has been S . W . in
charge . To the great regret of all the members of the lodge , he is now about to depart from among us fco occupy an important post in Melbourne ; and while we heartily congratulate him on his appointment , and pray that every blessing may attend hiin whereover ho may go , we cannot refrain from expressing our sincere regret at the loss of one so worthy of our fraternal regards . ( Signed ) J . P . CORNPOETH , W . M .
J . Dixoir , J . W . J . J . FARNHAJt , Treas . C . CLIPTO -N , Sec . Freemasons' Hall , 3 rd November , 1 S 6 G , LODGE EMULATION' ( NO . 1100 ) . —At a meeting of the lodge convened by circular , and held afc the Feeemasons' Hull , Baboola Tank-road , on Thursday , October 18 th , 1 S 6 G . Present : Bros . H . H . Avron , W . M . ; J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; S . Trenn , S . W . ; E . H . DuBois , J . W . ; F . Potter , Sec . ; W . H . McCann , Treas . ; G . Gordon , as S . D . ; W . Stephens , J . D . ; H . James , as Dir . of
Cers . ; P . M . Lisle Evans , as I . G . ; C . Iv- Burden , lyler , and many members and visitors . The lodge being duly tyled was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on September 20 th , and also of the emergent meeting held on October 6 th , were read and confirmed . Ballot was then taken for Mr . T . E . Cochrane , Superintendent of Works on the B . B . and C . I . Railway , proposed by Bro . W . G . Bourne , seconded by Bro . C . Beard ; also for T . K . MacElway , Bombay
Police , proposed by Bro . T . Mills , seconded by Bro . W . C . Barnes , which was declared clear in each case . Ballot was likewise taken for the following brethren as joining members : — E . A Heron , Lodge Concord , proposed by Bro . W . Stephens , soconded by Bro . F . Potter ; G . B . Gladding , Star of India , proposed by the W . M ., seconded by Bro . E . II . DuBois , and was also declared clear in each case . Bros . R . M . Dixon and J . Washer were examined as E . A . ' s which proved satisfactory . Messrs . T .
E . Cochrane and T . K . MncElwaine being in attendance , and having been properly prepared , were admitted in due form and solemnly initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The E . A . ' s being desired to leave the lodge , the W . M . explained that as the third degree must be worked that evening in consequence of Bro . Stevens being about to leave Bombay , and to give the second degree would occupy too much time , be
w-ould defer giving the second degree that evening provided the brethren eligible to take it assented . Bros . R . M . Dixon and J . Washer , who had passed their examination as E . A . 's having assented thereto , retired from tho lodge . The lodge was duly opened in tbe second degree . Bro . Stevens was called before tbe pedestal and passed a satisfactory examination as F . C-, and was entrusted aud passed out for preparation . The lodge was then opened in the third degree . Bro . Stevens being properly
prepared was admitted in due form , and solemnly raised to tbe sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was successively lowered to the first degree , when Bros . T . E . Cochrane and T . K . Mac Elwaine were admitted and placed in the proper position . The usual charge was then delivered to them by the W . M . Tbe Secretary laid Bro . G . Bounds' resignation , as Inner Guard , before the lodge , which was accepted . The W . M . brought to the notice of the lodge his desire to establish a library in connection with Lodge Emulation , but he was not prepared that evening to go into the scheme , he wished simply to express his
desire that the brethren mi ght think over it , and be able tofully discuss the matter at its next regular meeting . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in peaceand harmony at five minutes past nine . LODGE EMULATION ( NO . 1100 ) . —At a meeting of thelodge afc Freemasons * Hall , Baboola Tank Road , on Thursday r November 15 th 1 S 66 there were present : Bros . H . H . AvronW-M .
, , , ; S . Trenn , S . W . ; G . W . Bourne , J . W . ; T . G . Aers , Sec ; - W .. H . McCann , Treas . ; H . Dwyer , S . D . ; W . Stephens , J . D . ; J . Dwyer ,. Dir . of Cers . ; W . G . Barnes , I . G .,- C . E . Burden , Tyler , and a large gathering of members and visitors . The lodge being duly tyled was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the proceedings of the ordinary meeting held on October ISth , 1 S 66 , were read and confirmedand signed bthe W . M- The minutes
, y of the P . O . were also read and the brethren assented' thereto . Ballot was then taken for Bro . J . P . Cornforth , W . M . No . 944 , as honorary member , proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . S . W . The election was unanimous . Ballot was then taken for Mr . Thomas Drewett , Locomotive Foreman B . B .. and C . I , Railway , proposed by Bro . F . Potter , and seconded by Bro . C . Beard ; also for Mr . Vernon Edmund Russell Ardagb , M . D .,
residing at Aurungabad , proposed by Bro . J . Dwyer , and seconded by the W . M ., and was declared clear in each case .. Ballot was also taken for Bro . James Webb , of Lodge Bahnaine ( No . 86 S ) , proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . S . W .,, as joining member , and lie was duly elected . Bros . R . M " . Dixon , J . Washer , J . Cochran , T . Iv . MacElwaine , and F . A . Burgoyne were then called before the pedestal , and examined as E . A . 's which proved satisfactory . Mr . Thomas Drewett
being present and duly prepared , was then admitted aud solemnly initiated into the first degree , and retired . All E . A . ' s having left the lodge , Bros . R . M . Dixon , J . Washer J , Cochrane , T . K . MacElwaine , and F . A . Burgoyne were again called before the pedestal , entrusted , and passed oufrfor rjrennration . The lodge was then opened in the second ' degree . Bros . R . M . Dixon , J . Washer , J . Cochrane , T . K .
MacElwain , and F . A . Burgoyne having been properly prepared , were admitted in due form , and passed to the second or F . C .. degree . The lodge was then lowered to the first degree , and . the newly-initiated brother having been admitted , was placed
in the proper position , and the usual impressive charge was delivered to him by the W . M . The W . M . brought to the noticeof the lodge the resignation of Bro . F . Potter , Sec , and requested that ifc bo accepted , which was accordingly done , and-Bro . T . G- Aers was appointed Sec . till the close of the current year . The W . M . called the attention of the lodge to the libraryquestion , but there being no time to moot tho same , proposed , and the S . W . secondedthat a committee composed of
Bros-, E . IT . Warren , W . G . Bourne , and W . Colclough , do meet the W . M . to draw up a prospectus to be laid before tho next meeting for the forming of a library , which was carried . Reference was made by the W . M . to a letter from the D . G . M ., and Bro . J . J . Farnham proposed , and the W . M . seconded , "that tbe members of tbe lodge do fully coincide with the views expressed in the letter received from the D . G . M ., and in the extract from the
letter of the G . Sec , and that they will continue to do all in their power to carry out those views , as they have hitherto done . " The proposition was carried unanimously , and the Sec . directed to reply accordingly . The proceedings of the Grand Lodge afc a quarterly communication held at Freemasons ' Hall , London , on 5 th September , 1 S 66 , were recorded . The W . M . then brought to the notice of the lodge an appeal made
by the Diocesan Board for pecuniary assistance , and after briefly commenting upon the excellence of the institution , proposed , and Bro . G . W . Bourne seconded , that Us . 15 per month be paid from the charity funds of the lodge to the Diocesan Board . The resolution was carried unanimously The followiug names were then proposed as candidates for initiation : —Mr . John DoddPilotproposed bBro . G . G . Giffertseconded bBro
, , y , y . 1 ) . S . Irvine ; Mr . Stephen Wooden , preventive officer , proposed by Bro . R . P . Brunton , seconded by the W . M . The undermentioned brother was proposed as a joining member : . —Bro . Henry Broad , of Lodge Courage with Humanity ,. No . 392 , Calcutta ; proposed by Bro . W . T . Lewis , seconded by Bro . W . G . Bourne . There being no other business before thelodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at 8 . 20 p . m .
COLABA . —Lodge Perseverance ( No . 351 S . C . ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on the 15 th November . Present—Bros . R . L . King , W . M . ; J . Jamieson , as P . M . ; H . Moreland , as D . M . ; T . H . Irvine , as S . W . ; J . Bedford , J . W . ; H . Prescotfc , Sec .,- S . C . Woods , as D . of M .: J .